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Posts posted by SonicRainb00m

  1. pretty much anything,although i have a soft spot for sifi and horror XD john carpenters the thing is my favorite

    Ah, nice. I watch mostly sci-fi also, but I haven't really watched much horror movies... You know, I've heard good things about "The Thing", itz must be a pretty good movie. :)

  2. Sounds cool! So I choose a main pony and talk about them? I'd love to do it, though I'll probably need to think about what I'm gonna write and what-not. It sounds fun! :smirk:

    Make sure to read the guides and whatnot first, though. There is a lot of info, and I will probably have to go over it again... but we could set up a private roleplay or something to get the hang of it... But that would be kinda like e-mailing though. And you are not just limited to a main pony. Lots of ponies around here have made their own OC's (Original Characters), which can be cool since you can use your own personality to use in a story.

  3. I've actually never RP'd with anyone either. I don't even know what it is. :?: It'd be nice to know what it is though!

    Ah, I don't know much more about it than you do, then. RP stands for Roleplaying. There are plenty of other ponies who know a lot more about it... But the basic idea is that you choose a character and you write in a post what your character does, thinks, feels, etc. and people keep on posting about their characters to advance the story. If you are interested in doing RP, it would be nice if we could start together! :D

  4. Wow, I'm a little late to the science party here, but oh well. I'm actually taking physics and biology after summer ends in school! I've always loved biology AND physics... but to make a career that involves both will be a challenge. I will most likely have to choose one area and move from there, but which one?! I'm zure it's going to drive me crazy later on... But anyway, I actually know quite a bit about nanotechnology right now since I did a project on it recently... if you guys want to talk about that more. But I can also try to contribute to any other discussions as well. :D

  5. You bet! I LOVELOVELOVE parties! Rainbooms are much better, though

    YAY another rainboom lover! THEY'RE JUST SO AWESOME AND RADICAL!!! (Awesome and radical are not the same thing, of course.)

    And both mlpforums and Canterlot share the same forum software, as you can see in the very bottom on the far right of any page in both forums. IP.Board apparently licenses the software, in this case, to our resident Artax.

    And of course, welcome to Canterlot, fellow newpony! Enjoy your stay! :D

  6. Welcome, fellow newpony, to Canterlot! Nice name, by the way, I like fire too! It's constantly changing shape just mesmerizes me... Anyways, enjoy your stay here, just like I have so far! :D

  7. *raises paw*

    I for one would LOVE to see some novels/movies/official comics/whatnot that explain all the in-between info and created a truely linear story out of the episodes

    Or we could just go with the MST3K Mantra:

    "Repeat to yourself 'it's just a show I should really just relax'"

    Well yeah, that would be pretty cool. Oh, and I think I've just found somepony else besides my family who watches MST3K... :)

  8. Dont let it worry you, it's not nearly as awesome as people make it out to be, I know three (one being my SWRCD20 DM) And mainly all it means is a few 'in jokes' since the vast majority of people will think your... odd... or worse if they know you like MLP... Unless it's a VERY open area, or the brony populous is huge, it's more a liability than a plus...

    Thanks. There's another example of why the internet is so useful.

  9. hi hi

    I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with having episodic stories. They usually don't change things around so drastically that its impossible to suspend disbelief. Everyone has good times and bad times, and we don't know what happens in-between episodes, or if they're even taking place in linear order. I'm sure they could have spent five minutes explaining why the stuff from other episodes doesn't conflict with the situation at hand, but then they wouldn't have been able to have an awesome song and dance routine. :)

    Agreed. Who would want to hear about connecting ALL the dots together anyway? I want to see more songs, more ponies, more laughter, and more everything. :)

  10. Quick question for everypony: how long have you been a brony?

    This really piques my interest since I am pretty new here... I have only been a brony for about a week and a half. The way you guys go so deep into the discussion of the show has made me realize how "behind" I am...

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  11. It could also be that the writing is presumptuous in order to sell its story to the watcher. We just accept that facts can vary by episode with no real continuity for the sake of having a plot to follow.

    Yeah, that happens a lot in TV shows. "Something/someone/some property is threatened by an outside party and we must resist while staying true to ourselves" Pretty common.

  12. I think the best example of what Ginger Mint said is the episode Sweet and Elite. Rarity doesn't want her friends coming to her friend's fancy party because they are from Ponyville. If they were recognized as heroes of Equestria, I doubt it would matter where they lived or what their everyday jobs were.

    To counter your original points, have you seen War Horse? Perhaps the Apple family is in a similar situation. They live season to season, harvesting apples and making just enough to get by. Any extra is stored up for big things, such as a new barn or Granny Smith's hip. If disaster strikes and they lose a crop, that's pretty much it. In War Horse (if you haven't seen it), they had one chance to grow a crop. Everything was fine, turnips were growing... big rainstorm wiped everything out, and they couldn't pay for the farm that month. They would get evicted and have nowhere to go.

    Now the Apples probably have some relatives that they could move in with, but Sweet Apple Acres is their family home. Granny Smith started it with her family, Applejack's parents were born there, and Applejack and her siblings were born there. It's not just about harvesting Apples, it's about being home.

    Plus, there's the matter of pride. I'd bet Applejack and her family would rather lose the farm then ask for a loan or for help. Case in point: Applebuck Season. Applejack was full of pride in herself, her family, and he abilities. Types like AJ believe in hard work, and can see asking for help as a sign of weakness. Even if it meant losing the farm, I don't think the Apple family would take what they might consider a hand out. They've all worked for that farm, and if they lose it, they see it as nopony's fault but their own (which, in the case of Flim and Flam, would have been). Even if it's just a bad season of crops, they should be able to get by. It's the Apple way.

    Well said, well said.

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