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Posts posted by Chocoswirl

  1. Pound looked up with a blank expression on his face when his father found him. Sitting on his father's back as well, Pound also looked at his sister. He had a rather unamused look on his face, from all that the two had to suffer through, but at least they were headed downstairs.

    "Heheh, thanks Pinkie, but I think I'd like to keep my food and drink window-free this time." The white pegasus smiled. She looked into her saddlebag and reached into it with her wings, taking out a handful of bits. Carefully, she counted the coins before setting them onto the counter. Curious at the new noise, she turned to see Mr. Cake with two foals. The cake twins! Electric never really saw them too often, but it was always a delight to see them when she did. "Hey, aren't those Pumpkin Cake and..." she tapped her chin with her hoof, attempting to recall the colt's name. "...Pound Cake?" she finallly managed to get out.

  2. Welcome to Canterlot!

    Hope to see you in RP soon!

    Pokemon?! :o I'm the ultimate Pokenerd! (Well, besides the person with the world record for most Pokemon memorabilla, but you get the point!) You should totally check out my Pokemon Trading and Battling thread in the gaming section! There are already a whole bunch of people all up in that place! :D

    Luna is always best pony! :Luna:

  3. Woah. Guess you do feel the burn. I still struggle with vibrato, and I only get it right every two out of five times. :wail: I've decided to take a break from vibrato and instead am focusing on extending my vocal range.

    Glitchy post was glitchy.

  4. Well then here's a not-shy human/pony/furry thing.

    Name: Wordplay

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Race: Unicorn

    Current Place of Residence: Manehattan

    Have You Attended Camp Whitetail Before?: Not possible

    Hair Color: A minty blue with streaks of lighter, almost faded blue running through.

    Eye Color: Minty green.

    Cutie Mark: A cursive 'a' superimposed onto a microphone, appears as a tattoo exposed on the side of her neck; symbolizes her love of rap.

    Physical Description: Average height, with bits of baby fat still around her stomach and legs but good tone already developing elsewhere. She's lithely built, a bit boyish in her body shape yet she's also petite and small which belays her fiery personality. Her hair is very carefully styled into a shape that shows off a good amount of volume and is held firmly in place with hair spray. She wears nice clothes, usually simple t-shirts and skirts of neutral tones like grays and whites; she is never without her favorite leather jacket which is tailored to her body to show off what little curvature she actually possesses. She wears black tinted sunglasses that completely hide her eyes away. She wears no makeup but she has a cute babyface and even has a small fang-like tooth that shows when she smiles.

    Personality: Wordplay is bold and aggressive; she rarely takes no for an answer. This doesn't mean she's violent, rather she enjoys being diplomatic and talking her way around people. Unfortunately she has a rather strong tongue, and she's very blunt with others; going so far as to insult and demean others when she feels it's necessary. She's not above belittling elders, friends, and she makes no excuses for her caustic behavior. She means well though she has a bit of an ego and a fame complex, she treats her friends well and is quick to help them out with their problems in her own way. Of course she's not afraid to make sharp observations at their expense the whole while.

    Likes: Rapping, reading, writing, working out, being witty and funny, ponies who respect her.

    Dislikes: Ponies who disrespect her: this includes demure behavior as she finds it insulting, being inactive, losing her train of thought, cooking.

    Character Bio:

    Get ready for this ladies and gentlecolts.

    Unh. A filly like no other, afillyation with ya mother. Whoops, sorry me, that's my personality. Innocent, yeah right! Watch as I take flight. Pegasus, alright. My body, alight. Gettin' ya satisfied. Whoop. That's right.

    Heh. Like the rhymes? I'm Wordplay, I'm new to these parts and I hope you've got some awesome campers for me to meet. Don't worry, I won't try to 'perform' for ya'll. I'm still learning the ropes, myself. My flow in person is still pretty bad. At any rate, I came to this camp because I was curious. Besides, the courses you're offering look like they could be a big help for me and my goals. So, uh, I guess that's it? Don't worry about me, please. I don't bite. Too much.

    Bite me, bite me; I think you're a vampony. In fact I think you're sparkling. Just ask Sparkle, she's on that thing.

    I'm better about this in person, I swear.


    Activities You're Interested In:

    -Creative Writing (Rarity)

    -Swimming (Rainbow Dash)

    -Unicorn Magic Lessons (Twilight Sparkle)

    -Magic Duels (Twilight Sparkle)

    -Camp Dance Planning (Pinkie Pie)

    -Storytelling (Pinkie Pie)

    -Hand Fishing (Applejack)

    Final Notes: She really is better about it in person.

    Welcome! :D

  5. Welcome to Canterlo- :o

    I remember you from DeviantArt! I'm KitsuneKagamine!

    I was the one that constantly sent back icons of ponies, to which you returned in favor. XD It lasted for quite a long time.

    Well, whether you remember me or not, Welcome to Canterlot! Tis a great place! Plus, the ponies make it 2000% cooler!

    • Like 1
  6. Pinkie looked quite happy at the announcement. "It's going to be starting soon! I can't wait!" Pinkie squeaked in joy. She quickly placed Orchid back on top of her head, and bounced off to meet a few more campers before heading off to the center of camp. Orchid, however, jumped off from her head to Pinkie's left shoulder, giving Gummy more space on top of her head.

    AJ nodded and looked over in Buzz's direction "Hm, guess he forgot about this little guy. Guess I'll have to hold onto him for a little while." she spoke to herself. Looking at the grasshopper one last time, she placed it on her shoulder and walked off towards Fluttershy to join her.

  7. This is a pretty good first application! :D There are just a few things I'd like to point out, which could make your application a bit better than it already is if you choose to take them into consideration.

    You say she rounds up the clouds on the outskirts of Equestria. Unless I read this wrong, she happens to live in Cloudsdale, which is near the center of the large world of Equestria. Wouldn't her weather team be exclusive to Cloudsdale only? After all, in the show, Rainbow Dash hasn't been shown working on the weather anywhere else than Ponyville/Cloudsdale. You also say that she is a filly, and I don't think that they would allow fillies, even the older ones, to travel that far away from Cloudsdale when working. Maybe this is something you may want to edit a bit?

    Was there anything in her life that inspired her to live a fast-paced life? An event, or another pony?

    Usually, a pony's cutie mark represents a talent of theirs, or a passion. I don't think there would be many chances that she would get struck by lightning multiple times. Maybe you'd want to change it to match how getting hit by lightning showed her how great it is to be going lightning fast, or something of the sort. Now, I'm not telling you to change it, I'm just giving a suggestion. :)

    That's pretty much all I can see for now, but when the RP helpers get to you, they'll probably be able to help out a lot more than I can. They'll be the ones evaluating the application. ;-)

  8. "Oh, this bug looks super-duper pretty! Thanks a bunch, Buzz!" Pinkie gasped as the mantis found its way to her head. She carefully yet quickly took it into her hands and inspected at it with excitement and joy. She could've hugged the boy, but he had already made his way towards her pegasus friend. "I'll name you...hmm....." Pinkie started as she looked at the beautiful creature. It looked a lot like a flower! Sort of like an orchid! "I know! I'll name you Orchid! Welcome, my new friend!" Grinning and bouncing around, she placed the mantis back on her head, to which Gummy stared at it with interest. Or boredom. Both his interested and bored faces looked the same. Soon the mantis made its way on top of Gummy's head, forming a sort of totem pole-like appearance. "Oh, we're going to have so much fun! First, we'll bake cupcakes, then, we'll blow up balloons! Ooh, we can also sing songs! Can you sing? It would be great if you could sing!" Pinkie went on to her new friend as she skipped off to see more campers. This new friend would be a delight to have around! Now Gummy would have another friend too! It was just fantastic! Gummy merely flicked his tail, and yawned. Suddenly, Pinkie stopped bouncing and gasped quite dramatically. "I should introduce you to my friends! They'll be super happy to meet you, Orchid!" she spoke enthusiastically, before rushing happily to her friends Rarity and Fluttershy. "Hey guys! Look at what Buzz gave me! Isn't she pretty? I named her Orchid!" Pinkie squeaked happily, picking up Orchid yet again and enthusiastically showing it off to the two older counselors.

    (Uber long post! superw00tplz.jpg?1)

  9. I dislike the idea of a trainer winning just because his/her pokemon are a higher level. In pvp, how you train your mons should be more important, not how much xp they have. Also I find grinding xp to be incredible tedious. I don't want to have to make sure my entire team is all at the same arbitrary level as yours just so that we can have a fair fight. This is why I leveled my pokemon in ruby version using the daycare/ramp exploit.

    Training them high isn't a bad thing though. You still get stat xp, and you get the higher level-up moves.

    I'm not forcing people to match their levels with me. It's just that when I grind levels for the next Gym Leader or the first time at Elite 4, they end up stronger, and I can't really battle a lot of people.

    (For the whole Gardevoir thing with Hinata, I'm getting the impression that Hinata wants to make Gardevoir a part of his main team. It's only natural that you want your main team to be somewhat stronger than most of the Pokemon in your PC.)

    Besides, I love my Charizard because of how long it's been with me, and how awesome it is. Not the amount of EXP. Same with all my other team. It just so happens to be at a high level.

    Also, I never said I wouldn't use flat rule. I only dislike having to use it. If you want to use it, I'll be fine with using it.

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