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Posts posted by Xigbarlol

  1. About Myself: I love video games! Been playing them since I was about two years old. I love RPGs and fighting games. I'm new to this whole Brony thing, but quite a few of my friends are bronies, too, and they're nice guys, so I'm excited about joining this community.

    How I found Canterlot.com: A friend showed me!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Another friend of mine told me how cool it was, and I watched a few episodes and got hooked.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
    Hello, everyone! My name's Xigbarlol- Xiggy Barlol, if you want to be formal. I'm actually pretty excited right now, I've always wanted to be part of some kind of RP community and I guess this is my chance. I've RP'd before (Via maps in Blizzard's strategy game "Warcraft 3") And I have kept an RP going for quite some time. I can't get enough of it- whenever my hands hit the keyboard, I get the urge to tell a compelling story. (I guess you could call me unique?) I love in-depth, emotional storytelling, and I'll openly admit my favorite stories are those that made me cry at some point. Emotion in general has always been very interesting to me- Knowing emotion well is like knowing how to read someone's mind.

    Welp, that's pretty much it.

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