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Posts posted by Ancre

  1. I have ... four brother and sisters. Does that count ? :mad:

    Other than that, no, I never had a pet and I don't have one. However we have in the family : a hamster, which looks really funny because he's black with a pink nose and paws, and is actually quite energetic, a guinea pig that squees whenever someone comes next to the kitchen in order to get food, and a caricatural, fat bunny that lazily hops around the house.

    The bunny have made me reconsider my attitude toward pets. I didn't wanted one before, because pets in general either demand a lot of attention (dogs) or are boring (pretty much everything else), and I didn't wanted to own one to get bored with it a few days later (I'd still take care of it, of course but it would have turned into a chore). But my brother's bunny is quite cute, and a lot of fun. I love to see him jump around the house on his way to adventure or something, and I realized I was looking forward to pet him. He's still afraid of me, but I hope it won't last long. I wouldn't mind having a rabbit.

  2. Beauty Brass politely declined Moondrop's offer of a breakfast : she had brought her own, and suggested they eat together instead. The white unicorn nodded in agreement, and delicately munched on one of her flower sandwiches.

    They both started to chat. The sky blue mare thanked Moondrop for her compliments ; she explained that the instrument she used was called a sousaphone ; she talked about how much she liked sunsets and sunrises. The white mare listened with attention, smiling gently. Ideas formed in her head, ideas about toys, about places to go and things to do. She really had to listen to a music concert, to see how it is for herself, one day.

    Beauty Brass rolled in the grass in contentment. Directed the discussion toward Moondrop with a gentle question and a gentle laugh. The albinos unicorn replied with enthusiasm in her soft voice, laughing with her for a moment.

    “Why yes, I'm a morning pony too ! I really like the night, and I like the twilight just as much. So I often wake up early to do my deliveries, that way the shop owners have their goods before they open their business, and I can enjoy the sunset before heading back home.”

    “I actually have a lot of deliveries to do every week ! It's fun, when I think about it, what really started as a hobby grew into a full-time job for me. I make toys, you see, and I never thought anypony but me would like them.”

    Moondrop fell silent and looked at the sunrise. The sun was finally freeing himself off of the horizon, and the magnificent orange and red hues of the sky were slowly disappearing. Today promised to be a glorious day. The albinos unicorn took off her glasses, and put her sunglasses out of her saddlebags, now looking completely disguised with those two round circles of pink in front of her eyes. She didn't seemed to realize how silly she looked though, or perhaps she didn't care. She smiled at Beauty Brass.

  3. The Sheriff gently presented himself and his friend in more details. His name was Silverstar, and his friend's name was Louise LaMare, who wrote books about ponies that were quite similar to those in Appleloosa. The pegasus mare added that she was living here precisely because it reminded her of the stories in her books. Opuntia could understand that. Appleloosa's lifestyle was one of the major reasons she decided to settle here, after all.

    “A famous writer heh ? I haven't read any of your books, ma'am, but perhaps I will have the chance to do so in the future.”

    Sheriff Silverstar announced that he had a wagon to transport Opuntia's belongings. Well that was some good news ! Along with the pegasus mare, he gently agreed to help, and even proposed to give her a tour of the city. The green mare happily accepted.

    “I don't have any other belongings than what's in my bag, save for all my plants, so there is no need to make two trips to the house. But I'd be quite happy to discover the city with you two !”

    Her bag was quite small and seemed to be quite full and ready to burst open. Opuntia had done what she could with Manehatten's stupid regulations on passenger's personal belongings, and she hoped she would never have to cramp so many things in it ever again. She carried it on her back and walked towards the Sheriff's wagon, accompanied by Silverstar and miss LaMare.

  4. So her house was known as the “Old Mill Ranch house” ! It was nice to see that she hadn't been scammed out of her money. The real estate pony in Manehatten seemed honest enough, and this just proved Opuntia was right to trust him ; but it was the first time she ever bought a house, let alone in another city, and she was relieved to see that everything went right.

    “Yes, I'm Opuntia ! I believe I haven't caught your names however, sheriff, ma'am,” the green mare reintroduced herself. “My personal belongings are in my bag” she explained, “but I do have a lot of young plants to carry. I managed to get them all out of the train, I've put them over there” she said, showing them by waving a hoof. “I'd be glad to have some help to carry them all across the town, if you don't mind. It's a lot to carry for just one pony.”

    Her “plants” were an assortment of spiky cactus, agaves, and other desert plants. Most of them were quite young, and none of them were really heavy, but they were cumbersome. There was just too many plants to transport at once. Without help Opuntia would probably have been forced to do two trips from the trains' platforms to her house ; but with the sheriff and the pegasus mare's help, they could carry everything without too much hindrance.

  5. “Well … okay then.” Whirlwind finally admitted, with a gentle smile toward her new friends. She still felt fine and she had lived worse things (like losing a limb) but she had only been freed of her casts the day before yesterday, after all. Maybe she was still recovering. Still, she hoped all that “recovering” time wouldn't last too long.

    The little pink pony drank her tea with everypony else. It was really good, like yesterday, and she enjoyed silently. Mojo knew how to make great meals and drinks, that's for sure. Then it was time to pack up so they could move again ! Jubilee and Starflower volunteered to help, and Whirlwind volunteered as well.

    The maimed pegasus filly couldn't do much however, with one maimed and useless hoof and no real way to move on the ground. She had to let the others do most of the work, from cleaning the dishes to putting the stuff back in the wagon, and was relegated to minor, less important activities. It didn't put her spirits down, however, and soon they were all ready to travel again. “To Fillydelphia !” Whirlwind shouted with excitement.

  6. Opuntia was welcomed by a smiling pegasus mare, soon joined by no other pony than the sheriff. They both wore cool hats just like in the pictures in the newspapers ! So far the earth pony mare wasn't disappointed. They greeted her hello, happy that they were to see a tourist visiting their town.

    “I'm not a tourist !” the green pony enthusiastically corrected. “I'm from Manehattan, I've bought a house here ; it's on a hill near the town, but not in it exactly. Which is good since I want to start a cactus farm ! I'll have the space I need that way.” she explained with a wide smile.

    “But I've never been in Appleloosa before. Never been out of my hometown before, actually.” she continued. “So, uh, I need help to find my way home. I don't … exactly know where is that house, actually. I don't know the city just yet !” Opuntia finished.

    True, it was a bit foolish on her part to plan such a big trip and forget such important details. The green mare thought it was a small enough town for her to figure things out eventually.

  7. Fillydelphia ! Whirlwind never went to Fillydelphia before. She listened with a great deal of curiosity the other ponies talk about it. It would be a fun trek to the city, and it would be fun to visit it as well. The little pink pony intended to be back home before nightfall though, as she didn't wanted to worry her parents more and had no permission to go out like this (and it wasn't exactly the right moment to work around the rules, really).

    They talked about selling their goods and visiting museums and talking to curators and all the fun projects they had – but Mojo tried to calm down everyone's enthusiasm and reminded the two other mares that they had to take care of Whirlwind too.

    “Hey !” the said pink pony interjected with a pout, “I'm not a foal ! I've had worse you know ! I'll be fine” she reassured, resuming a smile, “But I'll gladly have some tea. Doctor's orders you know !” she finished with a grin.

    Starflower served tea for everyone with her magic, and Whirlwind grabbed her with her able hoof and waited a little for it to cool down before taking a sip. She didn't really intended to take her time drinking it, eager as she was to be on her way to Fillydelphia, but she couldn't drink it steaming hot as it was right now.

  8. The train stopped. It had rolled on and on since Manehatten, and Opuntia the earth pony had watched the landscape change through the window – her hometown's great skyscrapers, the flowing grass of the Saddleveil plains, great forests and their many trees, rocky mountains ranges underlining the horizons, and finally the yellow sea of sand and the cactus that seemed to dance in the hot atmosphere. She had never been so far from home before.

    Home ! Manehatten wasn't her home anymore, and that's why she had traveled all the way to Appleloosa like she did. She had bought a little house on a hill, had brought her savings and a lot of young cactus to start her farm and all of her personal belongings. She had a few books, a few clothes for special occasions, a brush, she had everything a pony needed, and it was strange to see everything fit so nicely in so small a luggage as hers.

    And she had her hat. It was a cool hat, a black one with a pink ribbon around it ; she had bought it the day she had set her mind on settling here, because all the ponies from Appleloosa wore awesome hats on the newspaper pictures, and because she wanted one for herself. It was also a way of affirming her choices in front of her family, and a reminder to keep on forward when she felt unsure of herself and her goals.

    Opuntia got out of the train, carrying all her luggage and her cactus on her back and carefully unloading them on the platform. She looked around, taking a look at the little town, the ponies and the buildings. She was here ! She was finally here ! She was smiling like a little foal in front of a gigantic present. This was going to be so awesome ! All she had to do now was to find her house and plant the many cactus she had.

    But while she could plant her cactus all by herself, she certainly couldn't find her way around the place all alone .... Dragging her bags around, the green pony mare turned toward one of the local ponies and asked : “Hey ! I've never been to Appleloosa before, mind giving me some pointers ? I don't know the place.” and with a second thought, “Uh, and I'm Opuntia, hello !” she added with a smile.

  9. Hey Mojo ! Thank you for your suggestion, and thanks to all who gave me theirs on the chat. Somepony mentioned a cactus specie's name, and I started to search from there (I should have thought about it sooner, duh). I'm thinking about naming her Opuntia. It's the paddle cactus genus, it sounds similar to her sister's name Hortensia, and it sounds a little bit bumpy and rough so it fits my character well.

    So, on to proofreading and naming my pony !

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