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Posts posted by Ancre

  1. Night was falling on the swamp, and soon the river's only remaining sources of light were the large ball of orange warmth that was the sun setting in the horizon, and the little ball of orange light that was the zebra's lantern. It was getting difficult to navigate : things were getting harder to see, and the obstacles in the mangrove waters, clearly visible logs and reefs and animals a few minutes ago, were slowly turning blurred shapes of brown lost in the falling darkness.

    River Spirits was advancing with precautions now. She didn't wanted to bump into something this late at night, and wreck her little boat. The zebra was moving slowly, first checking the surroundings for a good place to stop, then checking the river with her long stick before going forward again. Get past that log, there, avoid the crocodile, avoid the patch of river flowers, there, be careful of the low hanging branches, good, avoid the other log, wait ... was that a pony ?

    That last log was indeed a pony ! A motionless pony, drifting in the murky waters' currents, face into the river, drowning. Quick, she had to act quick. She hoped it wasn't too late for him already. River Spirits planted her stick in the water, brought her boat close to the poor pony, and grabbed him inside, straining under the effort ; the little raft rocked dangerously, but thankfully did not turn around in the water. Not wasting a moment, River Spirits leaned over the earth pony.

    "Sir Pony, are you okay ?"

    Crossroad the silver snake, roughly woken up by the rocking boat, hissed his discomfort, then moved towards the newcomer, leaning over him like his mistress, his head held high like a cobra. He was curious.

  2. The little group had walked all the way to the cafe, and had stopped at the entry, chatting, getting to know each other. Cross-stitch the designer proposed Quills to help at his boutique, chuckling at the mess in which it probably was. Then the blue stallion turned towards Moondrop : he wanted to see her crafts, having never met a toymaker before.

    "Of course !" Moondrop answered cheerily while Lightshow the gardener ruffled her mane. "I have some that I use as commercial samples in my bag. It really just started as a hobby, to be honest, I used to make my own toys when I was a filly, and it turned out what I did was good enough to be sold. I was surprised at first !" she explained.

    The white unicorn looked up at the taller mare. "So where do you live ? Are you from around Canterlot ? Or are you in vacations ?" she asked, curious to know more about the pony who was taking care of her like a little sister.

    Moondrop then noticed Cross-Stitch was still looking at her. She gave him a gentle, curious smile, only for him to look away, quickly mumbling an apology, leaving her a little confused about it all, wondering what his attitude meant.

    "Well, let's get inside." She finally said and opened the cafe's door, entering the building.

  3. I voted "I kind of like it" and it sums up my feelings well, I guess.

    Shipping is fun. I have discovered the world of fanfictions and fandom in general with MLP, and I love how people can explore absolutely every possible situation, try everything they can think of, with their writings. Shipping is cute, and amusing, and generally, it's short as well, meaning it's generally a perfect thing to read when I'm tired and I want something happy.

    I also tend to read everything and like everything, I don't have a particular taste or distaste for anything too.

  4. Ginger Mint is right ; it's not always easy to find something to say that goes past the "I like what you do" as well. It's my case ! I like what you do ! I especially like the second picture with the green pony. But I don't know what else to say ...

    Ha ! Do more drawings ! I'd love to see more :D

  5. Lightshow stumbled a little after hearing Moondrop's voice, missing a step. She had obviously had her mind fixed on something, and had been surprised out of it. She must have been very concerned about whatever it was, thought the white mare, getting a little worried as well.

    But the tall earth pony flashed her a cheery, reassuring smile, waving the worries away with a few words. She suddenly didn't look worried anymore, and left Moondrop confused. Was she hiding something ? Problems she wouldn't tell ? But it wasn't the little mare's place to pry. They barely knew each other after all.

    "Okay then !" Moondrop answered with a gentle smile before catching up with the rest of the little group.

    The two stallions were still talking about fashion, but Cross-Stitch was getting curious about their presence in Canterlot. Quills explained that he wanted to find a job in the fashion industry here. Moondrop jumped in the discussion and answered the blue stallion's question as well.

    "I'm from Canterlot, but not that part of Canterlot," she started, "it's a very big city. I came all the way here to buy some toys, from a little artisan's shop, and I got lost in the crowd. I'm not very used to crowds ..." she concluded, not wishing to extend that subject. "I spend a lot of time in my house, I'm a toymaker you see. It's a wonderful job !" she explained, lighting up.

  6. So is this for Aquelia in general, or just Aquelia South? If its the latter, well, there really isn't much of anything in Aquelia South. That's kind of the problem I see. No major settlements or anything. Kind of not sure of very many reasons to go there.

    Aquelia in general, I'm all for putting more life into. I have two Aquelia located characters, and really I'd love to use them more often.

    I should have precised that ! While I'm more concerned with Aquellia South (where are all those adventurer ponies ? ) Aquellia in general is not very active, and I thought it would be nice to do a thread for both. So your post is very welcome Phil :)

  7. Hello everypony !

    I have started a thread in the low country, Aquellia south. It have received little attention so far, but instead of shamelessly advertising it into the chat, I've decided to try to do something more constructive ! :D

    There aren't many active rps going on there. And there aren't many players too ! So, I thought, why not make a thread where everyone could list the characters they would like to play there ? That way, when someone want to start a roleplay there, he or she just have to pm someone in this list to have someone to roleplay with !

    What do you think ? I've seen a few threads like this before, when this forum was younger, and I don't know how well they worked. If it's a bad idea, well, I'll just shamelessly advertise my thread into the chat ! :)

  8. Lightshow gently insisted, assuring Moondrop that spending time in a café was thanks enough, gently patting her head ; and in the end the white mare let the subject slide. Everypony seemed happy, nopony seemed to expect something from her. Lightshow was probably right, Moondrop concluded.

    The older mare took care of the younger unicorn, adjusting her cloak, looking after her like a little sister. She cheerfully chatted with Crosstitch, commenting Canterlot's crowds, before leaving him to talk with Quills. She still distantly listened to the two stallions' discussion. She seemed to be in a bright mood.

    Nervousness suddenly creeped in Lightshow's merry stance. Her ears suddenly perked up, alert. Her hooves shuffled lightly. Her smile became a little bit forced. Moondrop was focused on the taller mare, and due to her work and her curious nature she was good at picking up those little details, so she noticed it instantly.

    "Is everything alright ?" Moondrop asked innocently, looking at Lightshow with her great white eyes and her silver round glasses. The little unicorn hadn't yet linked the stallions' discussion about fashion with the taller mare's nervousness, and the sudden change of her attitude was still a mystery for the white pony.

  9. It took a moment for Moondrop to snap out of her terrified stupor. The dragon at her front door - Patches, she had gathered - had no intention of harming and roasting and eating her. On the contrary, he seemed quite hurt, and had backed away, dejected, while his pegasus friend was doing all she can to defuse the situation, drowning the white mare in a flow of nervous reassurances.

    And the red pegasus was right. There was no reason to be scared of the dragon. There were a few dragons living in Canterlot, after all. There were all friendly, and nice, and none of them ate ponies. So Moondrop had no reason to be scared of the big scaly creature that towered her. Nope. None at all ! Doing all she could to calm down, but still shaking a little, the white mare offered a smile.

    "I-I'm sorry, I, I was just surprised, that's all ..." she managed to mumble. She was still afraid, but she was now feeling a little bit ashamed of herself as well. She hadn't meant to hurt someone while panicking. Now the dragon's friend was trying to console him. He was trying to make himself as small as possible, which would have been amusing, had he not been so scary. Moondrop had to do something. "Y-you don't have to wait outside, sir Patches, i-it's fine, I promess, I-I'm sorry." she stuttered, despite being obviously uneasy next to the big flying creature.

    Fortunately the red pegasus filly - Swift Kite, she presented herself - gave the nervous mare something else to worry about. Both Swift Kite and Patches had come for business reasons : they had heard of the white mare's crafting skills, and they wanted to see (and eventually buy) a bulk of her toys to supply their shop. They had been directed directly here by the merchants Moondrop was supplying - the white mare was making herself quite a little reputation it seemed ! And it wasn't pleasing, it wasn't pleasing at all, well maybe a little, but it was mostly quite scary.

    "Oh," Moondrop simply said, trying not to panic a second time, "oh, I see ! Well, um ..." she hesitated, "why wouldn't you both enter and have a cup of tea ? And we'll discuss business in the living room." she offered, feeling trapped. This was not the moment to invite someone ! The house was an absolute mess ! Moondrop lead them inside, trying to keep her composure, frantically using her magic to do a dozen things at once, levitating books out of the way, levitating tea cups from the kitchen to the living room, discreetly closing the kitchen's door, crashing the tea cups into it, cringing, levitating tea cups from the cupboard in the living room, stuffing the most obvious part of the mess there under the sofa, all while leading Patches and Swift Kite inside her house. It was her first business meeting ever, and she wasn't looking professional at all, as she sadly constated.

    The toy crafter gently gestured the two business ponies to sit, while mentally reviewing the state of her house. The little entryway corridor had been taken care of, that was good. To the left he led to the kitchen, which was in a catastrophic mess, but thankfully the door was closed, and a bit further he led to the bathroom, which was presentable. To the right, he led to the living room, in which they were, Moondrop had taken care of that part as well, magically hiding the mess under the sofa before entering it, and a bit further to her parents' room, but she had no need to care about that place, she hoped. The corridor led to a spiral staircase : upstairs was her room, arranged in the attic, which was an absolute mess, and downstairs was the cellar, converted into her workshop, which was ... in an even worse mess. She wasn't even sure they could safely walk inside it. Moondrop's smile faltered. Things were not looking good.

    At least the living room looked clean now. "So, would you like some tea ?" she offered, smiling a shaky smile, trying to hide her stress, filling tea cups and levitating them.

  10. It's funny. I did one year of community college in the US and I loved it. You could organize your time schedule the way you wanted, pick the classes you wanted at the convenient time, which meant you could work at the same time, something you can't really do here in France. It was way better than high school for me. I had to move back to France after one year, but if I could I'd go back there and continue.

  11. Hiiii ! :D

    That's a fantastic introduction you have. Lots of things to read. I love having things to read :D Unfortunately I don't have much to say. I wish you luck for the Petty Officer promotion, and I hope you'll find what you want to do ! It looks like you have a lot of fun options ahead of you.

    Welcome to Canterlot, and I wish you to have fun here !

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