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Posts posted by Fluttering

  1. Update for TemplarFrost, Flutterling, BallroomBlitz and RaincloudRunner...

    Sketches are done, I'll push out the finished ones later tomorrow night or day after.


    I don't want to be a pain and I know it's probably too late but you've drawn the rocket launcher the wrong way round, the part behind her should be facing the front. If it's too much trouble please please please don't change it, it really doesn't matter that much but if it's not to difficult I would be ever so happy if you could change it around. Sorry :/

    EDIT: It really looks amazing though! Thank you so much, I'm really excited!

  2. Hi, I have a picture in mind that I'd want to have done but I'm a terrible artist so I thought I'd ask some of the friendly people here!

    I have these two OCs, a male and a female. For those that know TF2 they may know about the market gardner weapon and obviously the rocket launcher, in particular, The Direct Hit.

    What I want is have the female OC shooting a rocket up from The Direct Hit weapon towards the male OC who is soaring through the sky(no wings), market gardener in hand, towards the female both with serious faces on.

    If you need more info please PM me.

    Male OC:


    Female OC:


    The Direct Hit rocket launcher:


    The Market Gardener:


  3. Hi everypony!

    I am very new to Canterlot and I had a question about whether or not to put in an application for an OC in the role playing forums. I have a lot of past experience with role playing but none at all with MLP role playing. So I was wondering if it would be better for me to start off with free for all RPs to get started or if you think past RPing experience would be enough for it to be worthwhile applying now.

    I hope you ponies can help!


  4. Neon Glow, the bright yellow unicorn with a long bright green mane, peered out from behind a tree about 50 meters from the two ponies. His eyes were wide in horror, "How could a pony associate himself with that... 'thing'." he thought, mind twirling. After the event that happened with the wedding, not many ponies would dare go anywhere near those... what were they?.. Changlings. Yes, that's it. He saw the two ponies walk off towards the palace together and, being the curious pony he was, decided he would follow them and see what they were up to. I mean, who wouldn't, right? But Neon wasn't the... stealthiest of ponies and managed to completely trip over himself and made a ginormous racket. "Oh my Celestia!" he cried. "I hope they didn't hear!". Unfortunately, those words were meant to be said in his mind. They ended up being almost shouted. Funny how that happens.

  5. About myself: I'm Fluttering, had this name before MLP became part of my life. I used to role play a lot about other things do I have experience in that area. I'm really friendly and would love to get to know all of you really well.

    How I found this forum: Being a role player on it other forums I usually look for these kind of sites. I have been a broney for awhile now and hadn't consider FiM role playing. Stumbled across this forum whilst google surfing for MLP role playing sites, liked the look of it and here I am now!

    How I got into MLP: Watched Ep 1. Ponies. Magic. Couldn't stop watching. Here I am now.

    Favourite pony: Twilight Sparkle <3

    Thanks for reading hope to see everypony around!

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