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Posts posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. No no no, I know that bugs are a common creature concept. What I meant was that insects or spiders don't seem to be portrayed as "good guys" very often.

    Oh, I apologize, I didn't quite catch your drift there. In that case, you wouldn't be familiar with Anansi the spider would you? He has a whole bunch of African legends, and while he isn't technically good per say, he does play a protagonist role.

  2. But that's just it, we aren't the government. Sure, there are a few 'life sentences' (trivial really, everyone knows its easy to break out) if you get caught, but isn't that the beauty of it? An actually clear cut, do or die, pass-fail test of villainy. Perhaps any common crook can rob a bank, but why just rob it? What we need is style. When I think of a villain, I picture a mad scientist behind the wheel of a giant robot. A gentleman thief so polite that people don't even seem to realize they're being held at gunpoint until later. A clown burning money because sending a message is more important. I believe we want the public to know we're evil, simply so they can know we are awesome because of it.

    The people know its us, the police know its us, the entire population of the planet knows its use, and yet they can't touch us, because we are just too good at getting away with the crime! Even if we fail, they remember it, and we still win!

  3. ...Actually, Derpy did cause lasting on screen injuries to another pony (As shown by Twilight's casts in Feeling Pinkie Keen), and that was just by accident. Not to mention surviving a lightning strike and being able to cause large amounts of vandalism to the town hall with unintentional ease. Imagine how terrifying it would if she ever used her derps on purpose.

    Nopony would be safe. NOPONY!

  4. You're actually right! Yog-Sothoth is the 'gate and key' to the universe and time, so he essentially is the guardian. He's also the door, the lock, and the key that opens the lock.

    If you're looking to get into lovecraft lore, I suggest the three stories you start with in this order are Dagon (relatively short), The Call of Cthuhluh, the Dunwitch Horror, then The case of Charles Dexter Ward (my personal favorite). They're all connected, though indirectly.

    Then if you're in for a really wild ride, The Dream Quest of Unknown-Kaddath. I've tried several times to finish it, I've yet to get all the way through in my 5+ attempts. It's kind of overwhelming.

    Also remember that Lovecraft was a late 18th century writer. So he is REALLY wordy and round about with his writing.

    Thank you! Now I certainly have a few books I can add to the ol' reading list. Oh, and I never did mind wordy and round authors. If anything, it just gives me more words that I can use in public, so I can fancier than I actually am.

    It's nice to know that insects and spiders are incorporated into human imaginations and beliefs and be revered in a good light.

    I am now prompted to research bugs in human mythology...

    Well, in modern fiction and fantasy alone there is a HUGE basis on bugs and bug related creatures. I don't think I've played an rpg yet that didn't have some sort of giant spider. In any case, I wish you luck if you decide to research it.

  5. Silver Lining blinked. What- what just happened? It wasn't exactly like she didn't make her cloud ponies often... but then again, she rarely came to this side of Cloudsdale. On top of that, it was fairly busy, so her clouds would be considered stray and handled accordingly fairly quickly. Or maybe she just didn't make anything in the middle of crowds often enough. Silver was considering this, when she realized that answering the ponies that approached her was probably a good idea.

    Okay, first up was the strikingly dark blue pegasus. Gesturing towards the cloud she was standing on, she spoke "I gathered it from this, oh what would you call it? Walkway? Yes, I gathered some clouds from the walkway."

    Silver still felt like she had forgotten to say something. Oh, right, a greeting! The blue pony said hello, that should be responded to. "Oh, and hello."

    Silver then turned to the light green pony, who had apparently examined the cloud pegasus a little too closely. "Don't worry about it! Cloud art isn't really meant to stay put for very long anyways. Even the cloudiest skies are cleared eventually." Silver flashed a brief smile, hoping that would suffice as an apology accepted sentence.

    At this point, Silver's ears perked up. Normally she missed out on background voices, but seeing as she was already trying to listen to two different pegasi, it wasn't difficult to hear a third voice, albeit a farther off one. Silver wasn't quite sure how to respond to the foal she assumed had spoken, so she decided to take an exercise in anonymity, by which she meant she wouldn't reply to the stray comment simply because it sounded more like a spoken thought than anything directed towards the group.

  6. Oh, clouds were a marvelous thing! So very easy to work with, and none of the mess you'd get from clay, or the chips you'd get from stone. Just a simple puffy white mass waiting to be forged into something. Well, maybe not forged. More like molded, but that's besides the point.

    A good distance away from the visitors tower, a specific yellow coated Pegasus was remarking on how fun cloud shaping was. The mare in question was a bit of a idealist named Silver Lining. Adequate enough of a name, given her silver hair and choice of hobby. Anyways, next to her was a cloud that was starting to look a little something like a manticore that she had seen trying to get some clouds over the Everfree (a bit of a mistake, but a story for a different time). Anyways, the unfinished cloud was being carefully attended to by the hooves of Silver as she patted down most of the imperfections. Pausing, she spoke aloud to nopony in particular

    "I've run out of cloud for the tail."

    And without so much as a second pause for thought, the pegasus flew off in search of more material. This proved to be surprisingly difficult in a city clouds, mainly because pretty much every other cloud was being used, either as part of a building, or just being used by another pegasus. After circling around for a few minutes, Silver decided perhaps she needed to rethink a way to get a cloud. Flapping down to a walkway, she sat down and looked around.

    From what it looked like, she was at the tourist center. It was fairly interesting just watching everypony else fly about. Course, there was also another pony just sitting around watching the crowds as well. Silver wondered if she knew her. She blinked. Nope, didn't seem to ring any bells. Must be one of those faces.

    Silver Lining sighed. Now what to do? She didn't see any vacant clouds (Why would she in one of the busiest parts of Cloudsdale?) and sitting around was only interesting for a short while. She stretched her hooves and gathered up a small pile of clouds. Within a few moments, she had shaped into a rough pegasus (simple hoof-sized things were rather easy to make) and she gave it a gentle push, if only to watch float away. If only she could find enough of those to finish her original sculpture...

  7. Ah yes, the famed eldritch horrors. I should really read some of Mr. Lovecrafts books, seeing as how little I know of them. Yog-Sothoth does seem pretty interesting though. I wonder, is he something of a guardian of time and space? Probably not I suppose, most of the Lovecraft beings seem somewhat malevolent or at least difficult to label with terms like guardian. Not to mention his title is the all in one; that alone sounds pretty cool, and at the same time it sounds like a bundled package deal.

  8. Well, my favorite creature is a unicorn (not surprising since four of my characters are unicorns).

    i also like pegesai, phoenix, kitsune (multi-tailed fox spirits from Japan), and dragons.

    I have to agree with the kitsunes, the idea of fox spirits is kind of hard not to like...

    As far as mythological creatures go, I have a particular affinity for krakens. I'm not quite sure why; maybe it's because it feels the most "real", being based on the giant squid and all.

    Interesting favorite. I don't think I've ever met anyone with that kind of taste, but I can certainly see where you're coming from. I don't suppose you'd be fond of sea serpents? Along the same lines, I'd think.

  9. So, it goes without saying My Little Pony has mythical creatures in it. Duh. But every now and then, when the show brought in new creatures like Minotaurs and Hydras I was pleasantly surprised because these things come from some of my favorite myths.

    I happen to love myths like these with a bit of a passion, but sadly my knowledge is a bit lacking. So, perhaps you folks could help me out a bit. Does anypony have a particularly favorite beast of legend, or a story from days long since past? If you do, feel free to share it!

  10. Ah yes, good ol' slendy. I'm more intrigued by him more than anything else, but that's mainly because of my deep love of various fantasy lore, creepypasta included. Never was frightened much, but I've always enjoyed reading up on him when I get a little bored.

    Occasionally I'll muse about what I'd do if I saw him, but any idle thoughts like that end with me giving him 20 bucks then going to a coffee house... which led me to believe I don't take many things like this seriously.

  11. Fantasy finally started to calm herself as she approached the mare sitting on the stool. Shooting a sideways glance at Surprise, she felt somewhat better that at least one of them knew what they were doing. Besides, Surprise would probably end up doing most of the talking, or at the very least attract more interest in a conversation. Glancing backwards, she saw an owl fly into the dance floor. Fantasy stopped for a moment and blinked, wondering if she had seen that accurately. No matter, she already had something to keep her occupied.

    Turning back around, she kicked her hoof and gave a private sigh, before offering a greeting to the yellow unicorn. "Umm... hello. I believe the DJ mentioned something about you and a loner stool and..." Fantasy trailed off. Well, she probably couldn't have phrased that any weirder if she tried. Perhaps she could salvage it still.

    Extending a hoof, she continued "Pardon me, I haven't really gone to a club in a while. My name's Fantasy Trope."

  12. I would have to say the oddest I've seen so far would be Cadence X Discord. First time I saw it, I honestly said wait, what?

    I don't even know how the two fit together. At all, actually. Oh, and then there's the incest ones as previously mentioned by several people above me. Those do bug me, so I tend to avoid them. It's a simple relationship.

  13. Oh dear me, I'm not much of one for the horror genre, but when I see a game I like, I see a game I love. So coming from the depths of terror and what not, my favorite series would have to be the chzo mythos games. Definitely a lesser known game given its indy status and even with not terribly impressive graphics it is an utterly chilling game. The enemies scare you, the environment is terribly frightening, and the reoccurring villains and heroes are extremely well done.

    Oh, the most frightening part would have to be the tall man. Think Slender man, only instead he carries a large four sided scythe, so its fairly clear what his intent is. Doesn't make it any less scary though.

  14. "Right behind you." Fantasy gave a brief smile, assuming Sweet Surprise would want to take the lead. Page was lucky enough to be able to excuse himself, but Fantasy seemed a bit stuck. At this point, it would be terribly rude not to go along with this. And so, as she waited for Sweet Surprise to take the lead, she was trying to remember if there was any point in time where she knew how to dance.

    Well, no backing out now. "This should be interesting." She thought.

  15. Fantasy nodded at the Stallion, before commenting "Oh, okay. I suppose that makes sense." Well, maybe Fantasy Trope was still a little confused, but it was enough of an explanation and she wasn't really one to pry. Though, she did admit it was bit odd that she hadn't noticed the owl earlier. Those are the kind of things that seem a little out of place in a club, weren't they?

    Trope was interrupted from any further thought when a third pony introduced herself. Turning to look, she noticed that it was the same chocolate colored mare she had spotted earlier. What could she be doing over here? From a first glance, Fantasy would have guessed her to be a dance floor center of the party pony... unless these sort of parties gather around groups of people. The very thought of everypony crowding around made Fantasy just a little more nervous. Curse her imagination.

    Still, it was rather rude not to return an introduction, so Fantasy spoke up "Oh, umm, hello. My name is Fantasy Trope. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Sweet Surprise." Hard to go wrong with formal, was it not?

    Then, the DJ spoke up, interrupting Fantasy's thoughts again. She glanced over to where she was pointing, and indeed see another pony sitting on a, oh, Fantasy believed the DJ called it a loner stool. She was more concerned about the come to the dance floor part, really.

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