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Posts posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. Oh, how in Equestria did Fantasy Trope convince herself to come to this party? Wait, bad question, she knew exactly how she had managed to do it. She had been on visit to Canterlot because, well, it was there and she was close. While there, Fantasy had seen several different clubs, and quite frankly tried to ignore them.

    Of course, as it became later, it became harder and harder to find something to do that didn't involve large gatherings of ponies. Eventually, she had come across a club that appeared to be a mares night out, which did seem fairly interesting. Yes, it was a party, but she had rather adamantly decided she needed to go. Overcoming fears was a large part of what most characters in books did, were they not?

    Anyways, that is how Fantasy Trope found herself inside the club that night. Perhaps it may have been a mistake, she hadn't even a single word with anypony inside, but it was a bit too late to back out now. Finding a rather secluded spot in the club, she just sort of stood there trying despnately to make it look like she was doing something when she noticed a chocolate colored mare walk in through the doors rather happily. Now that was a pony who knew what she was doing, and Fantasy couldn't help but feel a little envious for how outgoing she seemed.

    Turning away, she also noticed the last thing she'd expect to see: a stallion. Now that seemed rather out of place. Out of curiosity, Fantasy dodged past some of the mares and nervously approached him.

    "Umm, excuse me, sir, but isn't this supposed be a mare's night?" Oh, she hoped that didn't sound as nervous as she felt it did.

  2. Well now, this is an interesting question you pose.

    I suppose the first thing I'd do would be to find a sense of style, and perfect the basic staples of super villainy, like the laugh. Then, I'd go about striking fear into the underworld until I gain enough respect that finding henchmen is easy. From there I'd play off very small crime until I make enough money to go onto phase two.

    Phase two is hiring a full blown orchestra to create my theme music, to which I'd play at every major heist, crime meeting, or illegal activity to go along with the sense of style. It is all about leaving an impression. My goal would not be power, murder, money, or such things.

    My goal would be to go down in history. To do that, you have to rock the cliches until they become more than mere cliches. They become a part of your legacy.

    I would constantly appear in public, and I would constantly lead my henchman. If I ever made made an arch-nemesis, I would deal with them in public for all to see. In fact, I would rig my heists to appear as if they were practically impossible if I had been any less awesome looking. I would walk away in slow-motion from explosions, which I create to walk away from in slow-motion.

    Power fades, money is spent, murders can only be done once and then the victim is dead. But an impression? To be remembered as the staple of villainy? That lasts... Forever.

    :-o Heeey... That's my line !

    Get off my post Pinkie.

  3. Huh. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the scene from winter wrap up, where Twilight ends up crying and runs off. Granted, it wasn't terribly long, but it did actually make me feel rather sad for her. Especially after she messed up so badly by using magic, and began to feel useless. In fact, that episode was when I really started liking Twilight.

    I may not have shed any tears, but that scene was one of the more memorable parts of the episode for me. Perhaps even the season.

  4. Maybe.... or mayhaps we just need a new angle...

    I have a plan. A crazy plan, to be exact. Just crazy enough to not work at all until it comes full circle and helps us salvage our dignity!

    Step 1 - Pick a superhero

    Step 2 - Find an orphanage/hospital/public library in [chosen superhero]'s town

    Step 3 - Design some weapon that goes off when [chosen superhero] gets close, destroying said beloved [chosen building]

    Step 4 - Take control of media

    Step 5 - Blame tragedy on [chosen superhero]

    Step 6 - ???

    Step 7 - PROFIT!!!

  5. I still maintain Nightmare Moon was the best villain. I mean, Discord was amazing, for sure, and Chrysalis rocked her song, but I am a sucker for NM because she was the easiest to sympathize with. The mane compassing the screen was awesome, her design was somewhat threatening, and being the sister to Celestia was something that made her rather intriguing.

  6. Okey doki loki people, I'm not sure what went wrong but I am fairly certain I missed something rather prominent here. Quite I while a go, I made a character, Fantasy Trope. Every thing went over smoothly with said character, and she was passed and sorted out into the proper subdivision of the Accepted Apps area.

    If all is said and done, that should have been all I needed to do to get started with the roleplaying. The question is, why does the site not let me? Did I miss a step somewhere, or am I just going crazy?

  7. That factor seems to change a lot all around through history. We're just at a fairly lower point today.

    I disagree. Every day and age has had both brilliance and ignorance. The former is quite often remembered over the latter because who wants to remember the stupid things people did? It may not seem like it all the time, but humanity is always evolving.

  8. Personally, I think it is a rather large misinterpretation of the original calender. My favorite taking is that it's supposed to be the end of an era, and that it precedes a form of enlightenment. All this talk of the Earth shattering is just a hyped up over-reaction, but it is TECHNICALLY right. If things go according to plan. Where said plan was created by an ancient civilization. That probably didn't even think many people would care when they stopped the calender.


    Shunned by the medical community too. Died crazy.

    This seems to be reoccurring theme in science, does it not?

  9. Well let's see... I started out on a site called Hylian Shield (Legend of Zelda), but that was short lived. Then there was Kingdom Hearts Roleplaying Forum, which is a tremendously good site, and I still rp there (KHRPF for short). I'm rather fond of that site actually.

    Cue love of ponies: BAM! Here I am.

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