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Posts posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. The former because if everyone's insane, no one is.

    The ability to have the ability to control fire, ice, and lightning but have multiple personality disorder so a different persona takes over a different element, or the power to have common sense so great it should be called uncommon sense, because nobody would have common sense that great?

  2. I just say it, and there really isn't much more I can say besides:

    I loved it! I was going into it with some good recommendations from friends, but it exceeded expectations quite a lot. Oh, and this was the first time in a while that I've actually felt the main villain to be threatening.

    That initial scene where he invades the other racing game and crashed it (racing pun not intended) was actually a bit unnerving.

    Not to mention, the end credits song is unbelievably catchy. Ya gotta love Owl City.

  3. Actually, I find myself reminded of a different Faustian era, back when Foster's Home was in full swing. I'm fairly certain they had an episode similar to this where a ton of kids had all made their own version of Bloo, but because they couldn't quite get it right they sent them all to Foster's, where they pretended to be the original Bloo to tag along with Mac to see some show on ice.

    All in all, if you want this kind of scenario done right, I'd recommend watching this episode. None of the clones are banished, and they are actually put through a quiz and inspection to determine the real one, because who knows how one acts better than their best friend? I thought the MLP version would become this, but their solution left a lot of 'splainen to do, both morally and for the answer they came up with. After all, could one of the Pinkie clones actually have developed a love for 'her' friends and faced enough of an existential crises to truly want to remain in Ponyville?

    EDIT: The episode was called 'Bloo's Brothers'.

    • Like 1
  4. Don't forget about the Orangejay

    Of course, silly me! He'd be a new species too.

    But on a slightly more serious note, I find the whole mirror pond thing to be about as unsettling as at least one of the people here do. After all, how does something like that happen? I doubt that could be the result of natural phenomena. Also, one last thing. Anypony notice how frequently swarm type foes are featured? Changelings, parasprites, and now the Pinkie army. This could very well lead to the ultimate battle.

  5. Fantasy, on one hoof, was completely overjoyed by the situation. After all, here was a new pony who very well could know the way out, and equally important, it would seem Page had seen the dim light of the new unicorn as well. She watched Page approach, and she also heard the other stallion's introduce himself as Midnight Blackhorn, which in it of itself Fantasy thought odd. Not the name, but rather the greeting itself. It was always important to be polite, but he must really not know how severe the situation was.

    But, if that was one hoof, the other one would see her be very anxious indeed. After all, the whispers were starting to close in again, and with the addition of a new pony, she was beginning to feel some very familiar stage fright of sorts set in. After all, she never did well in groups, even as a foal. As she closed the last few hoofsteps, she spoke up in a somewhat nervous tone [colour=#800080]"He- hello Page, and nice to meet you, Mr. Blackhorn, was it? If Page here hasn't suggested taking flight over fight yet, might I recommend it? After all, those shadows aren't terribly nice, and I don't exactly want to find out why..." [/colour]Mentally, she chastised herself for stuttering slightly, and going into a bit of ramble. Now was not the time for that.

  6. Fantasy raised an eyebrow in response. [colour=#800080]"Magically trapped? Intriguing... I'd imagine we'd very much want to stay away from that. Good call!"[/colour] She nodded in approval, before taking one last glance at the door. She assumed that the trapped hallway had to be fairly close or else they'd probably be on their way. She'd encountered traps before, the ponies who made ruins always had a strange fondness for them, but she had never encountered a trap she was fond of. Mainly because if she did, it probably wouldn't be a very good trap, but that's besides the point. She continued on talking as she turned back towards Darkness.

    [colour=#800080]"Well, I can wait a while longer. Especially with good company."[/colour]

  7. You know, no matter how much I think about this episode I always come back to those orange critters Twilight accidently made. Its shown nopony has even the slightest interest in them besides a few Pinkie Clones who are then sent through the looking glass (By which I mean magic pond). What happens to them? Surely they can't go back to their normal lives. Imagine the ridicule they'd face!

    Or maybe... just maybe... they'd be able to plant themselves. In that case, they could grow themselves into entire trees! It would be the birth of a new species! The frog-orange!

  8. Taking a quick curious glance at the door, Fantasy nodded hesitantly before smiling. [colour=#800080]"How can I not?"[/colour] She figured it could be worse, besides another 15 minutes would be a rather well spent time. After the initial desire to see what was behind the door, she managed to stifle herself. It was curious though, aside from being a bit clumsy in a few places, Fantasy didn't see how dangerous this place could be, and why would anypony trap an area beyond the front entrance?

    Her thoughts were snapped back to attention as she remembered who she was sitting next too. He wouldn't lie, she knew, and as someone who wandered the Everfree, as she recalled him saying, Darkness probably knew danger as he saw it. So, that aside, the mare went back to the matter at hoof. Well, she tried going back to the matter at hoof anyways, but she couldn't think of anything to say.

  9. Oh dear... I'd narrow it down to Flim and Flam, because I really did like their song, and I did like how nonchalant they were with the whole thing. Right up until the end of their episode, they pretty much exuded confidence to a fault. Plus, bacon manes are just a bonus from character good designs, and that they have fairly unique pony animations is intriguing. I have yet to see another pony with the same physique as the brothers.

  10. You have to admire Nightmare Moon. And I can't prove it, but I'm inclined to believe she has a sort of honor about her. She's the only villain that hasn't magically forced emotions to exploit upon various ponies, and she seemed eager to go head-to-head with Twilight upon the latter's charge. Also, she was surprisingly crafty compared to the other villains, considering some of her acts of magic involved

    -putting a thorn in a Manticore's paw

    -Giving trees scary faces (You gotta love psychological torture)

    -Cutting off a river serpent's mustache.

    -And, my personal favorite, attempting to coerce a main character with established character goals and dreams rather than exploiting emotion control. (i.e. when she splits into the shadow bolts and attempts to persuade RD to leave the mane 6)

    For doing so little when you compare Nightmare Moon to the other villains, she did fantastically well.

    • Like 2
  11. Oh dear, that is a tough one... *strokes non-existent goatee thoughtfully*

    I'd say escape any situation, so I could make a fortune as the next Houdini. Only, you know, without the whole punched-by-a-fan thing eventually leading to my death.

    Would you rather become immortal at an age of your choosing and never extend life beyond that age, or would you prefer to be able to physically, but not mentally, revert back to a 10 year old at any time you saw fit (with an unlimited number of restarts)

  12. [colour=#800080]"Ah, well, I'm glad you think that, because the feeling's reciprocal."[/colour] She smiled, slightly sheepishly, glad that so far nothing had gone wrong, and she was starting to wonder if even that was simply her being paranoid. After all, it was only when she panicked when something went wrong, and when she was much more confident, as she had been, it all seemed to work nicely. She turned back to the pegasus, and caught the red on cheeks. In response, and nearly out of nowhere, Fantasy placed a hoof up to her mouth to stifle a slight chuckle.

    [colour=#800080]"I'm sorry, its just, well look at the two of us, blushing left and right. Two of a pair, it would seem."[/colour] She smiled lightheartedly, as she explained herself. By now, she had pretty much lost track of the time, given that she never really kept it accurately to begin with, so she was focused more or less on the conversation.

  13. I finally realized why Nightmare Moon is my favorite villain, beyond just interesting character design and such. I like her because, of all the villains portrayed so far, she's had the least to work with in the powerhouse department. Think about it, Discord could just brainwash the mane 6, Chrysalis had an entire army, Sombra (who is not on the list, and understandably so) was a giant cloud of pure evil, and Nightmare Moon? Well, she of all the main villains relied more on trickery, such as trying to exploit dreams and goals rather than fears, turn various wildlife against her foes. More so, when push came to shove she was willing to get physical by engaging in a jousting match with Twilight. None of the villains so far seem to have stepped outside of magical (not counting minions) combat.

    I mean honestly, all she seemed to do with magic besides the ultra-mane was turn into a small smoke cloud and rely on deception rather than sheer magical force. Yes, Discord relied on deception as well, but his was different because he was actually using magic to force perspectives on the ponies, rather than exploit resources and emotions currently there. Quite frankly, she did very well for someone who showed so little in the forest, and that's why she's my favorite.

    Of course, of the main villains anyway, but I do prefer the main villains over the sub-villains, simple because they're actual villains rather than antagonists. So good 'ol NM is still on top, in a humble internet-parody-of-an-H.G.Wells-novel's opinion.

  14. Fantasy nodded in understanding. Now that she knew what she was waiting for, it certainly helped, if just to satisfy her curiosity. Just a few more minutes shouldn't be hard to pass, and she reasoned that this was the kind of waiting that didn't need statue like waiting, and now that there was conversation going, it would be a touch awkward to drop it. She did catch his slight blush, but she didn't bring it up. Rather, she just smiled reassuringly, not knowing quite why he was blushing. She looked at him, and mentally replayed most of the past... however long they were in the ruins, and she thought of each separate moment, and she closed her eyes for a brief second, before deciding that she should at least try to convey honestly how she felt, before the wait was up and the adventure continued. After all, now was pretty much the perfect chance, and this would be the perfect room for talking.

    [colour=#800080]"Hey, Darkness? While we have a moment, I just wanted to say that, well, thank you. I mean for tagging along with me. I can't remember the last time I've gone exploring with somepony else, and I don't think its ever been quite this fun."[/colour] She turned her head to the side, as a blush started to show.

  15. You know, I was re-watching the scene where Sombra gets defeated for the first time, and it doesn't even look like the princesses use the elements of harmony in the first place, which I believe is fairly interesting. Its already been brought up in this thread that 1000 years doesn't mean on the dot, and we absolutely know Celestia and Luna used the elements to beat Discord (heck, that probably goes without saying)

    What I'm getting at, is did Celestia and Luna even have the elements when fighting Sombra? If they did, they would have used it, and the cinematic of them defeating the not-so-good-king would have featured the weaponized harmony rainbow, would it not? Honestly, it seems like Celestia isn't really one for taking chances (except when it comes to testing Twilight, it would seem) so I doubt she would have just chosen not to use them, especially after all of the emphasis built around Sombra's evil. So, I reason that he struck before the Elements were found by the princesses, which would technically make him the first villain, chronologically.

    I guess that makes Sombra the start of darkness in Equestria. Heck, if that's true, I certainly value him a little more.

  16. My first anime? Well... My older sister forced me to watch Sailor Moon once or twice when I was a kid... so technically that... She even made me watch the movie. I've had that silly 'the power of love song' ingrained in my subconscious most of my life.

    But the first anime I willingly watched? That would have to be a 13 episode series called Night Wizard (Ironically shown to me by my older sister, but this time I wasn't forced to watch it) It was good, if fairly simple. A nice introduction, I should think. I really need to go back and watch it. I can't really seem to remember much about it.

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