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Posts posted by SquareZack

  1. "Definately. And with a bit of help from a kind unicorn, I've been able to create something I call a 'manadrive', an objest used to simulate magic." Gear said, pulling out a small ring with a brightly glowing amethyst on it. "This one is a pegasus manadrive prototype. It fits on a pegasus's wing." Gear stuck the ring onto Rainy Splash's wing. "Like so." He said with a smile.

  2. Gear Grinder sat down next to Bright Idea, as he would later learn, and begen a long and lengthy description about trains and nearly everything possible to cover. [but of course I don't know stuff like that, so let's just skip that part]

    "But the engines! Oh, a Train's engines! A couple of ponies I know in Canterlot and I designed a train that would go from Canterlot all the way to Stalliongrad!"

  3. "Hello ponies," Gear said to the bunch talking about the train. "I couldn't help but overhear your convrsation about that wonderful piece of metallic bliss you call a train. Anypony had any thoughts about design, mechanics, train schedules, exiting and entering the train, etcetera?"

    A pony completely canon to this story overheard what Gear said about the train. "What did he just say?" He said to his equally canon and unimportant marefriend.

    "Oh, that's just Twisted Gear, honey. Don't mind him."

    Unluckily that mare was a b--ch, and purposely said that loud enough for the cafe group to hear it. Gear Grinder seethed under his skin from hearing his nickname, Twisted Gear.

  4. "Flak Cannon, Equestria's dying, and we are asked to help it! Or we could walk out the door and join the war!" Goldenmane reported to her lieutenent, Flak Cannon.

    "I told you, it's Desaria! And there's always a war to fight! If Equestria dies, then the wars wil stop! Count us in!" Flak Cannon replied, standing at attention.

    Flak Cannon, Lieutenent General and unicorn and Goldenmane, First Seargent and pegasus reporting for duty!

  5. Congratulations on finding your way here, SquareZack. This is a forest of madness and home of many interesting ponies/creatures that I will not list here to save time. You know who you are. Please make yourself right at home, our tea tray bearer isn't around at the moment. You will have to get your tea and nibbles yourself. I am SilverSwirl, an authority on older gems such as Streets of Rage and Shining Force.

    Mandess? This isn't madness. THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAA
  6. "Well, those changelings did manage to hurt Canterlot quite a bit. It took me a while to repair my shop, which is now mostly metal. I also constructed a mechanical griffon to aid me with the shop. He's there now, while I..." Gear grimaced. "Have no fathomable idea how somepony could request out of town mechanics and not even state a name or location! Very irritating." Gear's ears perked up at a conversation somewhere else. "Are those ponies talking about the train?" He asked nopony in perticular. "Let's go see what they want to do!" He gestured towards the group of ponies just outside a cafe and began trotting to them.

  7. Darksteel becomes protective when faced with failing,

    raged when faced with stupidity, ignorance, and a better competition,

    fearful when faced with nothing to do, and

    sadistic when overjoyed.

    So to make Darksteel afraid, just put him in a dangerous situation where he has no choice but to curl up WITHOUT introducing competition, danger to somepony else, or making him cocky.

    Silk is afraid of sleeping. [Note she makes an anti-sleep remedy for herself.] And nightmares.

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