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Posts posted by SquareZack

  1. Darksteel continued into the blackness until he ran into a room that was filled with light. The only problem was, there was a chasm in Darksteel's way. there was no way through, and no way around. Unless one could fly. "I-I-I-I-I can't fly!" Darksteel stepped back. "At least, not over there!" He paced in circles until he remembered something.

    Go pull an Indiana Jones and jump off that cliff, Whacky! He had told the insane pony. Darksteel remembered a trick he saw in one Daring Do book. He looked around, and sadly, couldn't find any dust. "Dang it!" He yelled, stamping the floor. Dust fell from the ceilings, and landed on not an invisible bridge, but invisible platforms. He gulped. No pony could make these jumps, but if he used his wings to aid his jumps...

  2. [An occ note first: Those allowed to join are SquareZack(me), Observed, Harv0kz, Vilefort, and Bronynumber299. Anyone else, you can read and enjoy, but NO COMMENTS. That's all :D]

    "A personal request all the way from... Ponyville?" Gear Grinder said as he read over the letter. "And they didn't include a name... so unprofessional." He looked up from the letter laying on his desk to the letter's messenger. It was a small pegasus, a fourth as tall as an average filly. Not only that, but it was mechanical. Its plating was a light silver, and its mane and tail golden. Gear looked over towards another machine in the room. It was a mecha griffon, full sized. Gear trotted over to it and knocked on its forehead. It awoke with a start and greeted its maker.

    "GOOD MORNING MAKER." It said in its mechanical voice.

    "Good morning, Griffon. Would you take a note, please?" Gear asked his metal companion. It responded by walking over to the desk and picking up a quill and parchment.

    "Dear sender, I am pleased to inform you that I will be making the journey to Ponyville via the Friendship Express to repair your clock. It surprises me that you would send me a letter, instead of the ponyville mechanic. However, I did not get your name, so I would like a reply with your name on it. Thank you and You're welcome. Signed, Gear Grinder."

    Gear sent the mini mecha pegasus back to its sender with the letter. "Griffon, run the shop while I'm gone. You know how to oil and fix yourself. I'm off to Ponyville!"

  3. So here's a link to my character's bio. I'm going to eventually use her in the mane rp, but who knows how long that will take!


    Basically, we can just substitute wherever this is taking place with Hoofington.

    Where's the RP going to take place?

    EDIT: Because if it's around Ponyville or something (even though private it must have some kind of action spot after all ._.), then I'd gladly implement Unity into that.

    How about we start in Ponyville and move into Hoofington? [bronynumber299] said that but I still need to edit this reply--


    So I'm thinking of posting an RP thread, [private, but that's what this post is for!] Called "A Day in the Life" It just mashes OC's, characters of RPers together and mix them into eachother's life! It's a pretty simple and unorigional idea, but hey? It's my first RP thread!

    Just reply with char. name and description (description isn't necessary, but at least I know who my OC is with) and the first replies get the slots!

    Char. 1: Twisted Gear [squareZack (me!)

    Char. 2: Bright Idea [Observed] (First reply!)

    Char. 3: Solven Sprockethooves [Harv0kz]

    Char. 4: Unity [Vilefort]

    Char. 5: Rainy Splash [bronynumber299] (I've RP'd with him before!)

    Edit 2- Stable.

    Edit- See? First rp, and I left out Location... Hmmm. Twisted Gear lives in Canterlot, but I guess a buisness trip won't be so bad.

  5. Darksteel blinked. Then he smiled. Thoughts rushed through his head as he looked at Stitches. "I've always had a weakness to threads... And sewing does involve a lot of thread. Now what do you say we get out of here? Even if we do die, there's always the afterlife.." And he looked towards the doorway, then back to the other side of the room. "Strange, mysterious doorway, here we come."

  6. Darksteel's eyes widened in realization. "That unicorn... she's not who you think she would be. She's Silk Touch, my nemisis! There is no way we could have a romantic fling. The reason I wanted to see her was to finally confront her. I know of course that i would loose... a 'fatal' match. Besides, she's sick, so we're bound to war even in the afterlife, which isn't so far away. Stitches, my reason of living is to... 'expire'." Darksteel turned and showed his cutie mark. It was a piece of metal and a silk string. "We are destined to fight each other. Now enough with me. I'm going to find a way out of here, dead or alive."

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