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Posts posted by Firekitty91

  1. Hehe, yes, I love Storm Chaser. Question though, would I be able to make a changeling? ._.

    On topic here:

    1) I thought the origin/residence thing was obvious. Origin was put first and residence second but I'm sorry if I confused you on that. I hope I made it clearer now.

    2) I think I fixed that. I'm pretty sure she's more in depth now but I think you'll have to decide that. Hehe...

    3) Done with that! I explained it all. I hope.

  2. "Oooh," was all Bright Eyes commented and smiled. "Never heard of that before but love is love!" she said happily. She then turned to the other pony with a smile. "Thank you! Good morning to you, too," she said, suddenly remembering her manners. She seemed to calm down and she bowed a bit in greeting. "I'm sorry. Did I introduce myself? Well even if I did, my name is Bright Eyes," she introduced. She wasn't too sure if she had already. She smiled and then noticed the stallion was looking at her blank flank. She blinked and looked at it, too and chuckled. She looked back at the unicorn. "If you're wondering why I still have a blank flank, it's because my parents sheltered me sooo much. I mean, I wasn't allowed to do -anything- without somepony with me," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I wasn't allowed to do anything rough at all. They treated me like some fragile package," she added with a smile. "But they're not around right now so I can do what I want! And what I want to do is find my cutie mark!" she said happily.

  3. Blaze Runner grinned at his former intern and put a leg over the young pegasus' shoulders. Timber just watched the two interact with a smile. "I didn't die, otherwise I wouldn't be here," he said playfully, ruffling Shorty's mane again with his other hoof. "And yes, I risk my life at every chance but nothing can beat my speed!" he boasted and Timber tilted his head questioningly. "Speed?" he asked, unsure of what Blaze Runner meant and the unicorn nodded. "Yes, speed. I'm the fastest pony there ever was! I can run as fast as any Pegasus, perhaps faster!" he said with a grin. Timber grinned widely. "Wow! Can you show me your speed?" he asked and with his free hoof, Blaze Runner ruffled the mane between the antlers of Timber. "I would, but I tend to flame up when I'm going really fast and I don't want to harm this forest," he spoke seriously. Timber chuckled. "Now I get why you're called Blaze Runner!" he said. "Yup!" Blaze said and then looked at Shorty. "So, Shorty, what have your adventures been like since we parted?" he asked, smiling, using his flame colored magic in his horn to lift his goggles over his horn, showing his starry yellow eyes.

  4. ((Just Kitty or FK is fine. And yea, that works. And I'll say he had actually gone to find Short Stuff. :P I'll change up his bio. XD))

    Blaze Runner smiled wide suddenly in recognition of Short Stuff and his nickname. "Well hey Shorty! I wasn't sent by anyone that I know but I've been looking for you and I got some information that you came this way and then just disappeared. So, I figured I'd come looking for my favorite intern," he explained with a grin. Timber blinked and looked between the two and then stepped aside. Timber looked between the two ponies and smiled. "So you do," he said and then smiled suddenly. "Wait, you two have gone on adventures together before?!" he asked and Blaze Runner nodded. "Yup! I'm always on an adventure and today is no different," he said and walked up to Shorty, ruffling his mane. "Nice to see you've been treated well and that you didn't starve to death or get lost... though I guess you could say you're lost if you're staying with the Silverhoof tribe," he said with a chuckle. He then turned to Timber. "Say, how about we all have a sit down while Shorty tells of our adventures," he suggested to the two deer. Timber nodded eagerly and looked at Shorty. "Please?!" he asked.

    ((Feel free to make up any kind of adventure as well. XD))

  5. Bright Eyes blinked at this new word. She tilted her head, blinking a few more times in confusion. "Homewhatsas?" she asked, gaining an odd look and then she smiled. "Well whoever they are, I'm fine working with anypony! I get along with everypony!" she informed happily. She didn't know what a homewhatsas was but she didn't judge anypony. She got along with everypony and always had a smile on her face. She quite enjoyed putting a smile on everypony's face, too.

  6. Bright Eyes smiled at the stallion. "Well actually I do. I'm from Canterlot so my mother, also a unicorn, taught me how to do all kinds of hair styles and dressing," she said with a smile. My these ponies were friendly! She was starting to really like this place... perhaps she could stay here past the summer if she could find a good job here. She also seemed to not notice the comment though in fact she did. She was used to such comments in Canterlot though so it was no special compliment to hear from this pony.

  7. ((Okay, thank you! :) ))


    Bright Eyes looked around the scene with a smile. She was a navy blue unicorn with a blank flank despite being a young mare (adult). She had been sheltered her whole life and just now had earned up the money to reside within this fine area for the summer. She was renting a hotel room for pretty cheap, the ponies here being all nice to a newcomer like herself. She enjoyed that. She looked around with a smile on her face and a skip to her hoofstep. Suddenly she saw two stallions. One of them was navy blue like her. She smiled and trotted over to them (China and Metal). "Hello! I'm Bright Eyes, I was wondering if you could direct me to the shop areas? I need to see if somepony is hiring," she said, not at all embarrassed about her blank flank.

  8. Chief Sylva Silverhoof sighed as she pawed at the ground in a clearing near the tribe. She looked about, wondering what she was going to do. Many wanted to follow the traditions of a stag leading the tribe and she had often been told to find a mate. She just, none of the bucks in the tribe interested her. So, she was training Timber to take on the roll of leadership as soon as possible. Speaking of Timber. She lifted her head high and looked towards the tribe, her horns glowing gently to allow her passage through to her tribe through the rough foliage. Finally she was there and she looked about camp. Nothing odd was going on and even a few stares went her way and she let her ears go against her head as she smiled in an unsure manner. She went back to her den of sorts and laid down in there, watching the camp goings on.

    Timber, meanwhile, was busy running off into the forest. He laughed as he played with a rabbit, chasing it to get his speed up. Suddenly the rabbit made an on-the-dime turn and was gone in the foliage as he ran into somedeer... or rather somepony. He shook his head and looked up. He gasped and scrambled away from the new deer. He looked a lot like Shorty only with a horn instead of wings. He blinked and bent his head down with a smile. "Well what do we have here? Could this be a fawn of the legendary Silverhoof tribe?" he asked and Timber merely nodded. "Well hello! I'm Blaze Runner! It's a pleasure to meet you. Say..." he said as he looked around. He could hear some excited shouting not too far off and he pulled his goggles up over his horn with his magic. He walked towards it and Timber, wondering what this pony thing was doing, followed behind, watching from the shadows.

    Soon, Blaze Runner came upon the sight of another Silverhoof and a Pegasus. Timber gasped and jumped in front of Blaze Runner. "Don't you dare harm them!" Timber said threateningly, his horns gently glowing. Blaze Runner took a step back. "Whoa little fella, I'm not here to hurt anyone. Trust me," he said with a smile and Timber seemed to simmer down a bit. He seemed like Shorty in every mannerism except the horn. He turned to look at Shorty. "Hey Shorty! You know this pony?" he asked, figuring it was a pony since it looked a lot like Shorty.

    ((Feel free for Shorty to know Blaze Runner but let me know how he does if you do decide that))

  9. Name: Polar Waste

    Race: Unicorn Wintertrot Ghoul

    Personality: Polar Waste is a sad and lonely pony. She hasn't become feral and makes sure not to. She just wants somepony to be some company and not judge her for being a ghoul. She hides her true self behind her power armor and makes sure nopony knows of her origins or looks. She is a careful and observant unicorn.

    History: Polar Waste was once known as Polar Ice and had been a pretty well known Steel Ranger before the fallout. Once it happened, she had no where to go and was forced to deal with the radiation. Sheer determination allowed her to survive the fallout. She became a rogue ranger, a loner, and donned a full power suit, which she usually didn't opt for before the fallout. She is known as Polar Waste and is quite secretive on her looks and origins. All they know is that she is a great ranger and would make a great bodyguard for the expedition, which she decided to partake in for some adventure and perhaps to meet other ghouls or someponies that wouldn't judge her.

    Gear/Weapons: She has a full suit of power armor and a 50 caliber anti-machine sniper rifle attached to her power armor. She also has her magic as a weapon which can do telekinesis, ice magic, and repair magic (for her power armor and other things). In her battle saddle is a magical energy lance. Other weapons are an assault rifle. She also has an icy breath that can freeze targets as well as spiked pony shoes.

    (Hope you like the pony I made.)


  10. Okay so not being able to fly?Easy wings say goodbye!Enclosed spaces?Tunnels!The certain or danger thing?Well while she is trying to go through the tunnels there are windows that she looks through and she sees ponies that she loves tortured!

    I'm sooooo evil!

    O.O Omc you are evil! I can so see her trying to break through those windows and wailing in protest as they don't break. XDDD Omc you are more cruel than me!

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