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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. (work + school = me missing alot of posts! Bah!)

    Pinkie watched as little pink hearts appeared in Razors eyes. "Ooooh."

    Razor was caught by surprise by Razors tackle. She hit the ground with a quiet umph. "Razor...." She was cut off by his kiss.

    Pinkie blushed at his statement. Her brain was spinning! She was losing control to the primal feelings. "Make me yours!" Her giggle cut off by his passionate kiss. 'I love this game!' She thought to herself.

    Pinkie watched in horror as Razor leaped off her and attacked a stallion. "This isn't a game!" She gasped. She tried to rise to her feet, but was swept off then as Razor grabbed her and flew up to the balcony.

    Pinkie didn't hear what the griffon had said, but she knew she was ready to stop playing around. When Razor kissed her once more she decided to struggle free from the him.

    Razor felt himself kicked off of Pinkie and into the balcony wall, "Ofh."

    With him off of her Pinkie took off down the door leading away from the balcony. Razor blinked then smiled, "Ah this silly pony, she thinks that by running away it will make me more attracted."

    Razor burst through the door and down a hall he saw Pinkie go down, "How right she is!"

    Razor took off like a rocket, pushing aside ponies this way and that. He was on the hunt now and he saw his prey and dove for her. He landed beside her and lifted her up in his claws, "Mate of my heart, I've found you."

    Razor started kissing Pinkie again, and preening her mane. It was odd to preen a mane, but Razor didn't really care at this point.

    (((lol, this is certainly going to be a night all of Ponyville will try to forget XD. Not sure how this entire thing will stop but it will either be possibly by Leisha/Chrysalis. Lovinity and the element of love, Celestia maybe or Discord after he gets bored with all the chaos he caused XD anyway time to take control of the lovestruck horde now)))


    Several lovestruck ponies were skipping along with smiles as they stopped near the library*where Quill and the others would be* and proceeded to look through the window for any ponies they missed.*Am assuming they hide when they see them approach. Don't make a sound now XD* Seeing now pony, they frowned and moved on to the next destination. On the way a mare spotted Big Mac, who was running from a crazy Cheerilee, "Look a stallion!"

    "Hey he's mine!" Another mare called.

    "No mine," A stallion said and all three proceeded to fight each other as they joined the chase after poor Big Mac. Lucky for him he was use to running from crazy mares and stallions.

    Over near Rarity's place, several ponies had brust in, following after some ponies that had gone there to hide. The sound of tearing fabric or falling maniquinns could be heard as well as the screams of several ponies as they were found. After that a whole stampede of ponies came out, tearing the door off the wall in a need to find more love.

    At Sugar Cube Corner, Mr. Cake had barricaded the front and back door with all that he could and was pressing himself against the barricade to keep the ponies outside from getting in. Two other stallions were hepling him, while three mares held the back door. Mrs. Cake stayed upstairs, holding the twins close and shivering with fear.

    ((If you are wondering, all fillys and colts are safe from the lovestruck horde simply because of their age.))

  2. For a second time today a kiss was able to clear Pinkie’s head and allow her to think normally, at least as normally as Pinkie could, especially since she was (unknowingly) put under several spells that day. She slowly broke the kiss as she regained her senses, although this wasn’t the same feeling as earlier. She felt as his wings extended, it caused her to blush furiously

    Pinkie looked around as the ponies started going crazy. She was slightly shocked as she watched several mares attack Flashbomb, “Maybe you’re.” She stopped talking as she watched him tackle through several mares and escape outside; which was followed not long after by a loud boom.

    “…Right? What’s going on!?” Pinkie said loudly before she looked up at Razor and noticed the strange look on his face. “Are you okay Razor?”

    Razor twitched, feeling strange after the kiss. Everything seemed so....pink in his vision.

    "I feel.....WOW!" Razor exclaimed as he looked at Pinkie. Hearts in his eyes. He tackled her and planted a big kiss on her.

    "Ah my dear, I don't know whats wrong with me but I'm going to make you mine!" Razor said, kissing Pinkie again.

    A stallion ran up and Razor growled and tackled the stallion, punching him a bit a bit before tossing him to the mercies of several crazy love spelled mares, "BACK OFF SHE'S MINE!!"

    Razor roared, to scare off any potential threats. But all he did was get the attention of some ponies.

    "A man!" One of the mares shouted and they all stampeded towards Razor. Razor jumped and turned and grabbed Pinkie and flew up to a second level balcony in the building. He stuck his tongue out at the ponies below and turned on Pinkie.

    "Now....where was I, oh yes." Razor said and began kissing Pinkie again.

    ((To answer the question, any who is caught by a love sick pony anything can really happen but since this is not in mature rp don't really rp it. Mostly focus on the panic, chaos and fights this little party is now causing XD also if you are kissed by a love sick pony...you get the effects of the potion as well MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*laughs evilly at his plot of insanity*)))


    Everywhere ponies were going nuts! Fights were raging all through town now, and those that got captured by the love struck ponies soon found themselves under the spells. Poor Twilight herself had barricaded her house, and Rainbow Dash was being chased by a horde of ponies as well. Some ponies were yanking ponies out of trees and bushes.

    ((Note now that since the chaos is now all over town, no pony can escape the notice of some love struck pony or seven and so please rp this appropriately. With lots of panic and running XD unless you get caught and kissed then go out and cause some havoc.))

  3. Pinkie giggled in response. “Nothing’s wrong. In fact..” She wrapped a foreleg around Razor. “Everything feels super-duper as long I’m with you.” Pinkie couldn’t explain the sudden feelings that washed over her, she didn’t want to anyway. All that mattered right now is She leaned her face in to kiss him.

    (Small post not sure what to do!)

    Razor opened his beak to say something, but when silent when Pinkie kissed him. He went still and just stood there, mind temporarily lost in the action. His wings went stiff and straight with a 'fwmp"

    'Something....not right but....can't....think.' He thought.

    ((Short post as I don't know what to do right now either :P so I will post a little anarchy of Discords trick I guess))


    Inside, and outside of the town hall, ponies ran here and there. So ran screaming from their dates, who charged after them with love struck eyes and a hungry need for some lovin. Some mares fought over a stallion, or two stallions over a mare or even stallions and mares fighting over one gender or another. Other ponies were already lost in their own love crazed worlds and were out and about here and there doing one thing or another, causing mayhem as they went as any stallion caught looking at another mare would recieve a kick to the face by his date, and any mare looking at another stallion would cause her date to get protective.

    It was all just glorified chaos of love, and if you were an unpaired pony you would be in for an ambush by lonely mares or stallions looking for some love.

    ((Here is some taffy, go crazy with it))

  4. Glimmer giggled at Wind's blush, "Aww you look cute when you blush. Yeah Razor is a bit old for you, but I don't think he would be good around girls. He-" Glimmer cut herself off when she saw the tentacle thing that Wind spoke of and immediatly shrieked with frieght and jumped away from it. She jumped behind Fast Track and held him in front of her, "Eww Get it get it! Get rid of it! Ahhhh!"

    She retreated with Wind from the slimey thing using Fast as a barrier between her and it.


    Razor's eyes snapeed open when he heard Glimmer scream. He shot up and turned with a snarl when he heard Fire speak of trouble.

    "Trouble!" Razor said and snarled when he saw a slimey thing slithering towards Glimmer and her friends. He growled low and pounced forward, clearing the distance between him and the kids in one might flapy of his wings and a pounce.

    He roared loudly, claws out and ready to do their work. He landed infront of the kids in the path of the tentacle and roared again, flaring his wings out to make him seem larger then normal. He clawed at the sand, sending clumps of it to strike at the approaching slithering creature in a preliminary show of aggression. If that didn't scare it off, Razor was ready to tear into this thing with his beak and claws.

  5. Although Pinkie heard the explosion she was too entangled in Razor to react at the time to react. Besides, Pinkie was used to explosions by this time in her life.

    Pinkie's face is flushed red as she answers his question. "You should stay the night... maybe with me. I mean at my house!" She said before hiding her face by drinking the punch.

    After she finished the Punch that was offered to her she looked back up to Razor. A familiar feeling swept over her as she looked into the griffins eyes. She suddenly felt hot again. A smile crept across. "Maybe I meant with me."

    Razor heard a ruckus, almost an explosion, which caused him to wrap his wings about Pinkie protectively.

    "What was....what?" Razor said, hearing Pinkie's invitation to stay the night. He bushed immensly.

    "Oh yeah...I could stay at...your place...I....what are you doing?" Razor said, as Pinkie started coming really close to him. Her eyes seemed off, something....he couldn't explain it, but what she said next had him red in the face.

    "I....I...I...uh....isn't that a bit.....forward?" He said, gulping a bit. He looked around for any possible way to move this conversation from grounds that were...very uncomfortable right now.

    "Wait a minute....whats going on?" He said. Razor saw other ponies acting strangly. Two mares were ganging up on a lone stallion with a strange heart shaped look in their eyes. Other mares and even some stallions had the same look in their eyes as Pinkie.

    "Somethings wrong..." He said, not knowing of Discord's spiking of the punch.

    ((To any and all that have draken the punch, save for Discord and Razor for the moment, Discord added a little surprise. If you have not guessed it is love potion but with a twist. Anyway you don't know Discord did this, just givng ooc knowledge to help you rp drinking the spiked punch well. For more info ask Puzzlebeat, or maybe he can give an ooc post on whats it doing to ponies and such. Do enjoy X3))

  6. Pinkie shook her head. "No your amazing. Im soo happy I could cry, I am crying." She said in her silly tone. She stayed quite the rest of the song. She noticed the crowd was thinning. She danced several songs with Razor before she pulled him away from the floor.

    "Are you gonna stay in town tonight? It sounded like you didn't plan on staying too late."

    Razor thought on that, he hadn't really been sure on him staying. In fact he had planned to leave as soon as he could when he was done working....but that seemed to have changed.

    "Hmmm, I....guess I can stay tonight. I don't have any pressing business or work tomorrow. I usually get my next round of deliveries till next week." Razor said.

    He reached for an empty glass and filled it with punch and took a drink, he got a second glass and offered it to Pinkie, "If you can tolerate me I guess I can stay the night."

    ((Que the surprise!!!!!! Discord GO))

  7. Glimmer gasped and leaped for the purple coloured shells, "Oh my gosh I love purple." She squeeled and picked up several more and put them into the bucket.

    "Razor is cool, he is the fastest flier ever. I think the fastest he ever flew was two hundred miles per hour, and he said he once broke even that record of his." Glimmer said with pride as she looked through the various shells.

    Glimmer listend as Wind spoke of her sister and her family, "My dad always has a glare on his face. Except when he is with mommy, or me then he is smiling but it always seems wierd on him," Glimmer giggled, "He looks funny at times."

    When Fast Track returned, Glimmer giggled at seeing his new trunks, "Ehehehe. Don't worry, Razor could have done worse. Even if he is smaller then most griffons, Razor is still a griffon and we can be very deadly when we want to be." Glimmer showed off her own claws, which seemed to have been maniqured and polished but still very sharp.

    "Wow, your sister escorted a princess!" Glimmer gasped and squeld with delight, "Oh my gosh that is so awsome!"

    Glimmer blinked when Wind asked if Razor had a girlfriend, "Why do you like him?" She asked innocently as she tilted her head slightly.

  8. As the music resumed, Pinkie pulled away from Razor. “You owe me one dance!” She smiled.

    They danced awkwardly at first, but it was simple and slow dance, so Razor was able to pick up the Rythm of the dance quickly. Pinkie put her head to his chest, absolutely quiet. He could feel as her warm tears dripped his fur. Her quiet tears turned into soft sobs.

    Razor moved slowly, and felt sure he was going to mess up in some way or another in the dance. Still....it seemed....easy enough.

    'Just stay focused.....stay focused....and is she crying!?!' Razor thought and looked at Pinkie as he felt her sobs.

    "Hey...whats wrong? I didn't do anything stupid did I?" Razor asked, worried that he might have done something wrong.

    • Like 1
  9. Pinkie Pie saw her friend Applejack dancing with Flashmob, "Aww they make such a cute couple." She beamed. She also saw that Rarity was with Angelsnap. "He not a prince, but hes certainly charming!" Pinkie giggled at her own joke. She continued watch the other ponies around the room; as much as she wanted to be the life of the party, bouncing around from couple to couple trying to spread happiness, she had someone to focus on. She turned back to Razor and smiled at him.

    By this time, the same song was on loop, Pinkie figured this as the song ended and began playing again. They must have been late to the party. She looked towards the DJ booth, but didn't see Puzzlebeat. Oh well, although it would have been embarrassing to see him, she was looking forward to hearing him drop some beats! She walked up to him. "I know its not the traditional type of song to dance to...but come dance with me." Pinkie started walking to the dance floor. 'I wonder if he can dance? I wonder if griffins even dance?' She thought to herself as she looked back to give him a wink.

    Once Razor had followed her out onto the floor the music came to a stop. "Awww!" Pinkie groaned playfully.She heard that [colour=#282828]Lovinity, Light Harmony, Cadence, and Shining Armor were going to be singing she turned to look at them. Pinkie watched in awe as they began singing a song she had never heard before. She cheered as they sang on, and clapped for the finale. [/colour]

    [colour=#282828]She turned to Razor as she magic done explodes outward. Although shes smiling, she seems more serious. "Razor. I'm really happy I met you today!" She says after a couple seconds of quiet, before moving next to him and nuzzling his chest.

    (Gah! long overdue...life and what not...sorry!)[/colour]

    Razor looked around and snarled lowly at the ponies that glared at him. He was not going to let them bother him however and ignored them. He was not use to being around so many ponies. He felt very much a target as he was the only griffon here.

    'Just a deep breath Razor. Keep focused and OH NO SHE ASKED ME TO DANCE!' Razor mentally screamed as he was pulled by Pinkie to the dance floor. What did he do? Copy her moves? Copy a stallions? Was there a certain way to dance in this town? Was there a custormary step!?!

    When the music ended Razor breathed a sigh of relief, 'Oh thank you merciful powers of this world.' He thought, but then was pulled into the song that Lovinity and two other ponies he did not know. The song was....beautiful. It...pulled it him, at his heart.

    Razor felt something nuzzle his chest and he looked down at Pinkie, she looked so pretty. He flet a light blush at being so close to her, but he wrapped a wing about her and nuzzled her, and wrapped a claw about her shoulders.

    "I'm...glad I met you as well Pinkie." Razor said, and smiled lightly.

    ((I decree the nex song to be played should be feel the love tonight by Elton John!))

  10. "Nervous?" Pinkie asked as she grabbed his claw. "You look really good in that tie! Lead the way!" She exclaimed but took the lead, pulling him slightly. "I can't wait to shake my hoove thing." She grinned. "I hope your ready to shake your tail all night!"

    She turned her head to look at him. "Are you surprised? That your going to dance with me?" She asked in a more serious tone.

    "Nervous? Whose nervous? I'm not nervous." Razor said, gulping a bit as they got closer to the town hall. He could see dozens of pony couples and felt a bit out of the ordinary now. The beat of the music pumping from the building made him feel even more nervous.

    "This entire day has been surprise after surprise. Still.....it should be fun." Razor said, gulping once more and taking a nervous breath.

  11. Pinkie Pie rushed up to her room, hoping up each step with joy. She jumped around her bedroom. She didn't have time to think about her crazy day, as she searched her closet for an appropriate dress for the dance. She went through her collections of her outfits. Although it wasn't as large as rarity, it was of a decent size. She decided that her gala dress was the best for the dance! She also pulled something out for the griffin, something that she thought was cute

    She pulled it out and quickly got dressed. She hadn't worn this dress since the first gala. She smiled as she walked back down stairs and stood in front of the griffin, she had not heard his outburst about dancing. "How do i look!" She said cheerfully.

    Before he could answer she continued talking." I hope I look good, I've only wore this dress one time! It was at the Grand Galloping Gala! Which isn't a real party. But I do have something for you!" She holds her hoofs out with a box. "Happy Hearts and Hooves." She beamed. (Inside the box is a tie: like: http://mistercrew.co...ties.jpg����the brownish / beige tie)

    Razor looked at Pinkie and felt a sudden blush once more to his face. THe dress...made her cute. Cuter....really cute.

    "Its....its very nice." Razor said, turning to hide his blush. What was going on with him? He was practically blushing constantly like a child on his first date....well technically this was his first date. EVER.

    Razor looked back and then looked at the tie, "Hmm. I don't normally wear clothes. But....I guess if you offer." He took the tie and put it on.

    "Alright so shall we go then?" Razor asked, holding out his claw to Pinkie. He felt really nervous now and was breathing slowly to keep his composure and calm. He would probably go into stammering, blushing spasms if anything cracked his concentration.

    ((can't get the image :( ))

  12. Pinkie smiled at he blushing griffin. She would have to remember to tease him later on. She let go of Razor.

    "If were going to the dance, I think I should dress up!" Pinkie smiled, "So I just need to stop by my house!" She beamed. "Besides its almost time! We should hurry. Pinkie Pie is never late for a party.

    She speed off in the direction of Sugar Cube Corner.

    Razor rubbed his back, sure that Pinkie had almost crushed it. He would have to becareful with hugs from her.

    "Right....I'lll just follow you." He said and followed after Pinkie as she ran to Sugarcube Corner. Of course he did not follow her all the way. He stayed down in the main floor of the bakery and gave Pinkie privacy to switch into any sort of dress or whatever she was going to wear. Razor though was fine with going as he was. Besides clothes bothered his wings, which is why most griffons never wore them unless it was really really important.

    "Wait....I don't know how to dance!" Razor shouted in a panic.

    ((Party is starting to everyone just had on over. Will be at the Town hall, and the decorations were curtesy of *insert ponies names here* Do enjoy the dancing, the music and especially the punch.))

  13. Pinkie smiled and jumped off the bench! She was so happy! "Yes Yes Yes!!!" She skipped around back to happy self! I would love to go with you!" Her old joy and happiness was back in full fury!

    "I'm so glad your going!" She beamed to him. "Going with meeee!" She said in a singsong voice. "I just knew you would go." She hugs Razor.

    Razor cringed a bit, as the hug was....very tight. Were all ponies this strong?

    "Heh, no problem." Razor said, blushing a bit and looking to make sure no one else was around. Nope, his little rampage had made the area silent as a ghost town.

    "So...where to anyway? And could you let go now, its kinda....hard to breathe." Razor said.

  14. The mane 6 are all young independent working ladies, none of which go to school. It doesn't make sense to put them in high school or earlier.

    Also: I don't put much stock in this rumor at the current time.

    Maybe not high school but maybe college, but then again we can't know the aging process of ponies to humans. We don't know hold old the mane six are exactly, and odds are that ponies age differently to humans so pony wise they could be adults, or young adults, but in comparison to humans they are only into their late teens, maybe 17-18. Either way Pinkie will be a year younger then Fluttershy, so if Fluttershy is 18 then Pinkie is 17 :P

    Also I am not too sure of this spin-off, but it is a spin off so its story line will not come into conflict with the normal mlp story line. Alternate universe perhaps or something. Possibly some interesting fanfic ideas to sprout from it if it is true and I'm always ready to write something.

    If it is true and it does come out, I'll give it a shot. If it has Twilight or Pinkie Pie in it I'll watch it. Oh I wonder if Lyra would make an apperance XD

    • Like 1
  15. When Razor asked her a question, she nodded her head.

    When Razor's beak touched her lips, Pinkie was surprised by the firmness. She had never kissed anypony with a beak before. She had expected it to be cold, but it was not so; she could feel his heat coming from it.

    Although she had kissed deferral ponies before the feeling was like nothing else. It wasn't a sudden heat that quickly disappeared. It was a great that built throughout the day. Three were no words that could describe how the kiss felt. And then there was a pop, like an explosion. All of the sadness that filed her moments ago seemed to be buried in a wave of sudden happiness.

    It also made a physical change to her. Her coat regained its colour and her hair began to puff up again.

    The entire experience took her breath away. She opened her eyes and looked int Razors.

    Razor looked into Pinkie's eyes and blushed even more. He pulled out of the kiss and rubbed the back of his head.

    "Um....I...uh....I've never done....that with a...well any girl that......liked me...." He said, using a wing to cover his blush now.

    "Um...uh....so......this.....dance thing.......do you......want to go? With me?" Razor said uneasily.

  16. Glimmer followed, skipping happily and fluttering at times in the air, "Yeah my brother can be a bit over protective. One time he tied up several boys that were picking on me and left them hanging from a cliff. I forget if they ever got out."

    Glimmer stopped and thought on it for a moment then smiled, "Yeah they probably did. Razor would never hurt anygriffon.....well at least not greatly. I think he just prefers to scare anygriffon that he dislikes or is mean to me." Glimmer giggled a bit and jumped onto the log when they got near.

    "Oh this will be so cool," She said as she looked around, "Oh I hope I find a pretty purple shell. I love purple. I love pretty things actually. What do you like? I hope it's not bugs. Bugs are gross."

  17. Pinkie continued to state into Razor's eyes. The nervousness of the griffin helping to relieve her own. Pinkie tightened her group on his face ever so slightly

    "Razor, do you like me? I don't know if I can be your special somepony or whatever griffins do. I only know how I feel." Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the light. She took a deep breath. "So, kiss me?"

    She closed her eyes and waited for the griffins reply.

    Razor blushed immensly now, you could probably see it through his feathers.

    "I...." He took in a deep breath of air, and was shaking a bit.

    'She really likes me!?!' He thought and felt a wave of panic come over him. WHAT DID HE DO NOW!?!

    Razor felt more panic when she asked him to kiss her, his mind was near to flat lining. He took another deep breath and tried to steady his shaking claws.

    'Easy Razor...just....think...BUT I CAN'T THINK!' He thought. He was really unsure now, as this was..well this was....he didn't know what to think.

    'She's a pony...I'm a griffon....but....I....gah I can't think!' He mentally screamed.

    "You....really like me....." He said, afraid and....somewhat happy. A girl actually liked him, in a sort of romantic way.

    Razor was still in a mental whirlpool of crazy emotions, but a more solid and primal one began worming its way to the forefront. A female liked him, and....he didn't want to loss that! Even if she was a pony, he was tired of being alone!

    Without any thought now, Razor pulled Pinkie close and kissed her. As he did part of him was screaming to stop, but the other was screaming to not stop. And a third...well the third was just trying to sort out everything now so that it all made sense when he finally got his brain back in order. But for now, he focused on the kiss.

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