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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. Razor cought Pinkie by surprised as she was put back on the chair. She sat quietly staring him in the eye, until he started shaking her. She closed her eyes shut. Although a normal pony would have probaly tried to break away from an angry griffin, Pinkie didn't struggle at all.

    Pinkie caught her breath after he finished speaking. She opened her eyes and made sure to catch his.

    "I don't like to see my friends sad, and I think at the very least your my friend, I really do like you. Even if you’re a small griffin. And I only want to see you smile. I.. I already made somepony cry today..." Her voice was almost monotone.

    She put a hoof on his cheek. "And, I can’t really answer your question. I can’t really say why I'm sad. I just know... I don't want you to be sad. And... If being alone is what makes you sad... then I don’t want you to be alone. "

    She put her other hoof on his face. Her eyes grew large. "Even if it's for one day... Please... I don't want you to be sad."

    That’s when pinkie froze. She had never been in this situation before... She had only felt sadness like this once before. It had taken her friends to pull her out of it. This was different though. She wasn't angry at all. It was like someone put her happy heart into a deep and dark pit. And only one person could save her... And she was holding his face in her hoofs.

    Pinkie's eyes began water slightly. They begged for Razors touch. They begged for his affection. "Please." She whispered.

    Razor froze and gulped, now he was in really uncomfortable and unfamiliar territory. He felta blush on his face now when he realized that Pinkie had her hooves on his face.

    "I...I...uh....I..." Razor stammered and gulped, he was really not sure what to do now.

    "You're really serious....." Razor said and bit his tongue, "Um...if you're really serious.....um....I....um...okay?"

    He really wasn't sure what to do right now, in fact he was probably just running blind right now.

    "Um.....what....do I do then?" He asked, not sure what happened now. He wasn't even sure what he was agreeing to. But.....something felt.....good about it all. Something.....happy.

  2. Pinkie wiped her eyes and blew her nose on hoof. She moved away from Razor and stood up. "I understand..."

    "Maybe I.. should go. Bye, Razor." She slowly got to her feet, her mail and tail seemed to loose all their puffiness and fall limp. She started walking in the direction of the Sugar Cube Corner.

    Razor blinked, then shot into the air and landed infront of Pinkie, "Hey! Don't you walk away from me. I'm not gonn have this on my concious, I feel bad enough already."

    Razor grabbed Pinkie and lifted her up and ploped her flank right on the bench, "Now sit down and stay there."

    Razor was angry again, but now it was for a whole new reason. He was not, repeat NOT going to be making a girl cry. No matter how much his love life had stunk, he was not going to do that.

    Razor sighed and rubbed his head, 'This is all that stupid letter's fault.....everything was fine till then. Now its....its all just confusing.' He thought as he tried to figure out how to proceed. He was not going to be the bad guy here.

    "Okay. Look, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I....I just don't do well on holidays like this, for...private reasons. But, I might let my bad attitude do alot of things but I won't be making you cry."

    Razor rubbed his head, "I....gah, why are you even crying? I'm not worth crying over!"

    Razor took a deep breath, "I'm not worth crying over or feeling...I don't know....whatever it is you're feeling right now. I'm a small sized griffon, that is bad at dealing with the opposite gender. I'm the one thats suppose to be constantly sad on this holiday, not you. You're like....I don't know suppose to be happy, thats how things work right?"

    Razor was now shaking Pinkie, lost in his little breakdown of logic. He didn't know why he was babbling now, but....it had to be for something right?

    "There's an order to these things, so don't go messing with it! You be happy! I be sad and alone, cause thats how its always been for me! Then that darn letter says those words and makes me confused! It was easier to thin you were lying, but logic tells me you weren't and that confuses me even more, cause I'm not worth this! So tell me right now what you can possibly see in me that is now making you sad like this!"

    Razor stopped his shaking and breathed in and not, "And....and I don't even know what I'm talking about now."

    Razor groaned and faceclawed, "Ugh....I must seem like an idiot now."

  3. "I don't know what comes over me. When I saw him... I had to go... and then..." She got quiet. "I don't want to be with him..." She sniffs."If I did why would i come back to you?"

    Razor blinked, "I....guess I don't know......usually I'm left alone or told that I was detrimental to the species by well all girl griffons I've meet. So I....don't know what to think on you coming back."

    Razor was calming down now, one with he didn't want to cause Pinkie to cry. Sure he had let his anger scare some ponies, but he didn't want to hurt any of them. It felt wrong when he let his venting cause another pain of to cry.

    "Hey uh....please don't cry.....it'll uh....attract predators." Razor said, feeling uncomfortable now. He lightly patted Pinkie on the head, trying very hard to stop tears from falling.

  4. Pinkie looked surprised. Her mind raced at what he was talking about. "Lying to you! Cute stuff? What are you...." Suddenly she sat straight up, realizing what he was talking about was the letter she wrote. "You read my letter then? And... you thought I was lying huh?" She said quietly. Pinkie decided this morning today was a day of happiness, she wasn't going to cry. "It was the truth." Her voice was whimpering. "I... I'm sorry I left you alone."

    Razor looked at Pinkie, his mouth open to give a retort when he stopped and snapped his mouth shut. She looked.....gray. The mane seeming less puffy...or was that just a trick of his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and splashed some water into his face to be sure he was seeing clearly.

    'She looks really down........she can't be serious though right? I mean...why?' He thought, as he looked at Pinkie intently.

    "I...read it, " He said carefully. He had expected a number of possible scenarios, but this degree of sadness had him confused, "and why are you apoligizing? I'm use to girls walking off with the males they prefer to be with."

  5. Pinkie sat quietly next to Razor.Her coat seemed to lost part of its shine. "Razor. Whats wrong? Why are you so mad? Why would you think that I think that your I don't think your stupid. Besides... I'm not a con mare... I can't make you believe anything you don't want to."

    Razor looked at Pinkie with suspicion, "I believe what I want to believe, and I believe you're trying to play with my emotions to prove something I won't believe. All that cute stuff. I don't like being lied to."

    Razor huffed and crossed his claws, snapping his beak at a passing butterfly. Luckily he missed the insect and it whacked at him with its wing before flying off.

  6. Glimmer:

    Glimmer shook Wind's hoof vigorously, "Oh well I don't have a zillion brothers, only four who are all older then me."

    Glimmer gasped when she heard Wind say she almost beat Razor, "Really? Wow, I didn't think anygriffon...or pony, could do that. I sometimes beat him, but I think it's because he lets me. I'm here to stay with my brother while my mommy and daddy are away on business. My dad's teaching new griffon military soldiers, and my mommy got a big contract with some fashion business and had to travel all the way to Talonopolis. When I get older I'm going to help my mommy with her business and then start my own."

    Glimmer saw the colt runn off then giggled, "Is he your coltfriend? He's cute, if a bit silly. Did Razor threaten him or something, my brother tends to do that when it comes to boys and me." Glimmer giggled again, obviously finding that funny.

    "Oh well want to go find seashells? Or maybe starfish? I've never really been to a beach before, so I don't really know what to do for play here." Glimmer said.

  7. As Pinkie was walking through town, she noticed several ponies running away from the town fountain. They were screaming about a griffin on a rampage. Pinkie began to smile. As she approached the area her tail began to twitch.

    "Somethings falling!" She started running towards the fountain.

    When she finally made it, she caught sight of Razor walking away from her. As she was about to call him, her tail started twitching again. Pinkie watched in silence as the griffin fell. She ran to the edge of the ditch, just as he was getting out.

    "Hello Razor."

    Razor clamped a claw around Pinkie's mouth and glared at her, "You....saw....nothing."

    Razor let go then flew back to the bench, swipping his claws at a passing couple of ponies and sending them running. He spat and looked back at Pinkie, "What do you want? If you're here to try and sell your con again don't bother, I might be smaller then most griffons, but that doesn't mean Im stupid."

  8. Razor sat on a bench, in what he assumed was one of the more romantic spots in town. The twin pony fountains were set perfectly that their water spray made a heart behind the bench. It was the perfect place to sit and wait for his bad mood to pass.

    Razor saw a couple approaching the bench and he glared and let out a roar, scaring them away in an instant. He looked around and snorted, glad to see that the area was claer. Perhaps it was childish to let his temper interrupt others enjoyment, but Razor was a griffon and so when they got....emotional it could have big consequences.

    "Rassafrassa, frassin holiday." Razor grumbled. He wanted nothing more then some helpless creature to chase down and eat. Maybe a rabbit, a nice plump rabbit. He kept an eye out for one, this town usually had small critters running through its streets.

    Razor chuckled, "Heh, that be a sight. Me eating a little bunny rabbit in front of lovey dovey couples. That ought to ruin the mode."

    Razor contemplated other ways to vent his frustration when a flowerpot landed on his head.

    "OUCH! Hey!" Razor shouted and looked up into the air. Nothing!

    "Who did that!?!" Razor called, getting up and walking about, "Who dropped that-AHHH!"

    Razor fell into a ditch, head first, and he lay there with his head in the ground for a few moments before pulling it out and spitting out some dirt.

    "Okay.....if anypony saw that...." Razor snarled as he got out of the ditch.

    ((By the by might start the party on the 11th or 12th to speed things along and let it continue through the next two weeks or so. Any objections to this? Just take note I will announce in a posting when the party has started.))

  9. ((Too different trees apparently))

    Razor turned to the pony that spoke to him with a glare that could kill, "I'm...peachy."

    Razor turned and continued on his way, "This entire holiday makes me gag."

    Razor continued to try and find Pinkie, but his course seemed less important and he felt sure what the outcome would be. "Stupid note. Stupid Pinkie, no good lying con artist."

    Razor took out the note and slashed it into a zillion tiny pieces with his claw. He tossed the pieces to the air, and spat on the ground.

  10. ((Gave my previous one a fix to match it as well.))

    Razor stopped his warpath and looked over at the tree, "Whose there? Come out I hear ya. Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite. You anyway."

    Razor stood there, tapping his uninjured claw on the ground. As he waited he thought of what he was going to do when he found Pinkie....though he also thouht if there was any point to this. He was already sure where this was going to lead to. Him alone and angry as he always was.

    "Stupid no good holiday." he said to himself.

  11. ((A SUPER EDIT :P))

    Razor walked down the road snarling, he didn't know what he was going to do but...he was going to do something.

    "Why am I acting like this anyway?" He asked himself.

    As he passed a tree he slammed his claw against it, causing some leaves to fall and for his claw to crack. Razor pulled it back and hissed as he checked it over. It hurt to move it, but it didn't seem to be damaged. At least he felt sure of it.

    "Bah, this entire holiday just seesms ripe to make me mad."

  12. Razor could tell a private moment when he heard, and saw, it. He quietly flew on over away and just stood by the kids.

    "Think those two want some privacy." He said as he preened at his feathers. All that flight had misangled some and he worked to straighten them out.

    "Hey any you kids want some cider? I got a couple of bottles." He offered. They offered him refreshment, the honorable thing would be to do the same.

    "Big brother!" Someone called.

    Razor blinked and turned slightly, "Glimmer? AGH!"

    Razor was struck from above and went face first into the sand as a small griffon with a big purple bow on her head wrapped her claws around his neck and squeezed real tight.

    "Big brother! I thought I smelled you here." The little griffon girl giggled.

    "Mffmfmfm pmhmfmf mph." Razor said, his voice muffled by the sand as he pulled his head out and gasped for air. He looked with wide eyes over his shoulder, then smiled and pulled the little griffon to a hug.

    "Glimmer! Oh it's good to see you." He said with a big smile, then blinked agian, "hey wait what are you doing here?"

    Glimmer giggled, "mum and Dad sent me to stay with you for a few weeks while they are off on important business. They dropped me off at you hotel in Manehatten, but you weren't there when they left. But the manager told me you went to the beach so I followed your scent here."

    Razor blinked, "You flew all the way from the city to here."

    Glimmer nodded, "Uh huh."

    Razor laughed and gave her a noggy, "Not bad kid. You're a hunter that any griffon would be jealous of."

    "Ahah stop it." Glimmer giggled, trying to get away from Razor's claw.

    Razor stopped and set his sister down, "Well I wasn't counting on this...but it's not a big deal. I got some snacks and drinks in the cooler of there." He pointed to his stuff, "And I guess you can play with the kids here, and later I'll play some stoop ball with you."

    "Yeah!" Glimmer shouted and jumped, fluttering in the aira bit, "Stoop ball!"

    Razor smirked, "Go get a drink first. I gotta talk to the kids here about something."

    "Okay." Glimmer smiled and flew over and got a drink of juice.

    Razor smiled then frowned and glared down at Wind and the colt. He bent low and whispered to them, being sure that only Wind and her friend could hear him, "Look here kids. My sister is a very delicate fledgling and while she is with me I expect her to be happy. So if she asks to play with you, you better not ignore her."

    Razor cracked his neck as he continued, "Cause if I see her cry while she is playing with you. Even a small drop of tears.....I'll eat you. Especially you mister."

    Razor pointed at the colt with a claw, "You try anything funny with my sister, and I'll show you that these claws arn't just for show. Got it?" Razor showed his claws, and plucked a strand of the colts mane. Razor dropped the hair over a claw, and it was split down the middle as it felt.

    "I've got my eyes on you two." Razor said before pulling back and giving a small smile, his menacing attitude gone, "So have fun. And play nice."

    Razor flew over to his spot, while Glimmer came back to join Wind and her friend. Razor sat down and looked at the kids, pointing a claw at his eyes, then at them.


    Glimmer smiled, "Hi. My name is Glimmer, what's yours?" She asked as she offered her claw out to Wind.

  13. Razor read the note, and was very confused. Mostly on how Pinkie managed to write all of that on two sides of paper and somehow magically switch the words.

    "Maybe she's like that Discord fellow. They seem like two peas i a pod." He said as he scratched his head and sighed.

    "Well.....how do I tak this....what do I do with it? What do I do at all?" Razor said, placing his head on the table and ignoring his meal as it was brought to him.

    He sighed and started hitting his head against the table, "I've got to think. Think. *Bam* Think *Bam* THINK! *CRASH*"

    Razor groaned and held his head as he got a serious bump from slamming his head into the hard wood. This was a situation that he had no experience in, nor any knowlede of what to do.

    "It's just a trick. That has to be it," He said, chowing down now. A full stomach would help him think, "She is just desperate to prove her con....or maybe she just likes to mess with griffons. I don't need anymore of that."

    Razor looked at all the couples around him and snarled, feeling angry. All these lovey dovey ponies, all happy and together. It made him sick and angry. Furious even....because.....he was always going to be alone.

    Razor snarled, and slammed his payment onto the table and walked off. He had a full stomach, but now an angry temper and that was never a good thing to have with a griffon. Especially on a day where love and joy was being practically worshiped. Worse still that griffons had a holiday similar to this, only it happened yesterday. Like all the others it ended with Razor alone...as always.

    "Bah!" Razor snapped, scaring two ponies, "I'll go and see what the con artist has to say about this. If she think's she can try to prove her false prophetic ability by messing with my emotions, I'll....I'll do something."

    Razor stomped down the road, he didn't know where Pinkie would have gone with Puzzle but he would start with the Sugar place. All the way down he dug his claws into the ground, and was so focused on his destination that the rest of the world was outside his focus.

    'I will not be made fun of!' Razor thought, standing before Sugar Cube Corner.

  14. Puzzlebeat

    [colour=#008080]"I think I may stay awhile."[/colour] Puzzlebeat replied to Pinkie walking closer to her. [colour=#008080]"where do you want to eat?"[/colour] He asked


    Discord watched Puzzlebeat and Pinkie Pie walk off. "Well where do you want to eat, I know your hungry."

    Razor watched Pinkie and Puzzlebeat go. He felt very suspicious, and he eyed Discord suspiciously.

    "You're up to something." He said before walking off a different direction. He looked around for a place to eat.

  15. Pinkie tried to think of the best place to eat. She was completely unsure of where to take Razor. The idea of a home cook meal still lingered on her mind.

    "If you are still willinh to help make lunch, I might be able to get you some fish."

    (if this post needs to be ignored, ill delete when. I get home you)

    Razor nodded, "Either works for me. Though the fish sounds good."

    When Discord and Puzzlebeat showed up, Razor had a slight feeling that something was up. But what he did not know, but he planned to keep an eye on the two.

  16. Pinkie fidgeted slightly before she answered cried. "Open it when I tell you. And if I don't... You can throw it away when." her ears drooped slightly as she finished her sentence.

    "Let's get you that food that you have been waiting for! I promise nothing will happen!" She said jokingly.

    Razor's stomach growled again, "Right. Lets go, I'm starving. So where to?"

    Razor followed Pinkie, figuring that she would know best where to get some food.

  17. Pinkie tried to savor the flavour. She put her taste buds to test to see if she could figure out the extra ingredient , but it was no use.

    "I guess we're done. Right?" Pinkie looked over to Razor. "Discord. We finished !" She cried out

    Razor nodded, "Yeah, we're done. Finally, now to get some lunch and then get out of here."

    Razor looked at Pinkie and asked , "So what do I do with that piece of paper you gave me?"

  18. After waving back at vinyl Pinkie rushed over to Razor's side. "Razor! Are you okay?"

    "Thanks Discord! I'm parched!" She chugged the drink quickly. "That was great! What kind of punch was it?"

    Razor rubbed the areas of his head where the holes that made his ears were once more. Everything sounded slightly muffled, but he felt sure he had no severe hearing damage....he hoped.

    "I'll be fine. I just can't handle sudden changes in sound volume like that. Griffon ears are slightly sensitive to sound vibrations." He said

    When Discord appeared and offered punch, Razor took the offered drink but felt...unsure. Still, he didn't see how anything else could get any crazier so he drank down the liquid.

    "Thanks." He said, finishing the whole cup.

  19. Pinkie pie laughs at Razors comment. "Or cleanliness. It's not very far from here." She leads him out of the ruckus in the market, and into one of the cleaner parts of Ponyville. They come up to an inconspicuous house. Pinkie pie walks up to the door. As Razor Approaches he can hear a loud base thumping from the house. "Here we are." Pinkie smiles.

    Razor walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He held out the package, but as the door opened a loud blast wave of sound blew him off his claws and into a street lamp, the package falling where he stood.

    "WHAT THE!?" Razor shouted over the roaring blast of loud techno music.

    A pony in sunglasses, with white fur and blue mane appeared and waved over to Pinkie as she picked up the package and closed the door.

    Razor fell to the ground, claws over the sides of his head, "MY EARS! MY SENSITIVE HEARING EARS!"

    Razor snarled, trying to remove the ringing in his head. Didn't anypony in this blasted town know a griffon's hearing was highly sensitive to loud sound vibrations!?!

  20. Pinkie giggled. "If that's who I think it was, then it was most definitely a falling rainbow!" She blew on one of her fore hooves, and instantly the powder expelled outward from her. "It could be worse." She walks back up to Razor. "Did you want to clean up? Or do you want to finish the last delivery?" Pinkie asked as she patted his rainbow coloured back.

    Razor looked up from his preening, "I'll get this done, then I'm getting something to eat. So let's go."

    Razor walked off, following Pinkie as she lead him to Octavia's.

    Razor looked at the note he was given again, the rainbow thing had been....odd. But....he still didn't believe it. It didn't make sense to!

    Razor shook his head, "This town isn't good for my mental health."

  21. (not taking over RD, just using her for this scene)

    Rainbow Dash: Over Ponyville


    Rainbow Dash floated over Ponyville on a small cloud, she yawned and stretched. She would Constantly check her Wonderbolts watch for the time. She was hired to do a special job today, and while she wasn't fond of it, it was a favour for somepony.

    She had to make a trip to cloudsdale to gather the items needed for the job ahead of her. She was dressed up in a white skintight bodysuit, like the one she recieved at the wonderbolt academy. Straped accross her flanks were two saddlebags; one full of red coloured cloud dust and the other of a rainbow coloured powder.

    After one last glance at her watch, Rainbow Dash stood up. "One Giant Heart in the sky, comming up! She flew up into the sky to gain altitude. She worked her wings, to esure she had the proper altitude. She stared down down at the whole town of Ponville.

    Rainbow Dash dived towards the town, prepairing to perform the trick she had been practicing for days. A normal stunt pony would work the bags so they could make the heart in two percise turns. But, Dash was no ordinary pony. She had profected a midair turn and spin so she could make the heart in one move! It was going to be amazing!

    She dived and folded her wings inwards, it was a 30 secound fall, she had practed 40 times over the last two days. When she was a quator mile above ponyville she released the first bag, her trail became a bright red. She pulled up In the start of the heart. In two secound she curved backward to make one of the upper curves of the heart. In a split second she twisted her body and made a sharp curve, which allowed her to make the v shape of the heart. Rainbow didn't realize she had taken on too much speed, so as she made the secound curve and turned down to complete the giant heart she wasnt able to pull up in time. The secound bag of colour exploded open as she lost control and fell toward the ground. She came crashing down on a stregically placed Hay bale cartle not too far away from Razor and Pinkie. The remaining powder exploded making a large cloud of rainbow dush crash over half the market.

    Rainbow Dash, quickly checked herself for damage in the center of this rainbow mushroom cloud. When she found that she was fine she quickly flew out of the cloud. She wanted to make sure to spread rumors of the mysterious pony in the white suit that crashed into town.


    Pinkie watched in glee as the rainbow cloud swept over Razor then her.

    Razor stood still looking at the rainbow cloud, closing his eyes as some of the powder fell on him and made him look all rainbow coloured.

    Razor blinked, "Well....it wasn't exactly a rainbow."

    He shook himself savagly to get the powder off, and began to preen his feathers.

    "Gah, this powder is going to be a pain to get out. I'll be preening for hours." Razor said.

  22. Pinkie waited for Razor to return from the house. 'Only one house left. I wonder if the note will be enough.' She thought. Although it was more of a guess then a real sense, Pinkie didn't think her normal sense would be enough enough to convince the griffin.

    "Only one stop left, huh. Next up is Octavia. She plays a mean cello." Pinkie turns and leads Razor through Ponyville, this time passing through Ponyville's market. Which is more crowded then usual today.

    "So after this last delivery were still on for...." Suddenly her ears started flopping and her knees began to twitch, although he couldn't see it her eyes fluttered. These motions stopped as suddenly as they started. Before Pinkie could verbalize what they ment, her tail began to twitch.

    Once it was over Pinkie turned to Razor. " A rainbow is going to fall?" She saod more for herself then him. "I dont really know what that means." Pinkie looked up into the sky, waiting for a sign. Several of the ponies around them that saw Pinkie at work quickly dispersed from the area.

    Razor laughed, "Ahahaha, a rainbow huh?" He laughed again.

    "Oh thats a good one. Well if you see any rainbows be sure to tell me." Razor laughed as he walked on.

    "Oh I haven't laughed that hard since I saw my brother try to impress his life mate with a ritual flight manuever of his own design. Ended up crashing right into a den of wild boar." Razor said, licking his beak.

    "Mmmm....boar." He said.

  23. "A doozy?" Pinkie scratched her head in confusion. This wasn't part of her idea... That means something big was going to happen. Maybe her idea would work. She hoped it didn't involve a hydra again.

    Pinkie ignored Razor's question and ran to a nearby table. She started writing on a piece of paper with a quill, neither of which he could see how she produced. Once she finished her scribbling, she folded up the paper and sealed it shut with a Pinkie Pie sticker. She then returned to his side. She held out the letter towards him.

    "You wanted a prediction, that involves you... something that you don't think will ever happen." She smiled as a small blush crept across her face. "Don't open it, until i tell you." Once he grabbed the letter she started bouncing ahead again.

    "Onward to Lyra's house!" She said in a sing-song voice.

    Razor blinked, confused. He took the note and shrugged, "Alright."

    He put the note into a pocket in his bag, and followed Pinkie to Lyra's house.

    When the two came closer to their destination, Razor felt curious about what was on that note. But he kept himself in control, and when he stood before the house he pulled out the package and knocked on the door.

    He waited till a mint green coloured pony appeared and he handed her the package.

    "Razor Deliveries. I get it to you in three seconds flat or your money back." Razor said.

    Lyra smiled and took the package and signed a paper. Razor nodded and turned and walked back over to Pinkie.

    "Alright. Now to the last one." He said.

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