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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. Pinkie Pie turned away from Razor. She poute ed for several seconds letting her brain fill with ideas to convince Razor that her pinkie sense was real. Normally she didn't care this much, not that most ponies questioned her anyway. She wasn't surwhy, but she had to prove it to him.

    She suddenly jumped as an idea hit her. She began shuddering and shaking just like before, but this time it was her whole body. It only lasted a couple of seconds, same as the shudders before.

    Razor blinked and looked at Pinkie, "Whats up? Too much sugar in the diet?"

  2. "Octavia and Lyra! Cool yeah that should be really easy! Although it could be really really easy, but its not, oh well!" She began bouncing off in the direction of Octavia's home. "I cant wait for the dance tonight! That DJ seemed interesting, I cant wait to hear him spin!"

    She turned back to Razor. "Soooo hows that bet standing?" She grinned.

    Razor rolled his eyes, "I still don't think your true in this clairvoyance stuff. Unless something so unexplainable happens to me, that you somehow sense, I won't beleive it."

    Razor kept walking, digging through his bag to be sure he had the packages. He followed Pinkie to the first destination, and was already ready to deliver the package. Soon he would be done.

    ((know if you got an idea of something to befall Razor to end his denial, go right ahead and bring it out.))

  3. I'm trying to be a better artist, to give myself something to do besides sitting infront of a computer all the time, and maybe make a tumblr to follow the adventures of an OC i want to make. So I guess I'll show bits of my attempts and things I draw.

    Here is one.


  4. Razor looked at Discord and Puzzlebeat. His predatory senses telling him that he should tread very carefully, or flee immediatly.

    "Ummm....well like Pinkie said I got things to deliver. Then I can go and sleep this holiday away." Razor said.

    He looked to Pinkie and said, "Okay so, if you can show me where a...." he looked at the checklist, "Octavia and a... Lyra live, I can be done."

  5. Razor stretched his wings, "Eh, she's good. Still think she needs a few more years on her before she becomes a real challange."

    Razor chuckled, "So long as she lets everypony at that camp know I won in the end, and of my sheer speed and awsomeness I don't mind her bragging."

    Razor looked over at Wind and rubbed his chin, "I'm hesitant though to challange her to Stoop Ball. She is good at flying, but I worry about her control during a dive. I don't want to be responsible for her getting hurt."

    Razor thought it over and gave a shrug. He would give her time to rest, and if she forgot about it then he wouldn't push it. If she insisted however, well he was good at the game and could catch her if things went....bad.

    "Eh, what comes comes. Oh and to answer the question," Razor said, "yes. The falls behind, gets left behind quote was from old griffon days. Back then if a griffon wasn't strong enough they would get left behind or left for dead. Our home isn't as lush and filled with life as your homeland is, but that was then. It doesn't happen as much now."

    Razor spotted a small crab scurrying across the sand and he pounced on it immediatly. All that flying worked up a bit of a snack need, so he popped the crab up in his claws and chowed down on the small crustacean. Once he was done, he licked his beak and flew over to his spot to grab something else to eat and drink.

  6. Razor was quick to move out of the way of this, heart magic. He didn't really think this holiday had any magic to it. In fact given his own history, he didn't really find love to be a thing to be found. At least for him.

    "I'll be over here on this bench." Razor said and flew over and sat down on the bench. He dug into his bag and pulled out his checklist to see what his last two packages to deliver were.

  7. Pinkies ear flop, then her tail twiched. She gasped. "Run away cart!" She yells out before she looked around like crazy. She turned to the left and right before she saw the run away cart. She tackles Razor out of the way! They roll down the street a little and stop with Pinkie on top of Razor. Shes grinning from ear to ear.

    "For such a fast griffin, you never seem to move out of the way of things." She giggles.

    "Omph," Razor said as he was tackled to the ground. He looked up at Pinkie and felt a blush coming to his face, even seeable through his feathers.

    "G-get...I...You..." Razor stammered, then scrambled from out under Pinkie and flew up a ways. He was blushing immensly now.

    "I...I...you...don't do that." He said. He shook his head and returned to his normal attitude now.

    "I....cart...I would have moved if you hadn't tackled me." Razor said.

    Razor landed and looked at Lovinity, "Wait what?"

  8. Pinkie shakes her head. "I cant predict things that are going to happen in the far future. It only happens when something is about to happen." She shrugs her shoulders and grins. "So what do you think is happening hmmm?" She says as she begins bouncing around him. "Thats three times!"

    "Personally, I think you ponies are just accident prone. I'm already sure you are all crazy as well." Razor said simply, "Not long ago I was passing through this town, flying of course, and I saw a whole herd of mares chasing after this one stallion. They all ganged up around him in a big pile."

    Razor could still remember that, and it had been a wierd scene.

    "At frist I thought all the girls in town had just gone crazy over him or something, then I saw them all fighting each other over some doll I think. I didn't get a good look at it, since I didn't stay long."

    "I still say that if this Pinkie Sense thing of yours is real, let me be hit by a run away cart." Razor said.

    Not far off a ditzy little pegasus accidently walked into a cart near a hill, and set it rolling down a path that Razor stood in.

    Pinkie and Razor


    Lovinity approaches Pinkie and Razor.

    "Hi Pinkie!" Lovinity said to her.

    Razor looked from Pinkie and saw Lovinity, "Hey your alive. Figured you would, though for a holiday of love and affection this town just seems to make this whole Hearts and Hooves garbage look like a steel cage claw fight match."

  9. Razor was ready to go now, he still had work to do and the need to eat something.

    "Alright then. Seems nopony is dead, so I'll go now." Razor said, taking his leave from the room and hospital. He didn't really bother to see if Pinkie or the other pony followed. He had work to do and even if he was hungry he had to stop getting side tracked.

    "Come on Pinkie. I still got two more things to deliver." Razor said.

  10. If we are taking about movie cinema movie then I have to say I would be afraid to give today's movie makers even a glimpse at MLP, cause they might ruin it. Example, when that Eragon movie came out I was really excited, cause I am a HUGE fan of the book series which is a good series to read, but the movie was a dissapointment. I almost just ran up to the closest living thing and beat it into submission by how bad it was. The books are great, but they killed the movie which could have been good.

    If they can take a good book and make an AWFUL movie, I'm terrified of what they would do to an AMAZING television series.

    Now if we are talking about a T.V. special, and only the people working on the show are behind the craetion of this movie then I am all for it, and eagerly waiting for it.

  11. Discord

    "oh pash. im the king of chaos and what can be more chaotic then..." in the middle of his sentence another discord appeared right behind Angel. "being in two places at once?" the copy completed the sentence for him.

    Razor whistled, "Cool," he said at the duplication act, "wish I could do that. I could practice my flying and race skills and do my job at the same time."

    [colour=#800080]"I will have it done before the dance!" [/colour]Rarity told him, as she jotted down the requirements, and any extra ideas she had. She looked up, about to ask a question, but saw that he fell asleep. [colour=#800080]I suppose after having a boulder on you all day, you just want to sleep for a while. [/colour]Suddenly, Discord, Pinkie Pie, and somepony else appeared. Angel quickly hushed them, which was good. Even if Flashbomb was only pretending to sleep, Discord could easily wake up other ponies in the hospital. "What are you all doing here?" Rarity asked. She then decided to play up the drama for them. [colour=#800080]"Are you here to see the poor, bedridden Rarity, as she weeps in sorrow for the lost hours she will find from her inability to move?" [/colour]She was able to move her hooves again, though they still felt weak and wobbly.

    Razor looked over at the bedridden Rarity and made his way over, "Trust me I know how it feels. Laying in a hospital bed is boring, it's worse if you're stuck in one as a fledgling like I was."

  12. "D-Discord? Ruling King of Darkness...?"

    He distinctly recalled learning of a pony of such a nane back when he was a foal.

    "Wait... aren't you... evil...?"

    "He said Chaos. Not Darkness." Razor said.

    Razor thought for a moment then snapped his claws, "Now I remember. I heard about. Some crazy nutter creature that likes to make buffalo dance."

    Razor didn't know if he should be cautious of this Discord fellow, or apathetic. Frankly all he wanted right now was somethign to eat, as his stomach made it known once more.

    "Shut up." Razor said, punching his gut once.

  13. "R-right...", Pitch said, embarrassed and blushing a little. He really needed more friends.

    "KYAH?!", he shouted, as Discord randomly appeared by Pinkie. Teleporting wasn't new, but... THAT was.

    "Um... sorry... but... who are you.. ? And... what are you...?"

    Razor rolled his eyes, then blinked when the pony screamed. Was he talking to him?

    "I'm a griffon genius." He said, till he heard a voice behind him.


    discord looked at the pony. "don't mention it. ok it seems you guys got it here. Bye Rarity, later Applejack." and with that he disappeared. then found him self next to Pinkie. "Heya Pinkie."

    Razor turned and saw....some sort of miss mashy patty whack creature. Razor didn't really know what to make of this.

    "What are you? A GriffonWood horror prop?" Razor asked, confused by this strange creature.

  14. "Eh... ah... please don't eat me...

    ... Wait... thaf was a joke wasn't it? Ah hah..."

    ... Yeah, Pitch sucks at being social.

    As he was attempting to regain his non-existent dignity, he heard Pinkie's proclamation. "Falling?! Where?!"

    He shifted his light blue eyes rapidly around the sky, keeping his Vinyl Scratch-style brown mane out of his right eye temporarily, but saw nothing more than a pegasus he saw earlier fly by.

    "... Unless you're talking about a descending pegasus, I don't see anything falling..."

    Razor rolled his eyes, "No I was being serious. I'll force you to the ground, slice open your stomach with my claws and eat you." He said in a sarcastic, non serious tone.

    Razor rolled his eyes, "Come on, seriously you can't think that something actually fell just cause her tail twitched. If this Pinkie Sense thing is true, let me be struck by a run away cart of flower pots."

  15. "Hello Pitch Light! Happy Hearts and Hooves day! How are you liking the town so far? Do you want a cupcake?!" She pulls a cupcake from thin air and pushes into one of Pitch Light's hands.

    She turns to Razor and chuckles nervously. "I never offered you a cupcake did I?"

    "Awww sweets my specialty! But okay, if you help then we will make something delicious and nutritious!"

    "Food, eh?"

    Pitch looked up into the sky toward the sun. Yeah, seemed like a time for food.

    "Well, that's fine, then.", he said, "I haven't eaten anything myself... maybe I could come with you?"

    A stomach growl occurred right there just to prove his point. "Eh heh..."

    Razor shrugged, "If he wants to join us fine with me. Also no cupcakes for me. I don't really eat sweets."

    Razor felt his own stomach growl again and he sighed, "So can we get going now? Before I decide to eat one of you two instead."

    Razor smirked at what he said, intending it as simply a joke. Though with ponies you could never be sure if they had a sense of humor.

  16. As Pitch trotted, he saw a few ponies stabding around, talking. With them was... a griffon? Even as a new resident he knew such creatures were not common around here. As much as he hated coming into somepony else's conversations, he couldn't resist in this case. He was curious.

    Gently adjusting his trotting trajectory, he approached the group, and forced a little grin. "Hello, everypony. May I ask what you all are discussing?"

    (I really hope I don't look stupid just randomly approaching them like this...)

    When Razor looked over at the new pony he just gave a short wave as his stomach growled.

    "Nothing really. Just getting some food.

    Pinkie laughed as she watched the griffin throw the package into the building, she didn't stop for almost a minute. "Alright. Im sure most places are going to be packed today,but i do have an idea! I could treat you to a home-made meal." She smiled. "Not just anybody gets a Pinkie Pie meal. Allot do get Pinkie Pie pie's, cakes, cupcakes, muffins..." She trails off.

    Razor looked to Pinkie and thought on that, "Well if you are okay with that. Thought I do insist I help, we griffons arn't leeches. I know my way around a kitchen, just nothing excessively sweet please. I have a diet to maintain."

    ((heading to sleep will respond more in the morning and after my classes. Night all))

  17. "Never had frogs legs or any legs. I've never eaten meat." Pinkie ponders on this a seconds. "If you hungry, we could get something to eat, my treat of course! Although, I dont think you would find anything meaty here in ponyville. If your realllyyy hungry, we can finish the delivery afterwards! Im sure twilight is going to be in the library all day. She was last year." Pinkie jumped around cheerfully.

    "Well of course you never ate meat," Razor said, "You're a pony. You eating meat would be well....wierd."

    Razor felt his stomach growl, "But me...I'm a griffon. A predator on the top of the food chain. I NEED meat in my diet to be healthy. Sure I can eat what you ponies eat, at least some of it and only a little, but meat....delicious, red, fatty dripping meat."

    Razor was drooling now and finished off his jerkey in a single bite. His stomach growled again, "Agh, I need something in my stomach."

    He reached into bag, yanked out the package and took off like a bullet towards the library. He stopped at the door, openend it as it was a public building, and tossed it in. He flew back and skid to a halt right in front of Pinkie.

    "So where can we eat?" Razor said, eager to get something into his stomach.

  18. "There are actually six heros in this town." Pinkie chuckles.

    "Yup! Thats ponyvilles library and twilights home!"

    Pinkie shakes her head. "Shes not stupid! She was doing it to save frogs! They were too many frogs in another pond and they didn't have enough space! So she was moving them. None of us knew that there was a hydra in the bog." Pinkie says defensively.

    "Six heroes eh? Interesting." Razor said.

    When Pinkie got defensive Razor held up a claw in his defense, "Now don't have a cow. I was just saying what I thought. I'm not gonna judge what your friend does, though why all the fuss over frogs?"

    Razor couldn't understand why somegriffon, or pony in this case, would move frogs from one pond to another, "I mean if the frogs were over populating, then they need a predator to eat them."

    Razor licked his beak, and he pulled out his beef jerky stick and took a bite, "Have you ever had frogs legs before? They are kinda good, though a bit too upper class for me. Now give me a nice plump pig or maybe a rabbit and....mmmmmm."

    Razor licked his beak again, but shook his head, "Uh sorry about that. Heh, I haven't really had lunch today, and only had a few bits for breakfast so I'm kinda hungry."

  19. Pinkie Pie shook her head, "Nope nope, Not even a little. Well, maybe a little. But she lives in the library. She loveesss to read. She's kind of famous. Student of Princess Celestia. She stopped Nightmare Moon and Discord! Well not single hoofedly, she had a little help from her friends! There both great stories. The hydra was something too! Twilight was trying to figure out how my pinkie senses worked. So she hooked me up to a machine, which didnt work and she followed me. She thought she was hiding from me, but i knew she was following me. The wierd thing was every sense i had, something bad happened to her. Then i got a doozy, a whole body twitch, Our friend Fluttershy was moving frogs to froggy bottom bog. There was a hydra in the bog and it attacked us! Twilight barely escaped from it, by listening to me. After that she kinda gave up and started trusting my senses. And that was what the doozy was!" Pinkie pie had to take a deep breath. She turned to Razor and smiled.

    Razor blinked, "You said all of that in just a single breath. Impressive. More impressive that there seems to be some sort of hero living here."

    Razor looked over and saw a big tree with windows and a doorway in it coming into view, "Let me guess, since we seem to be walking in that direction thats the library right?"

    "Your friend Fluttershy....why was she in a bog that had a hydra in it. Seems kind of.....I don't know stupid," Razor said, "not to be insulting but....I would figure you ponies would have a sense of self preservation."

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