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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. "Spike the Dragon! Great that means we can meet Twilight!" Pinkie says happily as she leads Razor out of the SCC.

    While on the way Pinkie breaks into conversation again. "So spike lives with twilight, she was the last person to doubt my Pinkie Sense. The time with the hydra." She grins. "Hydras are scary." She laughs.

    "How did a hydra play into this anyway?" Razor asked, confused.

    He was a bit surprised that a dragon lived here, but he had never seen many dragons so this would be interesting indeed.

    "This Twilight a friend of yours I guss. What she like? Hyper active like you?" Razor asked.

    As they walked Razor looked at the check list to see who remained.Three more to do, then he would be done, payment well recieved and then he would be able to go and sleep on a cloud or something. Though as he walked he kept an eye up for that pegasus, he still was preening his feathers every so often to get them nice and straight and water resistent.

  2. Pinkie shook her head. "Nope no more Pinkie Senses." She giggles. "At least for now." She tried her best to make a evil laugh, but its not evil at all.

    Pinkie balances Gummy on her head and the package on his. She takes him backup stairs and puts him and his gift on the stairs. She looks at the gift a couple. "Am I supposed to open it?" She looks at Gummy, "You had trouble last time." She pauses. "Well I dont have hands either! Fine! But if its not open when i come back... Im going to open it."

    As Pinke heads down the stairs she talks to herself. "I wonder if I'll get a present this year," She shook her head, "Same as last year. No dates, no presents. Maybe this year will be different."

    When she gets to the bottom of the stairs she walks up to Razor. "So where to next, Mr. Delivery Griffin."

    Razor looked at the list, "Okay....Rarity......Gummy," Razor twitched at the second name. How did an aligator order a package?

    "Um oh something for a...Spike." Razor said.

    Razor put his bag around his shoulder and looked at Pinkie, "I still don't think you can predict happen stances just by body movements. My bet still stands, and I'm a griffon of my word. Lets go."

  3. Razor's eye twitched as he looked at Gummy. The aligator.

    He raised a claw, "For the first time....I...have nothing to say."

    He dug into his bag, near the wall where he put it, and pulled out a wrapped gift and put it on Gummy's head.

    "Okay...thats done." Razor said, "And yes I am anxious to be done cause this town is celebrating Hearts and Hooves day, and its a pony holiday that I don't like."

    Razor turned and stood near the door, "By the way any more Pinkie Senses?" Razor chuckled.

  4. While Pinkie Pie was heading up the the stairs her tail began twitching. "Whats go..." Upon hearing the door slam open she turned around, just in time to watch the door swing open.

    Pinkie watched in shock as Razor slipped on a piece of soap and slam into the wall. "Razor!!" She ran to his side as he was getting to his feet. "Razor! are you okay?! That looked really really painful. Did you break anything?"

    Razor rubbed his beak, "I...I'm fine....I'm made of hard stuff."

    Razor blinked then looked at Pinkie with a critical glare, "And who are you calling slow. I could fly circles around you that you would see an after image of me."

    Razor blinked again and saw the aligator on Pinkie's back, "Hey...is that brain dead thing yours? And hey where is Gummy? If I can give him the package then I can go and finish the rest of the deliveries. Where is he?"

    Razor looked around, trying to find the elusive pony. Besides the sooner he got out of this town the better, pretty soon he would be trampled into the ground by a pack of wild mares or something else.

  5. Pinkie nods her head. "I think shes going to live. Maybe." She laughed. "You should go Lovinity, so you can get better. Were all going to..." She rubbed her shoulder. " miss you." She smiles, 'Razor may have found Gummy.' She thought before giving Lovinity a hug. "Make sure to write me letters!" She turned to walk off. "Im going to miss you!" She sungs out before bouncing off in her usual Pinkie Pie fashion.

    Pinkie still had no idea how she could step in for Lovinity, but she would try her best. "I guess that means that should make sure everyone has a special somepony for the dance tonight. Can I do that?" She talked to herself most of the way to the Sugar Cube Corner. Although she would wave at every passing pony, it would cause her to think about her promise.

    Although Pinkie had allot on her mind, she knew there was always time for a good pranking; actually a lighthearted teasing in this case.. As she passed the bathroom she listened to see if Razor was still in. "For the worlds fastest Griffin, Razor sure takes forever to clean up!" She says loud enough for him to hear before she headed up to her room.

    She found gummy standing at the base of the stairs. "I need to teach you to go up these things." Pinkie laughed before picking up the alligator and putting it on her back. "So did you meet my new friend?" She asked him before ascending the stairs.

    Razor snapped, finally chocolate free and only patially done with his preening of his feathers. He snarled and ran to the door, "I'll show you fast-AHHHHH"

    Razor opened the door and stepped on the soap and began sliding forward and out of control. He slid across the floor, and into the wall and crashing with a loud BANG!

    Razor stood there, slammed against the wall and fell back to the ground. His eyes rolled about and he was seeing stars, "Mama, I don't wanta go to the doctor."

    Razor shook his head and got up and staggered a bit before standing straight, "Ugh....this place is bad for my health."

  6. -Sugarcube Corner, Bathroom-

    "When I get my claws around that pony that dropped this chocolate on me..." Razor growled, ringing his claws around the brush as if it was a neck.

    He started scrubbing as he stuck more of his chocolate covered feathers under the water and soap, scrubbing with fierce force. He was only half way done, and that was just getting the chocolate off. He would need more time to preen his feathers straight and dry.

    "If anypony saw, or even makes a mention of it, I'll remind them my claws arn't for show!" Razor snarled and grabbed the soap again and rubbed it against his feathers.

    Strange....this soap felt....bumpy.......and scaley. Razor blinked and looked at the soap in his claw and saw a small green aligator in his claws. He stared at the aligator, which did not frighten him as it was very small and would not have possed a threat to a full grown griffon, if if he was shorter then most griffons. The aligator just stared vacantly into space, and Razor put the creature down and poked its eye once gently. Then the side of its head a few time. All the creature did was stare, not even blinking.

    "This thing is either dead or barely sentient of its own existence." Razor said with a shake of his head.

    Razor got back to scrubbing, even as the aligator walked off, a bar of soap in its mouth which it dropped at the edge of the entrance to the bathroom.

  7. When Wind was ready, Razor took off with a flap of his wings. He put a bit of force into his flight to start, intending to get ahead of the filly and then slow down and just leisurely flying the rest of the way. Already he was flying over the ocean and darting through the tunnel that all waves from as they finish their motion, spirlaing through one then three. He felt he had this race in the bag, when a strike of blue rushed past him.

    "What the?" Razor looked and saw Wind fly right past him, finishing the third wave tunnel before him. Razor blinked as he flew out and dove into the next, snarling a bit that a filly would pass him. He flew fast now, so that he and Wind were neck and neck now.

    "Not bad kid." Razor said as they finished the final wave tunnel and the two began to fly upward. Razor flapped hard, angling his wings to pick up wind currents to force him up. Wind was holding her ground, but Razor felt sure that she would start to tire soon. When the two reached a high altitude, perhaps a bit too high, Razor closed his wings and dived. This he was skilled at, and he bullted ahead of Wind. Razor kept an eye on her as he dived, to be sure that she didn't mess up and risk an injury or a splat like doom. When she pulled out of the dive, Razor opened his wings and allow his downward force to become a forward force and propel like a lightning bolt towards the outcrop of rocks that he had pointed out earlier.

    Razor and Wind flew, though the little filly was now starting to show signs of exhaustion and was starting to lag behind. But she kept up and this impressed Razor. Razor paused as he touched down on the rocks, letting Wind catch up.

    "Final stretch kid. Time for the hard stuff." Razor said, chuckling.

    He took off again, and flew as fast as he could. Wind kept up at the rear, but Razor had experience and full grown stamina on his side, and youthful energy could only last so long. Skidding to a halt he crossed the finish line and did a one claw stand as Wind passed the line a bit after him.

    "Not bad kid. You did okay, though I had the advantage in the end. Still, give you a few years and you might be a challenge worth facing." Razor said as he flipped back to all fours.

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  8. Pinkie Pie smiled and shrugged her shoulder. "Alrighty, but don't say i didn't warn you!" She says in a sing-song tone. Her left and right ear began flopping wildly. It only last for a couple seconds, but it causes pinkie to look around nervously. "I hope you like baths." She says as she quickly opens the door and steps in.

    "Oh no!" A pegasus cried from above Razor, A large blob of warm melted chocolate falls from the sky, aimed right at his head.

    Razor blinked, then head a pegasus cry out and he looked to the source, his eyes widening when he saw melted gop falling for him. The mass of chocolate hit him before he had time to dodge and he stood there, still as the dead. Razor's eyes were on fire as he started digging his claws into the ground and growled, "Do you.....have anything I can clean this off with?"

    He gave Pinkie a look that said to not even think about laughing at this. He followed her, to where hopefully he could get cleaned. He looked back upwards, to the pegasus he guessed was responsible for this and shook a claw at her. The pegasus flew off in fear at the deadly glare he gave her.

  9. Pinkie shakes her head as she snaps back into reality. "Did you say just Gummy?" She sounded surprised. "I know where Gummy lives." She had a sly look on her face. She leads him back into Ponyville. She takes a long route to get to where ever they are going.

    She suddenly stops, they are next to a large house that looks more like a ginger bread house then a regular house, there are hearts and other H&H's day decorations all over it. A closed sign is in the door. "So about that bet? Are you sureee you want to go through with it? The last time someone put my pinkie senses to the test it didnt end well for them. Twilight was limping for a week. And I wouldn't want that to happen to you Razor." She says with a wicked smile.

    Razor looked at the ginger bread like house, "dang so much sugar it's giving me a beak ache. Whoever this gummy pony is must be a sugar addict."

    Razor looked at pinkie and laughed, " I'm a griffon. We live in an environment where if you don't face the dangers and survive then you die. I can handle anything thrown my way."

  10. Razor smirked, "Hardly. I don't believe anygriffon or pony that says they know the future."

    Razor chuckled, and then had an idea for some fun. Might as well get som entertainment out of this, "Hey...want to make a bet? If you can somehow prove to me that your Pinkie Sense is real....."

    Razor tapped his chin as he thought of a decent risk, "I'll either do whatever you want for the rest of this day, or go to that dance thing here. I'll even go with whoever you want me to."

    Razor chuckled thinking this an easy win. He would enjoy watching Pinkie try to prove her Pinkie Sense thing to him.

    As he followed Pinkie he stopped when he saw the next stop, "A spa?" He checked the list and sighed in relief. It was just an ordinary delivery. Thank goodness, last thing he wanted was to deliver a Hearts and Hooves package and recite one of the mushy poems the sender asked him to in a spa that would probably be filled with mares. It would be embaressing.

  11. Razor listened to the excuses, rolling his eyes. He opened his beak to give a retort, when the little pegasus came up and started challanging HIM!

    Razor blinked, "You?" He said to Wind, "race me?"

    Razor smirked and looked the little pegasus over. He walked around her, then lifted oner of her wings with his claw and looked at it before letting it go and walking back to his original spot.

    "Hmmm. Young....but....I guess I can't be picky. Besides you got attitude, and I like that." He said, watching the two sisters bicker a bit with amusement.

    When Fire brought up her age and to limits Razor gave a raspberry, "Pfft. Limits, thats an excuse. Feldlings her age would already be flying with the adults, or in hunting trips. A griffon that falls behind, gets left behind as we say."

    Razor thought on the rules of the race, he didn't want something easy, but he knew that if he put the kid in too much danger he would get in trouble.

    "If the kid wants to race, let her. Limits are meant to be overcomed anyway, thats how you become a great flier. Sure you get hurt, but you get better. Besides a little pain builds character." He said.

    Razor snapped his claws and got an idea for the race, he walked off and told the filly as she followed the details, "Okay kid here is what we will do."

    Razor stuck a claw into the sand and made a line, "We start here, then we will fly out over the water. The waves should be a decent height to add some obstacles, so either fly beside them as they crash, or fly through that hole they always make. We will do that for five waves then we will fly upwards, till about a thousand feet. If you don't know what that is just wait till I stop flying up. We will then dive down till we reach that small bluff of rock and tide pools over there."

    Razor pointed to a stretch of land a good half a mile or so from their current stop, "After that we will fly back here and the first to cross the line wins. If you can handle that, maybe I'll show you what I was doing with that stuffed bird you saw. If you win."

    Razor put emphasis on the if. Like a filly pony was going to beat him in a race. The only kid to beat him in a race was his siter Glimmer, and thats cause he let her. The smile on her face was always worth it.

    "Alright ready?" Razor said, getting into posistion to take off. He licked his beak in anticipation for the race. Even if it was against a kid.

  12. ((Ill do the doctor part.))


    The doctor came in and ushered everypony out, "Alright now. She needs her rest, though I suspect she should be out in a bit. Till then she should rest."

    The doctor waited for all the ponies to leave then stepped out himself, so to give Lovinity peace and quiet. He closed the door to let her sleep undisturbed. A nurse would come later to bring her plenty of water, incase it was dehydration that caused the faint.

    -Pinkie Pie

    Razor nodded, "Great. I already got one done at this Boutique place. The sooner I get the rest of these deliveries done, the sooner I can leave."

    Razor walked out of the hospital, only partially bothering to see if Pinkie followed.

    "So the Pinkie Sense thing, whats the real story? Lucky guesses? preorchestrated mishaps?"

  13. ----Pinkie, Lovinity, Rarity----

    Razor snapped a claw around Pinkie's mouth to shut her up, "Working on it. Try this and be quiet if you can."

    Seriously did all ponies freak out like this in the face of an emergency?

    Razor looked and saw some doctors and nurses come over and he passed Lovinity over to them. The doctors took her to see what was wrong.

    Razor looked at Pinkie again, "See....no need to panic."

    He the spotted that unicorn from before, the one with the hat on, "Hey isn't that a friend of yours or something?"

    Razor gave a wave to Rarity, "Hi. Just a little emergency with somepony fainting. Though all seems to be in the okay now. Who are you again?"

  14. Razor blinked when he saw Lovinity faint, but he figured that Pinkie had a point now and so he picked her up and took off to find that doctor. He flew till he spotted what he guessed was the clinic and dove down and burst through the doors, scaring several ponies. Razor smirked a bit at that.

    "Hey I got a pony that fainted and seems sick. Anypony here a decent doctor?" Razor asked.

    Edited: To match up with FireRavens post of Razor holding Lovinity at the hospital. Hope that works.

  15. "I'm fast cause I have to be." Razor said, "and before we go running off like fledglings after a piglet, might I ask if we can be sure the house was this Flashbomb's? If it was then Pinkie had seen him push it, which would mean that he was not in the building when it crashed. Also you Miss Lovinity were there yes? I'm sure if somepony was in the wreckage of a building even your pony ears would have picked up the screams for help, or moans of pain."

    Razor opened his mouth to go on with his, to him reasonably calming statement on not to start rushing without a plan when Lovinity went "Woah Canterlot!"

    "What is it?" Razor asked, stepping back from Lovinity. He didn't know what was going on, but he didn't want to stand too close.

  16. Lovinity continued to fly towards Ponyville, seeing Pinkie Pie down below.

    Lovinity flew down again to the ground, globe in wing, to Pinkie Pie.

    "[colour=#CC33FF]Pinkie, you heard the crash, right?[/colour]", asked Lovinity. "[colour=#CC33FF]Um, I saw what looked to be a part of a cloud house crashed down to the ground, with apparently some secret chamber blocked off by pillars. I ran across this globe as I headed back here to try and figure out what exactly happened. Do you know anything?[/colour]"

    Razor stopped, and looked at the new pony, "A HOUSE!? A house fell down!?!"

    Razor blinked, then looked at Pinkie. No NO! He would not think that thought.

    "No. I refuse to believe your tail told you that." Razor said, "Hopefully no pony or griffon got hurt."

  17. (I'm so sorry for late reply :(!)

    Pinkie smiles at Razor. "Clar voy what! Is that like a gyspy? It just happens to me. I don't control it. It. Just happens to me." She spins around and begins walking towards town, "I had a friend who didn't believe me either. She tried to figure it out, but couldn't figure it out. She eventually came around, and all it towas a hydra attack!" She grinned.

    "Clairvoyance," Razor repeated, "It...never mind. Anyway you and your pony friends might believe in this stuff, but I'm a griffon and we don't survive in our homeland if we listen to silly little omens. I would bet anything that its all just coincindetial happenstances."

    Razor didn't put faith in such things that involved knowing what would happen, especially when it had the most ridiculous name. Pinkie Sense. He chuckled.

    "Anyway, to our first stop." Razor said, looking at the list, "Okay this address is to somepony named....Lotus?"

    Razor walked beside Pinkie, letting her lead the way.

  18. "Its my Pinke Sense! When I twitch a twitch, it means somethings going to happen. The tail twitching means something is going to fall. Ear flop, eye flutter and a knee twitch means a doors opening. So that mean something big fell, or allot of small things." Pinkie rubs her chin.

    Razor scratched his head, "I don't get it. Anyway, lets get moving." He readjusted his delivery bag and motioned for Pinkie to lead the way.

    "So....you twitch and something happens? That sounds.....well no offense but kinda....hard to believe. Precognition and clairyoyance on a scale like that is just impossible." He said, not really believing such a possible piece of precognitive ability.

  19. Pinkie Pie quickly nodded her head."This going to be super duper fun!" She began joyfully hopping around the griffin. She stops in front of the griffin."By the way, My names Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone calls me Pinkie Pie. Or you can call me Pinkie, equestria's number party pony."

    Razor got that feeling of dread again. Still he ignored it for now.

    "Well, I'm Razor. Fastest griffon and flier in the world." He said.

    "So Pinkie... Where to first? The sooner I get my job done the better." Razor said.

    ((Just know that since the rp has gone to separate locations try to keep track of where your character is so we don't have any confusion, or even use the quote button to show who your character is talking to))

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