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Posts posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. If there was one thing that Razor loved about the Pony Lands as he called them, was that one of their cities was high in the sky. Frankly it was rather amazing, and he would admit that if he had to live anywhere it would be here. But he didn't feel the need, nor had the desire to settle down anywhere.

    "The home lifes for the ball and chain. I'm a free griffon!" Razor said as he took off from the cloud streets of Cloudsdale.

    Today was a great day, in one of the second best cities, Talonnopolis being the obvious first, and just finished a big paying job. Razor was set financially for the next week, two if he rationed the money.

    As he drifted along Razor spotted a cafe, "Hey, might as well grab a coffee. I wonder if they got any fishsticks. Probably not, oh well."

    With that Razor flew on over and walked through the door. He headed over to the counter, and twitched almost instinctively when once again his short stature would be noticable.

    "Hi. How ya doing." Razor said as he looked at the offered drinks.

  2. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Boulder Tumble

    Sex: Male

    Age: Colt

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Dull/Gray Purple

    Coat colour: Green

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Orange brown coloured mane, that is bed head messy*He just can't remember to comb it*

    Physique: Muscular for his age, Taller then an average colt,

    Cutie Mark: A Rock, and behind it is a cracked open rock with gems inside

    Origin/Residence: Born in Trottingham, but travels with his uncle on his business trips every so often.

    Occupation: Helps his uncles business. Have fun and do his homework.

    Motivation: To help his friends, Academia and Speedster, and have fun.

    Likes: Everypony unless they give him a reason to not like them, His friends, Toast with jam.

    Dislikes: Learning, getting kissed by a girl, Hearts and Hooves day*He is terrified of that day*

    Character Summary: Boulder Tumble, or Boulder or Lumpy by his friends, is a rather lovable little colt. He is always friendly and happy with just about everypony he meets and hardly every dislikes somepony until he has been given a reason and even then he might try to make friends cause he might see something that others do not.

    Boulder is not the smartest pony, in fact his name makes a good measure, he can be rather slow on the upkeep and he is always doing what his friend Speedster tells him to do. His grades arn't always the best, and he always seems to be lost in his own little world. But that's okay cause Boulder has a very active imagination, in fact he tends to blur his imagination with reality so much that he might confuse others around him.

    Of course Boulder, when his friends are in danger, can show intense focus and immediate action to get them out of it. If that be pulling them along as he runs away screaming in fear or charging in like a wild bull is up to chance. Boulder also has high pain tolerance for a pony his age, although he is certainly not indestructable. This does concern his friend Academia at times, but Boulder doesn't seem to mind. Boulder also has a tendency to barge through things, such as a fence or door and due to his considerable strength for a colt he tends to break through these things with ease, if to the chargin of the owner of the door or fence. To this day Boulder has run through and ruined the screen door of Academia's house twenty times and busted through one fence at least once.

    All in all Boulder is a lovable little oaf, and even if he unintentionally causes some trouble as he helps his friend Speedsters schemes to get bits, its hard to stay mad at him for long when he looks at you with those trusting loving eyes or when he gives a friendly, if rather strong and at times squeezing, hug.

    Cutie Mark Story: Boulder's cutie mark has a double meaning. One, like his father he is good with mining, and giving amazingly intense detail and description of any type of rock and what it is made of and what it is useful for in construction. But it also represents his rather rough and perhaps unimpressive exterior. But if somepony looks past the foolishness he tends to get into they will find a gem in him and a friend that will last like a rock. Forever.

    How he got it is a rather simple tale. While at one of his fathers excavations, he ended up wandering into a mine once more lost in his own little world. During this time he ended up lost, not that he really noticed, but his father did and began sending workers to find his son. His father was in a rather sour mood as the mine was not turning up any decent minerals and now he had lost his son.

    When the workers finally found him, they were shocked by what they found him in. It was an entire rook filled with large huge crystals and other various minerals. There sitting on the biggest gym was Boulder, holding a cracked open rock with a magnificant rainbow geode in it. When the workers brought him out, Boulder rushed to his father to show him his rock geode and began explaining all the amazing rocks he found, especially his.

    Boulder's father was astounded, and astonished when he found the cave his son had found. In that moment, Boulders cutie mark appeared, though the lovable little oaf was already on his next adventure in his mind.

  3. Razor groaned as he walked down the streets of Ponyville. He felt exhausted, and frankly wouldn't care if he was whacked over the head or run over by a stampeding band of cows or ponies in a panic, anything that would just knock him out.

    "Ugh....why can't I sleep?" He said as he walked on, "I have deliveries to make tomorrow night and I can't do them at top speed if I don't sleep."

    Razor had tried everything from drinking hot milk, to counting sheep. He had even tried counting stars, or reading a book, but still nothing. It was getting so bad that Razor was ready to shout to the entire town that he would give all his bits on his person, two hundred at the moment, to anypony who could just knock him out.

    "Maybe I should. Whats the worse that can happen? A concussion, thats a minor risk." Razor said chuckling slightly mad.

    As he plotted his course of action, Razor saw something he had never seen before. A zebra, and she seemed to be selling stuff. Feeling curious, he walked over.

    'Hey...maybe she has something that might help me sleep. I'd gladly take a bucking to the head at this point.' Razor thought with a slight twitch of his eye as he chuckled.

    He stopped at the stall, his shorter height coming into obvious notice to anypony that looked and said, "Yo, not sure what your selling but it seemed interesting to look at."

  4. "Ooof." Razor said as he felt something colide into the back of his head and sending him face first into the floor. He groaned and rubbed his head as he got up. Or tried to, as his beak was stuck in the wood slightly.

    'For the love of....' Razr thought as he pulled till his beak poped from the wood. He rubbed it slightly and looked around with predatory eyes for what hit him. Adjusting his grip on his bag briefly.

    "Hey whose the fool that hit me?" Razor said as he looked around.

  5. Pinkie Pie enthusiastically whacked Razor across the back, pulling him into a hug. [colour=#ED458B]"Pffft! You don't need to go on a diet, you're little enough! I mean uh, vertically challenged! Oh wait, no no no. Um, heightenly lacking?" [/colour]She hopped up and down, smiling something fierce. As she hopped, she might have lifted the poor griffon off the ground. [colour=#ED458B]"Of course I'm happy! I get to meet a new friend with the coolest ever-looking fur I've seen! Usually furry things around here are really only found at Fluttershy's cottage! Ever been there?! There's all sorts of wildlife. I can't seem to take a step there without stepping on something. Last time I was there, I got my hoof caught in a groundhog hole! I tried to pull it out, then stumbled into a den of raccoons! I frightened them, and they accidentally ran into her chicken coop! Ever seen a family of raccoons in a chicken coop? Trust me buddy, you don't want to!" [/colour]

    Pause. [colour=#ED458B]"Do you like cookies?"[/colour]

    Razor blushed immediatly as he was being pressed into a hug, even the height comments flew past his head this time as he was to busy registering the fact that he was being hugged by a female that was not his mother or sister. The close contact was increasingly uncomfortable, due to the simple fact that Razor had NEVER been this close up to a girl EVER! Oh sure he had gotten hugs from his mother and sister, but this was different and frankly something the height challanged griffon was not use to at all.

    "I...I...I..I....Uh....." Razor stammered with each hop up and down as he blushed even more, "Uh...um...my my...fur....it's just fur, though...thanks for the compliment."

    'Blast!' Razor thought, 'I'm acting like a complete idiot!'

    He mentally slapped himself to regain some commposure and save some face.

    "I uh....no....don't even know who Fluttershy is....umm..," Razor stammered, finally glad for the hopping to stop, "Umm.....I guess I do...like cookies......could you let me go please?"

  6. Razor felt his feathers standing on end as he heard screechings for help coming from the kitchen.

    'I should just walk away....right now.' He thought, but ignored his common sense.

    Razor moves over slightly to take a look over to the door leading to the kitchen. He blinked in confusion as he saw a small baby pony, filly what they called them, come running out giggling.

    "Hmmm. Cute." Razor said simply once, he wasn't afraid to admit it he had a little sister himself.

  7. Razor landed outside of the establishment called Sugarcube Corner. The entire building reminded him of a gingerbread house, and just looking at it seemed to make him think of sugar. He looked down at a note in his claw.

    "Sugarcube Corner. Package to Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Well this should be easy, and I got here a day early and everything is all in good shape." Razor said as he looked at the bag around his waist that held a package.

    Razor walked in and made his way to the counter, "Hello, is there a Mr. or Mrs. Cake in here?" He waited at the counter, looking around at all the cakes, buns, doughnuts and elders knew what else this place sold.

  8. Thankfully, the younger pony seemed to have forgiven Ashen for his lapse in memory, and even tried to casually drop his own name into the conversation. Ashen was even prepared to forgive the doctor for failing to do so in a natural way. [colour=#008080]There’s enough awkward on this side of the conversation that I really shouldn’t be judgemental of that sort of thing. [/colour]He automatically pushed the name out of his head as unimportant, before suddenly realising that this was wasting an opportunity to practice being approachable... but it was too late. The name was gone. Fortunately the other pony was still talking, so Ashen had some time to try and remember it…

    [colour=#FF6666]“My parents retired a couple years ago, so I now run the Canterlot Army Historical Society. I’ve spent much time relocating our stuff to a spot that can actually hold a modest-sized museum, exhibits and all. Everything’s been… heh heh… chaotic, but all things considered, the Society’s doing great!”[/colour]

    A memory surfaced at this, a young and hopelessly naïve colt (the professor considered his students to be colts or fillies until they demonstrated some sign of maturity, as of yet none had) with an adolescent obsession with the glories of the military-industrial complex… but no name. [colour=#008080]Blasted memory, earn your keep![/colour]

    [colour=#FF6666]“So Professor, how do you plan on getting around in Aquellia? You do realize that the only way of travelling anywhere in Griffon cities is by flying, right?”[/colour]

    And now a former student was mocking him. Fantastic. But then he had quite walked into that one; he had no real plans to visit Aquellia, just a vague desire… what in Equestria had possessed him to blurt that out?

    [colour=#008080]“Oh, I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. I just thought I might stop by, since I have a month before I am expected to assume my role as a member of the Stalliongrad faculty. You do have a point though Doctor… Span… a mind with a knowledge of military affairs as rich as yours would be the one to spot that flaw. After all, knowledge of the terrain is a key element of strategy.”[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]Hah! Any foal could see that problem a mile off. Still, better to flatter him.[/colour]

    Professor Smirk’s mouth trailed off as he tried to think of a way to advance the conversation, and his eyes came to the rescue of their stricken comrade. A telltale flash of a blue-grey feather ahead of Doctor Tale in the queue revealed the presence of a somewhat diminutive Griffon. Ashen gestured to the creature and continued.

    [colour=#008080]“Well, since there is a Griffon with us in this august assemblage, I may as well...”[/colour]

    But before he could get any further, a bouncing ball of pink energy oscillated its way up the line, stopping right in front of the object of Ashen’s attention. On closer inspection, it proved to be a young mare, positively bubbling with sheer energy, and whose face was adorned with a grin even wider than the professor’s.

    As he watched in stunned astonishment, the pony proceeded to loudly proclaim her excitement to find a “teensy-weensy” griffon in the line. Even to Ashen’s untrained eye the griffon’s displeasure at this was clear, and he decided to intervene before the effervescent pink pony was mauled, catching the tail end of the Griffon’s introduction as he stepped forward.

    [colour=#008080]“Good day, young Razor,” [/colour]the whole remembering names thing was starting to stick. [colour=#008080]“I’m sorry to butt in on your conversation, but I was just chatting with Doctor Pin here, and a topic has come up which I feel could benefit from your input.”[/colour]

    He turned to face the indelicate mare and continued. [colour=#008080]“Please accept my profuse apologies for the interruption, miss…?”[/colour]

    [colour=#008080]Right, keep this up, Ashen, and soon you’ll know three names. Hers, plus Razor’s and Doctor Flail’s…[/colour]

    [colour=#ED458B]"Hiya Razor! I'm Pinkie Pie! It's a perfect pleasure to purvey of your presence! Heeheehee! How'd ya get so small? You're really cute! And those fur markings, they look so...I don't even know how to describe them, except they look so cool! Ever seen a striped pony?" [/colour]Pinkie paused for an awkward moment.

    [colour=#ED458B]"Oh right, there are striped ponies. Zebras, like DUH! I wasn't really giving that some Pinkie thinkie!" [/colour]She bopped the side of her head. [colour=#ED458B]"So erm...have you ever tried to kiss an apple? I think it would be really silly, but well, you never really know. Then again, I bet you'd have a pretty good advantage if you ever went bobbing for apples. OH! That's a great idea. You wanna come over to Sugarcube Corner later and bob for apples? You could meet Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and the Twins too! Actually, you can meet two of them now! See the baby unicorn with her hoof in her mouth next to that tall orange stallion? That's Mr. Cake and his daughter! Isn't she adorable? Do you like cupcakes? How about doughnuts? Ever had a good apple cider doughnut? Once I was trying to make doughnuts but I wasn't sure how to put a hole in them, so I tried using the rim of a flower pot, only there was still a flower in it -- and dirt -- so it got all over the dough. I thought I'd brush it all off and bake them anyway, cause with a few chocolate sprinkles, I mean like...you can't really see dirt, right? Plus everypony would be getting more minerals too! That didn't go over too well. Did I mention you have really neat fur stripes?"[/colour]

    "I'm not short!" Razor shouted at Ashen quickly as he turned to face the pony, "now what is-"

    He stopped mid-sentence as he hear Pinkie Pie say another remark about his height. Razor's eyes twitched at different intervals, his feathers stood on end as he dug his claws into the dirt leaving deep gouges in the ground. He snarled, feeling ready to blow but he took a deep breath and swallowed his rising irritation. He turned to face Pinkie, with a big goofy grin.

    'Keep it together.....keep it together!' He mentally told himself.

    "If you could....please stop....calling me small." Razor said slowly and with great concentration and will power to keep himself from screaming it out. Any one of these ponies could be a possible customer for his delivery services and it was not a good business option to show a short temper.

    "Anyway....." Razor began, "Umm....no I have never guessed an apple, in fact...I haven't kissed anything in my life."

    Razor looked over to the foal and pony in question, he found Mr. Cake to be rather scrawny, though he would admit the foal was.....kinda sort of cute.

    "Yeah...I....guess the kid is sort of...rather cute, I have a sister a few years older then her. Though the dad looks a bit scrawny." Razor said, "Uhh...whats Sugar Cube Corner anyway? I really just arrived here so...don't know what anything is though sounds sweetish."

    Razor blinked at the talk of making doughnuts with flower pots, "Why did you even....actually you know what I don't want to know. Anyway no I don't really eat sweets all that much, need to keep on a diet which is why I'm waiting in line for apples."

    Finishing his answers he looked critically at Pinkie Pie, she was very bubbly and energetic, "You're a very happy one arn't you?" He said.

  9. Pinkie Pie hopped and skipped past the Princess, letting her by, when she noticed the griffon, Razor. He seemed to have markings like a certain desert feline.[colour=#ED458B] "Oh WOW! Oh my! Oh goody! It's a griffon! A fuzzy one!" [/colour]She glanced to Carrot with her big blue eyes, grinning cheerfully.. [colour=#ED458B]"Mind keeping my spot? I'ma go visit him!" [/colour]Not waiting for a reply, she hop, hop, hopped over to him. As she got closer to him, something seemed off. Was this griffon really young, or really, really small? She cleared her throat, thinking of the most eloquent and sensitive way she could possibly think of to address the small-sized griffon.

    [colour=#ED458B]"Hiya shortyfeathers! My Celestia you're so teensy-weensy. How cute! I thought you were a griffikid...or a, actually, I have no idea what you call a young griffon. I've only met one other, and she wasn't terribly nice...but between you and me, I think she was just having an off-day. So, what brings you here? I'm not quite sure why I'm here, but Princess Luna is here, and most of Ponyville...and there's apples and kissing. I think they're kissing apples or something. That's kind of a silly game, don't you think? How do you kiss an apple with a beak? Have you ever tried?!" [/colour]

    Razor twitched. Shortyfeathers? He twitched again. Teensy-weensy? And once more. Griffikid? Razor felt one of his eyes twitch spasticly and some of his feathers stood on end. He turned to see who called him that and pointed a claw at the pink pony.

    "I'm not short! I'm probably the same age as you, maybe older." He said growling at the end slightly.

    Razor turned, took a deep breath and tried to calm down, 'Keep it together Razor...remember your karma.

    "Okay...I'm cool. I'm fine....." He said to himself slowly exhaling and turning back to the pink pony, "Hi....I'm Razor....full grown adult griffon, and I am not short." He said the last with his eye twitching once more.

  10. Razor screeched. Or maybe roared. Or perhaps a combination of the two. All that mattered was that it was loud and beastly.

    "AGGGGGG!!!" He screamed and jumped back from Bon Bon, wings spread as he glared at her.

    "Don't do that! I hear ya!" He snarled, he felt like he was being mocked and felt insulted being called deaf.

    Razor breathed heavily as he tried to avoid grabbing and dropping the pony from the air. He rubbed his head, where his ears were.

    "Geez, so I forgot! That doesn't gve you the right to yell in my ears! Honestly do all ponies do that or is it just you and to a customer? Some salespony you are."

  11. Razor looked left and right as he waited. He felt a bit out of place, being the ONLY griffon in this pack of ponies. Many many ponies of all kinds and ages. Frankly he was feeling a bit exposed.

    "I hope no one here knows much on Griffon anatomy. Last thing I was is some wise cracking making jokes on my height." He said to himself, growling and digging his claws into the dirt as he remembers a few things said about his height.

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  12. Razor blushed a bit. He wasn't exaclty use to compliments.

    "Um uh uh...well...I'm a bit smaller then most griffons," Razor said, but then straightened with his chest puffed out, "but that doesn't stop me from being the best."

    As he spoke he got out his sack of bits and gave the required amount for the bon bon, "Thanks. and who are these pegasi anyway? I'll prove them I'm the fastest."

    Hearing the sneeze Razor turned towards the source of the sound.

  13. Razor stretched his wings, flying in early to finish a delivery for the Ponyville Mail Office. Now he had time for himself till he could find some more delivery work.

    "So....what to do? I could get started on my training schedule.." As he walked he spotted a sign.

    'Hmmm....bonbons, those are good.' He thought, 'I shouldn't eat too many sweets...but a few couldn't hurt. Besides I deserve a little indulging for my hard work.'

    "Right. Bonbons it is." He said to himself and walked over.

  14. Razor stretched his wings as he walked. He was finally done with all his deliveries for the week and had just gotten his very well earned payments. While he certainly wished the final one had been in a more...griffonish town, even cloudsdale would have been enough. But what could you do.

    As he walked he spotted a line and his curiosity was peaked.

    "Hmm..whats this about?" Razor said to himself as he walked over and got in line.

    "Well nothing ventured nothing gained. Besides got nothing better to do."

  15. So its safe to say that 1USD = 1B?

    That is assuming that Equestrians put value in a piece of green paper :P which odds are they don't. Odds are precious metals hold more value, so any green you have would be worthless. You would need things like nickles, dollar coins maybe, pennies and quarters. Our change and coin money would probably have some value.

  16. I still think Rainbow Dash gets all her extra bits from her rich unseen folks..That gal is living in a palace in the sky! :blah:

    That could be just ordinary architecture, but it might not. The thought of Rainbow Dash actually being the daughter of some wealth parents might explain why she is reluctant to wear as she would say 'girly' clothes as she was probably forced to wear them alot when she was younger. You know because she has to maintain the apperance of a polite and charming lady of society.

  17. Fluttershy coming from a wealthy family!?! Possible....we don't know much of her background and would make sense as I doubt she would charge to care for animals.

    What I would love is a bit more info on the economy of Equestria, though I can make a few guesses to a few things.

    First: Gems are probably relativly worthless*maybe a few RARE ones will have a high price* I say this because one gems seem to be easily found in Equestria, or at least near ponyville but that is beside the case. If gems did have a value they probably wouldn't be so willing to put them into various things like Rarity covering hundreds of clothes with them, or the Cakes putting some into a cupcake for Spike. So odds are gems are just a pretty decoration item more then anything else save for maybe a few rare pieces that can be sold for a high price.

    Second: Bits, which is the money of Equestria, seem to be the common currency and they are coins made from no doubt some sort of precious metal like gold, silver and perhaps copper. Now if this is the case it can be assumed that rare metals like gold, silver, and copper have a value with copper probably being the lowest but most commonly used, silver being more valuable and rarer but not uncommon to see every so often, and gold being the most valuable and perhaps only used by the rich mostly.

    Or it is also possible that bits work on a number system, where the higher the number the more expensive it is. Now I can't really say how that system works and what numbers would be expensive and which wouldn't, but if we look back to putting your hoof down episode we can see that twenty bits would be an extreme price for certain items*CHERRIES! ARE YOU SERIOUS HOW DARE HE TRY TO SCAM FLUTTERSHY!*

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