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Status Updates posted by rjrgmc28

  1. (Sighs)….this will be the first Christmas without my Pop. Come tomorrow it's just not going to be the same without him. One empty spot at the dinner table, one empty place in the heart.

  2. I'm on the mend and very close to returning to work soon after the sciatic nerve went in my back last week. Remind me to never, ever go though sciatic nerve pain like that again. It will, and I mean, will put you out to dry.

    1. Brony55


      Hey just a reminder never ever go though sciatic nerve pain like that again.

  3. Wow. Tomorrow I turn another year older. This time it's 28 years. Only two years away until I hit the 30's...scary stuff.

    1. Slazer


      Age is a perception of the mind. Look at me: I'm not even 20 and I have back problems. :U

  4. Starting from season five and from every season onwards I'll be audio describing my episode recap posts on my blog. Speaking of which, here is the first one based on my "The Cutie Map" post:

  5. (Sighs)....feeling nervous this morning. Just had my new custom made pony plushies arrive in the country. Now it's a wait and see game with FedEx and hoping for a speedy clearance through customs.

  6. It's Saturday. It's Premiere Day! A brand new pony season awaits later tonight!

  7. Changed out the old networking equipment with a brand new modem/router combo from my ISP (due to the old one biting the dust) and now I have stirred up a hornets nest in the form of my parents being really ticked off.

  8. The countdown to the start of pony season has now officially started. Back to the Saturday late nights/early Sunday mornings watching the new season live...

  9. Whew! Almost there. I've been on a social media blackout over the last two days due to PonyconAU and it has been quite a challenge.

  10. Since I won't be able to attend PonyconAU this year I spent last night recording my annual video message:

  11. Today is Australia Day (26th) for us Aussie bronies, but it doesn't feel the same when the government is making everyday life a struggle financially and emotionally.

  12. Recieved my 2014 league high game and season awards from the local bowling centre this afternoon: http://imgur.com/Wvz6x16

  13. The second and third PonyconAU 2015 guests have been announced. (Sighs)….why do I have to miss out going to conventions? Makes me sad and depressed to no end….

  14. Happy New Year! A new year and a new chapter in my life begins today with the second stage of my transgender journey.

  15. Wow. Has it been three years already? It was on a cold and freezing November night back in 2011 that I discovered My Little Pony for the very first time and also became a brony. A life changing experience!

  16. Whew! What a day! Speaking of which, I finally got my Rainbow Rocks BD/DVD from Amazon delivered this morning: http://imgur.com/Bq0qYZz

  17. Wow, what a weekend that was! Finally got the chance to see Rainbow Rocks TV premiere live and I enjoyed every minute of it! Speaking of EQG though, I managed to pick up the US BD/DVD release of the first film from Amazon which arrived today: http://imgur.com/U9rJGq9

  18. I wasn't intending to visit Canberra today, but I decided to tag along and drop by Toys R Us and picked up some new merch: http://imgur.com/1bRYEMO

  19. Whew! First day of my week off from work and after a bit of a spending spree in Canberra (including a trip to Costco), I picked up some new pony merch from the Canberra Airport Toys R Us store: http://twitpic.com/d7ukhw

  20. Whew! Finally! The weekend is here. Time to unwind a little after the hectic events of the last four days. Been busy this morning taking some new pics of my pony plushies that I got yesterday: http://twitpic.com/d0v4rj & http://twitpic.com/d0v505

  21. Whew! Now it's Australia's turn for the season two DVD's to be released. Just picked up this at the post office this afternoon: http://twitpic.com/cxugpf (also got the limited edition boxset as well: http://twitpic.com/cxuh4t)

  22. Still waiting on the Snowdrop plushie to be made, but I I picked up my newest Amazon purchase from the post office this morning. At $50 which included the DHL express shipping, I managed to pick up a copy of the US Season 2 DVD: http://twitpic.com/cs4mws

  23. The deal is done. I'm now a proud owner of a Snowdrop plushie! Now the 4-6 week wait begins.....

  24. My mind is going at around 200km/h at the moment. Trying to tie up loose ends for a big acquisition to the pony plushie collection. If the proposed pricing is correct and true, I may just end up being the owner of a new Snowdrop plushie.

  25. (Sighs)....four years ago today. Four years since my Nan passed away. I wondered if she would be still proud of me and the whole brony thing if she was still around today? Even so much so in the form of her own ponysona that I did: http://twitpic.com/c9q0u0 Still missing you Nan.....always still, always will.

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