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Status Updates posted by rjrgmc28

  1. Although I couldn't attend PonyconAU in Melbourne this week, I decided to record a special video message instead:

  2. With only four episodes of season four left to go, some fans have been asking questions about Spike and how he has been portrayed. So I thought I come to the defence and write this appreciation piece on my blog: http://www.fromtheexec.net/2014/04/spike-dragon-appreciation.html

  3. Another Easter is in the books, but I managed to sneak in a quick shopping trip to Canberra today and picked up some new merch from the Toys R Us store: http://twitpic.com/e1o7x0

  4. Despite the weather being overcast and missing out on the "red moon", I managed to fit in a quick shot of the lunar eclipse before the clouds came back over the Tallong/Marulan area: http://twitpic.com/e1741s

  5. There is nothing like a good break away from the brony fandom for the weekend, even though it was only for two days. Got a lot done workwise and even improved on my make-up skills to boot.

  6. I know the news regarding JanAnimations is still fresh in the minds of some, but I thought I provide some words of wisdom for those who might need it. I don't normally blow my own trumpet (with the odd exception of episode recaps), but I thought I share this new article that I wrote summing up my feelings on the fandom after the events of the last few days: http://www.fromtheexec.net/2014/03/hard-times-emotions-and-crisis.html

  7. ♫ Hey! Have you happen to seen the most sweet looking mare in the world? Oh! That's me! Manehattan's Sweetheart! *giggles* ♫ Another pony plushie joins the collection! Manehattan's own Coco Pommel: http://twitpic.com/dxz6od

  8. A second package from Canada? Say it ain't so! I wonder what is inside this time round.... http://twitpic.com/dxxx29

  9. Despite breaking the first picture frame last week, I got around to purchasing a replacement frame for my PonyconAU signed poster today: http://twitpic.com/dxh9ba

  10. It has been a while since I purchased some pony merch from a retail outlet, so while shopping for a picture frame for my signed poster I picked these up from my local Big W store: http://twitpic.com/dwr1wm (Don't ask me why, I couldn't resist picking these up.)

  11. Despite the mailer missing the top lid and the local post office wondering why, the last of my PonyconAU Pozible rewards arrived today with a signed poster from Andrea Libman and Peter New: http://twitpic.com/dwlcgk

  12. So....what was in the package? After a trip on a ship from the Yukon in Canada, the newest addition to my pony plushie collection has finally arrived. Apple Bloom! http://twitpic.com/dv5sph

  13. The last of my Redbubble orders finally showed up today with the custom made Snowdrop iPhone case: http://twitpic.com/duojqp

  14. Well....what do we have here? When I said Scoots was going to be my last pony plush for this year, I was mistaken! I've been waiting for this to arrive for several weeks. More to come this evening. http://twitpic.com/dem38w

  15. Some more items arrived today to bring me some well needed cheer. This Snowdrop t-shirt from Redbubble that I ordered is one of them: http://twitpic.com/dtq4i7

  16. Despite the recent events that have happened to me over the last two weeks, there was something good that happened. I recived a package with the first of my Pozible pledge rewards for the PonyconAU campaign today: http://twitpic.com/dszczg

  17. What a day. This heatwave is really taking it's toll at the moment with the main temperature here reaching upwards to 44 degrees: http://twitpic.com/dseuzv

  18. I also picked up some picture frames (the correct sized ones) for the art print that I received when I was on my trip: http://twitpic.com/drddwt

  19. Whew! After a great week and a bit in Queensland, I'm back home and ready for the new year. Speaking of which, I ventured down to my local post office to collect my mail from my PO Box and I found this waiting for me: http://twitpic.com/drddnt

  20. It is now midnight in my home state of NSW where 2014 has finally arrived. So from me, it's a very happy new year!

  21. Christmas Day here in Australia and I'm on the road travelling to Queensland. Better get this out the way.....Merry Christmas!

  22. Well folks, today marks a special day for me. It was on a cold and freezing November night two years ago, that I discovered My Little Pony for the very first time. Today also marks my second year as a brony, and since that night it has been a life changing experience.

  23. The Australian summer means a lot of things. Cricket, tennis, sun (30+ degree temperatures) and surf to name a few. For an Aussie brony, summer means Saturday nights and early Sunday mornings staying up to 2:00am to catch a new MLP episode live to air. Get ready, season four cannot come fast enough!

  24. (Sighs)....it's not a good thing when a sciatic nerve (Sciatica) goes in your back. Pain everywhere and out of commission workwise for a few days.

  25. Whoa. Three years to the day since Friendship is Magic premiered on US television for the very first time? We have come a long way since then.

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