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Posts posted by Bellosh

  1. 33aqezc.jpg

    "Your loose lips, if you get captured, aren't my fault. You should have just played along with me... I don't think that order is tactically sound. Out here...I know better."

    Snively’s situation did not improve in the slightly, for the slippery Figment’s backbone remained firm. Faced with such resoluteness, the bureaucrat knew not how to boss around the other drone more without alerting the Enemy to further discord. In resignation, Snively sighed, but not without glaring at the lower-rank operative. Figment would definitely pay for his treachery, and Snively would see to it whatever it took.

    But now another threat reemerged; the threatening soldier once again took to her cherished pastime of giving long rants. This time however, the pegasus aimed her poisonous words at Snively; to discredit him in every way possible. The smaller of the two drones knew better than to stay passive this time around; the pony’s lies and deceit couldn’t do unanswered! Finally tiring of hovering, the decayed equine set down on the ground to begin countering the Enemy’s barbs; to interrupt the opposing force and talk over the hostile soldier constantly and relentlessly.

    "...That disloyal changeling doesn’t care about the good of the hive..."

    “I've done more to serve the Honorable Queen Chrysalis more than any other of her faithful servants!”

    "...By threatening the ponies of Stalliongrad and the Celestial Empire as a whole, he is threatening your hive! He did just say that the annihilation of your entire race would follow if an all out war were to take place...”

    “Even if I have made no threats, you still wish for the world to be rid of our kind. Be honest and admit it!”

    "...By his hostile and blatantly self serving actions, he would doom your entire race. Even the grubs...”

    Please… you ponies would invent any sort of excuse to doom us all. Standard Equestrian trick…”

    "...He threatens the order, the livelihood, and most of all the honour and loyalty of every changeling that is linked to that hive...”

    “So Princess Celestia would go to war over mere words? HA! If she actually was a warmonger like that, she’d be a petty ruler, would she not? At least WE fight for the honorable cause of survival!”

    Snively ceased the sniping after a while; partially because the Enemy changed the subject back to mindlessly repeating the virtues of pony society. Too bad for changelings that they had no place in this enlightened Equestria order, no matter how many comforting lies the uniformed pegasus seduced Figment went. However, it also began to dawn on the high-ranking minon that the pony’s ramblings were intended to stall for time; to distract the two changelings with apparently friendly conversation before her allies arrived to capture them. And of course, the Enemy would renege on her promises at that fateful moment; it’s what Snively would do in her position, anyway. He couldn't afford to take any more chances with this devious opponent.

    "...I don't have much choice. But...could you only take me in? And let my friend go..?"

    Perhaps Figment wasn’t very bright at all, or that Snively didn’t understand the concept of sacrificing one’s self for the well-being of others. All the same, the bureaucrat also lacked the desire to fight, and he’d gladly take this moment to steal his "get out of jail free" card. Understanding that ponies are naturally cowards who'd bargain for peace no matter the cost to their dignity, and writing off Figment's proposal as a failed idea, Snively now saw fit to selectively use the truth to snatch freedom from the jaws of oppression; "I can vouch for my colleague's sincerity Captain," the bug-like equine seemed to sincerely start out with his offer to Cpt. Veracity; "In fact, the very reason Figment came to your city was to devise a method to collect substance for his kind without need of other... unsavory methods." It paid to remind the uniformed officer that there were worse ways for changelings to find nourishment for themselves.

    "Even though I doubted him at first, I can personally attest that Figment's plan can work if implemented on a larger scale. However, my most gracious Mistress cannot agree to do so unless I'm able to deliver my report to her... personally. If you immediately let me go on my way Captain, I will forget that this... unpleasantness ever occurred, and our two species can come closer towards achieving everlasting peace. As a loyal defender of your realm, it would be foolish to let this chance slip through your hooves."

    Anybody who knew Snively's true personality would know that he unrepentantly lied through his pointed fangs. Figment's proposal lied dead in the water as far as the sniveling minion was concerned; once Snively got back to the Hive, he'd fight tooth and nail to discredit the operative in Queen Chrsyalis's eyes. And then the bureaucrat would even help orchestrate continued plots against Equestria, as personal revenge for the humiliation Veracity imposed along with her threats. But Snively felt supreme confidence that the captain lacked the guts to challenge him now, for he knew that ponykind in general couldn't bear the thought of rejecting offers of reconciliation from anyone. Even from those who only moments before hurled threats and accusations their way, but ponies were naive like that....

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  2. 1zq8oio.png

    The telltale sound of a high-speed dive over Pink Lady’s orchard alerted all in the know to the arrival of Sugar Apple. Cider season being in the air again, the Cloudsdale apple pony more than eagerly accepted the invitation to drop by the Solstice Heights. Fortunately, Sugar didn’t have to go work in the weather factory today, so nothing prevented her from attending. Once she set herself down on the ground right outside of the orchard, Miss Apple waved a foreleg and shouted out in greeting; “Howdy Lady, ah’m hyar!!!”

  3. We appreciate your eagerness to help contribute to our lore. We are not accepting user contributions at this time, but we're always on the lookout for new Canterlot staff members, some of which are primarily tasked with developing the Lore for both World of Equestria and Canterlot Chronicles. If you've got what it takes to be a good team player, you might end up in the Lore Builder crew one day like me. :)

  4. Ah, this is very much an improvement! I'm really starting to like what I see now. I only have a few more things to suggest before I send this app further up the ladder:

    • If "Aria" is an alias, it really should be mentioned in the Name field on top right away, since most characters are bound to know her by that identity.
    • You could use a paragraph in the Character Summary to describe Aria's job as a traveling singer. What types of venues does she sing at? What genre do her songs fall under? Does she write her own music or not? Those are just a few things to think about, since this is how your OC earns a living in Equestria and all.
    • The above is not the only thing you should do to expand the Summary. What sort of pastimes does your OC enjoy outside of singing? What sort of people does she like to hang out with, and who does she not like? What things are Aria especially (and hilariously) unskilled at? What long-term goals for her personal future does she have? Answering these questions will ensure the Summary contains all the info it really needs.
    • I still notice many proper nouns that are not capitalized and other words that are capitalized when they shouldn't be. If you are able to, please go though your app to fix these issues.

    We're close now to getting this app stamped. ^_^

  5. Howdy there! Always wonderful to see another changeling in CC, but this app's gonna need some fine-tuning first before we can stamp it:

    • We've seen nothing in either the show or spin-off material to indicate that changelings can change the look of individual body parts on a whim. Since CC still sticks with the mechanics used by FiM, your OC's going to have to change her entire disguise like all over changelings every time she needs to modify an illusion.
    • WoE and CC does not consider any location canon unless it's either mentioned on the show itself or has lore written for it in the Roleplay World Locations list. Unless we make changes to the lore at a later date, the desert should remain known as "Painted Pinto" instead of "San Palomino". Likewise, go through the RP location page to look for a substitute name for Macintosh Hills.
    • Remove the reference to ponies not knowing anything about changelings, for we don't want to rule out somepony knowing a few things about them before the events of "A Canterlot Wedding".
    • It seems somewhat odd that a changeling can go through the first few years of her life without actually realizing she is one of them. Even with a constant illusion, it seems very doubtful your OC couldn't have noticed the growth of fangs, a horn, or wings underneath her earth pony disguise. You'll have to elaborate more in your app on how that is possible before we can approve of this aspect of the backstory.
    • Technically, it shouldn't have been possible for your OC to enter Canterlot to attend the Royal Wedding thanks to that magic shield keeping the changelings out. You're going to have to address this matter or else not bother with having Aurelia show up in the city.
    • Your OC would never have been to Canterlot before the Invasion, so there's no way she would be capable of leading ponies to safe passages to outside since she logically wouldn't know her way around the city period.
    • Combine your Character Personality and Character Summary into one field; it makes things easier keeping them together. Furthermore, the Personality/Summary should be at least 3-4 paragraphs long, each paragraph focused around a particular subject as if it is a mini-essay. Remember, this part of the app is by far the most important thing we look at in apps; CC characters should be built mostly around personality/unique traits whenever possible.
    • Double-check your grammar; make sure that every word that needs to be capitalized is so.

    I'm going to be honest: I do actually like the concept of an "Equestrianized" changeling who managed to acquire love without using deceptive means to do so, and so hopes to pass on her knowledge to the other members of her species. Unfortunately though, it's my personal belief that Aurelia Elixir comes off as rather Mary Sueish thanks to certain elements of her backstory. You don't have to consider the following suggestions to be official mandates at this time, but I do sincerely advise that you change the following:

    • Let your OC be aware from a very early age that she's of a different species, although she doesn't figure what exactly she is until the Invasion.
    • There's no need to have your changeling run off in despair to the Everfree Forest if you follow my suggestion above.
    • Perhaps your changeling doesn't actually have to be in Canterlot and play hero to figure out exactly who the changelings are? Reports about the changelings would have surely made it as far as Dodge Junction.

    While the above three suggestions are optional, implementing them will remove the Mary Sueish aspects of Aurelia's backstory, and will allow I believe for more focus on her personality and unique traits. :)

  6. 2gtydsh.jpg

    "I do very much look forward to our next meeting."

    The same sentiment was shared most pleasantly by Dr. Merlot. “As do I, Mrs. Snowflake,” the gentlecolt replied through a million bit, although subtly sincere grin; “Even if we had no further enterprises to arrange, you would still have my highest esteem.” Merlot did indeed employ most of his usual charm in gaining the business of Crystal Snowflake, but he himself found himself charmed by the pegasus madam in a quite unexpected way. Truth be told; at various times throughout the evening, the suave elitist felt himself in the company of a kindred spirit.

    Madam Snowflake was anything but a mere flake. The mare had everything a stallion of good sense and standing could desire; dignity, good taste, and sensibility. Clearly, Northern Storm was lucky to have won her heart all those years ago… or maybe Northern Storm didn’t need luck. Only the most exceptional ponies could have done what Mr. Storm accomplished and forge an industrial empire off the sweat of his brow alone. It made perfect sense that such an admirable stallion had the wisdom to select a most respectable lady to be his love. Sadly, Merlot never got a chance to meet Northern Storm in the flesh before his untimely disappearance.

    And now the good doctor had to take his leave of the powder-blue pegasus; “Unless you desire an escort back to your hotel, then this is where we have to bid each other adieu.” Giving Crystal Snowflake a final nod of courtesy, Merlot requested; “Please send Snowfall my regards when you see her again.....”

  7. 281g92.jpg

    Flakey Shards had no fond desire to come by the home of a teacher’s pet like Bright Stone. But alas, no food was to be found in Flakey’s home, and the light blue filly’s parents were too busy to go to the store to restock. After one round of whining from Flakey however, the mother suggested that she go visit Bright’s house, as the schoolteacher’s daughter was known for picking crystal berries after school.

    Begrudgedly, Miss Shards made her way to Bright’s house and knocked on the front door. “Hey Bright!” Flakey shouted with all the authority she could muster; “You better got some crystal berries on ya’! I’m huuuuuuungry!!!” If Bright didn’t respond in a satisfactory manner, the complaining would only get much worse.....

  8. Donkeys & Mules - Bastions of Perseverance




    Surprisingly enough, some of Equestria’s most unique denizens happen to be some of the more seemingly dullish-looking. Like other equines, donkeys share the same common ancestor as ponies, but donkeys became evolutionally sundered from ponykind long ago in the mists of prehistoric time. Most donkeys don’t actually live in the Equestrian heartland, but they constitute a sizable minority in that realm, and are capable of achieving great prosperity there as well.


    A donkey is a stout creature, on average slightly larger than a typical pony. Donkeys are distinguished from their pony brethren with duller and tougher coats, more pronounced snouts, and long stems for tails with hair only growing on the tips. While donkeys don’t possess any particular magic and are incapable of receiving cutie marks, their physical strength and endurance frequently rivals that of sturdy earth ponies. Finally, donkeys are naturally inclined to more solitary lifestyles than ponies; this doesn’t mean they are antisocial as a whole, but they don’t tend to herd up in large settlements like more communal species do. All of these adaptations help donkeys thrive in desert areas, where resources are scarce and conditions are harsh.


    Even though donkeys are a distinct species, they are capable of producing foals with other ponies. Such an hybrid offspring is called a mule, which shares many physical characteristics with a donkey but is more predisposed to the herd-like behavior characteristic of ponies. On very rare occasions, a foal conceived by a donkey and pony is what’s known as a hinny; except for slightly longer ears, it is essentially a pony in every possible way, even down to having a cutie mark.


    For generations now, most of Equestria’s donkeys live on homesteads scattered throughout the Roughrider Ridge and the overland routes between Equestria and Aquellia. As donkeys and mules can withstand the extreme temperatures of these areas better than even earth ponies can, they comprise a vital economic backbone of the entire western frontier. But even though these tough equines reap great rewards as they construct railroads through the desert or mine in the mountains outside Bareback Gulch, many donkeys these days are choosing more relaxed ways of life in the lush Heartland and Foothills of Equestria. Thus, donkeys and mules are swiftly losing their reputation as excessively stubborn folk as they intermingle more and more with ponykind.....

    ~Encyclopedia Equestria

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