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Posts posted by Bellosh

  1. 14aittd.png

    Yep… just as Counselor Marie predicted, Fire Heart’s ultimate source of her magic troubles most likely originated from the days when she had yet to recognize her potential. Summoning Miss Heart’s file with her magic, Ingrid began to telekinetically toss various papers around the room in search for a particular document. After emptying three-quarters of the file like so (and leaving quite the mess of papers), the counselor found what she was looking for; a report from the filly’s old school detailing her very first flare up. Unfortunately going by Ingrid’s swift read-through, the report failed to elaborate on what previous events led up to Miss Heart’s first magic incident. Sighing, Counselor Marie knew she would have to press the student further on her potentially-traumatic experiences to be absolutely certain of the accuracy of her guidance.

    [colour=#008080]“Alright, my little pony,”[/colour] Ingrid gently but sternly stated, not noticing the crashing noises and screams coming from the roof-top; [colour=#008080]“This may be hard for you to talk about, but I want you to…”[/colour]


    Ingrid Marie jolted upon hearing something, or somepony, crash into a wall. Annoyed that she was disturbed right in the middle of discussing a serious subject matter, the counselor intended to ignore the offending sounds until she heard the familiar voice of an elderly pegasus talking to itself. [colour=#008080]“Clyde!!!?”[/colour] shouted the concerned yet impatient Ingrid as she galloped outside to see Professor Krashtop sitting on the waiting bench; [colour=#008080]“What’re you doing here? Are you hurt?”[/colour] The counselor wanted to get back to her meeting with Fire Heart as soon as possible, but it also wouldn’t do to leave one of her dearest mentors and close friends to deal with any potential injuries.

  2. 14aittd.png

    Processing all of Fire Heart’s information, it was extraordinarily obvious to Ingrid Marie that with all the contradictory advice the fire-hearted scholar received, it was no wonder she had no sure way of controlling her flames. Still, as Miss Heart’s testimony neither confirmed nor denied Ingrid’s top theory, the counselor had one more question to add to her line of interrogation. [colour=#008080]“I’m going to ask you a very personal question now, mmkay,”[/colour] Ingrid said with a tiny touch of gravity in her voice, [colour=#008080]“Did you ever make a habit of holding back any of your uhhh… emotions in question before you first discovered your pyrokinetic abilities?”[/colour] If Miss Heart replied with an affirmative, it would mean Counselor Marie was on the right track…

  3. 14aittd.png

    Counselor Marie stroked her chin with her hoof while Fire Heart described how her emotions caused her magic to ‘flare up’. Indeed, it was not unknown for unicorns to lose control of their powers when they’re extremely happy or mad and so forth. Ingrid already had a few possible theories concerning what exactly ailed Miss Heart, but the counselor needed to ask a couple of questions beforehand. [colour=#008080]“Hmmm, so I take it you’ve been trying to suppress the specific feelings that bring about your… flare ups, am I right? If so, what calming techniques have you been using to prevent your flare ups? And how long have you been using them for?”[/colour]

  4. post-4332-0-21461100-1349057665_thumb.pn

    Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP – Tier 3

    Name: Sugar Apple

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Coat colour: Light purple

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Magenta with a pink highlight

    Eye colour: Light pink

    Cutie Mark: Shiny pink apple

    Physique: Normal size and shape for a healthy mare

    Origin/Residence: Born in the Fillydelphia area, but spent a good portion of her foalhood in Cloudsdale where she still lives.

    Occupation: Quality Assurance inspector for the Vaporization Department at the Royal Weather Factory in Cloudsdale. She ensures that all clouds made by VaporDep are fit for use throughout Equestria. On the side, Sugar Apple also transports rainclouds manufactured in excess to frontier settlements not yet able to field dedicated weather teams.

    Motivation: To visit loads of different places and to have fun!

    Likes: Partying and having drinks with her coworkers, traveling, photography, rock concerts, candy apples

    Dislikes: Needy and whiny ponies, party-poopers, getting scared, slow-paced activities

    Character Summary: On first glance, nopony would guess that the pegasus known as Sugar Apple is a member of the Apple family. Yet an Apple she is, born to a pegasus mother and an earth pony son of Apple Strudel. However, Sugar Apple’s parents didn’t quite see eye to eye at first on how to raise their daughter. While the father wanted Sugar Apple to be brought up and educated like most other Apple ponies, the mother thought her foal would be better off raised more like a conventional pegasus.

    The matter resolved itself one special day when the young mischievous Sugar Apple, who hadn’t yet travelled far beyond her home, overindulged on apples coated in pink frosting and experienced a sugar high. Compelled by an exploration urge, the filly attempted to fly off to see the then-unknown countryside and the nearby city of Fillydelphia. Sugar Apple didn’t get far; with only rudimentary flight skills, she crashed within a minute of taking off. Not wishing to see his foal suffer more needless flying accidents, Sugar Apple’s dad agreed to let her stay with his sister-in-law in Cloudsdale to attend flight school. Before she left for school for the first time though, the filly learned for herself how make her apple confectionariese. Tasting her own handiwork and absolutely loving it, Sugar Apple vowed that no other treat would ever beat her own namesake treats. And so she earned her cutie mark that day..... in the middle of another sugar rush.

    At flight school in Cloudsdale, the filly learned the fundamentals of flying and cloud manipulation. During most summers, Sugar Apple returned home to the Fillydelphia region and used her pegasus talents to aid her relatives. The one summer where Sugar Apple didn’t return home featured a stint at the Junior Speedsters’ Flight Camp, which teaches aspiring fliers advanced aerial maneuvers and aerobatics. The filly at the time aspired to become a Wonderbolt, hoping it would be her ticket to journey the land. Sugar Apple turned out to be one of the less talented pegasi, but summer flight camp nonetheless provided her with enjoyable memories.

    A more mundane path towards sustaining a lifestyle of voyaging took shape as Sugar Apple grew into a young mare; while attending secondary school at Cloudsdale, she started working as one of many couriers who shipped clouds from the Royal Weather Factory to municipal weather teams. Completing secondary school, Sugar Apple enrolled in Cloudsdale Aerologic College and earned an associate degree in Meteorological Engineering. Her degree qualified her for a supervisory position at the weather factory’s Vaporization Department. While Sugar Apple doesn’t take particularly special pride in her line of work, the good pay and her coworkers make her job 100% worthwhile.

    As of the present day, Sugar Apple has toured almost all of Equestria’s cities extensively… and she always insists on sharing her latest travelogues and photo albums with everypony. Even though she gave up her dream to be a Wonderbolt long ago, Sugar Apple is always up for entering amateur flying competitions. She hardly ever has the time to practice beforehand, but years of participating in them makes the mare a somewhat-worthy competitior (if not the best of the best). Due to her outgoing nature, Sugar Apple always volunteers for the task of helping new employees at the weather factory adjust to their new jobs and to get them aquainted with their fellow workers.

    At the weather factory, Sugar Apple’s coworkers love her for how she throws birthday parties for her fellow employees, constantly stocks up the workers’ lounge with treats (mainly sugar apples), and decorates the factory floor for holidays (all of this Sugar Apple is allowed to pay for out of the factory’s pocket). The pegasus mare has not forgotten her Apple family roots though; on the occasional weekend, she’ll fly to one of the family orchards scattered around the country for either friendly visits or to provide precipitation whenever a weather team doesn’t provide enough. Sugar Apple greatly enjoys casual conversation with her fellow coworkers and relatives, especially when on the job or otherwise in the middle of an important task (doing work alone is incredibly boring for her). Whenever she gets the chance, she give her relatives loads of homemade sugar apples to either eat for themselves or sell.

    Sugar Apple’s desire for her namesake never went away from her foalhood days, and so the pony remains prone to eating too many candy apples and becoming hyperactive as a result. Fortunately, the mare keeps her tendencies mostly under control by regularly attending Candyholics Anonymous meetings. As Sugar Apple is a pegasus among a family of earth ponies, she has the bothersome habit of reminding her Apple relatives that she can fly and they can’t. Sugar Apple doesn’t mean to be boastful, but sometimes her lighthearted teasing can rub her extended family the wrong way. Speaking of being able to fly, it is not enough for Sugar Apple to make simple entrances for family occasions. Instead, she must always arrive in the most bombastic way possible; by noisily diving down and making a high-speed low-level pass. Sugar Apple thinks her aerial dives are insanely fun, but the livestock (and their owners) often say otherwise.

  5. 14aittd.png

    In Ingrid Marie’s double-checking stupor, she failed to notice that Fire Heart made herself comfortable on the couch. Once Miss Heart finally announced that she came for her mandatory review meeting, the counselor hurriedly closed her file and apologized; [colour=#008080]“Eh, sorry about that; got too caught up looking this over.”[/colour] Ingrid mentally slapped herself; she’d been counseling too long to make painfully rookie mistakes like leaving pupils to flounder in silence. Oh well, now was the time to ease Miss Heart discomfort… and she knew just where to begin.

    [colour=#008080]“Mmkay then, thank you for coming here this morning, Miss Heart. By coming now, you’ll be able to spend your lunch period actually eating instead of waiting on that bench out there.”[/colour] Chuckling at her own joke, Counselor Marie continued onwards; [colour=#008080]“From what I see, you’re doing quite well academically wise. There’s really nothing I have to talk to you about your grades. Of course, if you have any issues with your academic performance, you can raise them with me and I’ll give you advice on resolving them to your satisfaction.”[/colour]

    And now Ingrid came the real meat of the meeting; [colour=#008080]“Now, I understand that your special magic ability lies in pryokinesis. According to what I’ve read, you have had difficulties in mastering your control over fire. That’s to be expected though; if we unicorns could cast any type of spell for the first time without having to practice first, well… we wouldn’t need this School, now would we?”[/colour] After winking to Fire Heart, the counselor proceeded to ask; [colour=#008080]“Could you tell me specifically what you feel gives you the most trouble in inducing fire?”[/colour]

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