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Everything posted by NovaArkwing

  1. I would apply but is it possible to have a RD rp-er in here with the OC I'm applying for this rp? It's ok if there isn't but it would be better if there was.
  2. Same here I had a post ready until all the information in said post was redundant and irrelevant by the time I posted it because of the speed of the rp was going. Couple that with a laggy as **** browser and slow internet connection and yeah.
  3. And then Striker turned into General Shepard (Modern Warfare 2 Shepard) and burned two of his peons before shooting one in the head and one in the stomach then bombed his own base causing hundreds of other casualties and nearly causing a world war because he lost 30,000 men in a nuking 5 years ago. God help us we're so screwed I can just hear his monologue now...
  4. Freelancer Agents Nova and Texas Location: Starlight Hill area, outside the Sanctuary Seal's area of effect... While the Negotiations were taking place about a mile away Freelancer Agents Nova and Texas were laying silently on a grassy ridgeline that was hidden from sight from the negotiating parties they were observing the negotiations taking place they had initially arrived to the recon position an hour early via a HAHO (High Altitude High Opening) airdrop and set up on the ridgeline lying in wait they had enough supplies to last for as long as the negotiations ended, but their mission was critical in obtaining intel on the warring factions and learning who the key players were in each faction as Nova and Tex were using modified sniper rifles that had mics attached to the scope so they could pick up accurately what each faction member were saying, Nova had removed his helmet due to the heat and didn't need it for now, "Tex you getting all of this?, most of the key players are there make sure you I.D them as well the Director needs this intel." Nova whispered quietly to the mare next to him who was focusing intensely looking through the scope listening into what was being said at the negotiations, "Yeah, I got it Nova just keep watchin' them..." Tex replied calmly and quietly through her helmet as she focussed on the scope she flipped a switch in her visor and recorded the negotiations through her scope, Nova nodded and peered back to his scope again and spotted a new figure storming in "Who the hell is tha-" He cut himself off as he spotted the Changeling Queen in his sights. "You. There you are..."​ he muttered venomously dark as he realized who it was, the Changeling Queen the one who ordered the executions of his mother "well...This got interesting on a new level..." He remarked softly and smirked amusingly watching the Queen reprimand some scrub who looked like he had an ego too big for it's own good, "Nova focus on the objective, now's not the time for personal vendettas" Tex warned her partner noticing a slight change to his attitude concern he might blow their cover, "Sorry Tex, it's a long story...But I'm focussed on the mission, I've got your back." he smiled warmly at the black armoured mare and looked back into his scope, "Good, let's not screw up this is critical that we succeed in this mission the Director needs that intel to make a proper assessment of the war and I'm making it personal that he gets it." Tex sternly whispered confidently as she observed the developments take place at the negotiations, Nova watched as the Elements reunited he figured they were back in some form but there was one missing...Pinkie Pie..."Now where's the pink one?..." He muttered to himself trying to spot the pink earth pony while all this was going on.
  5. Meanwhile the director and the agents get bored watching the negotiations and twiddle their thumbs waiting for something to happen and stay at the base on a 3 day break and train errsumcrap. And nothing of value was lost.
  6. What should we do with 4-6-9er and Applebloom during the timeskip Val?
  7. I swear if someone takes a shot at the Freelancers during all this then ****'s gonna get deep down.
  8. Not sure whether to include Freelancer into these negotiations or just have them do a large scale raid or something else.
  9. 4-6-9er looked at the ground shyly and crossed her arms sadly as this mare was constantly reminding her of the times during the rebellion and after the executions, "Yeah...I know the feeling...Life's a ****ing ***** ain't it?, you serve them loyally and what do you get?, a pat on the back and a knife's blade driven in it while you're not looking, ****ing assholes." 4-6-9er sourly remarked as she listen to Applebloom's words looking at the cynical mare in front of her, Applebloom could tell these depressed, aggressive feelings were deep seated and bottled up from this mare's usual light-hearted snarky attitude, "I used to live at Cloudsdale, it was always peaceful and calm, now it's a dystopian militaristic prison where no-one is free. My hometown is in such a bad way I...I don't even recognize it anymore...This whole rebellion has destroyed lives, torn families apart and turned friends into enemies...I mean look at what happened to the Elements of Harmony...They didn't survive the rebellion in fact they killed one another for what?...What did that achieve?...Just...Why?..." she ranted passionately after a few minutes then remained quiet afterwards she was emotionally drained and tired as her usually icy blue gaze was just a dim shade of blue.
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the GEF/RedFox/Twilight anthem. :3
  11. I guess you could say that while making these walkers the RLF were... *puts on sunglasses* ...Stoned.
  12. (I can only imagine the GEF's faces when they see armies of this thing running around :3)
  13. 4-6-9ner looked at Applebloom and sighed "I guess...But Freelancer have saved so many ponies from death me included, they let me have my wings back and gave me my own bird to fly, I guess they given me a reason to live again after the NEO...These are good ponies and the Director knows what he's doing and he's given us all a second chance to live again without the threat of prosecution and death that your leaders intend for us all, in return we become part of Freelancer, an idea born from war and tragic events reborn with the intentions of the preservation and advancement of ponykind, and it's worked as we are a shadow nation free of the intruding eyes of the worlds governments we've been in peace since Freelancer's rebirth sure with raided a few facilities to get where we are today but it's been relatively bloodless. to destroy and reveal Freelancer is to doom us all to death we've watched over the world and guided it for the better and you can't argue about the results because excluding Equestria, Freelancer has saved trillions of lives by preventing war. what Red fox is doing to Freelancer is wrong her government seeks to kill us all for crimes we didn't commit and for abandoning us when we needed their help and support and called us traitors and fired on us when we had enough of waiting for them to help." she explained to Applebloom about some of Freelancer's good deeds and told her of the fate that awaited them all if Freelancer was taken apart by Red Fox
  14. 4-6-9er rolled her eyes with annoyance that same drilled out repetitive propaganda was one of the reasons why she left the NEO, "I was one of the best pilots in the darn NEO I knew the helos from the jets I fought for them believing in a brighter Equestria, I left the NEO after they executed the princesses for...personal reasons..." she slammed her fist into the table trying to hold back tears as memories of her sister and her family who were executed for speaking out against the executions, she was with them every step of the way up to the final moments where she had witness them lined up and shot for being "traitors and associates to the Princesses", "the NEO weren't fighting for a better Equestria...THEY WERE FIGHTING FOR POWER JUST LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER GREEDY POWER-ADDICTED REBEL FACTION I'VE SEEN, AND THEY SILENCED ANYONE THAT STOOD IN THEIR WAY! they're corrupt monsters...and you are too...they've turned you into their instrument, their tool....You're family must be proud to know that their little girl is ending lives of innocent ponies." she stared at the floor tears rolled off her eyes and on the floor leaned wearily on the table. "the NEO/GEF whatever the **** you wanna call it took everything away I held dear, Freelancer offered me a new job, a new home...a new life they've given me so much more than what the GEF had lying in wait for me, I served the NEO loyally and they repaid me with a death warrant in my name and slaughtered my family just for a reaction. The GEF haven't changed a single bit since then and now I see They're getting worse by the year and the proof is standing right in front of me...Red Fox must be proud to know that he's destroying Equestria and replacing it with something much worse." 4-6-9er stared back at the the bound mare in front of her, the pain, the torment and sorrow in her eyes burned in it's gaze "Look...Look me in the eyes and tell me Equestria is in a much better place I dare you." she didn't care for applebloom's idiotic doctrinal propaganda she knew what the GEF were and she'd never forget it..
  15. Four-Six-Niner smirked as the mare retorted like a filly, well she still technically was a filly "Pfft! that comeback stunk worse than Dragon **** and I had the misfortune to fly through that barbeque turdstorm by natural flight" she remarked sarcastically while flapping her wings dismissively, "Freelancer Pilot, codename: 4-6-9er I'm not an interrogator but I'm a darn lethal pilot behind a dropship, and you?" she gave the shade corp operative a casual glance before she circled the operative cautiously something didn't seemed right with this mare, she seemed WAY too hostile and aggressive to be a regular soldier "she must be special forces judging by her uniform...Wait...That emblem...She's a Shade operative!" it clicked in Four-Six-Niner's head instantly as she recognised that insignia, "Shade corps? haven't heard of those guys since the Revolution still pompous mightier-than-thou asses as ever? some things never change, so who are you then?" 4-6-9er shrugged studying the mare leaning on the wall, toying with the mare. "This ought to be fun, better than listening to Raptor ***** on and on about not getting enough kills for his precious ego to boost itself with." 4-6-9er smirked and watched the mare loving her attitude she seemed to show a hell load of spirit, kind of like herself when she used to serve in the NEO before she got discharged and supposedly dishonoured, Pompous ****wits too big of an ego for their own good...
  16. Four-Six-Niner Four-Six-Niner was in her flight suit holding her helmet around her waist, walking to the de-briefing room after yet another successful raid on another GEF research facility in the arctic, this one was tough as her flight skills were put to the test by two persistent GEF fighters pursued her bird constantly even flying through a goddamn glacier just to lose them and depleting her countermeasures, they chased her bird relentlessly but in the end she got the drop on them by dangerously pulling a maneuver meant for high altitude near the ground and blasted them with tracer fire as the fighters overshot and flew right in her sights, she felt tired but victorious and confident knowing she could add two more fighters to her kill tally and laud it over the other pilots in her group, she looked at her watch and knew she was running late as the others were already there at the de-briefing room and started briskly jogging to make up for lost time, "Dammit gonna be late...Great looks like I got no choice but to take the shortcut through the detention block...This'll be fun..." she moaned sarcastically as she always hated passing by there the guards always kept hitting on her and they weren't her type, she didn't mind them but they was so annoying it was painful to see them think they had a chance with her she passed the guards and headed inside quickly hoping they'd never get the chance- Annnd spoke to soon as one of the guards notices her and made a quick vulgar pass at her before she flipped him off and disappeared in the detention area. "Pfft! they ****ing wish those egotistic assholes!​" she muttered venomously as she passed the cells hoping they wouldn't find her here, then she heard a rather small faint yet deadly attractive voice come from one of the cells [colour=#FF8C00]"Helloooooo? Anypony there? I'm awake...so how about we get this over with...? I have a four o'clock appointment tomorrow at the rodeo in Appleloosa, and I'd rather not miss it!" [/colour]She traced the voice down to one of the central cells and peeked inside she looked closer and saw a really attractive, dare she thought sexy looking mare bound to a chair looking at the camera dangerously, she looked around to see if anyone was watching, she saw no-one there then noticed the keypad by the doorlocks, "Agh! hate these freaking things!" she thought as she tried to access the keypad and after several attempts she opened the door and looked around noticing the dangerous mare she blanked out the camera and studied the mare closely and blushed by the slightest shade of red after seeing how tough the mare in front of her was, "so I guess by the get up you're not the pizza delivery mare huh?..." Four-Six-Niner smirked playfully joking about Applebloom's uniform and put her helmet on a table nearby giving Applebloom a seductive stare with her icy-blue eyes.
  17. Retconning the part with the agents, communication, and the mention of contingency plans, that never happened let's just say they had a fun time and Freelancer forces became her super awesome friends and they all had cake errsumstuff
  18. actually I'm just going to focus on characters like Four-Six-Niner, Nova and the agents in the Freelancer base and on raids, putting the Director away for a bit and have him appear as less as possible, been focusing on him way too much hence the op drama.
  19. Y'know Freelancer do have weaknesses and I was going to to dive into that soon but if that's how you feel...
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