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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Upcoming Sneak Peek! New Faction, coming to an RP near you! :lol:

    Pere Noel: A secretive organization that has existed for thousands of years, its duty is the preservation of not just Equestria, but the world itself. Once the loyal knights of the last Alicorn King, they had changed their purpose after the King's disappearance, taking it upon themselves to defend the Goliath from those who would abuse its power. Alas, all but one of the original members is dead...but new, young blood is always added to Pere Noel. Today, they watch over the continent of Equestria, certain that it is the resting place of the Goliath. Due to the organization's massive age, they hold the greatest knowledge available, containing databases of nearly every living creature...even those who were just born. With a mixture of technology and magic, they have remained hidden in the shadows...waiting for the moment when Goliath is threatened once more, and to find the one who will lead Equestria from the darkness that may consume it...

    Notable Members:

    Shining Armor - Former Captain of the Canterlot Guard, he was rescued from the battle of Everfree by Pere Noel, and has quickly risen through its ranks, becoming one of the Eight Grand Masters by his cunning, skill, and strength. His codename is "The Reaper", due to his odd connection with Death itself.

    Frost Darkhoof - Native to a far away feudal land, he arrived in Equestria shortly before the Revolution occured. Since then, he had been serving as the eyes and ears of Pere Noel within the Royal Liberation Front, and is Shining Armor's primary Lieutenant. His codename is "The Icedancer" due to his ability with icy magic and the iconic, dancing runeblade that is always at his side.

    There are plenty of spots open for anyone who wishes to be a part of Pere Noel :) also, it isn't "Ponies Only", so any race can be a member. A Grand Master OC will need to be handled...carefully...though.

    Edit: If you want a current OC secretly a part of this group...you should come up with a VERY good backstory on it :razz:

    Oh snap it's Freelancer 2.0!

  2. >Applebloom "Virginia" (Freelancer HQ, outside of Equinia with Virginia)

    The young mare quietly helped the lower-ranked Freelancer operatives as they carried the supplies and materials off the airship. Her head swam in thoughts about the recent events in Equinia, and to be honest, she could hardly believe it...even after seeing it with her own eyes. If a single creature could destroy an entire city that huge by themselves, what chance did anypony here have against that?! Shuddering as she carried a box of comm-links, she heard what Harmony said to her, and offered a weak smile. "...I guess. However, the training y'all put your agents through was nothing compared to the Shade Corps training regimes...that's why they're as easy as baking an apple pie!" Applebloom's accent had faded over time, but she still was used to saying "y'all" and cowpony metaphors. Setting the crate down with the other supplies, she turned and grinned at her partner, her tongue sticking out foalishly. "...but anywho, thank you, Harmony. I suppose you are right, though...I could use a new family, after what happened to my...my old one. I know they are alive, but...I can't show myself until my brother and sister are no longer at each other's throats. Anyway, y'all said you were going to show me around?"

    She giggled as Harmony nudged her along, leading her away. As they made their way to the command deck, her smile disappeared as she overheard the conversation between Washington and the Officer. Clenching Harmony's hoof gently, she offered a gentle, reassuring smile to her special somepony, before letting go and approaching Agent Washington. "...I'm here, sir, and I overheard the orders. I assume that we will be leaving promptly, yes? If I may ask, though...do y'all know what the Director could possibly want...or rather, why he is dragging all of us to the Main HQ? Perhaps I am just being a rookie here...but something doesn't feel right about this...its like a snake hiding in my boot."

    Harmony (Freelancer Equina Base with Washington and Virginia)

    "You were in the Shade Corp before joining Freelancer. You were mentally and physically capable and Shade Corp are unnecessarily way too brutal to their recruits I genuinely feel sorry for those poor recruits, not to mention the advantage of having years of combat experience with you, very few make it to be Agents since the training regimes are designed to make the perfect soldiers or something like that just less brutal as the Shades...But I guess some were just meant to be Agents...You proved that I may've given a good word in for ya too, just to be sure." Harmony slyly smirked to the soon-to-be Agent and her special somepony who grinned and stuck her tongue out at her, she gave Virginia a slightly suggestive look and snickered as Virginia acted like a foal despite her age and she couldn't help but secretly find the cowpony metaphors and mannerisms deadly cute. "Your welcome Apple I couldn't let a good pony like you suffer like that on your own, I understand Apple sometimes me and my sister would've been at each other's throats over something that's stupid or just not worth it, yet we always made up in the end..." she paused for a moment and smiled fondly at the memories of her and her sister before Apple suggested showing her around and obliged gladly leading her around.

    Harmony watched Virginia who spoke to Washington blushing ever so slightly hoping she'd come along with her special somepony as she didn't really want to be left on the sidelines here at the Equina base while something potentially bigger was going on at HQ. She saluted to the more seasoned Agent who approached them both.


    Agent Washington (Command deck with Virginia and Harmony)

    Washington was about to leave the command deck until a young red-maned mare in Freelancer armour approached him abruptly. Surprised and caught a bit off guard at how young the mare looked he wondered curiously before examining her a little then finally noticed she was Agent Virginia, "Virginia?, Hey I'm Agent Washington but call me Wash, everyone refers me to that apart from the officers who refer to my by my official title and callsign, I heard about your Selection trials, impressive and relentless but brutal. Kind of reminds me of Maine oddly enough. Don't worry you'll know who Maine and who the other agents are soon enough when we're back at base...your fighting style looked familiar, Shade Corp I assume?, They always were... Unnecessarily brutal, no offense intended..." he friendly offered his hoof to the soon-to-be Agent seemingly genuinely intrigued by the young mare in front of him and complimented her on her Selection trials, he then motioned Harmony over with them "Hey 4-6-9er, Command also requested if you came along too they need a dropship pilot soon for a series of missions you'll be taking your dropship with us." Washington quickly motioned to Harmony to ready her dropship to leave with them.

    "Sure, It'll be ready by the time we're ready to move. I'll fire it up and meet you and Virginia there, see you two later." Harmony nodded to Wash and Virginia before kissing Virginia on the lips quickly and disappearing out of the command deck to her drop ship Wash noticed a little smirk on her face. He gave the two ponies a curious look as Harmony kissed Virginia then shook it off to stay focussed on the task at hand and motioned Virginia to walk with him outside, "So Virginia, how are you finding your way at Freelancer?, hopefully with your experience your induction should come around shortly and to be honest I haven't heard much of the Shade Corp since leaving the old Loyalist days before the Revolution. It's a long story and quite frankly it taught me a lesson of always watch your back even keep an eye on your superiors, that is until I joined Freelancer." Washington asked Virginia casually trying to strike up a conversation with the new soon-to-be Agent to gain some insight into the mare just in case if they were paired up in future missions.

    "Yeah the logistics are being sorted a refuelling tanker will meet us along the way...As for why we're leaving, even I have no idea but it's coming from the Director himself so it must be important. Usually circumstances like these usually signify that we've reached a successfully huge breakthrough that'll have a direct effect for Agents and Freelancer as a whole." Washington answered the mare's question confidently while marching outside to the airfield with Freelancer troopers stopping and saluting the two agents with huge respect.

  3. 4-6-9er (Freelancer Base at Equina with Virginia)

    4-6-9er was outside the now powered down dropship, waiting for Virginia to be finished with helping the Freelancer troops off-load the last crates of cargo and supplies from the dropship into the main hangers, watching patiently and occasionally hopping on her feet with excitement as combat adrenaline still flowed through her body, after the sudden flight back she was trying to wear the rush off before heading in the base to see what was going on. "So Apple, what do you think of Freelancer now?, not so bad once you get used to all the training and drills, huh?" she confidently asked Virginia teasingly as she got back from the hangers with a sly cheeky smirk on her face.

    "And I heard about how you kicked major flank in Selection, hehe maybe you might even meet the other Agents, don't worry most of them are quite friendly and don't bite much unless you really piss them off, then I get left picking up the pieces. But we're a pretty close group, kinda like family, a really...really...messed up family. You'd fit right it." she remarked playfully before she explained about what most of the agents are like and giggled as she said about how the Freelancer Agents were like a really dysfunctional, but close-knit family she nudged Virginia's shoulder lightly.

    As they made their way around the Freelancer base Harmony spotted Washington on the command deck privately conversing with several officers on a deeply private matter which was about to be revealed soon, "Looks like something bigger is happening on the horizon..." she said to Virginia concerned as she watched Washington and the officers, she held onto Virginia's hand sensing a bad feeling rise in the bottom of her gut but shrugged it off and smiled a little and reminded herself to stay strong for Virginia.

    "At least we don't get to do any drills now." she remarked snarkily barely missing the mundane drills in favour of the crazy events that happened today.


    Freelancer Agent Washington (Freelancer Base Command Deck)

    Washington discussed the new orders from Freelancer Command which asked all Freelancer Agents to return to the Freelancer HQ with the other officers privately on the command balcony, "...Are you sure this is accurate?, they do realise that Equina is far from rebuilt and relations with the other factions do need work that requires a representative from Freelancer to smoothen things up, right?" he asked confused and unsure of the new orders, it didn't add up at all he was meant to stay in Equina to smooth the issues at hand down and to help restore peace in the capital but for Command to change their minds like that didn't make sense...

    "Yes Washington, Director's orders. It's classified as a top priority that all agents get transferred back to command within the next three days. An ambassador of Freelancer will assume your duties here temporarily and will be relieved upon your return." the Officer replied sternly as the matter was a very risky move on the Director's part but he had a feeling something big was going on. Everyone on the command deck that heard the order knew it but didn't say anything.

    "Very well...rely those orders to Agent Virginia as she is the only other Agent stationed here in Equina, tell the Director that Agents Virginia and Washington acknowledge the order and will be there within the allotted time." Washington instructed the Officer handing him a datapad containing his orders and exchanged a crisp salute to the Officer who saluted back before he left the Command deck and prepared for departure from the base.

  4. I am the same way, Mustang! Lol...I don't know why, but I like logic in my RPs :razz:

    Also, on another note...you guys do know you can have more than one OC, or be a member of more than one faction? Like, c'mon now...if one character isn't getting anywhere, then pick another and go with that one! Yikes, peeps...

    I have a whole faction of OCs and yet unintroduced OCs but I have no idea why I'm concentrating on a few of them. :razz:

  5. The Changelings are a bit of an...enigma. They are allied with the RLF in a sense, but they have their own agenda. Also, there are Changelings who defected from the Hives and are now amongst the GEF. So, I suppose you can say they are of all factions, and are with none of the factions...they are their own little group.

    Kinda like Freelancer, but I'm not aware of any Changelings in Freelancer...Hmm, that might give me an idea. I shall return later this evening to ponder this idea.

  6. so uhh what will happen to draco now?

    what will happen to any of them now?! .. where do i fit in the plot? ..

    The way I think it'll go is that the story will probably split into maybe three or more arcs (RLF, GEF, Freelancer etc.) each arc will cover each faction, some might intersect and crossover for a bit before separating back to their individual arcs, Draco would probably be in the GEF arc unless he defects to the RLF or something.

    As to what happens to him is up to you.

    But that's my thoughts on it.

  7. Sorry about leaving you behind Eclipse but I saw my opprotunity to advance my own story. How Twilight reads into how Striker is feeling and if she goes after him dictates how I will proceed with him. I may begin to set him on the honorable path or let him succumb to darkness one more time. Either way I plan to have him "born again," in a way. When that happens... lets just say that he would put the best of the best of the GEF, RLF, and Freelancers to shame.

    I know I said it already but I am so excited about this whole RP!!! ^^

    This ought to be interesting but trust me, what happens later, the "Holy ****!" moments really start flying during the Freelancer Story Arc.

  8. Hellz yeah, everyone wants a piece of her...both in the physical fighting sense and smexy sense :razz:

    Chronarch: What the hay happened to Twilight!?

    Doctor: Um, she was rushed to us this morning with sever lower intestinal damage, friction burns on her front legs, and a broken back.

    Chronarch: You know what, I don't even want to know...

    The archmage looked down on his kin. Despite the metal brace along her back, the wrapping along her torso and legs she was smiling. Chronarch could only face hoof.

    I put it in a spoiler tag, if you read that it's your own fault. Pretty much the worse case scenario for Twilight should she get 'active' in her current state.


  9. Val should I edit my post with 4-6-9er more so Virginia can have more to play off from or leave it as it is?

    also as for the earlier info, here's my thoughts:

    1. Interesting and a exotic sounding name would be better.

    2. A good idea I'm all for that.

    3. I guess but Freelancer are just neutral in terms of sides as they have their own agenda and prefer not taking sides in this conflict hence their efforts in rebuilding the capital.

    4. What Total said, I think it's better that we reach a important part of the story then start the next chapter.

  10. It won't be based around chapters, rather single characters

    As in, if we did the Fall of Macragge, it would be Ultramarines vs ?..Jormungändr? I always forget the hive fleets, which is a shame because I played Nids for 3 years...

    Fall of Marcragge was Hive fleet Behemoth's doing if I'm not mistaken (need to brush up on my 40k fluff).

    although Inquisitor rp does sound interesting though. :)


    Boreale is srs bzns you gaiz.

    but seriously hell yes I'm in, I'll be rping a sphess Mahreenz.

    but who? I was leaning more on Angry Marines but that'll make the whole forum explode due to the sheer angry marine rage. Meh I'll think about that later maybe Ultras who knows.

    FYI I'm more a Impy Guard AND Sphess Mahreen fan because praise that Emprah heretics. :smug:

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