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Posts posted by NovaArkwing



    A very aloof claim Changeling, a very futile and arrogant claim for one that has failed to perform such a feat before when she had the perfect opportunity to do so, for you see you will not only fail you will crash and you will burn under your own pretentious high and mighty overconfidence will be your eventual downfall, ponykind have been the dominant speices in Equestria for as long as Equestria has existed, we have stood victorious against the wrath of ancient demons and gods like Nightmare Moon and Discord not once but twice before your kind showed up, you are a tiny ant compared to them ponykind will defeat you, we have superior technologies, superior numbers and Freelancer knows your weaknesses and we will use it to cripple and destroy you.

    Your armies, your influence and your power are of no exception.

    Freelancer is watching you, We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.



  2. The Director was in his office, it was huge, quiet and grand in front of the office was a hologram of a unknown star that looked similar to the sun as his chair was was in the center with advanced holographic screens filled with feeds of information on just about everything that was happening in Equestria from Political, Military even Scientific and Domestic feeds anything that happened in Equestria it would've showed on these information feeds he watched them intently and smiled amusingly as the GEF military feeds filled with panicked bursts of transmissions, the GEF was still reeling after the blows they took from the constant Freelancer raids that set their technological advances back decades, admiring the chaos he ensued the GEF was in disarray after the successful results of Tex's raid at the tower he doubted that the GEF would get very far in their search for Freelancer.

    Freelancer struck a blow to the GEF's heart and the GEF didn't feel it yet but when the next phase of the Director's plan commenced the GEF will feel it, they were looking for Freelancers how very typical and very predictable but GEF will find only shadows and rumours their curiousity was proving annoying but good opportunities had arose from that raid as Freelancer had aquired valuable intel on GEF targets after a few moments the Director smirked as he thought of the perfect decoy against the GEF while Freelancer prepared to launch phase 2 of it's plan, the RLF and to a lesser extent Changeling forces would prove a excellent distraction they've always wanted payback on the GEF for their crushing defeats in the great war with a copy of the intel and some anonymous backing, the RLF and Changelings would divert the GEF's full attention away from Freelancer to combat these new threats.

    The Director tapped into the built in communications device in his chair and keyed it to the Counselor's freqeuncy, "Counselor, ready the packages to be sent to our..."Allies" and prepare the Twin agents for mission readiness."

    "Yes Director, it will be done." the Counselor's voice replied cleanly through the comms.

    The Director sat back in his chair and countinued watching the feeds carefully contemplating the next move for the Freelancers, while he was against helping the Changelings they proved a valuable distraction but he would have to put them down if they prove to be too interfering or too dangerous for their own good in the grand Freelancer scheme of things.

  3. Location: Unknown Airspace

    Shortly after the raid.

    The transport flew silent in the night sky as they were heading to the Freelancer hidden HQ, the transport's stealth systems were active since they left the research facility, 4-6-9er kept the transport level and fast, she was a hotheaded mare who loved flying she was a incredibly skilled pilot she was known for being able to outmaneuver faster smaller fighters in troop transports and keep an exceptional degree of control over her transport while being pursued she was very protective of her job as she didn't have much of anywhere else to go.

    She used to serve the GED back then was known as the NEO during the Rebellion flying gunships to intercept Loyalist forces but after the war she was dishonourably discharged for assaulting and disrespecting her superiors, Bull****..they saw me as a threat and constantly ordered me on suicide missions and got disappointed everytime I made it out fine they deliberately tried to get me killed, stupid asshole bag of dick****s...​ She thought bitterly as she remembered her time flying for the NEO forces believing in a free Equestria, she was one of those who protested against the royal family's execution believing Democracy was possible while keeping the monarchy intact.

    Sadly her superiors ignored her pleas and the executions proceeded anyway, after the executions her sister who was also a pilot was executed for speaking out against the GEF for executing the Princesses and the Royal family, Freelancer contacted her and offered her a chance to fly again and her safety a steady payroll and a new home, she gladly accepted and she felt alive again flying for the Freelancers and she never regretted it.

    As they reached outside the GEF's Airspace 4-6-9er switched the stealth systems off after they reached outside the GEF's area of influence.

    "Baseplate this is Sky Talon, we request permission to land, be advised please inform the Director that we also have Vermilion-Priority materials and intel that require assistance into the research and science labs, over" 4-6-9er communicated to the Freelancer ATC requesting landing permission, she also informed the ATC of the recovered goods from the Research station raid.

    After a minute or two the ATC scanned her bird and canceled tracking procedures after they identified her transport as Freelancer, "Sky Talon, Baseplate here permission has been granted and landing teams will assist in the goods transportation to the labs the Director will be very happy to be informed of this, great work out there welcome home Sky Talon!" a warm and friendly voice welcomed them home as they were given permission to land and science teams were ready to assist as they touched down, the ramp was open and the Recovery teams marched out and carried the goods to the science teams who took the goods to the R&D labs.

    Nova waited for 4-6-9er to power down the transport in the open transport compartment behind the cockpit, 4-6-9er stepped out of the cockpit and walked through the door to meet Nova and took off her flight helmet to reveal a beautiful brunette-maned ice blue-eyed mare who smirked at Nova, "Well that went better then I thought good thing we got out fast huh?" she joked and remarked about Nova and the Recovery teams success.

    "Yeah those tip offs came in handy the GEF were working on some serious tech, they would've used them on the RLF and eventually on us now we just need to wait until we can figure out on how to best use it I'd imagine it'll be sometime before we can use that tech on the field." Nova stated thinking what would've happened if they hadn't of hit the station, "Yeah no **** once we learn what we can out of it the better, meanwhile me and the other pilots had a bet about how long the GEF realise their shiny toys have been taken so far I'm winning, those stupid *******s always take awhile, I know because I used to fly for them. That bet's going for a good $500" she remarked smugly knowing she'd win the bet and started thinking on what she'd spent it on as she walked with him to the de-briefing.

    While the Recovery teams, 4-69er and Nova got de-briefed, elsewhere in a small planning room located above the main training area with a large viewing port window over looking the training area, a holographic screen on the opposite side of the room, lit up with the Freelancer symbol formed intricate patterns before switching to a hologrpahic leaderboard showing the status and scores of the top 10 Freelancer agents activated, the Director his appearance shrouded in shadows watched the leaderboard intensely before another pony moved next to him holding a Data slate and activated a hologram of the Archives tower in Equinia which lit up the room.

    "Our operatives have returned from the research station raids and are currently being de-briefed and all have resulted in resounding successes and all traces of Freelancers being there have been purged, Director." the pony known only as the "Counselor" spoke with a calming and relaxing tone.

    "Excellent, once this technology is developed and employed all across our military, this will ensure our superiority as the guardians of Ponykind, we cannot allow the GEF to posses such technology for they would no doubt use it to wipe the RLF forces out this also cannot be allowed to happen." The Director spoke with a cold calculating intelligent gentlemanly Southern accent.

    "However Director, the GEF somehow have appeared to caught wind of our activity they have sent operatives to investigate the old Equestrian archives in the Equinia Archives tower, they have also started purging RLF cells in the Equestrian mainland and the Changelings have begun prepping attacks on the GEF."

    "I am aware of their investigations Counselor and I have a contingency plan to deal with their... Curiosity, my best agent has infiltrated their systems and is currently dealing with this problem soon all trails that could have any relevance to Freelancer will be deleted and corrupted, we cannot afford to be revealed before it's time, as for the Changelings and the RLF, they are of secondary priority. They will be handled in due time." the Director turned to the hologram and keyed in a code which showed the Agent's progress at the tower.


    Location: Archives tower, Equinia

    1 hour after the raid

    The tower stood gracefully among the skyscrapers of the city and the cloudless skies above while the streets were filled with the hustle and bustle of ponies, vehicles and other commotion, The Agent's target building was in sight, the agent who was thin sleek but nonetheless the most dangerous Freelancer agent known only as Texas or Tex for short.

    She moved swiftly inside the tower ignoring the tower's delusions of grandeur never losing step she seemed to naturally flow around the crowds as she had a more important objective at hand then to admire the sights and waste time, she used a high level identity clearance to get around the Tower's security, she had memorized the Tower's layout off by heart and where key security stations and strongpoints were and avoided them sneaking past their defenses and reached the 36th floor which was where records of the military, it's secrets, surveillance servers and also where a GEF master server was located.

    Tex searched for an access point in the servers she looked thoroughly and located a terminal to access the GEF's database, she accessed the mainframe and installed a small portable but immensely huge 8 terabyte memory device which fed via a two way system, she place the device on a table and slid the USB port into the terminal and began it's operation as it downloaded all information, traces everything and anything relevant to Freelancer and deleted and corrupted all backup data the database held effectively removing all evidence and records of Freelancer ever existing from the history of Equestria.

    They were now never there, they don't exist. The device also downloaded critical and important GEF data and vital military data, Tex also released a virus into the Tower's surveillance system wiping all footage of her being there at all, once it was complete the memory device disconnected and Tex closed the Terminal off deleting her log-in data on the terminal then made her way down to the main hall and vanished into the crowds and made her way outside of the city were a small helicopter extracted her fast out of the area before local authorities realized what happened, maybe they didn't even realise at all?, even if they did it would be too late as Tex would've already vanished.

    The Freelancers still remained elusive as ever, the mission was another unforeseen victory as Tex showed the GEF that the Freelancers are capable of anything.

  4. I stand with Luna because the fact that she got banished was stupid, considering the first time the mane 6 saw Night Mare Moon, they destroyed her leaving luna in her place. SO WHY THE BUCK DIDN'T CELESTIA DO THAT?

    ...Really?...This has already been discussed refer to the previous pages about it.

  5. Nova, god I hate/love you. Why couldn't zeh fweelancers be on mah side? :( No seriously though, awesome idea incorporating it. May have to make an rp thread some time......... Well, back to business. As for one of the Red Fox..... Free would kinda be mind****ed if it was Luna, thank god it ain't. Red eyes and unicorn though....... No bloody idea lol. -derp-

    You jelly brah? :smug: nah but seriously the Freelancers prefer to stay out of the RLF vs GEF conflict but they will intervene in matters that affect them like the Research facility?, they got tipped off by an anonymous source that there was tech that would've turned the tide of the RLF/GEF war there they saw it was too dangerous for both sides to weild and took it out of the GEF's hands.

  6. Knowledge is power, with information, entire battles could be won without firing a single shot,

    with knowledge, governments could topple and collapse under their own weight by distrust and anarchy,

    with influence, the whole course of history could be changed,

    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

    A motto used by the old Equestrian government and Special Forces although both are now non-existent for 5 years now..5 years...5 long years...it's been that long since the old government fell and their leaders executed...Ironic considering popular opinion that the Alicorns would lead Equestria in eternal peace...Guess people didn't like the sound of that since the rebellions happened hard to believe it's been that long, everything has changed since then but Freelancer always survive we've hidden in the shadows for 5 long years, we've evolved from a simple research project into a fully fledged shadow government with global influence and way of life, Freelancer survived as the old ways came crashing down we have survived to this very day using Knowledge, power and influence to shape our future...

    A midnight black armoured pony mused, he was prone in the ash covered ground over an area that was once Ponyville, a small town that was mostly destroyed during the final decisive conflict during the rebellion it always rained ash in this area like it was snow, it was also home to the Elements of Harmony although some were killed or missing during the war while others like Rainbow Dash joined with the Grand Equestrian Federation, The Freelancers distrusted the GEF because every Freelancer had lost someone close to them and the Loyalists during the war. He was armed heavily performing reconnaissance laying low with a High caliber sniper rifle with a thermal scope and a silencer on the end of the barrel watching from ridge line that oversaw a GEF research facility which contained a new type of technology that the Freelancers needed for a new stage of progress which would improve their experiments rate of success and then be employed to Agents in the field.

    Leave no trace, act swift and silence like shadows with precision and secrecy.

    The raid would commence soon, they had to act swiftly and as quiet as possible, if alarms were raised that'd leave the Freelancer recovery teams an E.T.A of an hour before GEF forces started appearing on the scene with the nature of how the recovery teams operated that'd be more then enough time to take what they needed and evacuate, they've hit countless numbers of GEF research and science facilities as well as military bases and communications outposts leaving no traces of their existence in the area of operations the Freelancer raid patterns happened at seemingly remote and random times and at completely different areas but they never hit civilian targets that was one of their main rules of engagement they weren't terrorists, they were Agents that protected ponykind as it saw fit at all costs, they raided for technology, information, eliminating any potential threats to the Freelancer's cause, anything that proved useful but how they raid and the methods they employed baffled other factions as they left nothing traceable, not even hoofprints, bodies even bloodstains are nowhere to be found in the raid area.

    The pony lifted his armoured navy blue wings slightly to get a read on the wind strength and direction he used the rifle's thermal scope to zoom in close to the base and scout out the base's military garrison strength, it appeared to be small enough for the teams to retrieve what they needed with no alarms raised. "That ain't happening on my watch..." the pony muttered noticing the recovery teams in position,

    "Recovery-One and Recovery-Two in position and ready to move in, awaiting signal from Agent Nova." the teams signaled to the armoured pony who swung round and took aim at the base's guards.

    "Showtime." Nova smirked as his signal would be swift and silent, he waited as the guards walked right into his sights "perfect..." he muttered slowly focusing on the shot, he pulled the trigger sending a round which exploded the back of the skull of the first guard and pierced the eye and brain instantly killing the second, Nova redirected his sights and fired two more rounds killing the tower guards.

    The signal was given, the Recovery teams moved in and infiltrated the perimeter and got to work inside the station, "Both Recovery teams are in, initiating Recovery protocols and sweeping the station." the radio chimed in as the two teams were in, "Copy that Recovery teams, good luck I'll watch the perimeter, Agent Nova out." he replied on the radio Nova got up and moved to a different location, he jogged swiftly holding the sniper rifle in his hands, the rifle weighed incredibly light in his hands where as a regular pony couldn't even pick it up let alone aiming it from the shoulder and actually fire it and not suffer any broken bones from the recoil, he found cover nearby that overlooked the main roads into the base and set up and guarded the way in while the teams got to work.

    10 minutes later, they secured and silenced the station and began recovering the materials, intelligence and technologies they were tasked on retrieving, "Agent Nova, packages and materials have been gathered and ready for extraction, Cleansing and Area Denial procedure is complete, no traces left heading to front of the base for extraction." the recovery reported in 15 minutes later confirming they had completed their objectives, "Copy that Recovery teams, calling for extraction now, I'll meet you at the EZ, Agent Nova out." he spoke over the radio to the teams he then switched to a different frequency which was the evac transport channel, "Nova to 4-6-9-er, Recovery teams have the packages and ready for exfil, be advised we are short on time as GEF ground patrols are inbound and will be here in 45 minutes max" Nova spoke urgently on the radio to the Extraction pilot code-named 4-6-9-er as he was already moving to the front of the research base to rendezvous with the recovery teams.

    "On it Agent Nova, I'll be there ASAP ETA 10 minutes just keep moving, 4-6-9-er out." the pilot replied over the radio,

    Nova and the teams linked up at the main courtyard of the research station all the materials were stored and ready for extraction, "Is this all of it?" Nova asked the Recovery team leaders looking at the materials, "Yes, this is all of it all their experiments, notes and materials as well as what we could find are all here they will be transported back to base" one of the team leaders responded while sitting on a low wall his rifle was leaning on the wall, "what's interesting is that they were working on some interesting materials like tougher armour materials, various new weapon concepts even Artificial Intelligence and powered suits, with this tech gone we'd have the edge for years, decades even." the other team leader was crouched examining the contents of the materials closely excited by what the raid turned up.

    Powered...What?!, Arti- where the hell did they get this tech from? They must've been planning something big to make this kind of tech...Looks like they won't be needing it anymore. Nova thought staring the crates and various other containment objects, "right be prepared, Evac's inbound and we don't want to be late, is that understood?" Nova watched as the transport arrived descending from the sky rapidly, it swooped past them and slowly landed in front of them kicking up dust heavily and just as the ramp opened and the transport touched down the Recovery teams loaded the materials up on the transport and then boarded the transport, Nova looked around making sure everything was clear before he himself hopped on the transport which took off and left the scene before suspicion was aroused.

    Mission accomplished, like shadows we disappear.

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