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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Yikes, Nova. Very impressive. The Freelancers seem like a very...interesting...organization. A few issues, however:

    1. You'll have to limit the exact knowledge of the politcal and militaristic power of the GEF, because the Red Fox is quite the perfectionist...meaning that he/she always makes sure that the officials of these branches are completely under his/her control. There's a reason why the Red Fox is feared...if there is any information that would be crucial to these groups that the Freelancers receive, they would only get that information if the Red Fox wanted them to.

    2. Consider the Red Fox omniscient...nothing goes on in Equestria that he/she doesn't know about. However, he/she has one major flaw: the lack of desire to handle these issues him/herself. So, while the Red Fox has knowledge of the Freelancers and their workings, the rest of the GEF may know nothing about them. There's a saying that is more true than you'd think..."Knowledge is power."

    3. (While this really isn't an issue...) Perhaps we can have your Director and my Red Fox come to an agreement...hmm? It would seem like the sort of shady thing the leaders of these organizations would do to ensure each other's interests. For Ex.: The Freelancers supply information on the Loyalists to the Red Fox, and in return, the GEF doesn't get involved with Freelancer affairs. I don't know, something to that effect :) we can talk about it through PM if you wish.

    Basically, I was only talking about the Freelancers. The actual OC App is well done, and accepted ;)

    Thanks, and I'll re-work the app, I was being somewhat vague with the amount of knowledge since I didn't want to sound too...Overpowered.

    1. Of course but as I said before didn't want to look overpowered and the Freelancers have influence in other factions too which is why I didn't specifically mention the GEF, imagine they operate on the same basis as Cerberus in Mass Effect 2, they're very grey and mysterious not to mention very advanced, they have their own agenda that leads to the advancement and preservation of Ponykind, and they only get involved directly if it affects or interests their cause. A.K.A Shadow Faction/government.

    2. And the Freelancers hold that motto dear (it's how they execute their raids with such precision and perfection and choose to leave one survivor alive and mess with his/her head so much to make them insane so authorities won't believe their stories.

    3. Of course sent me one when you're ready.

    Thank you it takes me great pride in being rps like this since it's such a fantastic creative workout like bringing depth, investigating motives etc. :)

  2. Name: Agent Nova Arkwing


    Gender: Stallion

    Race: Pegasus

    **Faction: Freelancer


    Originally Freelancer was a Special Operations research program created by the old Equestrian government tasked with the study of skilled agents and modify them genetically, psychologically and using scraps from Discord's and the Changeling attack at the wedding created advanced technologies to experiment with, the Project operated in secrecy and very little was known of, it was only known by the Canterlot and Cloudsdale military science committees who even then had very little knowledge of the Project, the leader of the Project known only as the Director took the Project personally after he had lost his special somepony after the Changeling attack the cause of death was unknown but it appeared that she died due to a failure of some kind, the Director is constantly haunted by memories of her believing he had failed her, he was determined to make this project a success by achieving his goals by any means necessary and is unafraid of pushing ethnic boundaries for the sake of ponykind and in memory of his deceased lover.

    When the old government fell the Freelancer project disappeared into the shadows of time, 5 years on they returned and are stronger than ever, their base of operations is unknown their leader known only as the Director operates in shadows and very influential, they operate in small decentralized cells across Equestria, their influence is everywhere operating in high ranking positions of governments even governments outside of Equestria in other lands, factions as well as various other organisations be it Political, Economic, Scientific and Military in Equestria. They only exist as rumors as because in every raid that they have started only a handful of Equestrian survivors who appear to have lost their sanity remain even then the survivors only speak of shadows. Demons stalking and watching them from the darkness, they are VERY loosely affiliated with the GEF and RLF they distrust both sides greatly since every Freelancer has lost someone to both sides and lost people close to them during the war but they would work with either side if it aids the Freelancer cause and aren't afraid of abandoning either side to their fate once their objectives are complete, they appear to be very elusive and very little is known of them but they task themselves with the role of preserving Freelancer and ponykind and safeguarding their secrets and knowledge as an old saying goes...

    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

    Occupation: Freelancer Agent

    ***Goal/Motivation: To ensure the Freelancers and Ponykind's survival at all costs, Doesn't care for such things as nationalities or patriotism, to carry on living and honouring his fallen comrades and in his family's memories and name.

    Background Story:

    Nova was born to a proud militaristic pegasi family on Cloudsdale his father was a high ranking CO and his mother led one of Cloudsdale's elite flying combat teams in the Royal Equestrian Air Force and his brother and sister were weather team employees, he was a young determined, courageous, intelligent and formidable flyer, he won many flight contests and made quite a name for himself when he was a Colt then when he was of age he joined the EAF where his flight skills truly came to play as he rose to the rank of Wing Commander at the time of Discord's arrival with his skills he managed to secure the shield around Canterlot and afterwards was offered a chance to try out for the special forces his parents didn't approve as they said that the special forces had no accountability, respect or responsibility for what they do after a large argument he accepted the offer.

    He joined the special forces while still in command of his squadron before the Changeling attack at the Royal Wedding, he was ordered to hold the Changelings back for as long as possible, he survived but it was hopeless his superiors had incompetently sent his squadron to their deaths as they broke through anyway, his entire squadron was wiped out he watched helplessly as the Changelings ripped them apart he still fought the the Changelings valiantly until the shockwave banished the Changelings out of Canterlot.

    6 months after the Changeling attacks his sister had died from a heart condition which caused her heart to stop pumping life around her body and ultimately fail, she was laid to rest in Cloudsdale and the funeral was a personal family matter therefore only family and friends were invited, Nova continued to fly the skies for the Special forces he was assigned to take part of Project: Freelancer he joined up and became a Freelancer Agent, although he technically still served the Princess and the Special forces, what happened regarding Freelancer was a mystery but as time progressed he became faster, stronger, meaner and by the time of the Rebellion he was a fully fledged Freelancer, a one-pegasi army in his own rite.

    When the Rebellion reached it's climax at the Everfree Forest he served with three other Freelancer agents their objective was to destroy key NEO assets in the area, his mission, although a success the Changelings appeared once again and wiped out Loyalist forces including his mother's squadron who were killed by the Changeling waves, as the NEO marched to Canterlot they rapidly took control of Cloudsdale and took the Loyalist Air Force High Commanders prisoner and executed those who didn't choose to defect to their cause, they executed Nova's brother and finally his Father in one fell swoop, the Freelancers withdrew to safety and they waited and disappeared until the present year, however their influence in high authorities of the new GEF and Equestria has made them very powerful but the rest is history, his current whereabouts are unknown, likewise for Freelancer in general.

    (Hope it's good enough.)

  3. Okay, I admit Celestia has screwed up. I admit that she needs to retire, ascend, or whatever. But the fact, that you go out and make an entire separate Confederacy to change it is foolish! Not once, have you proven to me that Celestia has shown signs of tyranny. But Luna has already. Twice.

    Why not make a Constitutional Monarchy? Why not vote Celestia out? I mean, I get your point and I agree with you, that Celestia is losing her shiz. But creating this "New Lunar Republic" is foolish, and stupid.

    You know when you should make a Confederacy against us? When you are living in mud homes, eating rotten bread for food, and crying over your dead third-born son because he did not have enough to eat. That's when you should rebel against us. Until then however, simmer down, and stop whining.

    Peace...prosperity...need I remind you that in the past two seasons alone, which could not have been more than a year in MLP timeline, the Mane 6 had to save Equestria's arse THREE TIMES? A bit much for teenage ponies, if you ask me. Also, each of those three times (Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis)...all those could have been prevented had Celestia taken proper action.

    And enough about this "Elements of Harmony" stuff. First of all, we don't know who forged them. For all we know it could very well have been Celestia herself who forged it. Incorporated her own power into the artifacts themselves. Furthermore, the Elements of Harmony is not just a group of ponies, but it's a spiritual collection of magical artifacts based on Divine Right.

    And yes, Valen. Peace and Prosperity. So what if we had a few minor incursions here and there. Out of the three major conflicts in Equestria, not one of them was an act of proper war.

    • Discord was just one being, and he never actually hurt anybody
    • NMM was only one being.
    • Chrysalis's minions were just a hive-mind populace, and are incapable of waging proper war. (I actually PM'ed Diomedes about it a while back, and he concluded that the Changeling attack was not an act of war)

    Instead of banishing Nightmare Moon to the...well...moon...she should have taken more drastic measures, not to mention the fact she COMPLETELY disregarded Nightmare Moon's return. (While I don't wish my beloved Luna any harm...her death may have been needed in order to preserve Equestria at that time)

    Wow Valen. Why, would you blame Princess Celestia for not killing princess Luna? I am appalled at that statement. Look, Celestia did not kill her sister. Now what! Luna and Celestia are friends! That's what. Of course banishing her was the better thing to do, because nobody got hurt. Let me reiterate with a list. Celestia did not kill Luna, because...

    • It would have made her look, really, really bad.
    • She's her sister.
    • Her tyranny was based of of guilt and neglect. Not evil.
    • A more peaceful option was apparent, banish her instead.
    • She's her mother-bucking sister.

    Seriously, I've spotted three instances of execution in your argument alone. Plus, you tone of voice in this argument is blind, and over-zealous at best. You keep re-iterating the same argument over and over and over again. Your tone of voice is to willing, and eager to overthrow the Sol Invictus who brought you here in the first place. Instead of less-drastic measures like the ones I listed above. You go out, and actually make your own Confederacy, calling it the "New Lunar Republic" thinking you will accomplish something

    You will accomplish nothing.

    But sadness.

    Glory to the Empire.


    Annnd that my friends is game, set and match.

    Well played Templar, well played.

    • Like 1
  4. Sure Fermata I can shift you over from the Princesses to the Elements (i.e Pinkie) But I'm not sure if Dusk would like to continue her story arc about Brew, she needs to speak with Celestia about possibly bringing him back to life.

    Me, Dusk and MasterMustang are in charge of the thread

  5. Because Celestia has had a track record of the longest era of peace in known history, for 1000 years she's ruled Equestria, she might've made mistakes but she's a better ruler than Luna who tried to rebel, got corrupted and defeated and banished to the moon for trying to plunge the world into eternal darkness.

    If Luna and the NLR was in charge they'd become power mad and Nightmare Moon would return and then Equestria would be doomed to eternal darkness and Civil war.

    Basically the Solar Empire is the current ideal leadership.

  6. Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that I should never, EVER release the nuclear furbies again, oh and Canterlot shopping mall has been raided by me and a few other operatives using crab-bombs, furbies and a shopping trolley and Atrotlis has sunk. Furbies did it.

    Your faithfully loyal yet slightly insane operative,


    P.S Someone really needs to watch the flying Furbies...they even scared the goshdang Changeling pets...

  7. Awesome I'll be happy to fill you in but the only important RD development that have really happened is finding Twilight. meeting with Luna, Celestia and the other Elements, and Nova flirting with her which surprised Dusk.

    Hmm, usually I'd come up with a general plot (no pun intended) for the rp then get started and go in depth during the rp, I'll come up with something soon I'll use my first OC Nova

  8. Well since the previous RD player before Star in the infected rp was inactive we had to replace the player but you're more than welcome to play RD if you're up for it.

    Also I was unsure about the RD/OC rp since your preferences mentioned about a RD/OC rp but I'm more than welcome to start a Adventure/Romance rp with you if you like, I don't want to seem demanding and you're more than welcome to add anything and what have you. :)

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