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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Interested I am, but I tend to post once a day(max) and this seems to be a super fast RP...plus, too much modern tech for my liking. :P Still, I'll watch for i love zombies,

    The tech in the rp is operated by magic in some form, also that's ok you can still contribute to the main plot with those posts.

  2. This is a general call for Role-players anywhere, we still have mane 6 positions to fill up if you are interested in the unfilled roles please post in this thread the sooner we fill those spots the faster we can continue the rp.

    Open roles are detailed at the first post in the thread, thanks for your time.

  3. I'm not the original creator of the Infected role-play (The OP of the thread appeared to have left.)

    This thread is for the +18 role-play "The Infected", it contains the following: blood, gore, violence, romance, drama and action.


    - No one liners with little to no grammar. (In my experience with the Equestria High series and various other role-plays, it's this that usually kills the role-play stone dead with thread spam and it makes me want to facepalm so hard since it never adds anything of value into the roleplay and annoys the other roleplayers).

    - No Alicorns (except Luna, Celestia and Chrysalis).

    - No Overpowering or Godmodding.

    - Respect the mods (Me, MasterMustang and DuskBreaze)

    - Have fun and get involved with the people in the role-play.

    This is a Mane 6/OC role-play so if you wish to play as any Mane 6 characters or your own character apply here (Mane 6 are an exception).

    Copy this app and fill it in.

    Name: (Name)

    Role: (Mane 6 or OC)

    Sex: (Male/Female/Other)

    Age: (Stallions/Mares/Colts/Fillies etc.)

    Race: (Unicorn, Earth Pony, Pegasi, Zebra, etc.)

    Eye colour: (Self explanatory)

    Coat colour: (Self explanatory)

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: (Description)

    Physique: (Body type)

    Cutie Mark: (Cutie mark - Images welcome as long as they aren't offensive.)

    Origin/Residence: (Origin/Home)

    Occupation: (Job)

    Likes: (Optional)

    Dislikes: (optional)

    Characters (Mane 6):

    1) Celestia - FermataTheBasse

    2) Chrysalis - Open

    3) Twilight Sparkle - FermataTheBasse

    4) Applejack - FermataTheBasse

    5) Rainbow Dash - Scythe

    6) Pinkie Pie - Open

    7) Rarity - Open

    8) Fluttershy - TheBritishBrony

    9) Zecora - StarStorm

    Characters (OCs):

    1) Nova Arkwing - Myself

    2) Dusk Pelt - DuskBreaze

    3) Brew - MasterMustang

    4) Star Storm - Herself

    5) Striker - MasterMustang

    6) Moonlight Rover - Brony1337

    7) Lavander Bloom - TheBritishBrony

    8) Vox Cast - Shame

    9) Red Star - SilverSwirl


    Overall summary of story:

    -A virus was released originating from the Everfree forest that infected wildlife and small animals, a zombie apocalypse sweeps through Equestria. Ponies become infected after they've been bitten, scratched or contact with infected blood in vulnerable areas (i.e eyes and open injuries) by one of the zombie ponies. There are varieties of infected be it; Earth ponies, Pegasi or Unicorns, there haven't been any sightings of infected unicorns yet.

    - The group started in an abandoned hotel, gathered supplies Brew was a karate specialist with chi and magic powers different from Unicorn magic and the leader of the group at the time, a father/big brother figure to a little filly pegasi known as Star Storm.

    - Dusk Pelt, a Pegasi and survivor of two former groups that perished, joined the current group and fell in love with Brew.

    - Nova, a Equestrian Special Forces Operative pegasi was under attack at high speed in the skies over Ponyville by infected Pegasi, he crash landed near the hotel just before the group had the encounter, after Dusk and Brew saved him he slowly recovered and he fought off the infected long enough for the group to recover Dusk and get her to safety.

    - After an encounter with a group of infected she was dragged through a series of vents alone against a small horde of infected without anyone in the group noticing she had disappeared, after a large conflict she was bitten Brew went on a berserk rampage and slaughtered large amounts of infected and then used his chi to transfer her pain and sacrifice himself instead of letting her die, his spirit lives on inside of her currently yet to be reunited with his body and in turn Dusk and Star.

    - After awhile Nova and Richtofen, an earth pony that once was a doctor, located a distress signal coming from an area in the southern outskirts of Ponyville, the group prepare to move as Nova cleared the way of the infected hordes for the group.

    - The battle intensified as the group and Nova reached the Town square where they were ambushed by airborne infected pegasi and a growing horde of infected ponies on the ground, Nova bought the group time to hide and investigate the distress signal in a epic valiant holding action that nearly turned into a last stand overwhelming numbers and multiple attacks from infected pegasi sought to overrun Nova.

    - Watching the carnage unfold outside, Dusk ran to save Nova from near certain death as they ran to the safety of a housing complex after losing the chasing horde they make it to the others, after which they encounter a familiar looking young Unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle in a corner surrounded by corpses and infected, Nova and Richtofen initially struggle to preserve her but Nova takes a sample of the virus and stabilizes her condition and saves her.

    - Meanwhile this is happening a cyan rainbow-haired pegasi flies above looking for her friends in the infected areas, Richtofen spots the Pegasi thinking it's infected arms a crossbow and launches an arrow at the Pegasi who flies around it dodging at the last moment and flies to the group and has a panic after noticing Twilight wounded after Nova heals the Unicorn he annouces her recovery to the group after some banter it's revealed that the Pegasi is actually the famous Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash, Nova and Rainbow Dash flirt for a little, this surprised Dusk to see the Special Forces Pegasi had a soft side.

    - Then a armed Black Hawk helicopter comes and picks the group up with a armed and masked Earth pony covers their escape as they climb aboard, after a swift introduction the masked pony turns out to be a Special Forces Ranger known as Star Striker, StarStorm spotted another survivor known as Moonlight Rover trapped on a rooftop and needed saving, Nova attached a rappel rope onto himself and jumped out the helicopter and pulled Moonlight up to the helicopter in a daring and insane rescue.

    - After a lengthy conversation it is revealed that Canterlot and Cloudsdale were safe zones protected from the outbreak, Nova was carrying a high level intelligence report that he had to hand to the Princess in a classified meeting that could help in dealing with the infected, Dusk asked Nova if she could join him in the meeting for a personal reason to which Nova allowed and gave her clearance to come.

    - As they landed in Canterlot two officers met them on the tarmac with orders for Striker to meet Shining Armour for Debriefing and then for the group to pass Processing and testing for infection, the group was assigned living quarters in a hotel suite near Celestia's castle, after testing Nova headed to the castle where he awaited Dusk, Striker and the two Elements after Dusk arrive she informed him that Dash and Twilight were already speaking to Celestia.

    - As Dusk and Nova waited a group of Equestrian Army Rangers started harassing Nova and attacked him challenging him to a showdown in the large training arenas as Striker arrived they ran away preparing for the showdown. Nova, Dusk and Striker head inside the castle and into the Great Hall where the Princess resided, but she was not alone as Luna and most of the Elements were in talks and the situation would become truly dire.

    That's 18 pages worth of role-playing appreciate it, your welcome

    Ok people, let's make some magic happen here. ;)

  4. Name: Nova Arkwing

    Role: Security/Party guest (the owner of the club requested an Operative and a security team to overwatch the party.)

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Race: Pegasus

    Eye Color: Emerald Green

    Coat Color: Navy blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Various shades of blue, slightly spiked at the front, his special forces beret covers the rest of his hair.

    Physique: Tall, well built, very resilient and very strong, considered very attractive around the mares.

    Cutie Mark: A white sword with wings on both sides.

    Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Equestrian Special Forces Operative/Professional Flyer

    Likes: Canterlot Whiskey and Applejack Daniels, Sweet Apple Acres alcoholized-cider, Alcohol, Mares, has a huge crush on Rainbow Dash but keeps that VERY personal.

    Dislikes: Getting betrayed, distrustful of Changlings

  5. Nova was sitting on a hill outside the buildings, watching the skies calculating weather patterns and tracking cloud patterns vigilantly. "Minimal cloud coverage...sun's out in a slight heatwave...Wind appears to be blowing a mild breeze at a north-east-ly direction..." He thought while making various notes in a slightly specialized notebook which had the seal of Her Royal Princess's Special Forces emblazoned on the front , "I wonder if I've time to make a patrol run..." He thought aloud as his mind drifted off to the skies, his wings were relaxing-ly unfolded and ready to fly but he decided against it after what happened on the mission he chose to give his wings a well deserved rest.

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