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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Roleplay Type: Mane 6/Crossover

    Name: Nova Arkwing

    Sex: Male

    Species: Pegasus

    Age: Older Colt

    Eye Color: Emerald Green

    Coat Color: Navy Blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane/Tail colours are different shades of blue, styled in a aerodynamic and sleek almost blade-like manner

    Physique: Tall, sleek and well built and very resilient and durable with a high pain tolerance, his wings are shaped in a odd fashion that makes high speed flight and close flight combat more faster and stable.

    Cutie Mark: A white sword with wings on both sides

    Origin/Residence: Born in Cloudsdale, Raised at Cloudsdale Flight Academy (CFA for short.)

    Occupation: Professional Combat Flyer/Equestria Special Forces Operative

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    Character Summary: Born into a proud traditional militaristic family on Cloudsdale, Nova was taught from a young age how to survive and use teamwork to effectively complete the objective given, he is highly trained in self defense arts and can very much hold his own in a fight, He is an accomplished flyer and a formidable combat pilot. He is determined, courageous and unpredictable in combat, he is intelligent, kind, caring and slightly sarcastic in person.

    If requested I can made adjustments and modifications so the app follows the rp closer.

  2. Roleplay Type: Mane 6/Crossover

    Name: Nova Arkwing

    Sex: Male

    Age: Older Colt

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: Emerald Green

    Coat Color: Navy Blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane/Tail colours are different shades of blue, styled in a aerodynamic and sleek almost blade-like manner

    Physique: Tall, sleek and well built, his wings are shaped in a odd fashion that makes high speed flight and close flight combat more faster and stable.

    Cutie Mark: A white sword with wings on both sides

    Origin/Residence: Born in Cloudsdale, Raised at Cloudsdale Flight Academy (CFA for short.)

    Occupation: Professional Combat Flyer/ESF Operative


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    Character Summary: Born into a proud traditional militaristic family on Cloudsdale, Nova was taught from a young age how to survive and use teamwork to effectively complete the objective given, he is highly trained in self defense arts and can very much hold his own in a fight, He is an accomplished flyer and a formidable combat pilot. He is determined, courageous and unpredictable in combat, he is a kind, caring and slightly sarcastic, not known to many ponies he has a massive crush on Rainbow Dash and prefers not to reveal it publicly.

    (I can make edits so it suits the rp more if requested.)

  3. "Ok, patrol duties are complete, no sign of hostiles. This is Warhawk 1 Preparing to land. Beginning landing procedures" Nova calmly said satisfied as he turned around preparing to land, due to the speeds he flew it was similar to that of jet aircraft making a low pass as he slowed down and landed in the town square.

  4. Name: Nova Arkwing

    Appeance: Humanized, he is slightly above averaged size at around 6'4, tall well-built neither fat/skinny his special forces training and conditioning has made his body heavily resilient and endurable with a very high pain tolerance, due to his training he is highly trained in various fields such as self defense, survival skills, aviation and aerodynamics. His large wings have notable gold-colored patterns and are shaped in a sleek-ly odd aerodynamically-advanced fashion in which they add stability and speed making him much more faster and manueverable at high speeds or in air combat, his natural hair colour is dark brown but for some reason he prefers dying it in shades of blue, his clothing is casual and practical for outdoor activity the only notable fact is his special forces red beret with a badge that is formed in the shape of a sword with wings on each side.

    Personality: Intelligent and analytical, Nova is somewhat reserved noted for his courageous, straight-forward and determined attitude, utterly cold and calculating and merciless in a fight but prefers dis-arming or disabling his opponant then outright killing them, he prefers getting the job done with minimal screw-ups, he loves the freedom and the thrill of flying.

    Slight history: His parents are in the Equestrian military his father is a high ranking commander in the Equestrian air force and his mother is a Squadron leader of the Equestrian air force, his family is traditionally military, it was considered an honor to serve in Her Royal Princess's armed services. Nova is a member of the Equestrian Special Forces and part time flyer is some of Equestria's flight display and combat squadrons.

    Current life: Nova's father is stationed at Canterlot while his mother is stationed at Cloudsdale, Nova is stationed at Cloudsdale but is currently inactive until redeployed, awaiting assignment.

    Part time job: Mentioned above.

    Home: Cloudsdale

  5. *Picks him out*

    FINE!You can be in!Jeez stop trying to kill him!I just didn't want to get it toooo big.Anyway what will be happening in this RP?Well our characters will be walking around the forest (everfree) because we are logical.Then we find the crater bowl thingus.Now the fire is still there but the figure is not so kinda want to check it out and thats all your getting for now.But you might want to go in armed you never know what might be lurking in the darkness....

    Actually if we wanted could we get creative reasons for some of the characters like my OC I really want to try something out with it.

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