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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Stop the presses!

    I have breaking news about December 21st!

    Aparantly the Mayans were correct that history would change but they were wrong about the world ending.

    But I have discovered the truth using a ball of lint, a stone that has a face that looks like Elvis and a Justin Beiber song slowed down and played backwards.

    The truth is:

    Equestria will merge with Earth and ponies will be here for real!!! :)



    This just got real.

    • Like 2
  2. I swear I thought they tried to emulate Top Gun in this ep, it's good to see the background ponies like Roid Rage and that lavender pegasi which appeared in the later stages of Season 2 (forget what her name was) return to the show upgraded to minor character status they could've used more screen time to improve their characters though.

    As for this new character Lightning looks a lot like someone's OC which is suspicious and seems to be an "upgraded" (Read: Mary Sue) version of RD (i.e. huge ego, thinks she's the best of the best, able to catch up with RD at top speed (she even has a electrically-coloured contrail to boot) but reflects a slightly darker version as she seems to do whatever it takes to be the best even screw over her wing-men and putting civilians in harms way just to complete her mission and that's something you should never do if you want to accomplish objectives while flying but she'd probably do better as a Shadowbolt I'd wager she'll be Dash's rival in the near future like what Trixie is to Twilight.

    Spitfire's change in personality was...Surprising, to say the least but a welcome change from her previous appearances (i.e Gala, the failed defense of Ponyville against Spike, her appearance in Hurricane Fluttershy) I guess the failures and quite frankly the incompetence of the poorly trained Wonderbolts forced her to toughen up and become more harsher on recruits to make sure their properly trained and ready for active duty because they'll need it if the next Big Bad shows up. From looking at their previous appearances I can say the Wonderbolts needs more combat training because putting it bluntly...They cannot defend Equestria at all, for frak's sake they got pasted with a single attack when Spike attacked Ponyville and who know's where they were when the Changelings attacked. As for Spitfire herself she grown since the last time we saw her and her development from a display team pilot to commander was interesting and I'm eager to see how she develops in time.

    As for Dash herself I enjoyed the character development shown and kind of expected her to quit after seeing her "rival", but not surprised when they asked her to come back and she joined back with her. Personally I'd love it if she left and declined the Wonderbolts offer choosing her friends over being in the Wonderbolts and could've made the ending more realistic and down to earth as dreams don't always come true or the price on getting her dreams become too cost or not worth it but I digress and it's really good to see her have her own episode this season and her character develop to the eventual end result.

    This episode was alright, animation is solid as always and the story was average and could've been better, but it's still my personal favourite so far (Also why are there no aviation references like Ace Combat or HAWX or other aviation movies or media this would've been a perfect opportunity for it.)

    • Like 1
  3. I heard of Equestria High...Never worked up the nerve to join (plus it seemed like it was dying)

    It would've been prevented if 2 particular rpers stopped posting one liners it would've lived but eh it's in the past now and nothing can be done.

    although still waiting on a friend of mine (played RD in EH) to post an app for this rp (like he said he would dammit lol).

    ok that makes sense. you don't want it turning this into massacre high or take over the rp. right

    That didn't happen in the previous rp despite it's large cast it had it's dangerous moments sure, but no-one actually died in the rp we had rules against that in the rp. :roll:

  4. just chill out and dont be paranoid. cloudy will grant an approval. she/he (sorry not sure which gender that cloudy is... im a bad person) only declinedone person that i know of and the person applied to be a student who was on the verge of a mental breakdown and was going to kill every one.

    Actually the character in question was a mercenary who was pretty awesome in Canterlot Prep's spiritual predecessor; Equestria High (which died from one liner posts and some over the top stunts) but he was known for doing some extreme stunts (like bringing a god**** live grenade in class that was hilarious in a twisted way), but for some reason he got declined (don't know why) and some aspects and characters are missing in this one that would've added to it, not that I'm really complaining but it would be nice to have the Mane 6 and Emerath/Snowy/Bronynumber/StringHeart and the other good rpers from EH in this one. (For old times sake.)

    In the old Equestria High rp we had a Mercenary (Deadpool), a genetically modified prototype-style monster (Blayze), A Special forces operative that was also a musician (Nova A.K.A me) and a Changeling in the same school and yet everyone managed to survive...Mosly. It was so awesome and was a hell of a time. (yet this one feels more realistic down to earth and grounded. (not that I'm complaining just saying the old one was insane and wacky and random. (In a good way of course!)

  5. Umbara, Citadel, generally arcs focused on the Clones POV are best in the show since I really disliked the Jedi characters with the whole "I can use teh force lololol" which makes the Jedi...Uninteresting and mary sue-ish (but Obi-wan was still my favourite if I had to pick). I think I felt more for the clones like Rex, Cody and Domino Squad, especially Rex and Domino Squad.

    The Umbara arc was awesome yet very eerie as it bore striking resemblances to Order 66 and I couldn't help but think the whole Clone vs Clone aspect was a shout out to the Horus Heresy in 40k...

    • Like 1
  6. [colour=#282828]Your name: Nova Arkwing[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Your age: 16[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Your grade: 10[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Your gender: [/colour][colour=#282828]Male[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Your Race: [/colour][colour=#282828]Pegasi[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Description of self: [/colour][colour=#282828]Well toned and athletically muscular with oddly shaped wings with a gold/yellow colour at the base of the wings, Hair colour being of various shades of blue with similar colouring on his tail, Emerald green eyes, 6'07 with unknown weight, during school hours he is seen wearing a Equestrian military cadet dress uniform.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Quick Back Story: [/colour][colour=#282828]Born in a militaristic and proud family on Cloudsdale, Nova was taught at a very young age on basic skills, many forms of self defense arts and flight training, being the top of his class in the Flight Academy he was recommended to Canterlot Prep where he would advance his education and prove himself to become a operative in the Equestrian Special Air Service, in his free time he is known as a brilliant singer and musician, his hobbies include singing, playing music, sword fighting, flying, is known to be very patient, and a very formidable opponent and very intelligent.[/colour]

    [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: [/colour][colour=#282828]White sword with white wings located on the shoulder patch of his dress uniform.[/colour][colour=#282828] [/colour]

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