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Posts posted by NovaArkwing

  1. Agent Washington

    [colour=#FFA500]"...y'all took the words right outta my mouth, Wash. I...have had theories on what is goin' on. Perhaps...perhaps everythin' that has happened over the past few years is connected somehow, as if all of us are bein' manipulated by some unseen creature..."[/colour] Washington nodded slowly and listened to Virginia, intrigued by the mare's theories and relaxed a little realizing his concerns were shared. Laid back in his seat calmly and relaxing for the long flight, "I bet 100 credits this thing is an Alicorn...Trust me this kind of **** always happens when Alicorns are involved in the equation...I mean look to the past...In almost every nationwide event an Alicorn is involved in some form. " Wash wagered sarcastically referring to incidents in the past like Nightmare moon, Discord, the Changeling attack and the Revolution.

    [colour=#FFA500]"Uh, I must sound crazy...don't mind me, perhaps those years in the Shade Corps made me a bit nutty." [/colour]Wash shrugged and smiled at the new Agent, "No offense but we're all crazy on various scales here, you, I and 4-6-9er here are crazy to some degree but ponies like the Director, Red Fox or Twilight, that Changeling Queen... They are some of the coldest mother****ers you'll ever meet... the Director is even on his own scale of crazy... he made Freelancer into what it is and led it for 5 years, no-one knows why he did it or how, how much power he has... Even I don't know...And I'm one of the best Agents in Freelancer..." Washington said coldly as fear of the mention of Red Fox and the Director scared him, he paused for a moment before continuing on. "I have a feeling that this is only the beginning... **** is gonna hit the fan big time Virginia, you joined at the right time. We'll need as many Agents as we can mobilize in the coming days..." Washington cryptically warned her his before looking out the ramp to the horizon with the smoke from Equina of in the distance getting smaller and smaller until it was just a dot on a otherwise cloudy blue sky pondering on the days to come as uncertainty plagued his mind.


    [colour=#FFA500]"It-it's nothing, really...just the musings of two fellow agents." [/colour]Harmony raised a questionable eyebrow at Applebloom and gave her a look of disbelief. "Riiiiight uhuh, and I'm the dead spirit of Celestia and Wash is the god**** Red Fox." Harmony retorted with the sarcasm painfully obvious, "c'mon what is it?, spit it out you can trust me I won't kiss and tell promise." Harmony persisted playfully in her usual energetic way to her special somepony, curious about what they were talking about. "Well...I might kiss but not tell, unless you want me to...The others won't mind." Harmony teased seductively as she moved closer cuddling up to her special somepony blushing slightly trying to hide her feelings for Applebloom.

  2. (That's ok I was working on another post at the time ^^; )

    Agent Washington (Freelancer dropship, Equina airspace with 4-6-9er and Applebloom)

    Wash nodded and as the Dropship took off he looked out as the city below them got smaller and revealed the city as a whole showing the extent of the damage from the apocalypse and from the riots, "Yeah it seems everyone's losing their mind recently...The war, the apocalypse, the riots...It amazes me how after all that we've still managed to withstand and endure it...I'm sure the Director hasn't succumbed to the madness...I hope..." Washington noted solemnly concern edged his voice as he mentioned the Director the thought of the Director going mad send a rather eerie chill down his spine muttering the last words under his breath, "Virginia...Do you ever have the feeling that something is testing us...Testing our defenses to find a weak spot to exploit?...All these events appear to be connected somehow and happened in chain reaction rather than random coincidence..." Wash asked Virginia sincerely the feeling that all these was planned crept into the back of his mind sending a sick feeling in his stomach.

    "Hey we're out of the capital, I'm setting a course to HQ and turning the autopilot on, the E.T.A will be 2 hours max, hope you like the view back there." Harmony announced to Applebloom and Washington as she activated the autopilot and stepped back into the troop compartment and sat next to Applebloom, "So what're you two talking about?" Harmony asked cheerfully looking at them eagerly while getting comfortable in her seat.

  3. >Applebloom "Virginia" (Freelancer Equinia HQ)

    Blushing deeply as Harmony kissed her, the young mare watched her leave, mesmerized slightly. After a moment, she shook her head and cleared her throat. Grinning nervously to Washington as he led her away and began to speak to her. "...I...uh...sorry you had to see that, Wash, I know it isn't orthodox to display such emotional actions while on duty...anyway, I guess I am adjusting rather well. The...the Shade Corps training methods were extreme, but could you argue with the results...? The only reason y'all captured me was from sheer luck. Still, though, the induction was more difficult than I expected, but it wasn't all too tough. Maybe I will explain further about the Shade Corps another time...unless you want to know now, of course." As they continued on, she listened intently, nodding occasionally and shrugging. The Director...a character as mysterious as the Red Fox was. Hopefully, he wouldn't turn out to be as malevolent as the now-deceased Federation leader. Funny...just a little while ago, she had sworn loyalty to that creature, and now...well, fate had an interesting way of doing things. "...I'll take your word on that, Wash."

    Agent Washington (Freelancer HQ - Equina Base with Virginia)

    "That's fine, officially we have a neutral view on fraternization as long as it doesn't interfere with performance. To be honest I tend to not ask about those types of private topics, it's not my business to pry into my men's private affairs...Leading as their commander and being a soldier is my business and I try my absolute best to make sure everyone under my command makes it back alive." Wash said as he shrugged nonchalantly to Virginia then his expression turned more sincere and serious as he spoke about his duties, he was listening intently to Virginia her views about the Shade Corp were fascinating he heard rumours of the deadly Shade Corp during the Revolution but never met any in person, yet here he was speaking to a former Shade operative now turned Freelancer, "True, then again...That's stage one of the Selection process and by far the easiest compared to the later stages, stage two is much more rigorous and taxing hell most don't even make it that far, the Selection tests and stages are designed to weed out unsuitable elements to make sure they can handle the strain, the burden and responsibility of being an Agent, to test their mental, physical and psychological limits, so you don't get any well...Unpleasant incidents, precise and efficient. All thanks to the Director's guidance and leadership of course" Wash spoke friendly to Virginia and confident about the Selection process Freelancer implemented sounding completely confident in the Director's abilities to lead Freelancer and it's people to a better and brighter future.

    "Well it'll be a long flight and that'll leave us a lot of time to discuss, hopefully whatever will happen at the HQ will be enlightening." Wash smiled behind his helmet's visor and watched as the dropship hovered overhead and landed near them "Agent Wash, Agent Virginia, your luxurious transport awaits" Harmony announced snarkily as she landed the transport, "speaking of which here's our lift, c'mon let's get moving I'd prefer not keeping the Director and our other Agents waiting." he urgently announced as he grabbed his gear and started walking towards the drop ship jumping upto the rear ramp of the troop compartment and sits in one of the seats near the middle placing his gear on the rack above the seats and waited for Virginia to climb aboard.

  4. Have to find it first. We didn't tell you what we did with your money. XP

    We only gave it to you so you can use it to fight the GEF, somehow I get the feeling think the RLF just spent it on powering their high tech vending machines or something...well note to self...Never give money to the GEF and RLF they squander it and not do anything with it not even something amusing.

    Well that ain't happening again.

  5. Scythe have you seen Prometheus?

    You gotta hear the logic in that movie.

    [colour=#333333]- Yo dawg, we heard you wanna take an alien ship full of aliens made to kill humans back to the home planet of the aliens that want to kill humans to ask why they want to kill humans.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]I s**** you not, thats how the movie ended.[/colour]

    Kinda the whole logic the Weyland-Yutani executives had during Alien/Aliens/Aliens 3 etc. "We want it because it sells...Despite the fact it's a parasitic race of acid blood carrying, razor sharp teethed/clawed, facehugging, second mouth within it's mouth wielding alien...

    Gotta love that Species endangering logic.

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