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Posts posted by doppleganger

  1. Dopple turns toward striker with eyes burning as angry as his. "you dare!" he flies straight into his face "YOU DARE!" hes practically screaming "NOT only has her kingdom been destroyed her way of life! But she just lost her own child! Do you Have ANY IDEA WHAT THATS LIKE!" he roared the last part. "im either going to kill you or report you to your CO for your words. You can choose which one!"

  2. "I will join you.." was all he said as he followed her. She was so calm and collected at there first meeting he was suprised to see her so upset. It was all to familiar Twilight's expression the horrified look the heavy breathing the wide eyes. That look was plastered on his face once. He could almost remember that awful day...that day when he didn't get there in time to save her...to save his daughter.

  3. He stopped moving. he picks up azure and sets him down. "your mama is very safe son she is the strongest most powerful pony in the world there...well yea there are bad ponies that would try to hurt her. But remeber somepony will always be there to protect you...whats happening pitaide this place is beypnd your control so you should not let it bother you. Besides if ur mum cant protect you i certainly would." he didnt know why he was comforting the foal. Perhaps it was because he reminded him of something

    From his past....but that would be revealed later.

  4. He smiled "ya kid I can...its my talent" He decided to have a look around her room while bouncing azure around this was great Twilight the tyranical leader of the GEF has a foal. Poor kid though. His parents must have died in the war. There were so many innocent casualties like...No he would not think about that now not when with the boy. He hoped no one would walk in this would look really bad.

  5. Well see what happens im just gonna go ahead with this in case shes offline.)) in a flash of bright light dopple was infront of the castle. He looked

    Around getting bearing of his sourondings then went inside the defenses were low since most of the leaders were gone. He actually had to sneak around a few guards before he made it to what he thought was twilights private chambers.

  6. "That's just the thing. Things were so easy back then. I mean there one line off defense for the wedding was a shield that only took minimal force to get through. We most likely would have taken the city if it wasn't for sparkle. Now their defenses are so strong they make threats on us now." He takes a deep breath. "We need to worry about both of our people...Twilight said something about a Project Goliath that could lead my race to extinction. This technology they've mastered is interesting but I wouldn't get to excited. What would happen when the deportation of your people is not enough. It could be our undoing"

  7. "AHH smart bird. Were not so different you and I you may be a giant bird and I a decaying parasite. But we both know when somethings are just doomed to fail." He may have been an arrogant psychopath but he was a good leader and knew that this was not a good scenario. "I may sound crazy when I say I miss the wars of old..back when when the monarchy was still around and we lived in the forest. Sure our power is stronger in this day but....things are different. I remember when we were the only things that were feared. We were the ones who were twisted and would stab ponies in the back....Now ponies are killing ponies...and their the ones doing the back stabbing. My Queen wants a monarchy restored which means Cadence next in line for the throne. If things go wrong I will risk my life to protect the princess and my queen. I'm sure you'd do the same for your people as well.

  8. Dopple gave a smile of curiousity "So we think alike....What's your plan?" Dopple buzzed beside Baxter "You and I both know how greedy some species can be." Dopple is a good example of this. "It will be difficult to level off some of everyones terms compromise won't settle well with everyone." He looked at the other griffins with a small smile. "You wouldn't be a commander and I wouldn't be a general if we both didn't have a plan B incase this night was to go south."

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