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Posts posted by doppleganger

  1. Not for long i guess)) he was doomed he knew it but still he looked at the mare which suprised him she seemed so familiar then it hit him his eyes

    Widened "youre.. Twilight Sparkle?!" he would always remember those eyes he got a good look at them whee she hoofed him in the face five years ago. He couldnt control himself he started laughing right in her face in his Normal voice. Since he was dead he decided to have fun. "ha ha y-you have the nerve to stop my people from killing your princess a-and y-you just do it yourself?! Hilarious!" He dropped to his true form he knew he was gonna regret this in twilights voice he said "Dear Princess Celestia i decided learning about friendship is dumb so im going to cut off your head HA!" he smirked he didnt care if he died that was obvious

  2. Dopple walked around the castle curiously. He waited for his meeting with the Red Fox. He was terrified but also very excited perhaps he might be able to get to see who he is. It will be great information to use especially if it was someone the changelings knew. He sat impatiently waiting. He just hoped the fake Cadence planned also stuck. He did not want to be in the castle if the charade was found out.

  3. Dopple made no hesitation to leave as soon as he left the castle and took flight. He went as fast as he could and when he was out of sight he changed to his true form. He frowned at te fact that the changeling lost his life. But he quickly put it out of his mind knowing it was for the good of the hive. He was soon at the hive and needed to send a message to the Queen on the current situation. He wrote the letter quickly and had it sent the messenger off. He had to go back to Canterlot for the meeting and decided to just wait in the castle. He changed back to the queen and went inside.

  4. He was sure she had doubts luckily he had a plan "it was simple dear chancellor i changed to look like her husband and simply waited until she took the bait after she finally came out of hiding I lured her to the castle and trapped her you should be happy you canfinally please your master." 'Cadence' was cowering behind him he didn't know if the changeling was an amazing actor or really scared. Either way he is playinf the part perfectly he only needed Dash to take the bait and he could report back to his queen. He looked at Dash. "if your so doubtful of my goft you can test to make sure" he glared to show that her comment upset her. Hopefully this mare was easy to scare

  5. Dopple nodded and changed to look like Shining Armor. And nodded at the other Changeling he teleported both of them to the castle. He then changed to look like his queen and walked into the castle with his 'prisoner' no one really gave him an issue because of who he was in the shape of. The ponies eyes all widen as he walked passed them with 'cadence' in tow. He finally came to Rainbow Dash. "hello chancellor. It sees that our plan has worked out."

  6. Dopple buzzed down and saw his queen he quickly landed and bowed before Chrysalis. "My queen I have recieved your letter and am ready to recieve your orders. How may I serve you?" Dopple was happy to see that the Queen was unharmed maybe he did overreact a little bit. He looked around where he was an odd place in this city. "Mistess are you alright?"

  7. Dopple stopped everything he was doing and looked up in disbelief. Did she just really say that. "You question my loyalty to our queen?" He waved his hoof and the Changelings exited the room "Lypis my position and rank is because no Changeling in the hive is as loyal to the Queen as I am." He took a deep breath. "I am doing this because if she is gone we are on our own. Five years ago we had just one enemy. But after this Revolution...." He hissed at the word. "The number of factions in this land has grown and so has their cruelty. This has left the populace with a certain...Unease. I hate to admit it but this mysterious Redfox has me...scared. But I can't show it fear is a weakness Lypis you need to understand this." He looked at Lypis with sincere eyes hoping she understood his words.

    A changeling quickly walked up to them Dopple could quickly identify him as a messenger. He had a message from the Queen. he read it aloud. "Dopple-Ganger please come to Canterlot at once it is very urgent - Your Queen" Dopple quickly flew out the window and made his way to Canterlot.

    ((Scythe wants this so nobody be mean to me please))

  8. Dopple sat impatiently. He was goona wait only a few hours longer and then he would take action. He had the forces prepared to move out to Canterlot. It was her last known location. If he had to he would burn the city to the ground to find her. Knowing that his queen was in possible danger was tearing him apart. If something were to happen to her his rage would be an uncontrolable rage upon the land. He would unleash such fury that even the Red Fox would quiver with fear. He was known only for his ruthlessness but if the queen was hurt the ponies would not only begin to see how angry he could get.

  9. Dopple-Ganger has had enough he was furious as to what was going on. Not only did he not know what the welfare of the Queen was but this ambassador was saying odd things. "You best watch your words!...What your saying could be conisdered treason in some eyes." He glared at the ambassador. "You are dismissed! Get out of my sights before I take my angers on you!" He hissed as the ambassador left and turned toward Lypis. "He is a weak fool and our Queen will hear of his idealism." he took a deep breath. "Lypis I want all of our forces on alert if no sign of her returns soon. We must assume the worst."

  10. Dopple-Gangers eyebrow rose. The queen rarely excluded him from anything so he could only imagine how important this must be. It made sense though with all the leaders she was having the meeting with. He nodded at the ambassador and asked "How go things with our 'allies'?" he hated the fact that he works with those wretches If it were up to him he wouldve destroyed them the first chance he got. But it wasn't his decision and he would never question the order of his queen

  11. Dopple facee still looked cold and stern but a small green tint flushed across it at Lypis compliment. "Yes..yes thank you. But thats not important!." He took the map from her hooves and gave it a read. "The Queen is in Canterlot without escort I need to be with her so I will make travel there. You are in command of the forces until one of us return. Coordinate the battle formations as followed. Your magic using Changelings will be in the first line of defense with a small divison of wariorss here." he pointed to a part of the map. "The well fed Changelings will be used as relief since they are in best shape.And also while we want to kill as many as we can we will need some prisoners for their love." as he finished his commands he loked up at her. "understand?"

  12. Dopple Ganger paced around the room tirelessly waiting for Lypis to arrive. She doesn't seem to realize what danger the queen can be. Some Changeling will feel his wrath for letting the queen go unguarded. If Lypis kept up her tardyness it would be her. Dopple could not wait any longer. He decided that he must take action. He will go to Canterlot himself to make sure the Queen was ok and had proper guard. He walked and began suiting up. The armor he had was simple and wouldn't do much against magic, but it symbolized much more. It distinguished him from the other changelings in the army. It showed his rank and who he was. He knew that he had a reputation amongst the other factions due to his ruthless tactics. With the armor on him he could easily be identified as more than just some Changeling. After he fitted the last piece of the armor he waited for Lypis to arrive so he could brief her on the situation.

  13. Dopple walked around aimlessly he did not like that his queen was without guard sure she was powerful and could easily take care of herself. Although, ever since the wedding which was a life time ago he did not like the fact that his queen could be in danger. He needed to know what was happening in Canterlot he could barely trust his own kind let alone the GEF.

    "Lypis to me!" He called out for her. Being a special breed of Changeling made her a high rank, but that was not bigger that Dopple-Gangers ruthlessness. He didn't serve in the army long before Chrysalis noticed his cruelty. His loyalty, and cunning led to his promotion to Commander. He enjoyed his position it allowed him to do anything he wanted. If he wanted to kill a pony he could. It of course would lead to some scolding from his queen but nothing major. Chrysalis was the only being in Equestria he could truly trust. To her he was only expendable and easy to replace but Dopple knew that.

    "Lypis report now!"

  14. [colour=#222222]


    Name: Commander Dopple-Ganger

    Age: He has forgotten

    Gender: Presumably Male

    Race: Changeling

    Faction: Changelings

    Occupation: Commander of the Changeling army and second in command only to his queen.

    Goal/Motivation: Serve his Queen. It was what he was bred to do and what he will do the day he dies. What he has to do does not concern him. If it is under the order of his Queen he will carry it. Her enemies are his enemies and her goals are his goals.



  15. Name: Dopple-Ganger

    Gender: Boy

    Race: Changeling

    Brief History: After the whole wedding incident Dopple decided that he had enough of his Hive and Queen and decided that he wanted to start a new life. He built a home in the Ever-free forest and goes into Ponyville occasionally for supplies. Of course he has a hard time doing so with everypony staring at him. Being a Changeling many ponies haven't accepted him, and only a few ponies will even accknowledge him. He only wishes for acceptance and friendship.

    Looks: Dopple looks like a typical Changeling

    Cutie Mark: N/A

    Personality: With the constant rejections from his peers, it has made Dopple very timid and insecure about himself. Although, he can be angered very easily and revert to his Changeling nature. No matter how angry he gets he never becomes violent.

    Likes and dislikes: One thing Dopple enjoys is relaxing. He was overworked in his days in the hive, and now that he left he likes to take a day or to to lay down and nap. He also loves well....love. It is his source of nourishment and enjoys feeding on it. Dopple dislikes being judged for who he was when he was in the hive.

    Random fact: Dopple can sense a ponies emotions by simply sniffing the air.

    Hope this is acceptable.

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