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Posts posted by Necrodash

  1. Ahhhh I see...So...I was doing a log, not an app...I have to do an app first...and then another app...then another app...And I kinda have to do two at a time. o3e..THEN make a log.....gwah...Thats going to be tedious....Well alright whateves. I'll get to it eventually but I guess until then I'll just keep myself occupied until I have some real time. So...Feel free to delete this or move it or whatever. Seeing its a log..And not an app..

  2. Well first off, considering that all the following ponies are just that, accept for Necro who is a type of changling, and 42 is a deer, I just put 'Earth Pony'....Just to clarify....I thought, you know, since I have a couple of characters, you know I should all just put them in one topic, so I don't spam the page. D: Because that would be annoying, and I like to keep things convenient. SO, NOWTHEN...

    Lanturnaway; Earthpony, likes the dark, hiding, traveling, going on quests for other ponies, discovering who she is. She is a simple pony from the 1800s who prefers the simple way of life, doing things the hard way, and will give advice to anyone who apprechiates it. She enjoys long walks in dark, strobing corridors- I mean beaches, and roses. yes she loves roses...Especially the ones with thorns.

    You may assume Lanturnaway to be weird or peculiar, but thats only because she was raised alone as a filly. (Not that weird kind of weird, but the kind of weird you just think is odd, and eventually you will grow to love it! Well usually. Lol.) Cutie mark is a lantern with red glow.

    42; He is a deer who lives in everfree(?) forest. Like Lanturn he lives, ALONE. He is quiet, keeps to himself, but if somebody gets lost in his neck of the woods he will gladly show them the way, not being able to leave himself, due to a 10,000 year old curse stating "Forget what you've known and show them the way, though forever alone in the forest you stay"....Not very cheery, no. But he does take advantage of the curse's loophole, which leaves out the bit of talking and relating time he can get in whilst showing them the way. X) So yeah, he is pretty simple. Note more specifically he is a stag-like entity, with flowery decorations on his horns and neck. No cutie mark.

    Necro Dash; Some would consider this character, formerly known as my sona, a secret protoganist. Most revere here as a protoganist, though this is false, as hard to believe as it is. She is reconized as a shifter, or changling, but with more specific qualities like, she can JUST change her voice to what she wishes, or just her form, or both. And most noted about my custom on the species, is that she must be the absolute OPPOSITE of her current form. In this case, her most used form, she takes the form of our Dashie, but she looks dark and blurry to those without strong concentration, instead of bright and easy to see. Instead of sporting a pair of fit feathered wings, we have your peculiar case of a unicorn horn, which until recently was broken off.

    She is most known throughout ponyville and canterlot, as well as some obscure regions in equestria as, "The mare who stares through your eyes", "the one you cannot remember", and my personal favorite "YOU AGAIN!". Cutie mark is never seen. Always obscured by a tree, bush, or it can be temporairily scratched off.

    DisconeSIA (or Sia); Not much really known besides she is a mystery. Pretty much the only antoganist in my rps. Most often seen in Necro's nightmares, and sometimes by others like Gilda (who can mistake Necro as Dash), Rainbow Dash (I guess Sia likes to peep in on her victem's good twin?), and none other than Timeturner, who Necro spends a decant ammount of time with.

    Other traits of her's are hostility, suspicion, extreme eccentrics (paranoia), and gluttony (she's always starving and thirsty...) Cutie mark is a shimmering crack in the shape of an malicious grimmace, appears to glow and looks overly realistic.

    Koljaque; He'ssss...Kind of a backround character. Kind, good with the girls, considerate, POLITE, and defies the 'blondes are dumb' steriotype. :3 He wears a red or blue scarf (winter or summer), and like the others is earth based. Just a normal, every day colt/stalion. Really nothing to it...(Though I should mention he's rather bland, unless he's in a panic, then you have one hippy hoppy highstrung hare...)

    There we have it! All of my characters...I'm a little nervous wether I had any faults. I know its nothing truely special, though some people said they sounded fun and interesting, so I thought "Okay, I don't see why not then..." I hope you guys find it suitable. I wasnt planning to use them in any specific rp's right now, I just want them approved in case something randomly comes up, because I like to be ready for such instances. :P

  3. About Myself: My name is Lizzy (Bella), I licve in America, and I love doing art and RP, especially about ponies and pony themed animals either fanmade or from the show! I can be really in character, or not at all, depending, and I am also developing my writing skills. I'm really just self taught but just being a tween my skill is pretty...Ok. (Decide for yourself, just be nice!XD)

    My moods have been described as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. :) I'm very shy, but can be brave too, or adventurous and a daredevil, yet sometimes very unsure. O.o I also like to keep to myself sometimes but other times I love hanging out with friends.

    How I found Canterlot.com: Found it randomly, looked good actually, and fun.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I used to watch shows from the same creator as MLP FIM and when I first saw it brought back memories? Plus I lovelove horses! Especially as a little girl.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
    Heeyyy I guess this is for like, info in general? Well information on my character(s)? Ok well lets go for it! But before I do I would like to state a few things.....I will probably post art (if and when I can) of the people I meet and my characters, and of course the characters of the show. I will always try my best to remember to "c)." to respetive owners, and I hope they enjoy and are somewhat amused at least, by my drawings and rp, and writing? Or whatever...I also hope I get to know everyone, and learn to understand getting around this site...Again if anyone can tip me on how they managed to get around when they were first here, GREAT! I would love to know everything I can to fit in as quick as possible, thank yoouu. And sorry if I mess up on the format placement the first day or so, because I'm new like I said.

    So without further adue, my character....bios?

    There's Lanturnaway; Who is my shy, but low maintenance kind of mare pegasus..She likes dark corners and damp weather, cold climates. She is kind of a coward but will when it comes to survival always stand up to the fight! Her cutiemark is a lantern with a light the shade of many reds, and she loves her roses~ She always carried one with her, believing it tames the monsters for just enough time to make it down that dark creepy corridor. c:

    42; Who is a irish MLP buck I guess. He is a 'wanderer' and is often just seen passing by. He is usually seen with grass, flowers, clovers, etc in his mouth because he likes to eat....And he has flowers and lillies that are light pink and yellow entwined on his antlers and neck. The backstory to that is a little girl gave them to him(?) when she found him hurt in the forest...(I know in the old versions there were more kids in the show, which I guess is cool...Doesnt hurt to interpret some good ideas right? Inspiring...)

    Koljaque; Lol his name is kind of a spoof of a show I used to watch but at the same time I just like that name...Anyway he is a blondish colt and he wears a red scarf...He is an earth pony. He came from Main (maine) and he has that Main kind of accent. :) He is super kind and shy with mares, especially ones who are shy too. XD (Because we all know shy+shy equals more shy..) and he's not really that adventurous..He is the posterchild shuttin of ponies! He only leaves his house to go get groceries lol. He invents things too. And his cutiemark? Thats just it. Its a blank note. With nothing written on it. He's still waiting for it to be finished, or someone to finish it! Interesting, I think!

    Then there's Disconesia; She is what you would call a bad apple...She isn't very nice, doesn't watch where she's going, never up to any good, and never says excuse me after she burps! She is depicted as a 'changling' of some kind, and yet she looks somewhat a normal pony, minus the perpetual frown, snarling, and weird 'crack' cutiemark. It looks like its shimmering, like it actually moves or something. O.o And the weirdest part is, she is always around Necro Dash near the same time she dissapears, or vice versa...

    Lastly we have Necro Dash, my sona; She has a very long backstory I had written long ago as a kind of short story. She looks meaner than she is. She is really...rather soft. The short briefing is that she relates well to some people she has something to do with somewhere in time, appears randomly (especially in mirrors), spreads antirainbows(shadows and greyness), and is usually rather dreary. You could almost say she looks like rainbow dash, dead, risen again, and with a broken horn instead of a pare of feathery wings......Mysterious character seems in touch with Timeturner, your supposedly average backround character with maybe a secret or two (my friend's idea...)

    So thats it for my info! Sorry it was SO long....I have a habbit of making back stories for every rock and tree in equestria...I hope to see and meet all of you, again! So I hope you at least somewhat enjoyed this....((Note later on in my activity I might not be a regular or each day person, but for the people I meet I will try to be often as much as possible. :D)

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