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Posts posted by EpicMangoDude

  1. Sup mango dude! See I told ya this place was cool but for me I will stay back at the Creature Hub for now in the meen time spread the word of the mangi the clan needs this!, Peace out

    Okay. So you quit. Please don't drag all your friends back to another site with you. If they enjoy it here, why are you posting on their intro thread telling them to quit?

    Doesn't seem very nice ._.

    Hey! D:<

    Leave my fwiend alone! >:|

    Oh...and bai! ^.^

  2. Why thank you random quoting dude! :L

    urm... you like mangoes? o.o

    Personally I prefer Oranges, myself. I was wondering, though, where'd you get your username?

    Ah oh well :L

    What, this username? I thought it up one day when I was creating an account on another forum. It's my PSN ID mixed with epicness! >:)

    If I had a talking pony, I'd name it Epic Mango Dude... or Girl :>

  3. Hey guys! I'm EpicMangoDude! This place seems quite eccentric and spontaneous... I LIKE IT! :)

    I'm from the United Kingdom so I obviously like crumpets :L

    I've come here from thecreaturehub.com forums in search of some more bronies/broni or whatever you call them <.<

    ...and... that's my introduction >.<

    OH! OH! My favourite MLP is Fluttershy! :o

    KTHXBAI! >.>

    *Flies away into the sunset*

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