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Everything posted by MasterMustang

  1. Did Red Fox ever recieve or hear Striker's message to her over the secure GEF military comms when he raided the depot at Baltimare? Just wondering. I kinda did the message so I can interact in someway. Please tell me if I missed something.
  2. Right, Nova... Scythe, magic is powerful but so is raw determination and heart. As for Chrysalis, sounds like she may become a threat to Striker's goals... I got my eye on you. lol ^^
  3. Get in line Chrysalis. Striker will put a bullet between Red Fox's eyes before you do. Her regime killed off his one true love and countless of his friends... just sayin... ^^ lol
  4. [RLF Officer Barracks, Private Quarters, Main RLF Stronghold - Undisclosed Location/Time] Captain Striker is sitting on his bed in his private quarters. The room is dark except for the lamp on his night stand. He is holding a picture... as he looks at it a lone tear drips down his left cheek and onto his clean and pressed sheets. In the photo is a combat medic without her helmet... she's an orange mare with a short blonde mane and soft emerald eyes (looks similar to Applejack)... she's smiling at the camera with a confident wink... [colour=#FFA500]"Tender Care... I can't tell you enough how sorry I am..."[/colour] The Captain reluctantly puts down the photo so he can get ready for bed. Striker takes off his shirt and reveal a second pair of pony tags. They were 1st Sgt. Tender Care's... since that fateful day, he has never taken them off... her blood is still on them... He sets her photo on his night stand, removes the rest of his clothing, turns off the light, and slips into bed... again he prays tonight in hope that he can get a full night's sleep for once... without another nightmare...
  5. You know. Since, Twilight, aka Red Fox, has a kid it will most likely make Striker hesitate about taking her out. My OC is a badass soldier but he does has a concious. Thanks for making it harder for me! XP lol
  6. It's only on their military comms. Public doesn't have access to such communications do they? Plus he doesn't care, he's out for revenge.
  7. Striker just publicly called out Red Fox on the GEF's own radio frequencies lol
  8. [Central Comm Building, Munitions Depot, Balitmare, 3:45 hrs] (BTW I am assuming that the characters are anthro.) Striker and his squad split up and storm the comm relay building within the complex. A short but intense firefight follows. Striker kicks down the door to the communications room. As he enter's and scan for targets, he is jumped from behind causing him to drop his rifle. Striker falls to a the floor and notices his attacker has a knife. As a struggle ensues and Striker manages kick away his attacker before drawing his pistol and shoots the pony in his his knee causing him to fall back in pain. The Captain stands with his sidearm aiming right between his attacker's eyes. The stallion is revealed to be the comm officer. Comm officers have access to at least some intel. After some vicious pistol whipping Striker pops his one and only question... [colour=#008000]"WHO IS RED FOX!!! TELL ME WHO THAT B*****D IS NOW!!!"[/colour] Striker orders loudly. [colour=#800080]"I... I don't know... I... really don't know and if I did I wouldn't tell you RLF PIG!!!" [/colour]the bloodied comm officer replies. [colour=#008000]"Fine... I bet you'll like being a POW then." [/colour]A few of Striker's men enter the room. [colour=#008000]"Take him." [/colour]he says coldly. "Sir!" The angered Captain walks over the Comm relay and notices that they were brodcasting on all frequencies during the attack. They must have been calling for renforcements. Suddenly Striker gets a call from command. [colour=#FFA500]"Attention Stalker, Pegasis, and Hunter 2 Victors, this is Overlord. Intel reports enemy renforcements are rapidly approaching from the North. All forces are to retreat for evac. Say again, enemy renforcements are rapidly approaching from the North. All forces are to retreat for evac. You have about 30 minutes to mop up and get the hell out of there, over."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"S***... Hunter 2-1 Actual copies all. Moving to evac point Charile, over." [/colour]Striker says reluctantly but then he remembers the radio. Time for some psychological warfare. It's his chance to send Red Fox a message... he turns on the mic... [colour=#008000]"Red Fox... this is Captain Striker of the RLF and REA 75th Ranger Regiment... you took something dear from me... I don't know who you are but you can be dang certain about something... I will look for you... I will find you... and I will kill you... over and out you SOB..." [/colour]with those words Striker shoots the mic, making sure Red Fox hears the gunshot last before the static, and turns to gather up his men and their POW's for evac. Just as Pegasis and Stalker leave the combat zone head for home a couple of Pave Low's helicopters land at the evac point and load up the personel and their Stryker as well as the POW's. As they lift off a stealth bomber comes overhead and carpet bombs the whole complex along with the GEF renforcements as they arrive and turns back for home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RLF High Command, Main RLF Stronghold, - Undisclosed Location/Time] Just back from his mission and after a little paper work, Striker heads straight for RLF Command to deliever his report to Gen. Quickhoof. Strangely, he is nowhere to be found. He finds the General's desk and leave the file. He then begins to walk around the installation looking for his supeior officer. [colour=#008000]"Where the hay is he? He was here when I left."[/colour] the Ranger speaks to himself in confusion.
  9. Just a note for my fellow RP'ers. I'm getting some more hours at work and I will be away from home this weekend so I will most likely be on very little. Sorry... busy schedule... T.T

  10. I know my OC Striker won't care when he finds out that REd Fox is Twilight. He is still goin to try to get his vengence.
  11. A very slight humming can be heard as the nearly invisible aircraft hovers overhead. [colour=#800080]"Hunter 2-1, this is Stalker. We are on station and ready to provide sir support, over."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 Actual copies, Stalker. Request a HE 105mm volley of 2 rounds, map grid 315-29er8, east wall, danger close, on my mark. How copy? Over."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Solid copy, 2-1. 105 volley on east wall, danger close. Standing by for mark, over."[/colour] Captain Striker looks over to his men. [colour=#008000]"2-2 and 2-3, assault the main gate using the Stryker, Ursa Minor, as cover. We will kick down the door for you. Now move out." [/colour]As Striker's men move south to get into position. Striker hears another voice chime in on the radio. [colour=#800000]"Hunter 2-1, this is Pegasis. We are entering the combat zone, over."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 Actual, copies. Welcome to the party, Pegasis. You are clear to provide close air support and engage all targets of opprotunity in the sector after Stalker's volley strikes. Note friendlies will be marked with strobes, over."[/colour] [colour=#800000]"Solid copy on all. Pegasis on standby, over."[/colour] Striker's men begin to assaut the main gate as heavy gunfire erupts near their postion. Ursa Minor's .50cal cannon is unique amoung the sounds of war. The Captain then looks to the sky. [colour=#008000]"Stalker, this is Hunter 2-1 Actual. You are cleared to fire, over."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Stalker 2 copies. Beginning fire mission, over."[/colour] Suddenly a large *thump* like noise is heard followed by a large blast and then again a few seconds later. Smoke rises as a giant hole now rests in the east wall of the complex. Striker's blood gets pumping, ready for combat. [colour=#008000]"Solid hit, Stalker 2! Over."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Hunter 2-1 this is Stalker, we will remain on station for support if needed. Radio in if you need something erased, over and out."[/colour] [colour=#800000]"Hunter 2-1, this is Pegasis. We recieved confromation of Stalkers attack. Beginning attack run, over."[/colour] Striker and his men rush the complex as Pegasis flies overhead with it's 30mm cannon blazing. They meet heavier resistance than expected but they still caught them with their saddles down. A vicious firefight ensues as his squad makes their way to the gate and eliminates the hostiles there. Then they blow the gate and the rest of the plattoon storms the facility. Alarms buzz everywhere as well as bullets.
  12. It's about 2:00 hours and Captain Striker was on the outskirts of Baltimare ready to assault a GEF munitions depot. With him is a platoon of his rangers from the 2nd Ranger Battalion, Echo Company. They jumped into the forest about about an hour and 45 minutes ago, about 4 kilcks west of the target. He lies in wait, observing the facility witch is about 200 meters away from the treeline. [colour=#008000]"Overlord, this is Hunter 2-1. We are in postion at point Bravo and on standby. How copy? Over."[/colour] [colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies all, Hunter 2-1. Predator drones reveal target is fortified with concrete walls and counts 4 guard towers. Visual reports also show enemy armor within the complex. No data regarding anti-air. Recomend an assault on the main gate for surpression as a squad breaks through the east wall. Over."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Hunter 2-1 copies. Do we have any air support? Over."[/colour] [colour=#FFA500]"Hunter 2-1, we have an AH-64D Longbow, callsign: Pegasis, and a AC-130U Spectre, flight 04, callsign: Stalker, are enroute. Over."[/colour] [colour=#008000]"Overlord, Hunter 2-1 copies all. We will be on standby until support enters combat zone, over."[/colour] [colour=#FFA500]"Overlord copies. Good hunting Hunter 2-1, over and out."[/colour] Striker and his men lie in wait until their support arrives. He gazes out to his target and his itch for battle begins to grow. [colour=#008000]"Oh, you *******s are gunna get some now... hooah." [/colour]Striker quietly growls.
  13. If we are still on the topic of theme songs, here is theme song for the former REA and the current RLF's 75th Ranger Regiment for obvious reasons. ^^
  14. [colour=#008000]"You will pay for what you done to my princesses... my men... and my only love..." [/colour]Sriker replies with great anger. [colour=#008000] "I will search for you... I will find you... and I will kill you... hooah..."[/colour]
  15. Red Fox's theme vs. Strikers theme (when I actually post with him lol) I see an active fight between them in the future like Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker in Resident Evil 5. Striker does hold all of the GEF, especially the leadership, personally responsable for the death of his dearest love and everything else he holds dear. If they do fight I bet this will be the battle song... and it will be brutal...^^
  16. btw guys, I just uploaded a pic of Striker into my app. check it out ^^
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