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Posts posted by MasterMustang

  1. Pantheon has finished about three shots of that mysterious liquor. Even with the buzz brewing quick he still can't get the picture of Argyle's limp body in Feather's hands out of his mind. So many rookies are falling out of the academy and lately the assasinations of Wojek Legionaires have been on the rise... the public has slowly been turning mad. Something ominious is looming over Ravnica... Pantheon can sense it... he can only speculate how much crimson he will have to paint his armor with in order to stop it...

  2. Here is my FFA RP version of my OC MM. Basically the same except with some minor changes to his story. I'm sur!e this will be overkill but... oh well! Enjoy!

    Name: Brew "Mustang" Highkick, Master

    Sex: Male

    Age: Older Colt/Young Stallion

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye Color: Amber

    Coat Color: Light Tan

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Jet Black, mane in ponytail, tail and mane straight, sharp-edged, and layered. Has a thin chin-strap beard with a light 5 ol'clock shadow.

    Physique: Medium height with a very athletic build. Little buff but very tone.

    Cutie Mark: A ying-yang symbol with a soft blue aura. Symbolizes balance and spiritual/mental strength.

    (Pic by BBS)

    Origin/Residence: Born in Fillydelphia, whereabouts unknown for about 10 years, currently lives in the outskirts of Filly.

    Occupation: Runs a martial arts dojang out of his home. He also watches over (and trains) orphan ponies from time to time.

    Motivation: He wants to learn everything about martial arts as well as the world around him and pass this knowledge down to his students. He also feels the need to help and protect everypony.

    Likes: Martial arts, his students, history, training, music, a good cup of tea, and having fun.

    Dislikes: Violence, conflict, arrogance, superiority complexes, evildoers, and floaties in his tea

    Character Summary:

    (Music to amplify the story.)

    Brew "Mustang" Highkick was born in Fillydelphia. His earth pony father, Ironflank, was a renown boxer in the Canterlot Boxing League; he was especially known for his ability to take a punch and keep pushing on. His boxing career ended in 25 wins and 6 losses. His father was a very noble pony; he would give at least 25% of his winnings to various charities. Ironflank trained, fought out of, and lived in Fillydelphia. One day a mare of stunning beauty stops him in the street claiming to be his biggest fan. Ironflank was used to greeting fans but this mare made his big heart skip a beat. Her name was Tea-na, an earth pony as well with some unicorn blood in her. Teana ran a fresh produce market in Fillydelphia that got decent business. Her specialty was selling teas. That day with a heavy blush, Teana asked Ironflank if he would like to come try some of her fresh and exotic teas, no-charge. Ironflank, with a slight blush himself, accepted the young mare's proposal. The rest is history. Together they had Brew Highkick. The story behind his name is that when he was born his parents were at a lost to what they should name him so they waited. As a baby he refused to drink any baby-formula until one day his mother experimented with some simple green tea; the young colt took to drink instantly with a smile. That same day while his father was training in his gym in the back of the house, little Brew Highkick snuck out of his crib and sought out his father. The little colt found his father in his gym. When he saw his father hitting a bag, Highkick tried the same but fell on his back and began to cry. Ironflank, surprised, came to the aid of his child only to be knocked senseless when the foal's flailing rear hooves struck his father in the chin. Ironhooves chuckled "wow that was a strong kick;" his foal giggled in response. The rest is history until Brew Highkick was a middle aged colt.

    In his early life he heard stories of strong and swift stallions and mares who's hooves were as powerful as the strongest steel. They would battle each other in amazing bouts of extravagant and exotic techniques to determine who's the strongest or to settle a fierce vendetta. He wanted to be strong too. He would occasionally find some of his friends being picked on by larger arrogant ponies. Brew would run to help only to be beaten up pretty bad. He wanted to protect his friends and teach those “meanies” a lesson. The colt knows that it is these "martial arts" are his calling but he needs to find them first. Brew confront his father about this one spring afternoon during his cardio-workout. His father did not protest this although when he told his mother she feared for the safety of her child. She tried to stop her son as she felt that he was too young, fearing for his saftey; Ironflank prevented her from doing so.

    "Let him go hun... you saw it in his eyes didn't you? He has that spark, that drive to make himself into a stronger pony. If we were to stop him now he would only sneak out when we least expect it. What is in his heart is not here. It is not our place to deny him his destiny. Besides, he is his my son too after all; he's tough and I know he will come back even stronger than his pops!" said Ironflank with a determined smile patting his son’s head. Teana was crushed but she too sensed the potential in her child; Ironflank was right. Never would she want her son to settle for less than the best; she preached to him all the time about that when it came to teas. With great reluctance, she let him go…

    For 2 years his journey proved fruitless in his travels until he comes across a very old looking village at the base of the mountains north of Las Pegasus inside the Everfree forest. In the village’s center flew flag of strange symbols. So far this place seems normal but everypony here are wearing these strange white gowns, each with a different color belt. Highkick gravitates towards a large temple in the center of the village. In front of the temple was a large grassy courtyard were several ponies were conducting these strange but familiar moves. It hits Brew, this is the kind of place he was looking for! Those stories he heard were true! He took in the courtyard with great awe as a very old stallion, who goes by the name Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul (Basic Technique) approached him. "Welcome young one, I can sense your presence here has a far larger purpose than you know. Come, come... your destiny awaits" the old pony says in a very forgien accent. Brew Highkick felt a spark ignite deep in his heart. His journey to become a martial artist begins.

    Brew Highkick’s training was very touch both mental and physical. His training would incorporate fierce morning workouts and technique drills. Sparring was the worst. Rarely did they ever wear protective gear. Brew frequently experienced cuts, bruises, and even a broken bone once. He pushed on though just like he knew his father would. Evening would be the time for mental training, such as focus drills and social-skills. These he excelled at quickly because of his personality. He learned how to read and write very well here. Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul even taught him how to use and manifest his chi to perform special techniques or amplify his basic ones. Being a small part unicorn helped very well here as magic and chi are very close to each other. He got along very well with all of his peers and was very well respected.

    Brew matured very quickly for his age and slowly started to detest the violence of the physical aspect of martial arts. He knew their importance but still… he wondered why we need to fight. He knew of so many alternatives to fighting; his master taught him many of them. During his sparring sessions Brew became very defensive and only struck his opponent if he could not evade or block. Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul observed Brew’s behavior and became somewhat disappointed but Brew didn’t notice as his master always kept a kind smile.

    Finally the day came for his black belt test. He was very nervous but anyone would be as Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul was very strict in his grading. He would never pass someone unless he truly felt they were ready. The humble Brew Highkick passed every test leading to his final trial… each final trial of the black belt test was unique to the student. Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul stood before him…

    “Young Brew… your final trial is me. You must defeat me in combat.” said the Grandmaster. He had a usually stern look in his eye.

    “But master, I don’t wish to fight you. Is there some other test I can pass for you, sir?” Brew pleaded. He respected his master too highly to even think to strike him.

    “If you will not fight…” Ki Bon Sul motioned a group of ponies over to the ring. “… then I will fight him and I will not hold back.” It was Quick Silver, a young student that Brew was mentoring. He was still a white belt and very fragile.

    “NO MASTER!!! Please, he is not ready!” Brew pleaded.

    “Fight me and spare your friend or watch him suffer. Those are your only options.” Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul barked.

    Brew sighed and looked at his master with remorse. “Then you leave me no choice, master… I have to protect my student!” Brew yelled as he took his sparring stance. His master smirked and then charged.

    Brew fought very defensively. He still did not want to even attempt to harm his master. He continuously blocked most of his masters techniques before one of his master’s hooves sent him flying across the ring in great pain. Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul looked at Brew very harshly “If you don’t defeat me then I will exile him.”

    “What? No! Master, you can’t!”

    “Then defeat me Brew, this is your test. You know these test are designed to push your limits. Now rise.”

    Suddenly Brew’s eyes lit up to a bright blue light and a soft blue aura radiated from his body. A blue ethereal horn developed on his forehead. He looked at his master with new found determination. “Very well, but I will do this my way… no one will get hurt.” He says with great heroic resolve in his voice.

    His master smirked, “Very good Brew… now come, your final trial awaits.”

    They both rushed into combat, punches and kicks flying. Brew’s speed was extraordinary like if he was moving with the wind itself. His stances and blocks became far stronger and harder than any mountain stone; however Brew yields his strength in every strike to avoid hurting his master until he finds and opening. He quickly maneuvers around to Ki Bon Sul’s back and places his hand on his neck. Suddenly his master collapsed. Suddenly Brew’s body burst into a bright light and he collapsed as well but something changed…

    Brew woke up in the nurses office with his master looking down on him. “Ah, you are awake, and right on time too.” His master said with a smile. He appeared to not have a scratch on him.

    “Master are you ok? Is Quick Silver alright? What transpired?” Brew asked hastily.

    Ki Bon Sul stroked his long fumanchu beard “What happened, you ask?” His master then turns to him and gives him a pat on his shoulder. “You passed Brew.” He says with a goofy old smile.

    “I… I… pass?” Brew is in shock. “How? Did I hurt you sir? 1000 pardons, sir.” Brew begins to bow many times until his master stops him.

    “Don’t worry Brew. You did exactly what I was expecting you too. You only knocked me unconscious with your chi. No pain, no injury. Just lights out!” His master laughed. Ki Bon Sul checked Brew out of the infirmary and led him to the temple courtyard. All of his peers were sitting in the grass facing the temple steps. “Come Brew, I have something for you.” Ki Bon Sul says as he lead him to the top of the steps at the temple entrance. They stand across from each other. Brew felt his heart glowing. He knew what’s happening. “Charriut!!! (Attention)” His master commands. Brew stands sharply and focused but they are still smiling. “Dorrah!!! (Turn)” Brew turned around and untied is old red-stripe belt and folded it neatly. He then turned to face his master. He handed his worn belt to his master with a bow; in return his master reveals a long black belt. Brew was so excited his heart nearly skipped a beat. He accepted his belt with a bow and hastily turned to put it on and turned again. “Kungneh.” Orders his master as they both bow in great respect. Every pony cheered but Ki Bon Sul wasn’t finished…

    “You got something else from this test too.” Grandmaster Ki Bon Sul started. “Remember the moment when you defeated me? Look…” Ki Bon Sul points to Brew’s flank. The once blank flank now contained a full cutie-mark. Brew jumped for joy. It was the happiest moment of his life however… his master still wasn’t finished…

    “With such great portrayal of strength, spirit, courage, and honor, I shall bestow upon you the nickname Mustang as you brew reflect everything the legendary Mustang Monks stood for: Honor, knowledge, strength, and most of all the well being of their fellow pony.” Ki Bon Sul brought great joy to Brew’s heart. A few tears slipped past Brew’s guard. His master looks at him with a wide silly smile. “Now go boy! Take the day off to celebrate! You more than deserve. Make sure to stop by tonight for tea.”

    Brew bows with a great smile then hoof-pumps. “You can count on it master!”

    10 years later... Brew “Mustang” Highkick returns to Fillydelphia with a uniform as white as snow, a belt as black as night, and the cutie-mark he longed for. In response to his return, his father took a long break from boxing and his mother closed down her whole market for a month so that the family could celebrate together.

    Thus the saga of Master Brew "Mustang" Highkick.


    Master Mustang is a very humble, modest, and kind pony because of his experiences and training. He excelled in all area's of martial arts but his true mastery was in the spiritual and mental concepts. He believes a true pony of the martial arts is a seeker of knowledge and a protector of those who can't protect themselves thus in his training he recieved the nickname "Mustang." The Mustangs, as his old master explained, were an ancient clan of ponies who were, in essence, monk guardians or paladins. They seeked the knowledge of the past in order to improve the future of their brethren as well as protect fellow ponies from evildoers who would seek to cause them harm. However, most seem them as nothing more as an old stallion’s legend. Brew highly disagrees.

    Master Mustang loves to share everything with his fellow ponies, especially the most precious of things, time as well as his tea.

    He is usually very cool and collected, never losing his temper but like everypony he has moments of weakness. He believes we must accept out limitations and work around them to further our growth and this is where his love of music comes in; Master Mustang purges his excess emotions through music.

    Early on in his life Brew grew to detest violence even as a last resort. He does not like to fight but he rather compromise with his opponent but if the need arises and there no other option, he will resort to his mighty skills. However, at times the Master will use his skills to make a point, especially with arrogant and self-centered ponies in an attempt to humble them.

    The Master sees himself as much as a student as he is a teacher. He realizes that there is an infinite amount of knowledge to be learned and an infinite number of potential ponies to share such knowledge with.

    Brew is very quick to help in any situation because of that fateful day of his black-belt test. Helping a fellow pony is worth far more than anything we can imagine, even one’s life.

    Master Mustang takes in orphan ponies from time to time to shelter. He may be strong but anypony knows that loosing a parent, if not both still causes pain. He seeks to remedy this pain and heal these poor ponies.

    Master Mustang is very mature for his age but don't mistake him as being "mister serious" because he frequently lets out the little foal inside him.

    Mares tend to be his weakness since he never had a special somepony. When it comes to anything romantic, he ges nervous. He is especially shy around mares.

  3. Brew was surprised by Ms. Fluttershy's persona. She was far more shy than he could even try to be. It makes him want to go hug her for some reason and then he starts to blush at the thought. He snaps back to his senses.

    Brew notices Buzz summoning butterflies and sending them to Ms. Fluttershy. He wears the same expression that brew has. He must be actually trying to make her feel better. Good, Brew's way would be too direct and inappropriate as per his current status as a student... err... camper.

  4. Brew now locks eyes with Ms. Fluttershy. He sits eagerly awaiting what she has to say as well. Brew has been very quite throughout the whole presentation. Ms. Fluttershy is rather quiet so it takes Brew's full focus to hear her. So far he has really taken a liking to Ms. Rainbow Dash's cirriculum. Her training may well make him strong enough to really impress Master Ki Bon Sul. He has even taken a liking to Miss Rarity's cirriculum too. Her detailed orientented arts will surely sharpen his perception of the finer details, that is very nessesary when sparring: reading your opponent's slightest movements and reactions. He is kinda unsure about Ms. Pinkie Pie though... she is very nice but... Brew can't help but feel awkward and out-of-place in activities like story telling, parties, and dances... dances being the worse.

  5. Mustang senses a powerful presence behind him and turns to investigate. He turns to see none other than her majesty, Princess Luna. Immediately he turns around to fix his uniform and faces the princess again; he bows to her deeply in respect, his long ponytail flowing behind him in the process. "Your royal highness Luna, it is a great honor to be in your presence." He says excitedly. Master Mustang has never seen the princesses in person before today. It is a sight he will be sure to remember. Luna's presence is dazzling as legends tell. She is as beautiful as a cloudless starfilled night sky. It kinda makes Mustang blush. She is so beautiful... and she's right in front of me... oh I do hope I make a good impression... IDIOT! Focus, she is your royal highness! Mustang somewhat regains his senses and motions for Luna to pass him in line. "W-w-would your majesty like to cut ahead of me? I am c-certain you must be quite busy and would like to be on your way, mam." He stutters but polite. He is a little embarassed.

  6. Pantheon takes the shot and it goes down rough. Very rough... if it were possible to drink phyrexian oil and not... well you know... that is how harsh this stuff is. However, this stuff slaps Pantheon back to his senses. Ravnica is a dangerous place and their will be casualties on both sides. Best not get sensitive to it.

    Pantheon can't help overhear Forest's conversation with the barkeep, Fungus was his name? Anyways, Pantheon had pretty much the same intel on the case as the civilians did. However the Legion of Wojek tried to keep this hush-hush. "I see word travels fast..." says Pantheon without moving an inch. "They say that the case is already being deemed cold. No leads yet as to my knowledge."

  7. As the Councilors make their introductions one by one, Brew instinctively sits perfectly upright and locks eyes with each who speaks. He gives them the same respect and attention as he would give his master, Ki Bon Sul. He nonds in response to each explaination of each activity. He soaks in each piece of information making sure he won't bother them later by asking to many questions.

  8. Master Mustang's train just docked at the Ponyville station. He exists to see a good size but humble looking town. He looks around with a soft smile, his long ponytailed mane sways in the slight breeze. "So this is Ponyville? Quite the humble local, I must say." Mustang speaks softly in approval to himself. "I can see why they sent me here."

    Master Mustang is on his first real vaction in a while. Back in Fillydelphia, some of his students felt that he spends too much time tending to the gym and the orphans, as noble as it may be. So, his top ranking students bought a train ticket and pooled some bits together in secret for their master. Thus, here he is now.

    As he steps off the train platform, this large and rather strange banner catches his eye... 'Sweet Apple Acres First Annual Apple Kiss!' it exclaims in large artistic print. Mustang has heard of Sweet Apple Acres in his earlier travels. "Best place to buy apples in Equestria" many say. He looks at the advertisement confused. "Is there some kind of sale on apples? Hmmm... must be." he says scratching his head. Suddenly his eyes light up. "I got it! I'll get some apples for my students back home. They did say I can use these bits on whatever I want..." he chuckles. He can’t help but think of his students. They are everything to him.

    He follows directions a local gave him and he arrives at Sweet Apple Acres. Mustang is impressed by the sheer size of the farm as well as how organized it is. The farm also is actually quite beautiful... all these apple trees seem to resonate with tranquility. This would be a great place to train… Mustang shakes his head from day dreaming and he notices a large line leading to a booth with a orange mare with blonde hair. Next to her are an elderly green mare and a little yellow red-haired filly.

    Mustang takes his place in the line. Other ponies look at him strangely. His outfit is not your normal casual attire. He is still wearing his Tae-Kwon-Do uniform and his old worn black-belt with 4 gold stripes. The only normal part of his attire is his saddle bags. No worries though, everypony he met here yet has been very nice and has actually complemented on his attire. He just stands and smiles as he awaits the line to move forward. His medium length layered black tail swishes with anticipation.

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  9. [colour=#0000CD]*Assassin!*[/colour] Screeched a call from Pantheon's wrist communicator. Just as he is about to get up the female officer speaks again. [colour=#0000CD]*Darn... I lost him. Attention all fellow officers operating within District 35! Perp is wearing a black cloak fleeing south on the rooftops! Skynight Legionnaires support requested. -Message Repeat-* [/colour] Pantheon just sits still. [colour=#FFA500]"Looks like a job for the flyboys... I almost feel bad for the poor idiot." [/colour]

  10. Brew snaps back to the present. He looks around until he meets eyes with Licorice but then looks away embarrassed. "Well... ummm... it is my first time here... or any camp for that matter." he exlaims. "It was kinda... my mother's idea... she was saying that she felt that I was couped up for too long in either my room, dad's gym, or Master's Dojang. Mom... felt that I needed some air... a change of pace." He feels so weird talking about himself but at the same time he feels safe doing. "So... yea..."

  11. Apple Pie lead Mustang into a local buffet. Before even able to ask her anything she lead them to a table in the far corner. And asks him about how many bits he's carrying. She seems to work very fast. "Well... currently as we speak I am carrying 50 bits. I wasn't sure how long I would be staying or how much I would be... spending." He runbs his neck nervously. He has heard about how pricy Canterlot can be in certain places. Regarless he would never let this child pay for him. It would be dishonorable. "About paying for me, I'm sure that won't be nessesary." he smiles.

  12. The battle rages on as the Wojek officers make their way up the apartment complex. Pantheon just made it to the 40 floor. The gun and magic fire seems almost to becoming from right down the hall. He scans the 40th level; there are 2 rooms filled with hostiles. Insted of busting down the doors, Pantheon heads up an extra floor and proceed to a room just above the 2nd hostle apartment. "Court is now in session... punks..." Pantheon shoots a circular pattern in the floor and falls through it getting the drop, literally, on the perps. "Oh crap! It's the Judge!" cries one of the goblins. They appear to mainly consist of goblin mercs and some pony criminals. Mercilessly he blast each one of them as they turn to attack. They didn't have a chance. Just as he finishes, officers Feather and Argyle burst through the door only to find Pantheon standing. Pantheon looks at the two emotionlessly. "This room has been pacified..."

    Eagarly the rookie takes off to the adjacent appartment. "The next one's mine!" he says full of confidence.

    "No! Rookie, hold up!" Pantheon orders but Argyle doesn't listen. As he kicks down the door he is greeted by a bullet to the chest. It pierced his armor severely wounding him. He drops his Lawgiver and it slides into the hostile room.

    "NO!!!" cries Feather as she rushes to drag the rookie away. Argyle then passes away in her arms.

    "Die Boros pigs, die!" cries the leader with a hiss as he sprays bullets and magical fireballs everywhere. By the accent of his voice he sounds like a Viashino.

    Pantheon's face grows sour as he looks upon the body of the rookie Wojek Legionare. His eyes flare with quiet fury. He takes cover by the open door and calls out to the perps. "You're under arrest! Throw down your weapons or prepare to be judged!" Pantheon growls.

    "Judge this!" replies a goblin as he picks up Argyles Lawgiver. "NO! Its a Lawgiver man!" cries one of the ponies. *Intruder* "No, don't! They are booby-trapped!" exclaims the Viashino too late as the goblin recieves a large electric shock knocking him unconcious.

    Pantheon readies his gun for action. "Full-auto... rapid fire..." Pantheon says with a growl. *Rapid Fire* He quickly sprays a volley of bullets into the room killing 4 perps before taking cover on the opposite side. Pantheon caught a glimpse of a heavily armored pony like himself within the room so he readies the Lawgiver again. "Armor Piercing!" *Armor Piercing* He shoots around the doorway hitting the pony straight in the heart. Two armed perps are left as the Viashino leader is huddled on the floor. "Double Whammy" *Double Whammy* Pantheon charges the doorway striking both perps with a single shot.

    The Viashino stands with his hands up obviously surrendering. Pantheon approachs him slowly with his weapon aimed up... "Ravnica City Municiple Code 213: Willful destruction of property; thats 2 years. Code 139: Unlawful use of magic; that's 4 years. Code 310: Illegal posession of assault weapons; that's 5 years. Code 457: Resisting arrest; 20 YEARS!!!" As Pantheon reads the Viashino his charges the previously unconsious goblin attacks but Feather quickly dispatches him with her sword. "Thank you, Feather." Pantheon replies. He then slowly turns his back and holds a tone of great disgust... "... and Code 3613... the 1st degree murder of a Wojek officer of the Law..." The Viashino takes this opprotunity to prepare a fireball. "And let me guess... life? KYAAA!!!" Before he even lifts his arm, Pantheon turns and shoots him in the head. "Death... court's adjourned..." he says coldly.

    Renforcement arrive to clean up the scene and detain surviving perps as Feather and Pantheon head for theit bikes. She throws her helm against a wall. "Damnit!!! I should have kept a tighter leash around him!" she says with great pain and frustration. Pantheon tries to comfort her. "It wasn't your fault Feather... he was reckless... however..." he looks back at the warzone of Heavenly Haven. "... at least he died a warriors death... he showed courage in the face of danger and he will be remembered for that. Now go and take the night off Feather. I can handle it out here for the night." Feather reluctently gets back on her bike and rides back to the station. "I think its time for a drink..." says Pantheon as he gets back on his Lawbringer and heads back to the Mushroom Kingdom.

    Pantheon walks back into the bar but without his shield and spear. He also has some fresh crimson glistening on his armor. He takes no notice of the others that were still there when he left. "Hey... barkeep... strongest thing you got... don't worry about bits..." asks Pantheon in a gloom tone. Even though a warrior's death is a good way to go it is still death. Pantheon has seen a lot of allies fall before but this kid got to him... got to Feather too... she is never that emotional. He lets out a sigh as he slumps in his seat.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJuws-GFlqY

    Right as Pantheon exited the bar, his wrist communicator picked up a call. *Feather and Argyle in position inside Heavenly Haven! We are under assault from the upper floors, request backup! Help needed at Heavenly Haven at the corner of Avacyn and Callisto, request backup!* -messeage repeat- Heavenly Haven... a very decieving name. It's a small but dense block in the undercity just outside his patrol root. It's a slime pit... citizen riots, arsons, black market trade, but since Feather, a good officer in her own rank, needs help then it must be a block war between two rival Gruul Clans. "Appropriate timing... time to spread some justice..." Pantheon smirks as he jumps onto his nearby Lawbringer hovercycle. He quickly takes off and makes his way to the scene. As he casually gets of his bike he looks at the carnage before him... gunfire and magical projectiles everywhere. Just like the good old days. After a second of remenising, he takes a few steps foward into the middle of the street leaving his shield and spear behind. His fellow officers notice him.

    "Holy mercy of Razia, he's a sitting duck out there!" Officer Argyle commented. He's a rookie, fresh as can be.

    "He knows what he's doing." Officer Feather replies sternly.

    Pantheon activates his built in loudspeaker. "I AM... THE LAW! Drop... your weapons... and cease... your magic... you all... are under... arrest!" Pantheon orders sternly but calmly. "This is... your FINAL... warning!"

    The larger of the Gruul groups stop shooting. One of them looks out the window and panics. "It's Pantheon, guys!!!" The leader of the group slaps him with his weapon. "HEY!!! You wanna be afraid of someone? Be afraid of ME!!!" He looks out the window and they all begin shooting at the Wojek officers. "Hey Lawman! Come and get us!" he shouts as they blast bullets and fireballs at them.

    Pantheon chuckles as barely any of their bullets or magic projectiles even make it out to his end of the street. "I knew they'd do that..." he smirks. He walks casually over to his fellow officers.

    "Pantheon, sir, get to cover!" pleads the rookie as he keeps his head down. "They are firing 20mm caseless Sledger rounds and using mid-strength fireballs from 300 meters. The effective lethal range is 200 meters, you're safe." He replies humorously. He looks down at officer Feather as she takes cover. "What are you doing down there, officer Feather?" He asks sarcasticly. She jumps up slightly annoyed trying to preserve her pride. "Waiting for backup!" she replies sharply. Pantheon looks out at their attackers and he pulls out his Lawgiver Mk2. "It's here..." He leads them towards the adjacent abandoned apartment complex. "Lets move out! Keep it simple, single file, standard relay, on point, your left... *points to the rookie*" Pantheon holds his pistol close to his face and speaks into it. "Grenade." *Grenade* it responds. He aims and blows open the entrence. "Nice shot, sir!" Argyle comments. They proceed into the building. "You two meet me on the 40th."

    (OOC: Part one complete! Told you I'd remake that scene! :20: )

  14. "I suggest that the removal of your hoof would best suit the situation..." he says slowly turning his head to face her. His deep orange eyes lock with Wrench's. Even siting at the bar he is looking down at her which further complements his size. He calms slightly then looks at his food. "If you will excuse me citizen, I am on-duty so I need to finish my business here quickly and leave." said Pantheon as he leaves bits for the bill and heads for the door with his equipment. His armor clangs with every step.

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