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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. "Plus, you survived a broken neck. What do you have to say about that?" Mandaline smiled warmly, eating another hot wing.
  2. Balinor said "Would you care to try it on?"
  3. Mandaline replied "But you didn't run, like a lot of cowards I had to work with. You stayed with me, never leaving my side. I think that proves some hardcore loyalty, eh?" She ate a hot wing, grabbing a plate to put the bones on.
  4. Balinor did as requested, and melted a thin golden wire onto the back of the armor. When he finished, he painted it in, giving it a coat if varnish after the paint dried. When he finished, the suit was indeed very shiny.
  5. Mandaline smiled and said "Today you have proven plenty." She reached for the hot wings and opened up the ranch dressing
  6. Balinor smiled, and asked "What would you like for your Coat of Arms?"
  7. Mandaline giggles, and says "I never said you HAD to use it!" She took another slice and drenched it with more Tabasco.
  8. Balinor said "Six..." He took some measurements, then pried off some extra steel, throwing it into the fire to heat up, and still continued hammering. After a few minutes, a chestplate took form, and Balinor had punched holes in several places. He placed it aside, and took the extra steel, hammering it into a backplate, and set it aside. Soon enough, he had forged a suit of armor, and had padded the inside with leather.
  9. Mandaline chuckles, and drenches her pizza in hot sauce. She takes a bite and says "Just the way I like it. Spicy!" She smiles.
  10. After the steel spent a few moments in the fire, Balinor took a pair of prongs and a hammer, picked up the steel with the prongs, and began to hammer the steel on an anvil. "What size clothing do ye wear, milady?" He asked Zero.
  11. Mandaline promptly places a bottle of Tabasco on the table. "Tabasco." She said with a laugh, and took a slice of pizza.
  12. Balinor smiled and said "Thank you, milady." He set to work almost immediately, tanning leather and cutting it unto strips first. He then grasped a large piece of steel, and placed it in the fire.
  13. ((Exactly!)) Mandaline grinned, and said "No problem. Always glad to help. Oh! Almost forgot something!"
  14. Balinor shrugged, and asked "Do you know where I can find a weapons forge around here?"
  15. Mandaline giggled a bit, and placed an order for two pepperoni pizzas, hot barbecue wings, and garlic knots. After a few minutes, the food arrived, and Mandaline walked in and placed it on the table. "Tadaa." Mandaline said with a smile.
  16. Balinor replied "Sometimes there is important information hidden."
  17. "Good!" Mandaline walks out and grabs the phone. "You wanted pepperoni, right?"
  18. Mandaline replied "I was expecting you to have already passed out. Usually the patient should not be awake for this. Plus, it only hurts because of my touching. I have to touch to make sure they actually mend." She turns off the machine as she feels his neck had finished. "Was that so bad?" She smiled warmly.
  19. "This one I usually use if surgery is done, and something vital is broken. Skulls, for example." She says, gently placing a hand on Echo's neck. The bone had mended, but was dislocated. She fixed that problem with ease.
  20. Mandaline picks up Echo with strength that she didn't appear to have, and places him underneath the machine. She turns it on, pulling on her gloves. She aimed it at the location if the break, and pulled the trigger
  21. "She tried to do more zan zat!" Balinor replied with a snort. "As I said, she attempted to murder King Judah."
  22. "No, not the mobile one. In my room I have a bigger, not to mentioned better, one." Mandaline said calmly.
  23. Balinor said "She WAS Princess Luna."
  24. Mandaline looks at Echo's neck. "It's just some bruising. That can heal up pretty quick."
  25. Mandaline notices that the gun didn't help, and says "You know, you don't have to worry about making me...worried. I may be concerned, but not worried."
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