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Posts posted by DreamEatr

  1. Licorice held gummy tightly, the rush of wind that Rainbow Dash had caused messing up her mane. Licorice wasn't too worried, though. She turned to Tag after the introduction, a little startled by the presenter. "Well she seems.. very.. Sure of herself.." She noticed that Tag still looked pretty upset over what'd happened earlier. "Hey, Cloud.. Are you doing alright..? You seemed a bit shaken earlier.." Licorice seemed to have a way of trailing off her sentences, but it was just how she talked.

    Cloud sighed "Yeah I'll be fine, some butt threw my bag off my bunk and all 20 cans of paint leaked over my bag and clothes, it took 5 days of traveling in and out of the Everfree Forest to get all of the materials to make a 20 can batch... So I'm pretty mad."

  2. Camp Clearing >>> Bonfire

    Cloud gave up but was still mad as a bull, so he returned to the bonfire where the orientation was starting. "I'll be sure to give that guy a piece of my mind and maybe some foot" He muttered to himself he sat down and sketched in the back pages of his book a couple of doodles that were rather disturbing he tore them out and put them in his backpack so noone would see them. "It took me five days to make all of that paint dagnabbit... I guess I'll have to go on a nature hike with Fluttershy tomorrow to get some berries and other materials."

  3. Cabin 1 >>> Camp Clearing

    Cloud went into his cabin and found his bag on the floor. "Nonononononononononononononononono." Cloud rushed over to it to check if any of the paint had leaked and spilled over his clothes he stuck his hand in and found pulled it out a gooey brown mixture was on his hand all of his clothes were in there... his eye twitched and he was angry and just about ready to tear someones head off not because of the clothes but because all of that paint took collectively 5 days to make and mix primer in 20 cans all ruined he marched out to the clearing and yelled at the top of his lungs "ALRIGHT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DID IT, WHO HAS THE TOP BUNK IN CABIN ONE RIGHT NOW TELL ME!!!" His face red with rage and his eye twitching in anger he was scary when mad.

  4. Clearing (I'm not sure) >>> Cabin 1

    Cloud put his respirator back on and started fidgeting a bit, getting a bit hyper being around people. "I-I'm gonna go ahead and take a quick stroll." Cloud got up and ran away really quick looking behind him him being a clumsy foal when he turned around he hit a building face first. He got up and brushed himself off "I'll be fine." He ran away and ran around a bit and thought to himself "Why does excessive social contact equal fidgety and awkwardly hyper again?"

  5. Cloud smiled "Yeah when I look to the sky I just see clouds or stars, the first artists known to anything, the star formed constellations, where you could connect stars and form them into anything, and the cloud forming freely with no restraint." he brought his respirator down from his face and hung it around his neck and breathed in "It's been a long time since I took this thing off so excuse if I look weird" he chuckled a bit the original reason he got the respirator was so he didn't have to breathe in the gas emitted from the factories in the slums of manehattan, but he also used it because of the primer he uses in his paint, it emits fumes that could make you feel a bit woozy if breathed excessively other than that it was safe.

  6. Cloud Smiled. "I guess I am, my dream is to paint a mural of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in the Canterlot Castle throne room. I know it sounds silly but it's to repay a 'debt' I have to the Princess is all" Cloud rested his head against the tree trunk and focused on the light that peered through the leaves. "It really is a pretty day today I hope it's a nice sunset..."He then looked at Licorice again "Okay really weird question time, does the air taste or smell weird around here?" He blushed and a little showed above his respirator.

  7. Cloud smiled, and turned the music off. "One s-second". Cloud turned the page in his sketchbook and had drawn a quick sketch of Licorice. "B-by the way it's not silly to have a dream, j-just because it can't be obtained easily..." He showed Licorice the sketch and turned it back, this time added a horn onto her sketch "D-doesn't mean it's impossible" He tore the sketch out of the sketchbook and handed it to her. "It's good to have dreams..." Cloud stood up, patted Licorice's head and smiled, then he sat back down.

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  8. Cloud was startled for a second from the sudden approach from Licorice

    "U-um yeah I've been having an artist's block though I guess I can't seem to draw anything I could excited to paint anywhere" He sighed heavily

    "And yeah it's one of my favorite songs it really motivates me to try to mix it up sometimes so I listen to it sometimes...."

    He paused and looked up to see Licorice and blushed a bit only a little thin line of red was showing above his respirator but he was still blushing nonetheless.

    "B-but tell me about yourself...if that's okay, My names Cloud, It's a pleasure to meet you Ms.Black..."

  9. Name: Cloud 'Tag' Mask

    Gender: Colt (Male)

    Race: Pegasus

    Brief History:

    He lives with his parents, Surge and Thea, they don't pay him much mind so he might as well be living alone anyways, he gets lonely alot but he's filled the void with doing murals and drawing in his spare time


    Mane: Short and Messy (very spiked at the ends)

    Tail: Very short and messy like his mane

    Mane color: Golden Rod, with green and blue tips.

    Tail Color: Golden Rod

    Eye Color: Yellow

    Coat Color: A dull Grey

    Cutie Mark: (it's kinda long just warning you)

    Nearing the end of his depression Cloud was about Seven years of age. He was walking home from his classes alone because his mother had said

    "Big Colts can walk themselves wherever they need to go, and you need to start being a big colt"

    Though he knew she just didn't want to have to bother with picking him up, but he was used to it by now. He was also too used to the daily beatings from the bullies, and the daily scolding from his father because he always returns home late with a new cut or bruise. He decided to detour his usual route so that he didn't have to face the bullies that day, he had walked over it during lunch break making sure it would get him home without any encounters. Though he had never taken this one alley, it was completely bare so he thought it would hopefully stay that way after school. He took the route as he planned, at the exact alley that he had never walked before that was completely dead during school, had a group of "Deliquents" tagging the wall with some nonsensical propaganda about Princess Luna. They noticed him and he was scared, but he was intrigued with what they were using to tag the propaganda with. He had never seen anything like it so he timidly asked them

    "W-what is in your hoof"

    The Young Mare who couldn't have been older than sixteen, smiled and handed him the can of spray paint

    "Why don't you find out?"

    The young mare showed Cloud how to use the spray paint can and what they were doing with the tagging the propaganda Cloud hesitated to ask.

    "B-but why just paint messages"

    He was curious to and sad so he took a couple cans of spray paint and made a rainbow of color, he then wrote "Celestia" as a tribute to the princess. It wasn't much but he knew he could do more given the right colors and proper training. He returned home with an unusual upbeat attitude and no cuts or bruises. After about of month of meeting the "Delinquents" after school he started to take a liking to them and tagging murals. This group is where he received his nickname "Tag". He was overjoyed when he got the nickname he realized that this was what he was good at, this was his calling, this was what he did right. He has had his Cutie Mark ever since.


    A bit shy, Socially awkward, charismatic.

    Likes and dislikes:


    Flowers, Lemon flavored lollipops, Flying, Sleeping, he treasures the respirator and goggles his parents gave him because they are the only presents he has ever gotten from them he always wears them.


    Losing, uninspired paintings (painting with no meaning), sudden loud noises, clown dolls, mannequins

    Random fact: He's so shy hes bullied alot.

    Anything I left out..? ^^ : He sketches alot during class and is very shy in pressuring social situations.

  10. Cloud got nervous and his mind went racing a million miles a minute

    you're gonna get rejected don't even bother, it doesn't matter!

    Just kept repeating....

    "N-never mind it was a stupid question anyway sorry to waste your time..."

    Cloud turned around and started walking back to the tree he left the sketchbook under and ripped out the sketch of the mural he wanted to try. Crumbled it up and put it in his bag.

  11. After Pinkie let go he sighed and went on to get some distance between him and Pinkie he didn't wanna say something stupid from being so nervous...

    "I know they don't meet your heroes but that was awesome" he quietly whispered to himself.

    He then got a good idea for a mural.

    "That'll be perfect"

    He sat under a tree, took out his sketchbook and his lucky pencil and proceeded to do a rough sketch of it, and did so looking content...

    "... Wait I should probably ask if I'm even allowed to paint it before i get my hopes up..."

    Cloud got up and walked over to Twilight

    "U-um Ms.Twilight?" he said very quietly

    He was hoping to get her attention

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