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Posts posted by Shame

  1. -Boys Cabin 5-

    Vox opens the door to the cabin and takes in the air, stepping inside to take in the layout and feel of the room. He looks around for a bit before walking over to one of the bunk beds and laying down in it. Once settled he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace with a small chalice emblem, wrapping it around his hand and letting the symbol dangle in the air. After a few moments of examining the small piece of gold, he brings it to his face, kisses it, and whispers 'It's gonna be great here, mom...'

  2. Vox walked up the sidewalk and stopped at the building, drawing out a piece of paper and reading it, then looking back to the building. 'Well... This is the place...' He sighed, straightening his old military saddlebags. He ascends the steps and opens the door, lowering his head to avoid drawing attention to himself, being a cyclops and all.

  3. Welcome Shame! Glad to have you on board! :D Emerath isn't on at the moment, but when he does get on, he'll check over your application, and once everything has been sorted out, and possible problems are fixed, it should be added to the list!

    Thanks! I was worried about being in-character for the bio, I wasn't sure what to do so I left the notes in OOC

    Welcome Shame. I'll send you a PM soon in regards to your app.

    I'll look forward to it! :3

  4. Name: Vox Cast

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Race: Earth Pony

    Current Place of Residence: Stalliongrad

    Have You Attended Camp Whitetail Before?: No

    Hair Color: Dark Teal

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A 1950's era broadcast microphone, original location was on his left side, on his hip (above his waistline), but it was scratched out, it was then carved into the area around his left eye with a razer blade, he wears an eyepatch to cover it

    Physical Description: Paler skin, wears an eyepatch over his left eye, short + messy hair, Cargo shorts and a white t-shirt

    Personality: Shy, very self conscious of his eye, relatively quiet (due to his russian accent)

    Likes: [Optional but self explanatory.]

    Dislikes: [Optional but self explanatory.]

    Character Bio: Grew up with a normal family in Stalliongrad, where an accident at work left him scarred, rendering his left eye useless. Wants to join Camp Whitetail to have a good time and socialize!

    Activities You're Interested In: Camp Dance Planning, Bonfire Games, Cooking, Whittling, Creative Writing

    Final Notes: (OOC: Vox is an orphan, grew up with o parents, he lied on the application and payed somebody to say he was his parent to sign him up, the 'eye situation' was no accident either.)

  5. Application Form

    Name: Nova Flare

    Gender: Male

    Species: Pegasus

    Description/cutie mark: Growing up an orphan in Stalliongrad, Nova found himself among the wrong crowd. Roaming the streets of Stalliongrad with his group of misfits, he often was the target of most blame. Used as a scapegoat for most of the mischief his 'friends' wrought. Nova discovered his talent in singing in his early teens, the first in his group of 'friends' to get his cutie mark. In punishment, he was bound and had his mark scratched out with a switchblade, the scar still present to this day. around his mid-teens he finally found love, a mare who cared for him. Defending her from a mugger left him a cyclops, a long vertical scar traveling down over his eye and rendering it useless. This mare he fought to defend couldn't bare to look at him, this bringing her departure from his life. With an eyepatch to cover his memory, after a few years of living among more higher class ponies, making friends, but never finding love, his friends have decided that he needs that happiness, and signed him right up. (Sorry for the length)

    Picture: b9d9ebb3815b955d16df123404cfa887.pngMade it quick, couldn't add those physical details, sorry

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  6. Good Morning and Welcome to Canterlot.com! Please, enjoy our complimentary punch and cookies (located by the door). I too love Warhammer 40k and Dungeons and Dragons (though I greatly prefer Pathfinder).

    Punch and cookies are nice, but I prefer pizza...

    Also, I don't rightly understand pathfinder, I mean, I've watched Spoony and friends play it, but is it any different from DnD?

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