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Posts posted by charkzilla20

  1. So, we know that:

    -Applejack manages a farm and sells apples

    -Rarity makes and sells fancy clothes

    -Pinkie makes and sells sweets (I guess)

    -Twi runs the library, and probably collects overdue money (lol especially from me)

    -Fluttershy does some stuff with domesticated animals, probably raises and sells them / petstore

    So does RD get paid for doing weather duty?

    Seems like the characters in the show like to spend a lot of money, especially Pinkie on balloons. How do you guys think the characters could get money? Pony stocks?

  2. School school school school!

    It's really not that bad. Once you're out of it for a while, you start to want to go back (or at least I do). There's something magical about being in a huge building with hundreds of peers to interact with in a casual environment while you learn the wonders of the world. Kids take school WAY for granted (I know I did!).

    Also you can TOTALLY put pony posters all over the halls! I wish I still had high school when I discovered ponies, I would have so done that.

    School is pretty bad for me. Moving to a new area destroyed me. And I'm in Palo Alto, and I'm not like all the other techy nerds and i don't fit in. I feel so out of place. And I don't deal with the stress of society at all well...

    I wish I could put pony posters everywhere, but the administration at my school is so strict, that they find a way to stop all fun, no matter what it is... =(

  3. About Myself: 15 year old guy

    How I found Canterlot.com: tapatalk search for mlp forum

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Friend (female) forced me to watch the first episode. I liked it. :-)

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Hey guys, yep I'm new here, but i've watched all through season 1 and 2.

    Rarity is best pony,

    So is fluttershy,

    And RD,

    AND applebloom,

    And i love all the background ponies, vinyl, tavi, lyra, bonbon, derpy, whooves, etc.

    So, when's season 3?

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