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Posts posted by Mongoose

  1. I'm pretty sure Cutie Marks don't evolve. They also don't have to necessarily be what a pony does for a living or does for fun. Look at Rarity for example. We all know she's a Fashionista, but her talent is to find gems. That's actually her real talent and her real magic, and it has nothing to actually do with making clothes! But because it ties in so easily with what she does enjoy doing for a living, it's a compatible talent that she can use along with her true passion. So a pony's cutie mark doesn't necessarily mean that they are required or limited to it.

    So if, for example, you had a cutie mark of a kitty, it could be that you just have a special attachment to cats and have something special around them (Maybe they just inherently like you, maybe you love to lounge in sunbeams, who know) but it'd be something about it that made you special but doesn't necessarily limit you in any way from doing anything else you enjoy. After all, a Sunbeam-lounging pony could still enjoy being a coal miner. :)

    This is pretty much what I think, so I don't have to make a wall of text, I am just going to quote it.

  2. If there's any character I'd like to see redeemed, it's Gilda.

    I agree with this.

    I think that Gilda could turn out to be a great character. I would like to see a lot more big mac.

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