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Posts posted by RFPegasus

  1. I play WoW SOMETIMES, that is, if I can be bothered or have a motive, and if there is nothing better to do. I find it rather boring questing on my own and have recently got back into it from a long time off if you will.

    Started playing back in the 60 capped vanilla with little success (to cut is short, I failed at the game, okay?) and gave up after getting half way through TBC.

    Got back into it again in Wrath and got myself a level 1-80 hunter then decided that there was nothing more for me in the game (seeing as I don't have time to raid at the 'usual' times) so I gave up again. Got into it like a month or two ago though and started my first horde char, although have been neglecting the game for about two weeks.

    Play a level (47 now?) Undead Disc Priest on Defias Brotherhood EU. Would happily play with someone who wants to just level and enjoy the game!

  2. Usually on Xbox in my spare time, around 11am to 7pm (est.--UK)

    Lets see... trying to recall long list of games from memory...

    Saints Row

    Red Faction Guerrilla

    CoD: MWF2

    GTA IV

    Saints Row 2

    Halo 3

    TES: Oblivion

    Halo 3: ODST

    Fable 3

    Gears 3



    NFS Undercover

    CoD: WaW

    Saints Row 3

    Fallout 3

    Sleeping Dogs

    Halo Wars

    Mass Effect 3


    Battlefield 3

    Halo Reach

    Battlefield 2.

    (And yes, half of these are single player, I know.)

    ...and that is how Equestria was made! No, really.

    GT: Zentri0

  3. This is a pretty good first application! :D There are just a few things I'd like to point out, which could make your application a bit better than it already is if you choose to take them into consideration.

    You say she rounds up the clouds on the outskirts of Equestria. Unless I read this wrong, she happens to live in Cloudsdale, which is near the center of the large world of Equestria. Wouldn't her weather team be exclusive to Cloudsdale only? After all, in the show, Rainbow Dash hasn't been shown working on the weather anywhere else than Ponyville/Cloudsdale. You also say that she is a filly, and I don't think that they would allow fillies, even the older ones, to travel that far away from Cloudsdale when working. Maybe this is something you may want to edit a bit?

    Was there anything in her life that inspired her to live a fast-paced life? An event, or another pony?

    Usually, a pony's cutie mark represents a talent of theirs, or a passion. I don't think there would be many chances that she would get struck by lightning multiple times. Maybe you'd want to change it to match how getting hit by lightning showed her how great it is to be going lightning fast, or something of the sort. Now, I'm not telling you to change it, I'm just giving a suggestion. :)

    That's pretty much all I can see for now, but when the RP helpers get to you, they'll probably be able to help out a lot more than I can. They'll be the ones evaluating the application. ;-)


    Your friendly neighborhood RP Helpstaff, Lux, here!

    Very interesting character! I like the color scheme and her talent.

    One thing I have to say is unfortunately, getting your pony struck by lightning isn't going to suddenly give her a burst of speed. In fact getting struck by lightning can and often does kill a pony. Now you can always do something like she gets scared by the lightning which will make her run fast, although not super speedy. Or Thunder can see lightning and try to be as fast as lightning, giving her the inspiration to fly faster.

    You might want to also expand on her history more about how she desired to fly, how she got involved with moving clouds around, etc.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I shall make amends, as for the holes you did pick, I hadn't really thought this character through an awful lot, I've never dedicated myself to my own pony as such, so this is really what I'm doing here, once again, thanks.


  4. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Thunderstruck

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color: Deep Sky Blue

    Coat Color: Ice White

    Extra Trait: When flying particularly fast, she does occasionally burst forward, a short radical increase in velocity, sounding like thunder, this ability however, is not used when she likes and is often missed when needed and accidentally activated, also, she is unable to turn or slow down. (Have to see what the bosses think on this one, won't be overly upset if this is 'illegal' and I totally understand the possible problem with it, but nonetheless, hope it gets approved.)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Slightly wild Ice Blue with Sky Blue two-tone in colour

    Physique: Slender, Agile, Athletic

    Cutie Mark: A Thunderbolt, running with the same colours as her mane.

    During a race in Cloudsdale, Thunderstruck was doing really well, first place, but then, after dropping from first to last, she lost confidence in herself and gave up. At that very moment, she turned to face the weather factory, seeing, in particular the tower in which they make lightning, this made her remember why she loved going fast (see below), ultimately winning her the race. Her cutie mark is a trophy and a reminder to her that she can win almost anything, if she is like lightning, whereas to others it’s just another cool pony with a cool looking cutie mark, “perhaps it’s because she’s like lightning?” or “is she like a flash?” "was she hit by thunder?!" “...shocking!” are common conceptions

    Origin/Residence: Born and raised in Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Member of the weather team, she rounds up the outside clouds on the outskirts of the Ponyville- Cloudsdale reigon, speeding through them rather than kicking them- this leads to quite a few injuries and arguments with other members of the team as flying through clouds can obscure vision

    Motivation: Earlier in life, Thunderstruck would be awe-shocked at the weather-wonder that is thunder, and, she thought it was awesome. It was so pretty and flashy and looked real good. Later, during full time education, she learnt about speed and velocity, and the connections these have to light and sound. This knowledge she linked directly to lightning and thunder. it was with this knowledge that she conjured the aspiration to be as fast as lightning and as cool as thunder. Although far out of reach of these goals, she is arguably much closer than most ponies.

    Likes: Going really fast, winning (although she is perfectly happy with gaining a good score on a personal level rather than over all winning,) daring feats (like flying really close to things, through things, around things... you get the idea,) racing, agility

    Dislikes: Things or situations that go could be going faster than they are

    Positive/s: Friendly, nice enjoyable pony to spend time with, loyal friend

    Negative/s: If something is wrong she will keep it to herself, and tends to attempt to speed things up if they aren’t as quick as she wants them

    Character Summary: Thunderstruck had, since the beginning of time (for her at least) been living the dream up in Cloudsdale, her parents were rich pegasi who earn all their money through management roles in the weather factory. She was undoubtedly rather spoilt, although she did not abuse her wealth at all; all Thunder wanted in life was to be out there, racing, diving and weaving between clouds. She was bought the best presents a young filly could ever want, but she would still spend all her time darting around the sky, practicing, for one day, she would become the best racer ever.

    Her parents have always been fairly laid back, happily taking a back seat in their daughters life choices, and, needless to say, they are and always have been proud of her accomplishments and aspirations, although they do think that she should have a 'physical' aim in life, as speed is not a profession.

    When given a task or a goal, Thunderstruck is always alert and prepared to do what it takes to get the job done, she is very devoted to everypony and feels that she is close to all life in Equestria.

    History (Expan): Thunderstruck had, since a very early age, been ably to fly rather well. Even as a foal, she was known as the bright, bulging blue-eyed pegasus who gazed up in awe at the sky. At the age of schooling, she was able to keep her hooves off the ground, however, her flight was not the best when trying to move any distance. Her parents are both pegasus ponies and always had high hopes for their daughter, although did not force her down any routes, keeping many options available for this pony in her future. During her schooling days, Thunder would be a very polite and cheerful pony, able to mingle and make friends with ease, although some of her classmates would try to put her down (with little success.) After school, she would attend the junior flight club, a small activity club for pegasus ponies who want to improve their aerial skills. After leaving school, she took a two year flight course in senior flight camp with many of her friends she had met at junior flight club. The two years she spent on the course gave her an insight into where she wanted to be in the future: A flier. Dedicated in some way, shape or form to elite aerobatics. This 'dream' soon lead her to the weather team, who scouted her during her flights she commonly flown between her days of leaving education and beginning work.

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