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Posts posted by TheAmazingDashie

  1. Rainbow smiled and let go of her pink haired friend. "Nothing in particular. Just happy to see you!" That was the truth. Dash adored Fluttershy to death. The rainbow haired girl turned towards Twilight and rubbed the back of her head, sheepishly laughing. "Just stopping in. Are yah busy? I thought we could all do something fun or what not!" Suddenly, Dash's iPhone went off and she pulled it out of her pocket, checking the text. Letting out a dismayed sigh, she put the phone away and looked back at her friends, waiting for a response.

  2. Rainbow Dash was let in and gave her pal a tight hug before fluttering up to the top floor, sitting on the ledge. "What's up everybody?" Dash asked, swinging her feet lightly over the edge. Rarity was there and Fluttershy had just walked in, causing Dash to tighten up. She smiled wide and jumped down, hugging the pink haired female. "Hiya, buddy!" Dash was in a very jubilant mood.

  3. Hey Canterlot! Dashie, here!

    I was wondering if you've ever considered creating an APP for Android/Apple users? I, myself, would be away from the computer so much that I get tons of notifications. So if I had an app, I could totally be on it 24/7 and not miss a beat. Ever thought about developing something very simple for the iPhone/Android? Or have you done that already? Just a question! :)

  4. About Myself: My name is not important. What is important is my name, which is Konrad. I love everypony in general and am a very open person :D.

    Im very into RP but not sure if I will RP on this site. I also like making sprites in my free time.

    My favorite song is the doom song composed by the literary genius Gir.

    I am absolutely in love with hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, and am currently studying the science of how people can type with boxing gloves on.

    Also I hate pears D:

    How I found Canterlot.com: I happened upon a google chrome extension and investigated. Don't regret it in the slightest!

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I actually was going on a nostalgia tour of my head and looking up Lauren Faust's work, and saw she was involved in a show, entitled My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

    Believing this show was going to be awesome, I watched all of the episodes that were out. So here I am.

    No regrets at all :D

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash 100%. I am a complete Dashie fanboy :3. (I still love the other ponies as well!)

    You may ask: If Rainbow Dash is your favorite pony, then why is Pinkie Pie in your Thumbnail?

    Answer: Cause Im a rebel :P

    I have been lurking around watching this forum for some time now, and I love absolutely everypony here! Its a real treat to get to be part of Canterlot! <3


    But I think the real question on everyponies mind is, will it blend?

    A Dashie fanboy I hear? ;D

    Welcome to Canterlot! I'm Dashie. Nice to meet you. Wanna be friends? :)

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  5. Rainbow Dash was snoring lightly in her bed; the long, navy blue, varsity-style nightgown caressing her body. She was in a position one would call "sporadic", arms and legs stretched across her bed. Blankets wrapped themselves around her and her mouth slightly hung open, drooling just a tiny bit as she slept. Dash wasn't really a morning person, unless it was for some special event. Therefore, weeks of training before hand would be needed in order to wake up on time. The rainbow haired female jumped a bit in her sleep then shot up: "Angel stole my candy!!!" Dash shouted out of nowhere, obviously awakening from a good (or nightmarish) dream. Realizing there was nobody around and she was practically talking to herself, Dash blushed and got out of bed, stretching out her limbs. "Ahh~ That feels great..." Dash turned and looked out her bedroom window. The sun was shining nicely over Equestria. "Today looks fantastic. Like a day to get some exercise in! I wonder if Twilight is up...Might as well check--" Dash chided to herself, realizing that she needed a shower first. "Right. Shower, then Twilight. Let's go, posthaste!" Dash sped towards her bathroom and did her daily routine.

    After fifteen minutes or so, Rainbow Dash found herself clean as a whistle as she got dressed. Her light blue ears twitched a bit as she viewed her body in the mirror. "Still looking as fierce as ever!" Dash mused, giving herself a little vanity time. Once she had finished, Dash put on her bra (color of light blue), an off-the-shoulder tee-shirt with the words: MOVES LIKE JAGGER in cursive on the front, a pair of mesh gym shorts (light blue, as well), knee-high athletic socks, and a pair of high top Converse. Her tail hung comfortably out the back of her pants and her wings fluttered freely through her shirt. "Right. Now let's go see Twilight..." Dash said to herself, opening the door and taking off towards her friend's house. Since Twilight only lived about five minutes away, Dash decided not to even bother with flying and walked to Twilight's tree. Seeing Rarity enter from afar, Dash knew that Twilight would be having some more company most likely. With a few loud steps and a sturdy knock on the door, Dash waited for Twilight to open the front door.

  6. Rainbow smirked, determined to find a place of safety. This town was no good at all. Let's go. We'll find a diner or something. I can probably cook some food. Dash suggested, already heading forward; regardless if she had the flashlight or was scared or not.


  7. Oh yes, I will announce when this actually takes off, on this thread so stay tuned into this thread incase you wanna join...I will actually go create a character for the host with a really cheesy name like "Chuck Hoofington" right now...

    I'll go ahead and follow it then. :)

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