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Blog Entries posted by TheAmazingDashie

  1. TheAmazingDashie
    Today was an EXCELLENT first day of Senior Year. I feel like this year is going to be fantastic! And to answer some of your questions, I am NOT leaving the forums because school started! Haha, I wouldn't abandon you like that. That would be wrong! I love everypony and I've made some good friends over this week. So I'm here to stay!
    Dashie, out!
  2. TheAmazingDashie
    Well this is the last day of Summer for me!
    I go back to school tomorrow, and let me tell you, this summer has really changed my life. A breakup, a lost friendship, a new crush, big band events, getting slimmer, teaching dance, working, etc. It's all been one big blur. Though, some parts were sad, I've gotten stronger from them and that's what fuels me to press on. That special crush? Can't let you know who that is! Because that somepony is special to me and I don't want anyone to know yet!
    Dashie, out!
  3. TheAmazingDashie
    Wow! Today was a great day!
    My band totally rocked the Back to School Fundraiser and helped some families in need! Plus! WE GOT ON THE FRICKEN NEWS!? It was surreal to see myself on the TV singing up close! It was crazy!!!
    Not to mention I had work today and that went well. I feel like I'm going somewhere in life. It's awesome!!! X3
    Dashie, out!
  4. TheAmazingDashie
    So this is my first entry of my blog! Cool!
    This one will be titled 'The Fighter' due to the recent events that have been going in my life: heartbreak, disappointment, success, and failure. All of these things have made me stronger in the long run, and I will build my character upon these pillars of sand and salt. This entry will be short as it is just a test, or prologue if you will, for the blog.
    Dashie, out!
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