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Posts posted by Caramel

  1. Aighty then, I'll be signing off. I'll be looking into role playing when I get back on. Already figured out where Caramel is gonna live on the map and all that. Just gotta type out his profile.

    If any of you RP helpers see this, I'd love if you can help me refine his profile. I don't wanna seem stupid when I start out. xD This site is a lot more organized than my usual ones, so I don't want to seem like a newbie that much.

  2. I will get on Skype asap. Really tired so I'm like trying to find a way to sleep but it's not working XD

    Take your time, I'll be up for about another hour before I go pass out, and I'm always on after 3pm EST every day, so yea. xD

    I was talking about Caramel but don't think I've forgotten you Dashie...

    Ah, well...I'm sorta one of those types who are really cryptic about their stories and rarely like to post them, but I'll see about getting a rough first chapter done and posting it on fimfic. We'll have to see. >.>

  3. Well if you ever wanna collaborate with me, I have a show called The Dash Show that I've postponed for a while so I can start editing it. I do a livestream/Skype setup, where I talk pony news, music, games, movies, and etc. So if yah ever wanna help with that, be my guest! I'd love to work with yah! ;D I'm pretty talkative too!

    I think I found that from a quick search of Google. ;-)

    Sweet, though! I'd love to help on that! I'm pretty decent at editing so I could do that part for YouTube uploading if needed. I used to do videos on Youtube for about 2 years, being Let's Plays. I got rid of most of my videos though so I don't have much to show off, and my current computer just hates recording them now, but I can still edit videos. I do have a single friend who could always draw a picture for the intro and all that too. Pretty much my only connection. xD

    I sent you a friend request on Skype whenever you feel like getting on and accepting that.

  4. Haha okay.

    Don't feel stalkerish. I do the same thing kinda haha.

    Nice to meet you. You say you do a radio show?

    Well, I aspire to do one. I don't quite have the resources or connections to do anything of the sort, but I do love talking into a microphone. And if I'm given a script and/or something of the like, even better.

    I've always wanted to talk about gaming news. Or even MLP news, I dunno. Just something to start out at. I can't sing well, and my drawing and stories are mediocre at best. So I figure if I can talk like crazy, why not try to have that be my hobby/occupation? xD

  5. Haha wow thanks! :D

    I'm surprised that I was the first one that came to mind when you posted this XDDD

    Heh, it was mostly since you were the other new poster on the forum, and you happened to be online at the same time. I was gonna say "he's gonna post first, isn't he?" as I was going through your videos while I was typing that.

    I always feel all stalker-ish when I haven't posted yet and I'm already learning about members. :unsure:

  6. Welcome to Canterlot! :D

    I'm Dashie. Nice to meet you and I hope you love it here like I do! :DDD

    Haha, how'd I know you'd respond first? I seen yours was the one before me so I was looking through your stuff. Currently listening to "Soul To Take" from your band. I really, really like that one. :)

  7. Hello everyone! My name is Caramel, or James in real life. I'm 20 years old and I live in western North Carolina. I've been a brony for about half a year now and figured I'd start joining more forums, so this shall be my second one. I'll avoid mentioning the name though.

    I'm a partially serious gamer. I also like to draw and write stories, though I'd say I'm pretty amateur at both of those. I plan on writing a fan fiction that I aptly named "To the Core of Things" that would be based around the relationship between Applejack, Big Macintosh and Braeburn, with a bit of Granny Smith and Applebloom somewhere along the line. I'm still trying to get their personalities right by watching some of the episodes over again, so I won't worry about posting any of it yet.

    I also like to role play quite a bit. Both my name and avatar are my character, whose full name is Caramel Scrawl. I partially joined the forum mainly because I seen how organized the Roleplaying sections were. I've already got him as a character planned out, but I'm a little nervous to post it, so I might wait until I get some help setting it up before I do. If you wanna know anything about him go ahead and ask since most of his personality is based off mine.

    Favorite pony wise, I have to go with Big Macintosh. If we are going with the mane 6, it'd be a tie between Rarity and Applejack. If we go with background ponies it would be Caramel or Lucky, but I especially love Braeburn as a one shot episode pony. Did I mention I seriously like the apple family? ;-)

    It's 3am in the morning now, but I'll still be up for another hour or two browsing the forum. Can't wait to see how this forum turns out, and I hope to meet a bunch of new friends!

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