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Posts posted by Skink

  1. Needs more boy ponies. I need something to ship. Big Mac is just too quiet to throw at anyone, Spike's a KID, everyone else tends to be foreign to ponyville, and not even Rainbow Dash strikes me as a lesbian. Surprising, I know! :!:

    Also, since Twilight managed it once in a fit of raw magic energy, I want to see her make Spike big again. So he can go after Rarity only to encounter RACISM AND VIOLENCE cartoon style "Oh crap a big dragon in the town well we are all about to die."

  2. image.php?album_id=62&image_id=274&mode=thumbnail

    Zedonk with no name. I was thinking maybe Smudge. I'd love to play her in RP, but the rules say no hybrids. I dunno if that applies to mixes that occur in reality between 2 species confirmed to be in the MLP universe, especially since mules (which are hybrids) are canon, but I don't want to take chances. For now she's just a cute doodle-able character!

    and ty vorpal :heart:

  3. Haha, don't be embarrassed about the rusty-ness. Reptile knowledge isn't very common even among animal loves. In all honesty I've met vets that I could treat a reptile better than. Exotics aren't something they teach you about as a standard.. its extra years of school, and reptile medicine is still new. If you find you like reptiles or other animals beyond cats and dogs a lot, perhaps consider becoming a vet who is a specialist in exotics or a specific exotic! There is an unfortunate lack in vets in that exciting field :sad: But that means there's always positions available! I'd be studying it myself if I had a stronger stomach and a fuller wallet.

    Komodos are monitors! And monitors are the best :kissy: If I could keep a komodo someday I would do it, but alas, it is a dream unlikely to ever happen.

  4. While this IS a good place to post your art, we do have a gallery as well! gallery/index.php

    This stuff looks neat!

    Ah! I went and contributed to the gallery, thanks for the point-to! Glad you like it. Should I leave these here as is (changing for the provided codes from the gallery) or yank the thread?

  5. I also forgot to mention I like reptiles.

    Well I'm glad you remembered because that is excellent news :lol:

    My favorite reptile is a bearded lizard oh and a boa! I've always wanted to hold one<3

    Do you mean bearded dragons and probably a boa constrictor? They are great! My 3rd snake was a boa and I've had 2 since, and while I've never owned a beardy I have worked with several. There are many species of boa, though the boa constrictor is the most commonly known one called a boa. Even all species of anaconda are boas!

    Perhaps if you try looking in to reptile expos/shows near you, you could easily find someone willing to let you hold those :) They are very common and popular with breeders. They make great pets, though its best to have a little bit of experience keeping less demanding reptiles first, like leopard geckos, corn snakes and ball pythons.

    My favorite lizards are the larger monitor species, especially water monitors and black throat monitors. I have a water monitor now, and back before I lost my first apartment my dog was really a 6 ft black throat. Snakes, gotta be a red blood python! I have a male and 2 females. They are crazy looking snakes.

  6. Probably sick of seeing some of these already if you've spotted them around, but I need a place to put my pony art. Not that I have done a ton of it, but I keep being tempted to make more and more, and I don't want to put them on my usual venues. They're all there for reptile art.. I don't need them running off if things become all ponies for awhile, haha! I'll throw up what I've done so far here, then just add as I get more.



    The full image for the cutey mark:


    Some MLP:FIM style reptiles!


    A sumatran water monitor MLP style.


    Columbian (NOT the argentine) black and white tegu ponyfied!


    African Fire Skink/Common Fire Skink/Togo Fire Skink, pony style!

  7. I used to play with the lizards and snakes I would find when I was little. Of course, 'play' is subjective, and I'm sure they didn't appreciate it much, but hey. :)

    LOL! It happens! Kids don't usually know any better. I was only ever around with larger exotics when I was younger, there weren't any wild herps around for me to catch.. Thank goodness. I was a clumsy, rough kid. I probably would have cleared them all out.

  8. When I'm taking the time to stop and do a picture that mimics the show, I use something called the Pen Tool. Usually a size 4 or 5 brush, then I gently use the eraser tool to taper the edges. It takes me a long time, but some artists I know are SUPER SPEEDY with it! Its especially good if you have shaky hands but want clean lines, like me haha.

    The pencil tool gives you pixel edges, which aren't what most people want when they give it a go. For the brush tool, stick with the hard brushes as it seems you did. You can do your outline on one layer, than color beneath it, and.. goodness! There are so many tricks to learn with photoshop, but they are all great tools. Just sniff around the net for tutorials and you'll learn great stuff :)

  9. Name: FeatherStar, or "Skink"

    Her name is nautical like the others in her family, sharing the name of a feathery looking sea creature the Feather Star. Her nickname is a self-given title, something she feels more at home using and a stubborn way of separating herself from her family's usually sea-faring professions.

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare, 24

    Species: Pegasus


    Pelt Color: Orange

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Bright, deep pink-red. Tail is left in a rather untended long cut, but her mane is kept short for the most part, flopping forward toward her face.

    Eye Color: Bright blue.

    Physique: Rather round-bellied, but a strong pony. She eats well, but she also has to contend with large and often strong creatures on a daily basis.

    Wears: A hoodie. Even in summer, Skink seems to feel perpetually cold and dresses accordingly. This also provides places for her constant companion Fernandi the fire skink to nest in.

    Other: Wears square glasses as her sight is very poor without them. Two piercings in each of her ears, and a bar in only one of them.

    Cutie Mark:

    Snake in the shape of a heart. Representing, of course, her love for reptiles.


    Origin: Seasaddle Bay

    Roleplay Type: FIM/Show Roleplay Equestria

    Occupation: Reptile breeder, which includes the care of, sale of, and shipping of live reptiles and occasionally amphibians and insects/arachnids. Basically a dealer of high quality exotic pets.


    This ended up being longer than I expected, so I slipped it under a spoiler tag to keep from scaring anyone off. Cutie mark story inside.

    Tomboyish SeaFeather always had a thing for the animals the other fillies considered creepy. She was boisterous and fearless with the frightening bugs that might have gotten in to the classroom, playful with the snails and crabs along the shore, and most of all she lacked any sort of fright for the snakes and lizards in the nearby woods and around the town and beaches. These creatures stole her heart quickly, becoming the center of her attention and her personal studies. She would easily become distracted with fantasies of long journeys to adventure in foreign places, searching for the last rare species she had read about. It became distraction enough that her parents began to take notice.

    The family was now and always had been sea-faring pegasus, accompanying ships on journeys to keep the weather clear and safe out in the unpredictable waters, playing a fundamental role in sailor safety. That SeaFeather showed no interest in picking up the family trade worried them. They had two older sons who were already primed to take over, but their daughter's learning was lagging behind because of reptile fancies.

    While returning from school one day, SeaFeather came across a group of excited colts from another class. They had cornered a young fire skink, an exotic species native to the same lands as the Zebra. It must have fallen from a shipment. Originally brought closer by the sight of the lizard, SeaFeather was spurred to action when she overheard the colt's intent to harm the lizard because of its strange, seemingly repulsive nature. She fended off the boys, and not to kindly, her violent scrap with the older boys bringing punishment from her folks. Coming home with a hurt baby fire skink to care for only invited further wrath.

    SeaFeather nursed the hurt young skink back to health. She began to discover that even though it was difficult, she loved caring for this animal. Beyond that, she found she had an excellent connection with her healing friend, able to communicate with the lizard beyond levels she thought possible. The fire skink was soon well, and her inseparable companion. Soon more and more injured reptiles began turning up in her family's home, dominating the young filly's time. Her parents grew resentful of the creatures over time, and soon demanded in a fit of spilled rage and parental expectations that SeaFeather had to choose: It was either her family and the business, or reptiles. She didn't miss a beat. Reptiles. It was then that her cutie mark appeared. Though her family was at first in shock, they begrudgingly had to accept their daughter's choice and support her decision. The young pegasus remained bitter over their disapproval of her choice for her life, going so far as to cast aside her name when she was on her own.

    Character Summary: After leaving Seasaddle Bay, Skink set up shop in Fillydelphia, hopeful that the bustling location with varied residents would be enough to support a strange niche like exotic pet sales. It also made shipped sales easier, sending to anywhere being about the same distance any which way. Skink takes her job seriously, but she enjoys it, and commonly insists she has never worked a day in her life despite that being far from true. She has a large collection of exotic reptiles from many lands. Most of these were hand picked or sent for with ease, living in a port town she got to see all of the creatures coming in and out of the docks, flowing in from further inland and even from overseas. She also cares for the young born under her watch, taking and caring for the eggs and hatchlings until they are ready for new homes and buyers send for them. Beyond her reptiles, she keeps a large number of trained birds ranging in size and species, all of whom are trained as mail carriers. When a buyer sends in for what they want, the reptile is packed up comfortably and sent off with the bird. She handles her own shippers, her own exchanges, and all the care and maintenance of her animals joyfully.

    When not working, Skink is an avid artist. She loves to build and fly kites, though the wind inland just isn't like the wind by the shore, and can't always carry her complex designs. She also likes to sculpt in many medias, something she does with rapt attention and temperamental impatience. She is shy in that she does not often approach anypony first, but friendly enough to want to make friends the second someone takes the time to say hello. Skink tends to seem a bit rough around the edges with the volume of her voice and awkwardness around new people that she tries to charge through, but she's a great friend to whoever sticks around long enough. She finds it difficult to connect with many because of their fear of her babies.

    Reptiles: Skink has a few key reptiles that are often seen with her. All of these are based on actual species. These have images of their own with short descriptions. I'll put them under a spoiler as well to keep things tidier and separate, but they are here!

    One, Fernandi, is her fire skink pal from her youth.


    Fernandi is a happy, emotive creature that accompanies Skink almost everywhere she goes. She is small enough to fit in to a pocket, and is usually either riding quietly in one or in Skink's hood. If Fernandi is not with Skink, the universe is probably broken.

    Cedric is a Tegu.


    He is curious, easy-going, and very much a lap lizard. He has a rather lazy pace, enjoys attention, and is a big fan of jowl rubs and treats. Cedric is about the size of a lithe house cat without his tail. He is chubby for his species. Cedric tends to stay at the house or go off to do his own thing.

    Sprite is a Water Monitor.


    Sprite is an especially intelligent reptile, and he doesn't practice the same active curiosity as Cedric. He is like a big, protective dog and has a rather dry and unimpressed attitude towards strangers. However, he is like an excited puppy towards Skink, and when he warms up to a pony he takes them under that same protective stance he uses for his owner. Sprite is NOT a small lizard. He is a large male at just over 8 feet, weighing in at a muscular 85 lbs. Sprite will tail Skink like a lazy dog, but will often stay home when he is so inclined.

  10. 4chan ruffling its feathers over all this was actually what made me wary of the show at first. They generally seem to enjoy things that I don't, haha. Of course I got over it. Glad to see some good has come of it for you! Its nice to see the fan base is still growing rather than just exploding as a fad and ending there.

  11. As mentioned, I do RP and I do plan to participate! I am also aware of the 5 post rule and made sure to go through the rules before bothering to sign up. I've got no problem with people keeping an eye on me until I'm set loose :)

  12. I've never been very good with introduction posts, but hello! Ya'll can call me Skink. Outside of the computer I'm a 21 year old female living in Texas with her man, working in a coffee shop and spending the rest of my time outdoors chasing down reptiles or at home working with the ones I keep as pets. Herps (not herpes- herps is slang for animals that fall under the expertize of those who study or are enthusiasts about herpetology, or the study of things that crawl) are an inescapable obsession of mine and you'll see a lot of that shine through here.

    Other than that, I'm an artist. I work mainly with digital out of habit, though I have been migrating to experimental mediums lately, like mixed hard and soft sculpture, casting, and costume creation. Still very new at it because of budget constraints.. anything palpable is expensive to work with it seems!

    I am new to the pony fandom and while it has been some time since I role-played, I immediately wanted to find a decent place to jump in to an rp at. This seems like the place! Please forgive me as I am used to rping in live clients and am new to rping, as well as rusty in my skills, but I'll probably be my own worst critic there. Looking forward to cutting me teeth on my first active participation in the fandom!

    tl;dr? Well here. Hi!

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