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Posts posted by Linkhopper

  1. About Myself: I get hyper when on sugar, I love to read, I love to write fanfiction and stories, I've always loved animals, and I like to draw with pastels that's about all I can think of putting for now lol

    How I found Canterlot.com: on Google search while looking for mlp brony sites

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was surfing the internet for the meaning of what Derpy was when I came across the Know Your Meme site and came a cross the Derpy Hooves Entry I read it and got interested and decided to give the show a try and the next thing I know I get hooked! XD

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie

    Hello Canterlot!!!! I can't believe I finally decided to officially join a Brony Chat/Forum site! :D I'm so excited!!! I get picked on so much at school that I can't really risk attempting to turn others at my school into bronys although I did manage to turn my friend Jessica into one lol! XD


    (oh and send me a link to some of your writings if you can)


  2. I never specifically said that Celestia herself was behind that...I meant the incompetence of her soldiers. Why should anypony expect to be protected by a collapsing government? Truly, what the New Lunar Republic stands for is self-preservation...that is where the secret lies. They view Celestia and those who follow her as obstacles in their way for survival. Whether this is true or not, I cannot say, but if creatures as simple as Changelings could defeat the Royal Equestrian Army...then what is next? Will they be unable to handle a simple parasprite infestation? I myself actually bode no ill will to our dear Celestia...but she needs to step down, to give somepony with a fresher mind and new outlook a chance to make Equestria better. Now, it does not necessarily have to be Luna either...it could be somepony who has enough experience in our modern age who is capable to take charge. Fillies and Gentlecolts...we can all agree that we will always love our two princesses, yes? They can remain our princesses...but they cannot remain in charge. Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I propose an election for a Reagent in our stead, someone to take the reins of our fair Equestria, and lead it on a path to redemption!

    No more Solar Empire...no more New Lunar Republic...we are about to become something new...something beautiful...something...


    All make way, for the United Equestrian Federation has arrived!

    -gets off her soap box-


  3. 2nd main character is a much tougher choice, so it depends. I really love raging and crazy Twilight (her time travel and the lack of a report come to mind). Fluttershy when she is evil (Gala, the episode with the Minotaur). And then normal Rarity. (THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING.)

    My favourite background pony is: Minuette


    My favourite episode is: May the best pet win!

    My favourite song is: Find a pet song and Smile song. I just love the duet between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I would love to hear it in german though, since the german voice actor is quite famous and her voice in general fits Rainbow Dash just perfectly. To be perfect she had to sing it in english >_> . (She voice acted Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean for example).

    Other than that, I really enjoy very different kinds of music. I like symphonic metal (After Forever, Epica) and classical music (Vivaldi mostly). Dark wave and classic rock work too. I just can't stand pop music, I would even take rap over it.

    I think that's enough for now, just ask me if you have any questions. As for me, I already looked through the forum and read how to write a application for a cast-pony. Though there are several things still confusing me... if I can't figure it out on my own I will ask.

    Well hai there. We know you will have a good time (0(0_(0_0)_0)0)


  4. We will all make music as one. Then we'll start recursively remixing one another and making increasingly pointless guest appearances.

    Suddenly all of mankind will loose sight of anything but music in their future. We communicate through wubs and beatboxes. We have translators for other different kinds of music. Languages will just become on big mixtape made by some guy you think you know but you dont.


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