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Posts posted by SanguineSoul

  1. It was a glorious night. The air was cool, just enough so to be invigorating, with a light breeze adding little something extra. The crystal clear night sky above looked like a bejeweled quilt, each star a brilliant pin-point of light against the absolute blackness between them, and the moon a shinning disk of pearly white. In short, it was the perfect night for Alabaster to go flying, and if any pony were to look up they would've seen a pale white shape sailing across that black, black backdrop, almost seeming to dance between the pin-pricks of the stars, her shadow drifting over the nocturnal landscape below.

    Spying a hill in the near distance, the black bulk of a mountain looming beyond, Alabaster dives downwards towards it. Landing with an expert breaking wing-beat, she tosses her head to get an errant strand of her mane out of her face, tucking her wings neatly against her sides. Trotting up to the crest of the hill, she sits down, gazing up at the twinkling stars above. It was nights like this, calm, peaceful, and with such a crystal clear sky, that Alabaster remembered just why she had fallen in love with the stars above. Watching them slowly move across the sky, she could spot the patterns of the constellations, the graceful, slow dance of the stars in their ordered patterns across the sky.

  2. "Students are allowed, yes," Alabaster replied, her face lighting up at the prospect of another pony being interested in her passion. "They have to be accompanied by a professor, but I highly doubt that that'll be a problem. I'm practically half snow-owl, myself, I think you'll find."

    Hearing the agreements from the group, Alabaster nodded, a smile on her face. "Great. A trip around campus to familiarize myself should help wonders in the coming semester. And it's always better to have a guide, and a group to talk with." Turning her head a bit, she gave Psmith a somewhat inquisitive, puzzled look. "Comrade... comrade... now where have I heard that word before? Ha!" Suddenly her eyes lit up and she reared up a bit, her hooves hitting the ground with two quick thumps. "Comrade, that's, and I may be wrong here, but that's the term that those who follow the philosophy of... socialism... use to refer to one another as equals, yes?" Without waiting for an immediate response, she continued talking. "If I'm right, then don't worry, I don't mind. As for the location of the telescope, yes, it is a bit unusual. Most large telescopes, and even small ones, tend to be built out in the countryside, near a city but not in it. However, I've heard that St. Maresons spared no expense with this particular telescope. It has several filters that can be placed on it, specifically to pull out the 'noise' caused by the city. True, this will skew the observations somewhat, but a simple calculation should account for that."

  3. I just read the new application rules which went up last night, hence the change from [Final] to [Ready]. It's under the "Rarity's Simply Fabulous Application Form".

    Also, as for Sylver Smyth's dislikes, it happens to be two things at the moment. She dislikes the time of year when winter becomes spring, as well as dresses. Sorry I didn't make that totally clear in the original post. I try to keep the 'likes' and 'dislikes' short, down to mostly things that the character really really loves (for likes) and finds incredibly irksome (for dislikes), instead of every little thing they might enjoy or might annoy them a bit.

  4. "Truly now?" Alabaster asked, giving Wordplay a friendly smile. "I've often found that your hooves can take you to many an interesting place when you're not paying attention." Taking a step to the side and turning slightly, she eyed the science building behind her over her shoulder. "Then again, this location isn't terribly interesting, unless you love science. They have some nifty experiments in there, though nothing terribly attention-grabbing. Now, the new telescope that was just built here..." Her eyes seemed to get misty for a brief moment. "That one is a beauty. One of the biggest in Equestria." Alabaster leaned in closer to Wordplay, as if letting the younger pony in on a secret. "And I heard that it took ten unicorns months to make the lenses perfectly clear." Straightening up, she graced the unicorn with another radiant smile. "Can't wait for tonight, personally. The weather's supposed to be clear and the night sky should be brilliant through that telescope."

    For a few moments, Alabaster seemed lost in thought. Then she shook herself and looked at the group of ponies, as if remembering they were there again. "Oh now, where are my manners? My name is Alabaster Moonwing." She eyed each pony in turn, her gaze leaving just before it became uncomfortable. "As for you, I expect I'll learn your names quickly enough if I happen to have you in any of my classes." Her demeanor had gone from friendly, if somewhat scatterbrained pony to aloof and cool professor in a moment, and then she chuckled, and was back to her previous self, smiling and shaking her head. "This may seem to be an... odd... request, but if you ponies aren't busy, might I tag along? I haven't gotten used to finding my way around this place just yet. Well, except for the observatory... a royal decree couldn't keep me away from there."

  5. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Rp

    Name: Sylver Smyth

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Dark grey with silver flakes

    Coat colour: Light pastel blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Her mane is generally cut very short to keep out of her way when she works, though her tail is rather long, braided when working and unbound when not. Both are light grey.

    Physique: Very strongly built, even for an Earth Pony, and she's slightly taller than average.

    Cutie Mark: A silver anvil.

    Origin/Residence: Born in Canterlot, she now lives in the Whitetail Woods.

    Occupation: Blacksmith

    Motivation: To make her mark in the world as a great craft-pony, and prove to other ponies that her works (specifically her passion for suits of armor) are easily on par with the great craft-ponies of legend.

    Likes: The sound of metal ringing on metal, the heat of a forge, autumn, winter.

    Dislikes: That time of year when winter becomes spring, as well as dresses.

    Character Summary:

    Born into a fairly average family in Canterlot, Sylver Smyth's early life saw her all over the city, and even parts of the castle. Most days were spent with either her mother or her father, being told to behave and stay on her best behavior and instead exploring wherever she happened to be. When she was with her mother, an Earth Pony who did interior design around the city, she would often sneak off to look at the stores nearby wherever they happened to be. It didn't matter what the stores were, either, as she could find something interesting just about anywhere. Whenever her mother wasn't able to look after her she would instead be dropped off at a nursery, a place that she found tedious. True, the snacks were usually tasty, but there wasn't as much to explore, and it got boring being stuck there time after time. What was fun to explore once wasn't fun to explore again, especially when she knew exactly what she would find.

    One day, Sylver was treated to a rare event: she got to go on a trip with her father as he conducted royal guard business. The royal guard had need of a blacksmith to repair armor damaged in training and from normal wear-and-tear, and had given the task to Sylver's father. A short trip through the city later, they arrived at a rather large smithy near the edge of Canterlot, Entering the rather dark smithy, the first thing that Sylver saw was the roaring forge fire, the flames seeming to dance to some unheard symphony, casting flickering and fleeting shadows around the interior of the large room. A single, long, radiating shard seemed to lift itself from that inferno, floating over to an anvil that floated up out of the darkness. The hammer came down, and that blow to the cherry metal sounded like music to Sylver's ears. Her father's conversation with the looming figure of the smith passed by the young filly unnoticed, her attention flowing between the roaring forge and the worked metal, and she was eventually led back home in a bit of a daze.

    For the next few days, the trip to the smithy was all young Sylver could talk about. Whether at home or with her mother or at the nursery, her mind couldn't be distracted by anything else, and after her relentless begging her parents decided that they would take her back, just to see if the blacksmith could help out with the young filly's obvious enrapture. The smith chuckled when he was told about the 'predicament', and said that he could take her on as an apprentice, as she obviously was a little more than 'intrigued' by the forge. An arrangement thus agreed upon, Sylver began to spend her days at the smithy, instead of at the nursery or with her mother. Her education in the workings of the smithy, and the shaping of metal, was not without its share of set-backs and mistakes, and only through constant supervision and a healthy dose of luck did she manage to get through it without any real injury.

    Time passed, and her skills improved, until she was able to be trusted unsupervised, if only for somewhat short stretches of time at once. Not long after she had mastered the basics of simple metalworking her father showed up at the smithy once more, again on royal guard business. This time they had need of their training armor being repaired, and Sylver jumped at the chance to practice, and show off, her new skills, as training armor didn't have to be works of art, just functional. The smith agreed, saying it would be a good test of her abilities, and that he wasn't going to get involved in the order. At first Sylver was ecstatic, and she began work on the order right away, but as the days wore on she grew less and less sure of herself. After a week she still had a quarter of the order left to complete, and it was due the next day. A few moments of panic, and then she settled upon an idea. Convincing each of the ponies in the smithy that one of the other ponies was watching over her, she hid when it was time for them to go home, and stayed in the smithy after they all had left, working on the armor. It took her all night, but she managed to finish the repair order, and the other ponies found her in the morning, curled up on the floor next to an anvil, surrounded by repaired training armor, the last piece still on the anvil, though the tools were all put away. What she hadn't known was that the head blacksmith, the pony who had first agreed to let her stay at the smithy and learn the art of metal crafting, had fooled her into thinking that he had left, and had watched her all night to make sure she didn't injure herself, and had watched the image of a silver anvil appear on her flanks.

    That very day, once she finally woke up, her parents through a small party to celebrate Sylver finding her cutie mark, and the blacksmith and his apprentice ponies were invited. As she grew from a young and somewhat clumsy filly into a fully-grown mare, Sylver continued to practice her craft, becoming increasingly adept in the shaping of metal, from simple tools to intricate furnishings, as long as it was something that could be made on an anvil she could craft it, if given time enough to plan it all out. As much as she loved Canterlot, when she finally was old enough to move out on her own, and had gotten the official mark of approval from the smith that had taken her under his guidance, she left it. The place was crowded, and Sylver didn't really find herself fitting in well with 'high society'. Sure, she could pass for one of the 'high-class' ponies, but doing so always made her feel uncomfortable. Moving out into the nearby Whitetail Woods, she set up her own, smaller smithy, catering to the local metal crafting needs of nearby ponies and the occasional custom order, leaving her with plenty of time to devote to her passion: designing and creating intricate yet functional ceremonial armor for the royal guard. On occasion she will travel out to a town or city to do a job on-site, if it would be quicker that way, those normally short trips serving to satiate her adventurous spark.

    Sylver Smyth is a very down-to-earth pony, albeit one who has been polished somewhat by her time spent growing up in Canterlot. She doesn't usually mix words, though if what she has to say could be particularly upsetting or insulting she does her best to soften the blow. Loyal to a fault, she always keeps her word, even if doing so makes things difficult for herself. However, as time as passed she's gained a better understanding of her own limits, so she's not as likely to over-extend herself as she would occasionally do in her younger years.

    Note: It's been brought to my attention that there are a lot of ponies with 'Silver' in there name in the Rp section of this site. If you feel as if this is true, and that the name should be changed, please let me know and I'll come up with something different. Otherwise, I believe this application is finished.

  6. Out of the science building came a rather sleek and elegant Pegasus, her form slender and graceful, shoulders just a bit more built up than the rest of her, evidence of her joy of flying. Unfortunately, the effect was rather spoiled by her somewhat tangled mane and tail, and the packets of paper that were poking their way out of her simple saddlebags. Seeing the students, she gave them a friendly smile and a wave, before trotting over to them. For the first few steps her she was still in the shadow of the building, and she appeared to be the softest shade of pastel blue that had ever existed, but when she stepped out into the sunlight there seemed to be a flash, and the actual pure-white of her coat was evident, almost painfully so.

    "Hello there!" Alabaster called out, trotting up to the small group. "You all must be students here. Probably new ones, by the way you're exploring the campus. Or maybe an older student showing some newer ones around, to get their bearings? Anyways, I hadn't actually been expecting students to come out this far, or I would've put on something more formal. Or maybe not, I didn't pack any of that... maybe I'll have to go shopping for something soon. I wonder if there are any boutiques that are open late?" It wasn't that she spoke incredibly fast, and you couldn't quite call it rambling, as there seemed to be some vague hint of a coherent thought she was following beneath everything else. But it came close. "Are you here for the science building? Or perhaps the observatory? I have to admit, it's nice, but it still feels too 'sterile' to me. That'll change in time, of course. No better way to make a place feel comfortable than to stay overnight in it, for a week."

  7. Don't worry, nit-picky is fine, since it's intelligent nit-picking. I'm actually going to shift this into WIP, since I'm currently in the middle of completely re-writing the character back story. Same physical description and cutie mark, mostly the same personality, different everything else.

    It should be done tomorrow or late Thursday, in all likelihood.

    Sorry for the trouble!

  8. Ah! Mkay, I wasn't aware that the sun-burn thing had to be changed, given that it was raised by one person, and that was more of a 'real horses don't'. I can work on changing that, then. Thank you! And ick, no, no shaved ponies.

    As for "ridiculed by peers to feel like an outcast, unable to live out her dreams", it was less that and more of a reason to have her practically nocturnal... I've wanted to do a nearly-nocturnal character for a while now. It wasn't my intention to make her seem grim or depressed, so I'll definitely work on that.

    I'll probably keep the coat and eye colors, simply because I like them. Thank you! I'll get to work on fixing this right away.

  9. Oh! Sorry, yes. I have updated it with a personality section, at the end of the character summary, I just didn't post in this thread saying so, my bad. I'm still waiting on a response for if the mentioning of the "Royal Equestrian Army" is a problem / not allowed, or if the cutie mark story needs to be expanded. If either thing needs to be fixed / improved upon, please just let me know and I'll get to work on it right away.


  10. Thank you, Starswirldthebearded. I shall have to improve upon what I was trying to say with the ridicule. It wasn't because of her coat colour individually, but because of the combination of coat and eye colour, as well as the fact that she went around covered up most days.

    Also, writing the personality section up now.

  11. Well dratness, I knew I was forgetting something in the write-up. I'll get working on the personality aspect of it after class today. Well... during class, but I won't be able to post anything until after. The parents were going to be mentioned briefly, and then I did a quick check and found out that the names I had planned were already in use, so for the sake of time at that point I opted not to include them. They weren't central to the story.

    Now, onto the white coat issue. I hadn't actually done any research into albino equines, which is my bad. I did realize that there where white ones, naturally occurring and non-albino, hence the "White fur wasn't terribly uncommon" line. A rather large portion of the character was supposed to be tied into that physical albino-nature, such as her nocturnal inclination as well as a few other personality quirks (which will be explained when I actually add the personality section, can't believe I forgot that).

    Also, I was going to have her motivation be 'Join the Canterlot Royal Guard' or whatever they are in the show, until I saw the REA sticky in the World and Lore forums. It was amazingly well-written, and a very, very interesting idea, and I decided to go with that rather than the 'Canterlot Royal Guard'. If that is an issue, I can edit it, as well as attempt to expand upon the cutie mark story.

    Thank you for the comments!

  12. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Rp

    Name: Alabaster Moonwing

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Blood Red

    Coat colour: A white so pale as to almost seem blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Her mane and tail are both long and flowing, and often somewhat tangled. They are both pure white, like her coat.

    Physique: Rather sleek, her shoulders are a bit more powerfully built than the rest of her.

    Cutie Mark: A simple black outline of a shooting star.

    Origin/Residence: Born in Cloudsdale, currently resides outside of Baltimare.

    Occupation: Astronomer.

    Motivation: To count and classify all of the stars in the night sky.

    Likes: The night, warm breezes, the stars, flying, books, plays, music (preferably fast).

    Dislikes: The day, cold weather, soup, getting sick.

    Character Summary:

    Born in Cloudsdale to Ivory Snowfall and Rainy Day, Alabaster was a sight to behold, and a little rascal. Slightly paler than the fluffy white clouds themselves, she would often play extravagant games of hide-and-seek with her parents, usually whenever she didn't want to be found. Even after years, her parents still had trouble finding her, though she had learned to let herself be found when it was important.

    When it was time for her to go to school she at first protested. Alabaster didn't want to have to spend time every day with a bunch of strange ponies, or even leave the safe and familiar territory of her home. This attitude persisted for several days, until one day when the teacher organized a game of hide-and-seek during recess. What was supposed to be a thirty minute game ended up taking the entire day, with the entire class and even the teacher looking for her. When she was finally found it was agreed that Alabaster was the Queen of Hide-and-Seek. From that day forwards she enjoyed going to school. There was some teasing about her unusual eye colour, as foals will be foals, but it was never anything vicious. Time passed, and her classmates began to discover their special talents one by one. Alabaster's moment of glory would come during as school field trip to an observatory.

    It was early evening by the time the class arrived at the observatory. After all, the best time to view the stars is at night, and that night was supposed to be exceptionally clear. Alabaster was especially excited for the field trip, as over the course of the past year she had grown more and more interested in the night sky and all of the wonders that it held, going so far as to unconsciously begin to shift her sleep schedule around so as to stay up later in order to watch the stars.

    When it got dark enough, the students filed past the large, stationary telescope and the smaller, portable one without incident, although Alabaster almost needed to be pried off of them. It was when they started to go through on their second looks that she got her moment to shine. One of her classmates, getting sleepy due to the late hour, accidentally bumped the smaller telescope. As the rest of the class could only watch, Alabaster launched herself forwards, diving to catch the telescope. Having put a bit too much force into her drive, both she and the telescope went over the edge of the platform. When the dust cleared, Alabaster had suffered a few minor bruises, but the telescope had been saved, and the outline of a shooting star shimmered into existence on her flank.

    As a gift, the observatory gave her her own personal telescope, and told her she was welcome back any time. Now, more than ever before, Alabaster spent her nights looking up at the night sky, staying up way past her bedtime to do so some nights.

    Her love of astronomy and the night sky apparent, it wasn't surprising that she was offered a job at the observatory when she graduated school. Within a few short years she shot up in the world of astronomy, quickly becoming a pony to be seen with when it came to conventions on the topic, and an often asked after lecturer in the subject in some of Equestria's more prominent places of education. Moving out to Baltimare to take up a job at one of the larger observatories, Alabaster quickly settled down. Well, as much as her hectic schedule would allow her to. Between guest lectures and appearances, she hasn't had as much time as she'd truly desire to study the stars.

    Given her chaotic, packed schedule, Alabaster Moonwing is often somewhat distracted, with her head seemingly up in the clouds. It can take a few moments to get her full attention, but once you have it, you may wish you hadn't. When she focuses on one thing she devotes all of her attention to it, and to many ponies this comes across as if she was studying them. If this is pointed out to her, she can generally pull herself back a bit, but otherwise she's not likely to notice it. Otherwise than that, she's a rather friendly pony, eager to chat on a wide variety of subjects. Her tastes tend more towards the arts, from music to literature to plays, but when she really needs to relax she prefers to go on long, nighttime flights.

  13. You got yourself some cool friends there, mang. Are they still bronies? Are they still around?

    Some of them are, the rest graduated last year. Fortunately, I still keep in touch with 'em via Skype and the like.

    Good choices. Cosmic love is my favorite by Flo& the machine, Love She is my Sin by nightwish. Yeah fast music is the best.

    For Florence and the Machine, I'd have to say "Howl" is my favorite, though I like most of their stuff. And Nightwish would have to be... let's see, "I Want My Tears Back" and "Storytime".

  14. Oh! Sorry, I forgot about the request to see some of my writings. Sure, I have a few lying around I can get easily enough. One that I actually wrote about an OC of mine... who you'll meet very soon (they're going to be the first character I submit as a Rp character). If you want, I could PM you the piece or something.

  15. He he, I have to say I haven't seen the 'preach' pic before. As for absolute favorite music type... um... I'm not sure? It's stuff that's generally not fully main-stream where I live, but popular with my friends at college. Like Nightwish and Florence and the Machine, The Blues Traveler, and Huey Lewis and the News. I don't really have a 'favorite', just a whole bunch of stuff I like.

    Though if I had to pick a single descriptor of my favorite style of music, I'd say 'anything fast, that isn't rap'. Slow music generally just gets on my nerves.

  16. About Myself: I'm a senior college student (last year, so terrifying!), going to college somewhere in the north-east section of the United States. I enjoy singing (though my voice isn't too impressive), attend dance classes (korobushka is my favorite), read books (not as many as I'd like now that I'm back at college), and write (everything from poetry to entire worlds for various RPG games to take place in).

    How I found Canterlot.com: Google

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: After the initial 'OMGthisisawesomeyougottaseethis!' reaction from my friends, they actually stopped bothering me about MLP:FiM when I asked them to. That, right there, piqued my interest in the show... since it was the only one that they'd do it for. Sometime in the middle of season 2 I decided to give it a try, and one weekend-long-marathon later I was hooked. Worse than some of them, in fact.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Twilight Sparkle
    Hello everypony! It's a pleasure to meet you all, and hopefully end up a dedicated, full-time member of this community!

    So I found this site via the wonderful magic that is Google. Google can be awesome, or terrifying... thankfully this time it was awesome. Mostly, I went looking for pony-related forums because, around the end of summer break I found myself restless for something, anything, new and pony-related or -themed. So I went looking for places where I could, hopefully, find a community that did everything from talk and debate about the show to participate in forum-based Rp (rolling dice and smacking things around is fun 'n all, but it lacks a lot of the 'Roll Play' element. Pen-and-paper video games are boring after a while). That's when I found this place. I lurked for a while, browsing what I could, to see if I thought it would be a community I'd want to try and make myself a part of. As I am now posting this, I very much hope to make myself a home here on Canterlot.com.

    Apologies for the rambling, I've never been very good at introductions.

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