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Everything posted by Scythe

  1. So ima just join in... because well, everything went totally confusing in the last pages and I feel a bit left out. Questions: Does Cadence know that Twilight was the Red Fox. She does not, does she? Fermata would you mind if I bring up the days you spend at the hive?
  2. Having heard about the gathering Chrysalis send Doppel to be there, but after some time she grew impatient. The time Cadence spent in the safety of her hive made her think further about the future and like never before she was afraid to lose her only opportunity to bring some peace between changelings and ponies. Her subjects maybe did not want this as much as she did, but they would learn to enjoy a place between the ponies if she can get her position next to Cadence. So the queen made her way to the gathering as well and just met Doppel who was telling Dash who was the Red Fox. Obviously he had informed her about this before already. Walking past him she whispered: [colour=#009966]"How dare you speaking like that to Rainbow Dash? We need her on our side!"[/colour] Walking inside she spotted Cadence first who looked at the changeling queen. Chrysalis actually bowed down shortly for the princess, to show some respect and then walked in. [colour=#009966]"Ladies and gentlecolts - did I miss something?"[/colour]
  3. So what happened to Gladius Free and Cadence in these three days? I'm kinda lost
  4. I just wanted to point out (after reading the last three pages Oo) that I feel like ... NOTHING with an entire race under my command. >_< Just... saying - give changelings a bit more credit. Each of them is stronger (due to wings/magic) than the normal citizen or soldier plus they are all natural experts at fooling everyone. Atm it is more like the GEF is almighty, Freelancers are a small group that are more important than the RLF, the RLF is sitting back and for me its like I'm having a handful of soldiers that aren't any threat to anyone at all. I'm waiting btw on Gladius/Free to arrive at the bottom of the falls - since you made no post anymore after my last one.
  5. (Need to bring in the 3 days skipped - I dont think Equestioner stays there for that long, does he?) [colour=#009966]"Actual followers? I think you will soon have a new queen, just be patient and watch the events"[/colour], with this sentence Chrysalis left him there alone to do whatever he wanted. She returned to the north and her hive for a day to come back after three days for their meeting. As she approached the falls for another time she already spotted a small party in the distance, still far away and down the falls, while she was ontop - but she will fly down as soon as they reach her.
  6. Don't worry, Chrysalis will love and tolerate the **** out of you! Oh and mostly LOVE the **** out of Cadence once she gets to the falls finally ... you need to be in a good position with the new ruler =P
  7. [colour=#009966]"Aw common!"[/colour], she turned around, facing him and piercing into his eyes with her own menacing ones, [colour=#009966]"this can't be true, the Neighagra falls are famous, you can't get lost here. And the amount of changeling patrols should scare most ponies away anyway. Tell me the truth - I won't beat it out of you, but you could at least be honest when talking to the royality and maybe your new leader."[/colour]
  8. Well I doubt you can take on Twilight yourself. But with your desperation and love and the love of the entire RLF Chrysalis sure can =P
  9. (Did not understand what you wanted from me the first time Oo) [colour=#009966]"Love has energy, it's like magic. Our bodies are kept alive through magic so it's basically what an apple is to you"[/colour], she explained, simplifying it a bit because she actually was not interested in explaining this to him any further. [colour=#009966]"So what made you come here? Everypony should know the Neighagra falls are the border to our land and thus should be avoided."[/colour]
  10. Chrysalis is dead set on killing Twilight if noone stops her from doing so. She has a heart, but is very angry at the Red Fox for priotizing ponykind over the changelings so much - aka Queen hates racism. =P Yeah she is somehow totally sympathetic in this RP, isn't she?
  11. Then Cadence would probably arrive at the falls - good, Chrysalis is getting dangerously bored and if random civilians keep saddening her she might just suicide - the falls so close. rofl
  12. [colour=#009966]"The princesses?",[/colour] Chrysalis asked at first, cought a bit offguard with that sudden question about her first attempt to rule over this land. [colour=#009966]"Well"[/colour], she took a deep breath, her smile fading and her expression getting quite serious for her at least. [colour=#009966]"I wasn't young back there, but I was naive. I think if I had won this fight it might have come to the moment were I had killed them - I can't say for sure, since I was in doubt about what I did when I saw the ponies in their capital for such a long time. But probably they would have been killed by me."[/colour] Thinking about this made her sad - if she had won she would be in the position of the Red Fox now, a whole partition of the land hating her and just waiting to be taken down by a revolution herself. [colour=#009966]"I am not the same Queen anymore. The Red Fox has changed me, everyone."[/colour] She turned around and looked at the waterfall.[colour=#009966] "Since he reigns over this land we changelings have encountered more and more hate. The GEF loyalists hate us for taking their land and they believe only ponykind deserves to live while the RLF hates us for helping the GEF."[/colour] All these memory saddened Chrysalis more and more until eventually a tear came from her eye. [colour=#009966]"We have feelings too, you know?"[/colour]
  13. [colour=#009966]"Resistance? Good, good little pony"[/colour], Chrysalis said, turning to the stallion now, [colour=#009966]"do you two believe that ponies and changelings could ever live in peace with each other?"[/colour] It might be a quite random question, but it was interesting for the Queen to know - after all she had two somewhat normal civilians here and who could tell her the opinion better than them - well if they are being honest. [colour=#009966]"Don't be afraid to tell me no - I just want the truth."[/colour]
  14. Mane 6, pure evil? RARITY! or no wait... FLUTTERSHY yes oh yes... someone do that. Just hope Cadence and Free and Gladius arive at the falls soon, Chrysalis is so bored shes talking with strangers about her inner most secrets.
  15. Maybe it was part of her plan of winning the population, maybe it was a moment of weakness but Chrysalis decided to tell them a little bit about her true intentions. [colour=#009966]"That sounds very much like someone who would join the RLF but is too scared for his or her life"[/colour], her voice did tell that she did not think bad of her for being afraid of dying - it was a good thing.[colour=#009966] "I know you fear me - but you also feared Luna at first. Maybe there will be new princesses after this second civil war... and things will be even better than with Celestia and Luna. At least for my people."[/colour]
  16. Wooh, 100th vote. I like Discord because he at least has a story and a interesting character. Him being Q is awesome and such but shouldn't be too much of a factor. I don't like how he cares too much about twisting his enemies (the mane 6) and how foolish he loses. Nightmare Moon as character is very nice and also her story is. I just feel like she is too... artifical after all, even though not as bad as some others. Gilda is mostly the same, awesome character, but she is just used to show one bad characteristic... Same for Trixie. Diamond Tiara is a bit better, but she should have more of a backstory and learn for once. Diamond Dogs are just... ugh. Flim & Flam have a good song and are somewhat reasonable, at least if you look at them in a realistic way - if they knew what they were into (a show that has to end well) they might of chosen a compromise. Chrysalis gets beaten too easily - she should learn not to lock two magic unicorns into the same place... especially not when Twilight just thought she was wrong - there was no reason at all to lock her away! But aside from that she is really badass - I mean, she is the Queen of her hive and nearly overthrows the kingdom all by herself. Plus her awesome appearance and the best song in the entire show makes the choice easy. My second would be Discord though.
  17. She did indeed have that power, especially now after the GEF abandoned them, but she had no intent to kill the poor civilian. [colour=#009966]"Of course, I will try whatever I can, since we have certain... royals who prefer it this way, but I seriously doubt it will end peacefully."[/colour] She moved closer to the two somewhat scared ponies. [colour=#009966]"Don't be afraid, I see you aren't aligned with either side - are you?"[/colour] She walked up and down thinking about Cadence while she waited for their answer, which will mostly likely determine how she is going to treat them.
  18. I still hope for an epic showdown - even though a peaceful ending would be somewhat nice it just feels... ugh. Need to keep seducing Cadence so she gets dependent on her =P
  19. (Timezones are a .... sometimes. >_>) [colour=#009966]"Oh haha ha - how flattering!"[/colour], she said to Equestioner, blinking her green eyes, [colour=#009966]"I just wanted to inform you - both - that behind these falls the changeling land starts and the guards usually don't like intruders."[/colour] She turned around to show them her flank, so they have a better look at who they are dealing with. [colour=#009966]"Forunetaly I am no guard. As you clever pony already noticed I'm the Queen."[/colour] She gave Vinyl a quick look. [colour=#009966]"As long as you aren't with the GEF and want to fight them you are welcome here. We probably just got the Red Foxes anger upon us. A new civil war is comming. There are certain people who hope for a peaceful way of ending this, but I am certain there isn't. Only the cut off head of the Red Fox will end this."[/colour] Actually she hoped for a peaceful ending as well, but Chrysalis stays rather realistic than optimistic.
  20. It will be hilarious... Anyway I hope you don't mind me playing Chrys this way in the RP... I ask cause I don't wanna annoy the **** outta you with a needy Queen when you aren't even excited about how it turns out >_<
  21. (I hope you don't mind me bursting in since I have like nothing to do right now =P) Chrysalis reached the Neighagra falls pretty early and she was aware that Cadence and her followers will need way more time, since they have to stay hidden and also can't just fly there. From above she easily could see the area with the dead trees next to the falls - a pony there with a dagger crying and another one - with a strange hairstyle - that was closing up on the one that sat at the tree. [colour=#009966]'Oh - entertainment!'[/colour] She flew behind the stallion, still above the trees and the let herself fall down on her hooves behind him. She had that evil grin on her face and those clear somewhat seducing eyes. [colour=#009966]"Hello there."[/colour]
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