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Posts posted by Scythe

  1. The ball of light long gone when Chrysalis arrived, she got debriefed by Lyrpis what happened - that excludes the events inside the orb of course. Then she noticed the persons who came out of the orb.

    [colour=#009966]"This is terrible!"[/colour], she nearly screams with anger, seeing her chances for taking over this kingdom threatened even more. [colour=#009966]'All I ever wanted, was a home worth living and working for for my subjects. They shall not be banished, not hated for what they are. Why can't ponykind just be more open? Why not accept they way we feed? We cannot change ourselves - they have to. I wish there was another option but it lays in their hooves.'[/colour]

    She was close to crying, but her face only showed anger. Turning around, her back towards this gathering she walked away, outside the city into areas that weren't rebuilt yet - just to see a shadow running besides her, falling into debris hurting himself. It was Striker, but she did not know him, she only could see the expression on his face and knew that something terrible must have come to the light of day inside that orb. The sounds he made nearly made Chrysalis shiver. It was like his sadness was a black hole sucking the strength out of her.

    [colour=#009966]"What happened in this orb of light?",[/colour] she asked Striker, trying not to care too much about his situation - she was a queen after all and had to act a bit like it.

  2. Uh... I wanna take part right now but I'm freaking NOT THERE at the moment - makes me crazy.

    Also I don't feel like Chrysalis does stupid things... her concentration on Cadence simply comes from her being a pony with a LOVE cutiemark and thats coincidental her source of power.

    On a side note - behind everypony she is very happy Celestia got killed, she would never admit that though.

  3. - Chrysalis with Cadence in the streets of Equina -

    A group of ponies who were working on a house and just taking a break, sitting between two half rebuilt homes. Also a changeling on the roof, still working.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Please tell me I just didn't see this."[/colour]

    [colour=#4b0082]"I can't believe it"[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"What ya guys talkin bout?"[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Princess Cadence - look! She is alive and-"[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"-wait ya didn't know bout that?"[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"No! I thought she died during the revolution!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Oh, I thought you knew, she was hiding and revealed herself a few days back, before Equina was destroyed."[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"So whats going on?"[/colour]

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Alright, but why is she kissing... the... the... Changeling Queen?"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"I hope its just two changelings making fun of us."[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"Ain't no changelings, none could walk like de Princess, graceful, tortured."[/colour]

    "And this is my Queen, I feel her presence."

    [colour=#ff8c00]"There has to be an explanation... maybe she cursed her? Like she did with shining armor? Or worse? It can't be real love"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"It can't!"[/colour]

    "Our Queen changed a lot the last fateful weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if this was for real. Also do you see the glow around her? Its the magic strength she is getting from Cadence love."

    [colour=#800080]"Oh god, this is real."[/colour]

    [colour=#008000]"Am I the only pony here who thinks this's alright? Maybe changelings ain't that bad afterall."[/colour]

    "The Queen ordered us to help, I think she is really trying to show you ponies that we are no evil monsters. Why would I help you guys if I was? You can't always think its just a feint and that we want to takeover your land."

    [colour=#ff8c00]"It still seems odd - who knew Cadence was into... other females, changelings, authorities."[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"If she really thinks your Queen is good for us I will support her, Cadence was always a pony of heart and she was never wrong."[/colour]

    [colour=#009966]"Vouch?"[/colour], the Queen asked while her mind drifted away towards the word 'vow' - is this really going to happen? Did she finally succeed with something? Maybe it is her time now, the time to change everything to the better. Where Celestia and Luna and even Twilight failed. Her dreams were interrupted by the wet lips of Cadence meeting her own - it felt so satisfying, so wonderful. Her body started glowing green, the love was empowering her, giving her strength and certainity. After they broke the kiss their foreheads were touching.

    [colour=#009966]"I missed that since the hive." [/colour][colour=#000000]Letting a moment pass for Cadence's sake she moved a step back after it.[/colour][colour=#009966] "I am sorry my hive needs me desperately now - keep yourself alive Cadence, I don't want to lose you now."[/colour][colour=#000000] It was crucial for Chrysalis to have her powers up and Cadence love was an infinite source - but Lypris sounded very desperate by now.[/colour]

    - Through the hivemind -

    [colour=#009966]"What is it Lyrpis? Brief me while I am on my way. I had to gather my powers, I'm sorry if I annoyed you - I just don't want to engage someone without being able to defeat them."[/colour]

  4. [colour=#ee82ee]Princess Mi Amore Cadenza [/colour][colour=#000000](Somewhere in Equina, Chrysalis)[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Cadence held her Queen's gaze evenly, even as her countenance became evil in the framing light of the sun. She was used to her Queen's strange expressions, found them to be just as warm as her expressions of joy. Cadence took a step or two back, removed herself from her cuddling against Chrysalis, yawned. It had been a long three days. [/colour]

    [colour=#ee82ee]"Well I'm sorry on behalf of ponykind, my Queen. Of all the leaders out there, I think you would perhaps be the best. You've made your mistakes, learned from them, and you do not have the blood of innocents on your hooves." [/colour][colour=#000000]Cadence trotted back to her Queen, put a hoof around her neck affectionately, reassuringly. [/colour][colour=#ee82ee]"I can be by your side, my Queen. To be honest, I would love to be by your side for the rest of my time on this world. But you cannot trust me with the crown." [/colour][colour=#000000]To make a point Cadence relinquished her warm gesture, trotted away, into the sun. Now she was framed by it, looking away, the sun illuminating her so that her shadows appeared all the greater.[/colour]

    [colour=#ee82ee]"I could not- no. I will not do it."[/colour]

    Chrysalis walked up to Cadence and mimicked her gesture by putting a hoof around her neck, taking care not to hurt her with the sharp edges of the holes in it. After she was certain she didn't mind it the changeling pulled her closer until their sides touched each other.

    [colour=#009966]"It is fine Princess, you don't need to take the crown. I am used to one"[/colour], her eyed moved up to the small black crown that symbolized her status in the hive,[colour=#009966] "and like I already said, I would love to make this friendship of ponykind and changelings bloom, but I may need your help Cadence. If you really want me to reign... or at least make sure that I have a say in the rights of every being than ponies need to trust me, believe in me. They need to sympathize and if we can show them my suffering of the past even empathize."[/colour]

    The black cheek of her was suddenly rubbing against Cadence's. [colour=#009966]"Shall we take a walk?"[/colour]

    (This is so romantic!^^)

  5. Chrysalis chuckled slightly, closed eyes, looking at the ground and smiling, her vampire like teeth showing as if she was trying to look dangerous - it was not her intention though. The sun was behind her when she looked at Cadence, making her face look very dark.

    [colour=#009966]"I wish you were right Cadence - I screwed up so much and yet I feel like I can bring justice and peace to this land. You have to look around you though"[/colour], she turned, facing the city together with Cadence, seeing a lot of ponies and changelings working on their destroyed homes, [colour=#009966]"the changelings might be an appreciated help right now, but ponykind would never ever accept me as their ruler, not even if it was only for representative purposes - or especially not for that."[/colour] Her gaze wandered to the ground, her expression becoming sad. [colour=#009966]"I hate to say it, but without a pony on my side I have no chances to do any good, besides a little help here and there."[/colour]

  6. [colour=#009966]Queen Chrysalis[/colour] (Equina on a roof with Cadence - again)

    [colour=#009966]"This is the place we were standing three days ago - when this city got destroyed. Now look at it - from destruction raises peace, new life and also hope"[/colour], she looked down at the ground, moving her hoof in a small circle. [colour=#009966]"You know Cadence, since the day we rescued you - I wanted to ask this, but I was afraid you would see it in the wrong light. I was afraid to be rejected in a way I couldn't deal with. Now seeing this peace and upcoming prosperity..."[/colour], the Queen turned towards the alicorn, her face serious, devoid of any of her typical seducing features, [colour=#009966]"... this place needs a new ruler. Or better said, new rulers. And I think we should be the ones. You will take the place Celestia once had and take care of everypony while I will take Lunas place and see after the other races in Equestria. I am certain it won't be a monarchy like back then, but people want leaders."[/colour]

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