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Posts posted by MorningDawn

  1. MorningDawn's face had turned turned from happy to saddened, but he had cleaned his face off, pulled up his hoody to hide his face so that no pony knew he was crying, and managed to say," Ha, yea, but can you do this?" MorningDawn had been practicing at this while he was in the hospital. He grabbed a glass vile from his knapsack and threw it at the pie. The pie had not been in pieces it had put itself together. " I'm an alchemist," MorningDawn said proudly.

  2. MorningDawn was confused, but thankfully accepted the pie. It's warm flavors melted inside his mouth. With a full mouth he managed to say'"Finally somepony actually cares for me. I've been in the hospital for a couple of months." He could tell this pony was nice and had feelings. He asked this pony what his name was and in reply he said,"Treat, nice to meet you."

  3. MorningDawn hated that no-pony had shown up to see him, to see his smile, to see him laugh. "Ugh everypony hates me, why?! World do you have to do this to me?!" He had his hoof in the air shaking it as if thretening it to be nice to him, but just as he said that it started pouring down on him. " Ugh now i have to go back inside," he looked back at the hospitol then shook his head. He thought to himself silently. Where should i go? If i try to go to one of my "friends" house they will probably just excuse me out. He just stood in the rain, and then... Plop! Just sat down staring at the ground thinking about his life.

  4. MorningDawn was sitting glumly in a chair staring at the window. He didn't like it here in Cloudsdale. He had never really walked on clouds, so the first time he did everyone was staring and he fell faceplant. MorningDawn was very thankful for the fact that it was a soft landing, but he was embarassed. He stayed inside as it rained, and just stared out the window. He looked as a bunch of people were crowded in a small bunch. He didn't want to go outside, but Princess Celestia had required him to investigate the area, so he had no choice. He went outside finding them just standing there.

  5. ( i am late as well, ahem here i go) MorningDawn woke up in the hospital terrified. For many nights he had had nightmares of that girl. The race just ended up wrong. Now his wing was broken. " Ugh, why do i have to sit here? I should be out there enjoying the sun," but just as he said that a docter came in and said he was excused and his wing was healed. MorningDawn sprang for joy and jumped on the bed. He ran out of the building expecting to see everypony looking at him and laughing and hugging him, but to his suprise no one even showed up! They ditched him! They betrayed him! Why!?

  6. Roleplay Type:World of Equestria


    Sex: Male

    Age: Young Stallion


    Eye colour: Brown

    Coat colour: Light Brown

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style:Both mane and tail are Dark Brown with a tinge of red around the edges

    Physique: Tall

    Cutie Mark: Letter being blown by wind


    Occupation: Messenger Pony

    Motivation:He wishes to protect others around him. He wants to fall in love.

    History: As a colt MorningDawn was drawn toward many things. He had a curiosity about the guards that work to protect the Princess, eventually he wanted to become a guard. His main plan was to join the guards, but he was curious about other jobs, too! In an attempt to get his cutie mark, he read hundreds of books on hundreds of occupations and jobs. He read a book about farming, so he gave it a try and left the plants to find them dead the next day.[colour=#ff0000] [/colour] He knew he didn't want to try that again, so he kept reading books. After 5 volumes of encyclopedias, he gave up.

    Morning forgot all about learning to fly. He was so focused on trying to get his cutie mark he ignored his lessons with his father. He walked outside with his father and they started working at it. In a couple of days Morning could fly, and he could fly well. He decided that he could deliver letters for the guards. He was such a good flyer he would get the letters delivered in no time at all. When he asked his parents if he could sign up they said he could. He went to the camp expecting to enhance his skills, but the camp merely trained them to deliver letters and how to read maps and know the best routes and such.

    When he graduated from the camp he earned the title "Messenger Pony MorningDawn". He was glad to finally have a job and wanted to start work right away. The day after graduation he was sent on a delivery. He did as he was told, not to look at the boxes inside. He was curious to what was in it though. When he made it to town he gave the package to the local post office. The ponies there thanked him, but when he was about to walk out of the building, they got all excited. They told him to look at his flank, he did as he was told, and what he saw he couldn't believe. He saw a letter being blown away by the wind, that means he delivered it. He did it fast, too. He looked at the cutie mark, then he left. Nothing to celebrate over. He still needs work to be done.

    Character Summary: MorningDawn is an excited young stallion ready to explore the world, that is if he had permission to. He has a stubborn attitude, but can follow orders or commands. He is a curious young fellow who, at times, explores everything and anything he can. His motivation is to fall in love, so he travels from town to town meeting new mares while an on-the-job delivery. He is a Young Stallion waiting for change, and it comes at any moment. He likes to see others around him happy and safe. The one thing he hates is evil, but he will protect others for any reason. He would like to fall in love with a smart decent mare. One with black hair and who is a little bit shorter than himself. When Morning meets someone new, he greets them but tries not to talk. He doesn't want to show most of his emotions. Unless its a mare he really likes, then he tries to act smooth with ponies.

  7. Name: MorningDawn

    Gender: I am a small colt.

    Race: I am a pegasus

    Brief History: I am from Manehatten, hoping that i could join the gaurd's but now i am a messager.

    Looks: I am brown, my mane a lighter brown with red at the tips, my tale the same the too. Wings light brownish with gray surrounding.

    Cutie Mark: My cutiemark is a shield with a dragon in the shield. With 3 hill's in the background, with 3 crosses.

    Personality: I am stubborn, and very emotional about everything. I am shy, too. Brave, too, when needed.

    Likes and dislikes: My character would stay safe and fear things you need to fear.

    Character flaws: My character dosnt take chances.

    Could your character possibly ever be a leader? Would s/he have any desire to?: No

    Random fact: I once got stabbed by a pencil.

    Anything I left out..? ^^ : nope nothing really left out

    BTW: i have a question about this. Uh. Do you just go to the rp after this

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